2025 -- H 5840 | |
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LC001763 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Casey, Kislak, Casimiro, Messier, O'Brien, Dawson, | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Education | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 16-77-2.1 and 16-77-3.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-77 |
2 | entitled "Establishment of Charter Public Schools " are hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 16-77-2.1. Definitions. |
4 | As used in this chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings: |
5 | (5)(1) “Board of regents” means the Rhode Island board of regents for elementary and |
6 | secondary education. |
7 | (2) “Bona fide labor organization” means a labor organization recognized under the |
8 | National Labor Relations Act or the provisions of chapter 7 of title 28 (“labor relations act”). |
9 | (4)(3) “Charter public schools” means district charter schools, independent charter schools, |
10 | or mayoral academies. |
11 | (6)(4) “Commissioner” means the Rhode Island commissioner of elementary and |
12 | secondary education. |
13 | (1)(5) “District charter schools” means schools created by existing public schools, groups |
14 | of public school personnel, public school districts, or a group of school districts. |
15 | (6) “Employees” means non-represented, non-management, and non-confidential |
16 | employees of a charter school. |
17 | (2)(7) “Independent charter schools” means schools created by: (I) Rhode Island nonprofit |
18 | organizations provided that these nonprofit organizations shall have existed for at least two (2) |
19 | years and must exist for a substantial reason other than to operate a school; or (ii) Colleges or |
| |
1 | universities within the State of Rhode Island. |
2 | (3)(8) “Mayoral academies” means schools created by a mayor of any city or town within |
3 | the State of Rhode Island, acting by or through a nonprofit organization (regardless of the time said |
4 | nonprofit organization is in existence) to establish a mayoral academy as hereinafter described in |
5 | chapter 16-77.4 (“Mayoral Academies”). For purposes of this chapter the term “mayor” shall |
6 | include any elected town administrator. |
7 | (7)(9) “Sending school district” means the district where the student attending or planning |
8 | to attend a charter public school resides. |
9 | 16-77-3.1. Legislative purpose. |
10 | (a) The purpose of this chapter is to provide an alternative within the public education |
11 | system by offering opportunities for entities identified in § 16-77-2.1 to establish and maintain a |
12 | high performing public school program according to the terms of a charter. The key appeal of the |
13 | charter school concept is its promise of increased accountability for student achievement in |
14 | exchange for increased school autonomy. |
15 | (b) Charter public schools are intended to be vanguards, laboratories, and an expression of |
16 | the on-going and vital state interest in the improvement of education. Notwithstanding the |
17 | provisions of this section or any law to the contrary, a charter school shall be deemed to be a public |
18 | school acting under state law and subject to the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, 42 U.S.C. § 6101, |
19 | et seq., title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d, et seq., title IX of the educational |
20 | amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 1681, et seq., § 794 of title 29, and part B of the Individuals With |
21 | Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1411, et seq. All students and prospective students of a |
22 | charter school shall be deemed to be public school students, having all the same rights under federal |
23 | and Rhode Island law as students and prospective students at a non-chartered public school. These |
24 | charter public schools shall be vehicles for research and development in areas such as curriculum, |
25 | pedagogy, administration, materials, facilities, governance, parent relations and involvement, |
26 | social development, instructor’s and administrator’s responsibilities, working conditions, student |
27 | performance and fiscal accountability. It is the intent of the general assembly to create within the |
28 | public school system vehicles for innovative learning opportunities to be utilized and evaluated in |
29 | pilot projects. The provisions of this chapter are to be interpreted liberally to support the purposes |
30 | set forth in this chapter and to advance a renewed commitment by the state to the mission, goals, |
31 | and diversity of public education. |
32 | (c) It is the intent of the general assembly to provide opportunities for teachers, parents, |
33 | pupils, and community members to establish and maintain public schools that operate |
34 | independently as a method to accomplish all of the following: |
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1 | (1) Improve pupil learning by creating schools with rigorous academic standards in all |
2 | basic areas of instruction for high pupil performance; |
3 | (2) Increase learning opportunities for all pupils, with special emphasis on expanded |
4 | learning experiences for pupils who are identified as educationally disadvantaged and at-risk; |
5 | (3) Encourage the use of innovative teaching methods; |
6 | (4) Create opportunities for teachers, including the opportunity to be responsible for the |
7 | learning program at the school site; |
8 | (5) Provide parents and pupils with expanded choices in the types of educational |
9 | opportunities that are available within the public school system; |
10 | (6) Hold the schools established under this chapter accountable for meeting publicly |
11 | promulgated, measurable, state and charter-based pupil academic results, and provide the schools |
12 | with a method to implement performance-based and/or other student-based accountability systems, |
13 | while providing a means to restrict the expansion of ineffective charter public schools; and |
14 | (7) Encourage parental and community involvement with public schools. |
15 | (d) No private or parochial schools shall be eligible for charter public school status, nor |
16 | shall a charter public school be affiliated in any way with a sectarian school or religious institution. |
17 | Any charter public school authorized by this chapter shall be nonsectarian and nonreligious in its |
18 | programs, admissions policies, employment practices, and all other operations. The board of |
19 | regents shall not approve a charter to a school whose overall operation or education program is |
20 | managed by a for profit entity. |
21 | (e) The commissioner is empowered to promulgate rules and regulations consistent with |
22 | this chapter, in conformance with chapter 35 of title 42, for the creation and operation of charter |
23 | public schools. These rules and regulations shall set forth the process for rescission of state approval |
24 | of a charter public school, including appropriate protections to ensure the continued provision of |
25 | education services to the students of the charter public school whose charter is rescinded. |
26 | (f) All charter public schools shall adhere to financial record keeping, reporting, auditing |
27 | requirements, and procedures as required by the Rhode Island department of education and in |
28 | accordance with federal and state laws and regulations. |
29 | (g) No more than thirty-five (35) charters shall be granted. At least one-half (½) of the total |
30 | number of charter public schools in the state shall be reserved for charter school applications which |
31 | are designed to increase the educational opportunities for at-risk pupils. |
32 | (h) Charter schools shall remain neutral regarding unionization of any of its employees by |
33 | establishing a “union neutrality clause” to be included in the charter upon the renewal of a certified |
34 | charter school or application for a new charter school. |
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1 | SECTION 2. Section 16-77.2-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-77.2 entitled "District |
2 | Charter School [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]" is hereby |
3 | amended to read as follows: |
4 | 16-77.2-2. Procedure for creation of district charter schools. |
5 | (a) Any persons or entities eligible to establish a district charter school may submit a |
6 | proposed charter to the commissioner and the school committee of the district where the district |
7 | charter school is to be located. The proposed charter shall: |
8 | (1) Be submitted to the commissioner and to the school committee of the district where the |
9 | district charter school is to be located no later than December 1st of the school year before the |
10 | school year in which the district charter school is to be established; |
11 | (2) Describe a plan for education, including the mission, objective, method of providing a |
12 | basic education, measurable student academic goals that the district charter school will meet, and |
13 | process for improving student learning and fulfilling the charter and fulfilling state and national |
14 | educational goals and standards; |
15 | (3) Provide a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) days of instruction to students per |
16 | year; |
17 | (4) Indicate performance criteria that will be used to measure student learning and to |
18 | comply with the charter, state, and national educational goals and standards; |
19 | (5) Include an agreement to provide a yearly report to parents, the community, the school |
20 | committee of the district where the district charter school is to be located, and the commissioner, |
21 | which indicates the progress made by the district charter school during the previous year in meeting |
22 | the charter objectives; |
23 | (6) Present a plan for the governance, administration, and operation of the district charter |
24 | school, including the manner in which the governing board of the school will be chosen, the nature |
25 | and extent of parental, professional educator, and community involvement in the governance and |
26 | operation of the district charter school, and the means of ensuring accountability to the |
27 | commissioner, the school district of the district where the district charter school is to be located, |
28 | and the board of regents; |
29 | (7) Identify the building that will house the district charter school and from whom and |
30 | under what terms and conditions it is to be provided; |
31 | (8) Describe what support services will be provided by the school district and under what |
32 | terms and conditions those services are to be provided, and describe what support services the |
33 | district charter school will obtain directly from third-parties and, to the extent known, under what |
34 | terms and conditions those services are to be provided; |
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1 | (9) Explain the procedures that will be followed to ensure the health and safety of pupils |
2 | and staff; |
3 | (10) Describe enrollment procedures including the permissible criteria for admission in |
4 | accordance with applicable state and federal law, along with a policy or policies that outline |
5 | outreach and recruitment programs to encourage the enrollment of a diverse student population; |
6 | (11) Explain the student discipline procedures; |
7 | (12) Explain the relationship that will exist between the proposed district charter school |
8 | and its employees, including the terms and conditions of employment and the qualifications that |
9 | the employees must meet. Teachers and administrators in district charter schools must be certified |
10 | pursuant to state law and regulation. Teachers and administrators in district charter schools shall be |
11 | entitled to prevailing wages and benefits as enjoyed by other public school teachers and |
12 | administrators within the school district where the district charter school is to be located and to the |
13 | state teachers’ retirement system under chapter 8 of title 36. Employment in a district charter school |
14 | shall be considered “service” as that term is defined in chapter 16 of this title. All employees and |
15 | prospective employees of a district charter school shall be deemed to be public school employees, |
16 | having the same rights, including retirement, under Rhode Island and federal law as employees and |
17 | prospective employees at a non-chartered public school.; |
18 | (13) Upon renewal of a existing certified charter or upon application for a new charter |
19 | school to create a "union neutrality clause” that provides that the charter school commits to the |
20 | following: |
21 | (i) To remain neutral, regarding the unionization of any of its employees, such that the |
22 | charter school shall not at any time express a position on the matter of whether its employees should |
23 | be unionized and such that the charter school shall not threaten, intimidate, discriminate against, |
24 | retaliate against, or take any adverse action against any employees based on their decision to |
25 | support or oppose union representation; |
26 | (ii) That the charter school shall provide any bona fide labor organization access at |
27 | reasonable times to areas in which the charter school's employees work for the purpose of meeting |
28 | with employees to discuss their right to representation, employment rights under the law, and terms |
29 | and conditions of employment; and |
30 | (iii) That union recognition shall be through a majority card check verified by a neutral |
31 | third-party arbitrator mutually selected by the charter school and the bona fide labor organization |
32 | through alternate striking from a panel of arbitrators provided by the Federal Mediation and |
33 | Conciliation Service. |
34 | (13)(14) Identify with particularity the state statutes, state regulations, and school district |
| LC001763 - Page 5 of 11 |
1 | rules from which variances are sought in order to facilitate operation of the district charter school. |
2 | Explain the reasons for each variance and the alternative method by which the concern that gave |
3 | rise to the regulation or provision will be addressed; |
4 | (14)(15) The proposed charter shall set forth those provisions of the collective bargaining |
5 | agreement which will not be applicable to that district charter school subject to agreement by the |
6 | parties to the collectively bargaining agreement; |
7 | (15)(16) Provide a financial plan including a proposed budget for the term of the charter, |
8 | and an annual audit of the financial and administrative operations of the district charter school, and |
9 | the manner in which the funds allocated to the district charter school will be managed and |
10 | disbursed; |
11 | (16)(17) Provide procedures by which teaching personnel and parents can legally challenge |
12 | decisions of the governing board of the school which do not conform to the school’s charter; and |
13 | (17)(18) Provide a copy of the proposed bylaws of the district charter school. |
14 | (b) In those instances where a charter is being sought for an existing public school, the |
15 | proposed charter must receive the affirmative votes of two-thirds (⅔) of the teachers assigned to |
16 | the school prior to implementation. If approved by the faculty, the proposed charter shall be voted |
17 | on by the parents or legal guardians of each student assigned to the school, with one vote being cast |
18 | for each student. To be adopted by the parents, the proposed charter must receive the affirmative |
19 | votes of parents or legal guardians representing a majority of all the students assigned to the school. |
20 | (c) In those instances where a charter is being sought for a newly created district charter |
21 | school, the proposed charter must receive the affirmative support of a number of certified teachers |
22 | employed within the school district where the district charter school is to be located at least equal |
23 | to two-thirds (⅔) of the number of teachers that will be required to staff the proposed district charter |
24 | school. The teachers who affirmatively support the proposed charter must state their desire to |
25 | transfer to the district charter school, once established, and to teach under the terms of the charter. |
26 | To demonstrate parental support within the school district, the charter must receive the affirmative |
27 | support of parents or legal guardians representing a number of students currently enrolled in the |
28 | school district equal to at least one-half (½) of the number of students who would be needed to |
29 | attend the proposed district charter school. The parents or guardians must state their desire to have |
30 | their children transfer to the district charter school, once established, and to be educated under the |
31 | terms of the charter. The charter may then be presented by the commissioner to the board of regents |
32 | for its approval. The charter shall set forth those provisions of state statute, regulation, and school |
33 | district rules which will not be applicable to that district charter school |
34 | (d) By approval of the charter upon the recommendation of the commissioner, the board of |
| LC001763 - Page 6 of 11 |
1 | regents will be deemed to have authorized all necessary variances from law and regulation |
2 | enumerated in the charter. Should the need for relief from the operation of additional provisions of |
3 | law and/or contract become apparent subsequent to implementation of the charter, a variance may |
4 | be obtained by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (⅔) of the teachers then assigned to the school, |
5 | agreement by all parties to the collective bargaining agreement and by an affirmative vote of the |
6 | board of regents upon a recommendation of the commissioner. |
7 | SECTION 3. Section 16-77.3-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-77.3 entitled |
8 | "Independent Charter Schools [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education |
9 | Act]" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
10 | 16-77.3-2. Procedure for creation and expansion of independent charter schools. |
11 | (a) Any persons or entities eligible to establish an independent charter public school may |
12 | submit a proposed charter, or an amendment to a charter for an expansion, to the commissioner. |
13 | For purposes of this chapter, “expansion” shall be an increase in total enrollment; an increase in |
14 | the grade levels previously authorized in the charter, or the addition of a school district to the |
15 | catchment area. The proposed charter shall: |
16 | (1) Be submitted to the commissioner no later than December 1st of the school year before |
17 | the school year in which the independent charter school is to be established; |
18 | (2) Describe a plan for education, including the mission, objective, method of providing a |
19 | basic education, measurable student academic goals that the independent charter school will meet, |
20 | and process for improving student learning and fulfilling the charter and fulfilling state and national |
21 | educational goals and standards; |
22 | (3) Provide a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) days of instruction to students per |
23 | year; |
24 | (4) Indicate performance criteria that will be used to measure student learning and to |
25 | comply with the charter, state, and national educational goals and standards; |
26 | (5) Include an agreement to provide a yearly report to parents, the community, the sending |
27 | school districts, and the commissioner, that indicates the progress made by the independent charter |
28 | school during the previous year in meeting the charter objectives; |
29 | (6) Present a plan for the governance, administration, and operation of the independent |
30 | charter school, including the manner in which the governing board of the school will be chosen, |
31 | the nature and extent of parental, professional educator, and community involvement in the |
32 | governance and operation of the independent charter school, and the means of ensuring |
33 | accountability to the commissioner, the sending school districts, and the council on elementary and |
34 | secondary education; |
| LC001763 - Page 7 of 11 |
1 | (7) Identify the building that will house the independent charter school and from whom, |
2 | and under what terms and conditions, it is to be provided; |
3 | (8) Describe what support services will be provided by the sending school district(s), and |
4 | under what terms and conditions those services are to be provided, and describe what support |
5 | services the independent charter school will obtain directly from third parties and, to the extent |
6 | known, under what terms and conditions those services are to be provided; |
7 | (9) Explain the procedures that will be followed to ensure the health and safety of pupils |
8 | and staff; |
9 | (10) Describe enrollment procedures, including the permissible criteria for admission in |
10 | accordance with applicable state and federal law, along with a policy, or policies, that outline |
11 | outreach and recruitment programs to encourage the enrollment of a diverse student population; |
12 | (11) Explain the student discipline procedures; |
13 | (12) Explain the relationship that will exist between the proposed independent charter |
14 | school and its employees, including the terms and conditions of employment and the qualifications |
15 | that the employees must meet. Teachers and administrators in independent charter schools must be |
16 | certified pursuant to state law and regulation. Teachers and administrators in independent charter |
17 | schools shall be entitled to prevailing wages and benefits as enjoyed by other Rhode Island public |
18 | school teachers and administrators. Employment in an independent charter school shall be |
19 | considered “service” as that term is defined in chapter 16 of this title for purposes of determining |
20 | the appropriate step on a salary schedule for certified personnel. Employment in an independent |
21 | charter school can be considered “service” as that term is defined in chapter 16 of this title for |
22 | determining status in the teachers’ retirement system. All employees, and prospective employees |
23 | of an independent charter school shall be deemed to be public school employees, having the same |
24 | rights under Rhode Island and federal law as employees, and prospective employees at a non- |
25 | chartered public school; |
26 | (13) Requires all independent charter schools, upon renewal of a certified charter or |
27 | application for a new charter school to create a "union neutrality clause” that provides the |
28 | following: |
29 | (i) To remain neutral, regarding the unionization of any of its employees such that the |
30 | charter school shall not at any time express a position on the matter of whether its employees should |
31 | be unionized and such that the charter school shall not threaten, intimidate, discriminate against, |
32 | retaliate against, or take any adverse action against any employees based on their decision to |
33 | support or oppose union representation; |
34 | (ii) That the charter school shall provide any bona fide labor organization access at |
| LC001763 - Page 8 of 11 |
1 | reasonable times to areas in which the charter school's employees work for the purpose of meeting |
2 | with employees to discuss their right to representation, employment rights under the law, and terms |
3 | and conditions of employment; and |
4 | (iii) That union recognition shall be through a majority card check verified by a neutral |
5 | third-party arbitrator mutually selected by the charter school and the bona fide labor organization |
6 | through alternate striking from a panel of arbitrators provided by the Federal Mediation and |
7 | Conciliation Service. |
8 | (13)(14) Identify, with particularity, the state statutes, state regulations, and sending school |
9 | district(s) rules from which variances are sought in order to facilitate operation of the independent |
10 | charter school. Explain the reasons for each variance and the alternative method by which the |
11 | concern that gave rise to the regulation or provision will be addressed; |
12 | (14)(15) Provide a financial plan, including a proposed budget for the term of the charter, |
13 | and an annual audit of the financial and administrative operations of the independent charter school, |
14 | and the manner in which the funds allocated to the independent charter school will be managed and |
15 | disbursed; |
16 | (15)(16) Provide procedures by which teaching personnel and parents can legally challenge |
17 | decisions of the governing board of the school that do not conform to the school’s charter; |
18 | (16)(17) Provide a copy of the proposed bylaws of the independent charter school; and |
19 | (17)(18) Provide written support from town or city council(s) in the proposed catchment |
20 | area if required pursuant to § 16-77-5.1. |
21 | (b) Any nonprofit organization that seeks to establish an independent charter school must |
22 | submit its financial records and financial plan for operating the school to the auditor general, who |
23 | shall review the records, the financial plan, and the financial integrity of the organization. At the |
24 | time of submission of a proposed charter, the financial records and financial recordkeeping system |
25 | of the nonprofit organization and the proposed financial plan for the independent charter school |
26 | shall be reviewed by the auditor general and the auditor general shall, while the proposed charter |
27 | is being considered for preliminary approval by the council on elementary and secondary education, |
28 | provide an initial determination to the council on elementary and secondary education, the |
29 | commissioner, and the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate |
30 | indicating that the auditor general is satisfied that the nonprofit organization is financially |
31 | responsible. Final approval for operation of the independent charter school shall not be granted by |
32 | the council on elementary and secondary education until the auditor general has approved the |
33 | financial plan and financial-record keeping system and is satisfied that the nonprofit organization |
34 | is financially responsible. The auditor general shall notify the council on elementary and secondary |
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1 | education, the commissioner, the president of the senate, and the speaker of the house of |
2 | representatives of the findings. During the year immediately preceding the September in which the |
3 | independent charter school is to begin operation, the charter applicant shall make any additional |
4 | submissions to the auditor general prescribed by the auditor general in the initial determination. |
5 | Additional submissions during the year prior to the September in which the independent charter |
6 | school is to begin operation shall include, but not be limited to evidence submitted to the auditor |
7 | general, not later than June 1st prior to the opening of the independent charter school, of the |
8 | existence of an agreement, option for lease or purchase, lease agreement, or purchase agreement, |
9 | contingent upon general assembly funding, for a facility in which the independent charter school |
10 | will operate in its first year of operation. The auditor general shall have the authority to review |
11 | independent charter schools affiliated with nonprofit organizations on an annual basis or require |
12 | the school to have an annual, certified audit in accordance with the same federal and state standards |
13 | that are applicable to local public school districts. If, as a result of any annual audit, the auditor |
14 | general believes there are financial irregularities, the auditor general shall withdraw the original |
15 | approval and the council on elementary and secondary education shall withdraw its approval for |
16 | the independent charter school to continue operation. |
17 | SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would require all certified independent or district charter schools upon application |
2 | for a renewal of said charter or an application for a new charter school to provide a union neutrality |
3 | clause in the charter. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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