2025 -- H 5839 | |
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LC001570 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Morales, Ajello, Potter, Stewart, Casimiro, Caldwell, | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Education | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 16-60-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-60 entitled "Council on |
2 | Elementary and Secondary Education [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of |
3 | Education Act]" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
4 | 16-60-2. Appointment of board members. |
5 | (a) The governor shall establish the council on elementary and secondary education by |
6 | appointing eight (8) ten (10) members of the board of education established pursuant to chapter 97 |
7 | of this title to serve as members of the council until the expiration of their term and appointment of |
8 | their successor as a member of the board of education. The chair of the board of education shall |
9 | serve on the council in a voting, ex-officio capacity. Five (5) Six (6) voting members of the council |
10 | shall constitute a quorum and the vote of the majority of those present and voting shall be required |
11 | for action. The governor shall appoint the chair of the council on an annual basis from among the |
12 | eight (8) ten (10) council members. |
13 | (b) In addition to the eight (8) ten (10) members appointed by the governor, the Rhode |
14 | Island teacher of the year shall serve as an ex-officio and voting member on the council on |
15 | elementary and secondary education pursuant to § 16-97-1(c) and (d) 16-97-1(d). |
16 | (c) No person shall be eligible for appointment to the board after the effective date of this |
17 | act [March 24, 2006] unless he or she is a resident of this state, with the exception of the individual |
18 | serving in the ex officio seat as Rhode Island teacher of the year. |
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1 | (d) There is hereby established a student advisory council to the council on elementary and |
2 | secondary education, consisting of one elected high school student representative from each public |
3 | secondary school in the state of Rhode Island. |
4 | (1) Each public secondary school shall hold elections for its representative to the student |
5 | advisory council no earlier than the first (1st) day of March and no later than the end of the second |
6 | (2nd) full week of April. Each school shall elect only one representative. Elected members shall be |
7 | notified of their election on or before the Friday of the third (3rd) week of April of the year of their |
8 | election. No person shall be eligible to be elected to the student advisory council unless at the time |
9 | of his or her election he or she is enrolled as a student in a secondary school between the grades of |
10 | nine (9) and eleven (11) within the state of Rhode Island. No person shall be allowed to vote if they |
11 | are not currently enrolled in a Rhode Island public secondary school between the grades of nine (9) |
12 | and eleven (11). If at any time during his or her term of office a member of the student advisory |
13 | council ceases to be so enrolled, his or her membership shall be terminated and his or her position |
14 | shall be deemed vacant. This vacancy shall be filled by the public secondary school within thirty |
15 | (30) school days of the opening of the vacancy. |
16 | (2) The student advisory council will serve from the first (1st) day of May of the year it is |
17 | elected until the last day of April of the following year. A student may serve no more than three (3) |
18 | terms. |
19 | (3) Said student advisory council shall meet from time to time quarterly, at a minimum, |
20 | and shall consider such matters as it deems appropriate. |
21 | (4) Prior to the first (1st) day of June of each annual session the student advisory council |
22 | shall adopt a set of bylaws. |
23 | (5) Members of the council shall not be compensated for service in attending meetings |
24 | except that they shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in traveling to and from |
25 | meetings. |
26 | (6) The members of said student advisory council shall, by majority vote prior to the first |
27 | (1st) day of June in each year, elect from their members a chairperson who shall serve for a term |
28 | of one year beginning on the first (1st) day of June. Said chairperson shall serve as an ex officio |
29 | and nonvoting voting member of the council for a term of one year, unless the student advisory |
30 | council removes said chairperson from his or her position in a manner described within the bylaws |
31 | of that council. |
32 | SECTION 2. Section 16-97-1 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-97 entitled "The Rhode |
33 | Island Board of Education Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
34 | 16-97-1. Rhode Island board of education established. |
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1 | (a) Effective January 1, 2013, there is created a board of education that shall be responsible |
2 | for and shall exercise the purposes, powers, and duties of, this chapter and chapters 59 and 60 of |
3 | this title. The board is responsible for the coordination of education from pre-K through higher |
4 | education and shall set goals and policies for the effective coordination of these public education |
5 | systems. |
6 | (b) The board of education shall consist of seventeen (17) nineteen (19) public members |
7 | appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate, eight (8) of whom shall be |
8 | designated to serve on the council on elementary and secondary education and eight (8) of whom |
9 | shall be designated to serve on the council on postsecondary education. The two (2) members of |
10 | the board not directly appointed by the governor shall be the Rhode Island teacher of the year and |
11 | the chairperson of the student advisory council whom shall be designated to serve on the council |
12 | on elementary and secondary education, each of whom shall be limited to one term and would have |
13 | to receive advise and consent from the senate. The chairperson of the board shall serve as a member |
14 | of both councils. Six (6) of the members initially appointed pursuant to this section shall serve |
15 | terms of three (3) years; six (6) members initially appointed pursuant to this section shall serve |
16 | terms of two (2) years; and, four (4) members initially appointed pursuant to this section shall serve |
17 | terms of one year. To the greatest extent possible, the initial staggered terms shall be equitably |
18 | divided among the councils so as to protect against sudden changes in membership and reversal of |
19 | policy. Thereafter, all members appointed pursuant to this section shall serve terms of three (3) |
20 | years. At the expiration of their terms, members shall remain and continue in their official capacity |
21 | until their successor is appointed and qualified. Members shall not be appointed to more than three |
22 | (3), successive three-year (3) terms each; provided that the chair of the board shall have no term |
23 | and shall serve at the pleasure of the governor. Any vacancy among the members of the board shall |
24 | be filled by appointment of the governor for the remainder of the unexpired term. In the selection |
25 | and appointment of the board, the governor shall seek persons who best serve the needs of the entire |
26 | state. No person shall be eligible for appointment to the board after the effective date of this act |
27 | unless a resident of this state. Members of the board shall not be compensated for their service in |
28 | attending board or council meetings. |
29 | (c) The chair of the Governor’s workforce board, or designee; the chair of the Rhode Island |
30 | commerce corporation, or designee; the chair of the university of Rhode Island board of trustees, |
31 | or designee; and the Rhode Island teacher of the year shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members |
32 | of the board. |
33 | (d) The Rhode Island teacher of the year shall serve on the board for one year, beginning |
34 | after their term as teacher of the year has expired. If the teacher of the year is unable or unwilling |
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1 | to serve, a former Rhode Island teacher of the year may be selected to serve on the board by the |
2 | commissioner of elementary and secondary education; provided that, the individual is still teaching |
3 | in Rhode Island public schools. |
4 | (e) The governor shall select from the appointed members a chairperson and vice |
5 | chairperson. A quorum shall consist of nine (9) members of the board. A majority vote of those |
6 | present shall be required for action. |
7 | (f) Except as provided by subsection (b) of this section, members of the board shall be |
8 | removable by the governor for cause only. Removal solely for partisan or personal reasons |
9 | unrelated to performance, capacity, or fitness for the office shall be unlawful. |
10 | (g) The statutory responsibilities of the department of elementary and secondary education, |
11 | the commissioner of elementary and secondary education, and the commissioner of postsecondary |
12 | education shall remain unchanged. |
13 | (h) The chair of the board of education shall consult with the chairs of the council on |
14 | elementary and secondary education, the council on postsecondary education, the commissioner of |
15 | elementary and secondary education, and the commissioner of postsecondary education in |
16 | developing agendas, goals, policies, and strategic plans for the board. |
17 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would expand the council on elementary and secondary education to ten (10) |
2 | members; make six (6) members a quorum; would make the teacher of the year a voting member; |
3 | would require the student advisory council to meet at least quarterly; would make the chair of the |
4 | student advisory council a voting member of the council; would expand the board of education |
5 | from seventeen (17) to nineteen (19) members and would include the Rhode Island teacher of the |
6 | year and the chairperson of the student advisory council and would also be voting members to the |
7 | board. |
8 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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