2025 -- H 5853 | |
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LC002089 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Tanzi, Kislak, Hull, Morales, Potter, Ajello, Bennett, | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Health & Human Services | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 21 of the General Laws entitled "FOOD AND DRUGS" is hereby |
2 | amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 38 |
5 | 21-38-1. Authorization. |
6 | The wholesale prescription drug importation program ("the program") is established to |
7 | allow for the wholesale importation of prescription drugs from Canada by or on behalf of the state. |
8 | The program shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. The program |
9 | may not be implemented unless the state obtains approval and certification, pursuant to § 21-38- |
10 | 2(c), from the United States Department of Health and Human Services. |
11 | 21-38-2. Design of program. |
12 | (a) Design requirements. The executive office of health and human services, in consultation |
13 | with appropriate federal and other state agencies, other states and interested parties, shall design |
14 | the program to comply with the applicable requirements of 21 U.S.C. § 384, including requirements |
15 | regarding safety and cost savings. The program design shall: |
16 | (1) Designate a state agency to become a licensed drug wholesaler or to contract with a |
17 | licensed drug wholesaler in order to seek federal certification and approval, pursuant to § 21-38- |
18 | 2(c), to import safe prescription drugs and provide cost savings to consumers in the state; |
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1 | (2) Use prescription drug suppliers in Canada regulated under the laws of Canada or of one |
2 | or more Canadian provinces, or both; |
3 | (3) Ensure that only prescription drugs meeting the federal Food and Drug Administration's |
4 | safety, effectiveness and other standards are imported by or on behalf of the state; |
5 | (4) Import only those prescription drugs expected to generate substantial cost savings for |
6 | consumers in the state; |
7 | (5) Ensure that the program complies with the transaction and tracing requirements of 21 |
8 | U.S.C. §§ 360eee and 360eee-1, to the extent feasible and practical, prior to imported prescription |
9 | drugs coming into the possession of the licensed drug wholesaler, and that the program complies |
10 | fully with those federal requirements after imported prescription drugs are in the possession of the |
11 | licensed drug wholesaler; |
12 | (6) Consider whether the program may be developed on a multistate basis through |
13 | collaboration with other states; |
14 | (7) Prohibit the distribution, dispensing or sale of imported prescription drugs outside of |
15 | the state; |
16 | (8) Recommend a charge per prescription or another method of financing to ensure that the |
17 | program is adequately funded in a manner that does not jeopardize significant cost savings to |
18 | consumers, including adequate funding for the initial start-up costs of the program; |
19 | (9) Apply for and receive funds, grants or contracts from public and private sources; and |
20 | (10) Include an audit function. |
21 | (b) Rules. The executive office of health and human services shall adopt and promulgate |
22 | rules and regulations to design the program, in accordance with the requirements of subsection (a) |
23 | of this section, no later than January 1, 2026. |
24 | (c) Request for federal approval and certification. The executive office of health and human |
25 | services shall submit a request for approval and certification of the program to the United States |
26 | Department of Health and Human Services no later than May 1, 2026. |
27 | 21-38-3. Implementation. |
28 | (a) Implementation of operation. Upon receipt of federal approval and certification under |
29 | § 21-38-2(c), the state agency designated to oversee the program pursuant to this chapter shall |
30 | implement the program as required in subsection (b) of this section. The program shall begin |
31 | operating no later than six (6) months following receipt of federal approval and certification. |
32 | (b) Requirements. Prior to operating the program, the state agency designated to oversee |
33 | the program pursuant to this chapter shall: |
34 | (1) Become a licensed drug wholesaler or enter into a contract with a licensed drug |
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1 | wholesaler in the state; |
2 | (2) Contract with one or more distributors licensed in the state; |
3 | (3) Contract with one or more licensed and regulated prescription drug suppliers in Canada; |
4 | (4) Consult with health insurance carriers, employers, pharmacies, pharmacists, health care |
5 | providers and consumers; |
6 | (5) Develop a registration process for health insurance carriers, pharmacies and health care |
7 | providers authorized to prescribe and administer prescription drugs that are willing to participate |
8 | in the program; |
9 | (6) Create a publicly accessible website for listing the prices of prescription drugs to be |
10 | imported under the program; |
11 | (7) Create an outreach and marketing plan to generate public awareness of the program; |
12 | (8) Provide a telephone hotline to answer questions and address needs of consumers, |
13 | employers, health insurance carriers, pharmacies, health care providers and others affected by the |
14 | program; |
15 | (9) Develop a two (2) year audit work plan; and |
16 | (10) Conduct any other activity determined necessary to successfully implement and |
17 | operate the program. |
18 | 21-38-4. Annual reporting. |
19 | Beginning January 1, 2027, and annually thereafter, the executive office of health and |
20 | human services, or other state agency designated to oversee the program pursuant to this chapter, |
21 | shall report to the speaker of the house and president of the senate regarding the implementation |
22 | and operation of the program during the previous calendar year, including: |
23 | (1) The prescription drugs included in the program; |
24 | (2) The number of participating pharmacies, health care providers and health insurance |
25 | carriers; |
26 | (3) The number of prescription drugs dispensed through the program; |
27 | (4) The estimated cost savings to consumers, health insurance carriers, employers and the |
28 | state during the previous calendar year and to date; |
29 | (5) Information regarding implementation of the audit work plan and audit findings; and |
30 | (6) Any other information the executive office of health and human services, or other state |
31 | agency designated to oversee the program pursuant to this chapter, considers relevant. |
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1 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would establish the Wholesale Prescription Drug Importation Program for the |
2 | importation of wholesale prescription drugs from Canada to provide savings to Rhode Island |
3 | consumers. The program would require the designation of a state agency to become a licensed drug |
4 | wholesaler, or to contract with a licensed drug wholesaler, use of prescription drug suppliers in |
5 | Canada; ensure that only drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration are imported; |
6 | and import only drugs expected to generate savings; and prohibit the distribution or sale of these |
7 | drugs outside of Rhode Island. |
8 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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