2025 -- H 5845 | |
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LC001344 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Read, Noret, Nardone, Serpa, Santucci, Shallcross Smith, | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Environment and Natural Resources | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Chapter 46-15.3 of the General Laws entitled "Public Drinking Water Supply |
2 | System Protection" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
3 | 46-15.3-5.2. Water supply systems flood resilience plans. |
4 | (a) Effective January 1, 2026, all parties involved in the supply, transmission, and/or |
5 | distribution of drinking water shall prepare, maintain, and carry out a water supply resilience plan |
6 | as described by this section. The purpose of the resilience plan is to identify risks and provide |
7 | assessments and emergency response plans to address the resilience of water supply systems to |
8 | natural hazards and environmental related impacts. This requirement applies, without limitation, |
9 | to: |
10 | (1) All municipalities, municipal departments and agencies, districts, authorities or other |
11 | entities engaged in or authorized to engage in the supply, treatment, transmission, or distribution |
12 | of drinking water on a wholesale or retail basis, referred to herein as "water suppliers" or "water |
13 | supplier", and which obtain, transport, purchase, or sell more than fifty million (50,000,000) gallons |
14 | of water per year. |
15 | (b) The initial risk assessment required pursuant to this section shall be completed no later |
16 | than July 1, 2026, and the results of the assessment shall be provided to the governor, speaker of |
17 | the house, president of the senate, the director of the department of health and the director of the |
18 | department of environmental management. The assessment shall include without limitation: |
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1 | (1) The risk to the water supply system from natural hazards and environmental related |
2 | impacts including, but not limited to, floods, hurricanes and earthquakes; |
3 | (2) The resilience of the pipes and constructed conveyances, physical barriers, source |
4 | water, water collection, intake, pretreatment, treatment, storage and distribution facilities, and |
5 | electronic, computer, or other automated systems (including the security of such systems) which |
6 | are utilized by the water supplier to address and mitigate natural hazards; |
7 | (3) The financial infrastructure of the water supplier; |
8 | (4) The use, storage, and handling of chemicals by the water supplier and the vulnerability |
9 | of such chemicals to natural disasters; and |
10 | (5) The operational monitoring and maintenance practices and procedures of the water |
11 | supplier. |
12 | (c) The assessment required by this section shall also include an evaluation of capital and |
13 | operational needs to address risk and resilience management for the water supplier, and anticipated |
14 | sources of funds shall be identified. |
15 | (d) The resilience plans of water suppliers shall document that coordination has been |
16 | accomplished with other water suppliers in the vicinity and with operators of wastewater treatment |
17 | and disposal facilities serving all or part of the same area or that a good faith effort to do so has |
18 | been made. Plans shall be consistent with applicable local comprehensive plans and shall be |
19 | integrated into the water supply plans of the municipality or municipalities in which the service |
20 | area is located. |
21 | (e) Water supplier resilience plans shall designate the person or organization responsible |
22 | for taking each necessary action, others who must participate, and the time period in which each |
23 | action is to be taken. |
24 | (f) Water suppliers shall utilize methods to implement measures necessary to achieve the |
25 | objectives of this section. A water supplier shall be required to document the validity or |
26 | effectiveness of any measure, implementation method, or other provision or action included in its |
27 | plan. |
28 | (g) Within six (6) months of any assessment required pursuant to subsection (b) of this |
29 | section, every water supplier governed by this section shall provide the director of the department |
30 | of health and the director of the department of environmental management with a response plan to |
31 | address the issues raised in the assessment. |
32 | (h) The assessment and response plan required pursuant to this section shall be updated |
33 | every three (3) years from the initial assessment pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, with a |
34 | report on the updated assessment delivered to the governor, speaker of the house, senate president, |
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1 | and director of the department of health. |
2 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would require Rhode Island water suppliers to prepare a resilience assessment and |
2 | a response plan for the risk of natural hazards. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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