2025 -- H 5874 | |
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LC002069 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Cruz, Ajello, Felix, Sanchez, Morales, Potter, Kislak, | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House State Government & Elections | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 17-1-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 17-1 entitled "General |
2 | Provisions" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 17-1-2. Definitions. |
4 | For the purposes this title, except as may otherwise be required by the context: |
5 | (1) “Election” means the filling of any public office or the determination of any public |
6 | question by vote of the electorate, and includes without limitation any state, town, or city office or |
7 | question, and any political party primary election for the nomination of any candidate for public |
8 | office; except that it shall not include a financial town meeting or a meeting to elect officers of a |
9 | fire, water, or sewer district; |
10 | (2) “General election” means an election held on the first Tuesday next after the first |
11 | Monday in November in even numbered years for the election of members of the general assembly |
12 | and/or for the election of general officers, and/or for the election of presidential electors for |
13 | president/vice-president of the United States; |
14 | (3) “General officer” means an officer designated as a general officer by chapter 2 of this |
15 | title; |
16 | (4) “Independent candidate” means a candidate who has no affiliation with any political |
17 | party; |
18 | (5) “Local board” means a town or city board of canvassers, board of canvassers and |
19 | registration, canvassing authority, or any other local board, commission, or officer empowered by |
| |
1 | law to have custody of the permanent registration records; |
2 | (6) “Local election” means any election limited to the electorate of any city or town, or any |
3 | part, at which any city, town, ward, or district officers are to be chosen, or any elective meeting at |
4 | which a question is to be submitted to the voters of a city, town, or any subdivision of a city or |
5 | town, but it shall not include a financial town meeting; |
6 | (7) “Party member” means any person who is a member of a designated political party |
7 | pursuant to § 17-9.1-23; |
8 | (8) “Party voter” means any qualified voter who is eligible to vote at the primary election |
9 | of a political party; |
10 | (9) “Political party” or “party” means: (i) any political organization which, at the next |
11 | preceding general election for the election of general officers, nominated a candidate for governor, |
12 | and whose candidate for governor at the election polled at least five percent (5%) of the entire vote |
13 | cast in the state for governor, or (ii) any political organization which at the next preceding general |
14 | election for the election of a president of the United States nominated a candidate for president and |
15 | whose candidate for president at the election polled at least five percent (5%) of the entire vote cast |
16 | in the state for president, or (iii) any political organization which, on petition forms provided to the |
17 | chairperson of the organization by the state board of elections, obtains the signatures and addresses |
18 | of that number of registered qualified voters equal to five percent (5%) of the entire vote cast in the |
19 | state for governor or president in the immediately preceding general election. All the signatures |
20 | must be obtained no earlier than January 1 of the year in which the political organization desires to |
21 | place a candidate or candidates on any ballot as a “party” candidate. If the political organization |
22 | wishes to select its nominees in a primary election, the petitions, bearing the requisite number of |
23 | valid signatures, shall be presented to the appropriate local boards of canvassers no later than June |
24 | 1 of the same year. If the petitions are validated by the local boards as containing the requisite |
25 | number of valid signatures, the political organization shall be deemed to be a political party for all |
26 | elections held during the year and may select its nominees in a primary election. If the political |
27 | organization does not wish to select its nominees in a primary election, then the petitions need not |
28 | be returned to local boards of canvassers until August 1 of the same year. An organization |
29 | qualifying as a political party through the petition process shall qualify as a political party only |
30 | during the year in which signatures are obtained unless the candidates for governor or president of |
31 | the United States of the party at a general election held in the year, shall receive five percent (5%) |
32 | of the vote as provided in this subdivision for either governor or president of the United States. If |
33 | the candidates do not receive five percent (5%) of the vote, the organization shall no longer qualify |
34 | as a political party unless and until it shall, in a subsequent year, once again qualify by the |
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1 | submission of petitions; |
2 | (10) “Polling place” means the room in which any election or elective meeting is |
3 | conducted; |
4 | (11) “Primary election” means any election to select the candidates of a political party; |
5 | (12) “Proposition” or “public question” means any question put to a referendum of the |
6 | electorate of the entire state or any part of it; |
7 | (13) “Qualified voter” means any person who is eligible to vote under the requirements of |
8 | age, residence, and citizenship prescribed by the state constitution and who is duly registered to |
9 | vote, or who is exempt from registration, pursuant to this title, and who is not otherwise disqualified |
10 | as a voter pursuant to law; |
11 | (14) “Special election” means any election other than a local election or primary election |
12 | which is not held on a general election day; |
13 | (15) "Specially qualified voter" means a person who is otherwise eligible to register as a |
14 | voter and whose present domicile is Rhode Island and who is confined in a correctional facility or |
15 | jail, except by reason of a felony conviction. |
16 | (15)(16) “State board” means the state board of elections constituted pursuant to this title; |
17 | (16)(17) “State election” means any election at which any presidential electors, senator or |
18 | representatives in congress, general officers of the state, or members of the general assembly are to |
19 | be chosen, or at which a public question or an amendment to the Constitution is submitted to the |
20 | electors of the state; |
21 | (17)(18) “State officer” means the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, |
22 | attorney general, general treasurer, state senator, and state representative; |
23 | (18)(19) “Vacancy in office” means the condition resulting from any failure to elect or |
24 | appoint an eligible and qualified person to public office, or the failure of any person duly elected |
25 | or appointed to qualify, or from the death, resignation, or removal of an incumbent prior to the |
26 | expiration of his or her term of office and where no fixed term is prescribed upon the death, |
27 | resignation, or removal; |
28 | (19)(20) “Voting list” means the complete list of all voters prepared from the information |
29 | contained in the original permanent registration records in the possession of the local board of |
30 | canvassers; |
31 | (20)(21) “Warden” includes “moderator” and vice versa; |
32 | (21)(22) Words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender. |
33 | SECTION 2. Section 17-9.2-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 17-9.2 entitled "Rhode |
34 | Island Restoration of Voting Rights Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
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1 | 17-9.2-3. Restoration of voting rights. |
2 | (a) A person who has lost the right of suffrage under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution |
3 | of Rhode Island because of such person’s incarceration upon a felony conviction shall be restored |
4 | the right to vote when that person is discharged from incarceration. |
5 | (b) Before accepting a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to a felony, and before imposing a |
6 | felony sentence after trial, the court shall notify the defendant that conviction will result in loss of |
7 | the right to vote only if and for as long as the person is incarcerated and that voting rights are |
8 | restored upon discharge. |
9 | (c) The department of corrections shall act as a voter registration agency in accordance |
10 | with § 17-9.1-8. In this capacity, and as part of the release process leading to a person’s discharge |
11 | from a correctional facility, the department of corrections shall notify that person in writing that |
12 | voting rights will be restored, provide that person with a voter registration form and a declination |
13 | form, and offer that person assistance in filling out the appropriate form. Unless the registrant |
14 | refuses to permit it to do so, the department of corrections shall transmit the completed voter |
15 | registration form to the state board or local board where the registrant resides. |
16 | (d) The department of corrections shall, on or before the 15th day of each month, transmit |
17 | to the secretary of state two (2) lists. The first shall contain the following information about persons |
18 | convicted of a felony who, during the preceding period, have become ineligible to vote because of |
19 | their incarceration; the second shall contain the following information about persons convicted of |
20 | a felony who, during the preceding period, have become eligible to vote because of their discharge |
21 | from incarceration: |
22 | (1) name; |
23 | (2) date of birth; |
24 | (3) date of entry of judgment of conviction; |
25 | (4) description of offense; |
26 | (5) sentence. |
27 | (e) The secretary of state shall ensure that the statewide central voter registration is purged |
28 | of the names of persons who are ineligible to vote because of their incarceration upon a felony |
29 | conviction. The secretary of state shall likewise ensure that the names of persons who are eligible |
30 | and registered to vote following their discharge from incarceration are added to the statewide |
31 | central voter register in the same manner as all other names are added to that register. |
32 | (f) The secretary of state shall ensure that persons who have become eligible to vote |
33 | because of their discharge from incarceration face no continued barriers to registration or voting |
34 | resulting from their felony convictions. |
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1 | (g) The secretary of state shall develop and implement a program to educate attorneys, |
2 | judges, election officials, corrections officials, and members of the public about the requirements |
3 | of this section, ensuring that: |
4 | (1) Judges are informed of their obligation to notify criminal defendants of the potential |
5 | loss and restoration of their voting rights in accordance with subsection (b) hereof. |
6 | (2) The department of corrections is prepared to assist people with registration to vote in |
7 | anticipation of their discharge from incarceration, including by forwarding completed voter |
8 | registration forms to the state board or local board where the registrant resides. |
9 | (3) The language on voter registration forms makes clear that people who have been |
10 | disqualified from voting because of felony convictions regain the right to vote when they are |
11 | discharged from incarceration. |
12 | (4) The state department of corrections is prepared to transmit to the secretary of state the |
13 | information specified in subsection (d) hereof. |
14 | (5) Probation and parole officers are informed of the change in the law and are prepared to |
15 | notify probationers and parolees that their right to vote is restored. |
16 | (6) Accurate and complete information about the voting rights of people who have been |
17 | charged with or convicted of crimes, whether disfranchising or not, is made available through a |
18 | single publication to government officials and the public. |
19 | (7) All voting information shall be posted in a visible location at all correctional facility |
20 | buildings, where notices are customarily posted. |
21 | (h) Voting rights shall be restored to all Rhode Island residents who have been discharged |
22 | from incarceration or who were never incarcerated following felony convictions, whether they were |
23 | discharged or sentenced before or after the effective date of this section. |
24 | SECTION 3. Chapter 17-20 of the General Laws entitled "Mail Ballots" is hereby amended |
25 | by adding thereto the following sections: |
26 | 17-20-1.2. Specially qualified voter. |
27 | A specially qualified voter, as defined in § 17-1-2, can request a ballot or mail ballot. The |
28 | mail ballot application shall provide a check box for a person applying for a mail ballot, to indicate |
29 | they are incarcerated, but not for a felony conviction. On the application, the applicant shall also |
30 | include the address at which they are either registered to vote or qualified to vote and the address |
31 | where they would like the mail ballot sent. |
32 | 17-20-1.3. Jail voting coordinator. |
33 | The director of the department of corrections shall designate one of its employees the |
34 | "voting coordinator", who shall coordinate the education and facilitate the voting of eligible |
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1 | specially qualified voters. That designation shall take place immediately upon its creation and that |
2 | employee shall be continuously available to assist voting for specially qualified voters held at the |
3 | adult correctional institutions. That coordinator shall be responsible for ensuring that all the |
4 | department of corrections' responsibilities, pursuant to § 17-9.2-3, are fulfilled to ensure the right |
5 | to vote of a specially qualified voter. The coordinator shall prepare and submit to the secretary of |
6 | state an annual implementation plan detailing the department of corrections' compliance which |
7 | shall include, but not be limited to: |
8 | (1) Identifying which staff members in each correctional facility building shall be |
9 | responsible for coordinating and providing voter information to incarcerated persons; |
10 | (2) Incorporating voter registration procedures; |
11 | (3) Methods for notifying persons incarcerated for misdemeanor convictions of their right |
12 | to continue voting, while incarcerated; and |
13 | (4) Ensuring access to mail ballot and ballot requests and submissions for incarcerated |
14 | individuals eligible to vote. |
15 | (b) The coordinator shall be responsible for all phases of the voting process for the specially |
16 | qualified voter, from registering voters, to the acquisition of the mail ballots and ballots, and to the |
17 | final return of the voted ballots to the board of elections. |
18 | 17-20-1.4. Enforcement of inmate voting. |
19 | In accordance with the requirements of title 17, any incarcerated eligible voter who is |
20 | denied access to the voting process at any juncture, shall have the right to file a formal complaint |
21 | with the secretary of state. The secretary of state shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary |
22 | to ensure all aspects of this process are followed, as well as, to aid in the enforcement and protection |
23 | of voting rights for specially qualified voters incarcerated at the Rhode Island adult correctional |
24 | institutions. |
25 | SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would make it easier to vote for people eligible to vote who are incarcerated at the |
2 | adult correctional institutions. It would also create the position of "voting coordinator," within the |
3 | department of corrections to help facilitate incarcerated people who are eligible to vote from start |
4 | to finish. Finally, it would authorize the secretary of state to promulgate rules and regulations to |
5 | enforce voting rights for people eligible to vote, who are incarcerated at the adult correctional |
6 | institutions. |
7 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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