2025 -- H 5859 | |
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LC000403 | |
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Introduced By: Representative Megan L. Cotter | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Health & Human Services | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 21-27-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 21-27 entitled "Sanitation in |
2 | Food Establishments" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 21-27-3. Sanitary regulations. |
4 | (a) The director shall adopt any regulations relating to sanitation that he or she may deem |
5 | advisable with reference to any food business and with reference to the premises, property, |
6 | equipment, and utensils used in connection with any food business. |
7 | (b) No regulation adopted pursuant to the provisions of this section shall prohibit the use |
8 | of private well water in employee only restrooms or restrooms available for use by customers or |
9 | the public if the private well water complies with the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to § |
10 | 23-1-5.3. The director may adopt regulations requiring the posting of notices in restrooms utilizing |
11 | private well water notifying persons using the rest room that the water is produced from a private |
12 | water well and shall not be used for drinking or food preparation. |
13 | (c) Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting or restricting the director's |
14 | authority to regulate the source of drinking water or water utilized to wash, prepare or cook food |
15 | or drink that is sold on the premises. |
16 | SECTION 2. Section 23-1-5.3 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-1 entitled "Department |
17 | of Health" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
18 | 23-1-5.3. Duties of the office of private well water contamination. |
19 | The office of private well water contamination shall: |
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1 | (1) Coordinate the response of all state agencies to instances of private well water |
2 | contamination; |
3 | (2) Inform public officials of private well contamination events occurring within their |
4 | jurisdictions and advise them of any actions proposed by the department of health or other state |
5 | agencies; |
6 | (3) Advise private well owners, public officials and others on applicable federal and state |
7 | policies, regulations, and standards relative to private well water contamination; |
8 | (4) Develop educational materials describing drinking water quality standards for private |
9 | wells, private well testing requirements, groundwater contamination and existing programs and |
10 | procedures for its abatement and prevention; |
11 | (5) Develop regulations establishing procedures for providing emergency response to |
12 | private well water contamination including the provision of bottled water and/or water filters where |
13 | appropriate; |
14 | (6) Develop and promulgate any rules and regulations that are necessary to establish |
15 | drinking water quality standards for private wells, and shall be subject to the Administrative |
16 | Procedures Act, chapter 35 of title 42. As a minimum, these rules and regulations shall: |
17 | (i) Specifically identify all contaminants to be tested, as well as the acceptable level for |
18 | each contaminant; |
19 | (ii) Require testing for coliform bacteria, fluoride, iron, lead, manganese, nitrate, nitrite and |
20 | turbidity of all new private wells prior to being placed into service as a source of drinking water; |
21 | (iii) Require testing for coliform bacteria, fluoride, iron, lead, manganese, nitrate, nitrite |
22 | and turbidity of all private wells currently in service, or capable of being placed in service, as a |
23 | source of drinking water, prior to sale of a property upon which they are located or serviced; |
24 | (iv) Require the property owner to disclose the results of any previous well water testing |
25 | prior to sale or lease of a property upon which the well(s) are located or serviced; |
26 | (v) Establish minimum qualifications for professionals engaged in sampling private water |
27 | wells and preparing opinions relating to the quality of the water; |
28 | (vi) Establish requirements and procedures for reporting the results of all private well |
29 | testing to the director of health and municipal building officials; |
30 | (vii) Establish specific guidance for municipal building officials as to what constitutes |
31 | “potable” water for a private well, and contaminant levels which constitute a public health concern |
32 | with regard to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy and recommendations for further testing |
33 | beyond that required in paragraphs (ii) and (iii) of this subdivision; and |
34 | (7) Establish and maintain a database showing known areas where there are contaminants |
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1 | of concern to public health and make these results available to the public through the website of |
2 | the department of health. ; and |
3 | (8) Develop and promulgate any rules and regulations that are necessary to protect the |
4 | safety of employees and the public for the use of private well water in the restrooms of food service |
5 | establishments. |
6 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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1 | This act would permit the use of private well water in food service establishment's |
2 | restrooms if the water complies with the standards established pursuant to § 23-1-5.3(8). |
3 | This act would take effect on |
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