2025 -- H 5825 | |
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LC002028 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Speakman, and Alzate | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Corporations | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 34-36.1-1.03, 34-36.1-2.07 and 34-36.1-3.03 of the General Laws |
2 | in Chapter 34-36.1 entitled "Condominium Law" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 34-36.1-1.03. Definitions. |
4 | In the declaration and bylaws, unless specifically provided otherwise or the context |
5 | otherwise requires, and in this chapter: |
6 | (1) “Affiliate of a declarant” means any person who controls, is controlled by, or is under |
7 | common control with a declarant. |
8 | (i) A person “controls” a declarant if the person: |
9 | (A) Is a general partner, officer, director, or employer of the declarant, |
10 | (B) Directly or indirectly or acting in concert with one or more other persons, or through |
11 | one or more subsidiaries, owns, controls, holds with power to vote, or holds proxies representing, |
12 | more than twenty percent (20%) of the voting interest in the declarant, |
13 | (C) Controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors of the declarant, or |
14 | (D) Has contributed more than twenty percent (20%) of the capital of the declarant. |
15 | (ii) A person “is controlled by” a declarant if the declarant: |
16 | (A) Is a general partner, officer, director, or employer of the person, |
17 | (B) Directly or indirectly or acting in concert with one or more other persons, or through |
18 | one or more subsidiaries, owns, controls, holds with power to vote, or holds proxies representing, |
19 | more than twenty percent (20%) of the voting interest in the person, |
| |
1 | (C) Controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors of the person, or |
2 | (D) Has contributed more than twenty percent (20%) of the capital of the person. |
3 | (iii) Control does not exist if the powers described in this subdivision are held solely as |
4 | security for an obligation and are not exercised. |
5 | (2) “Allocated interests” means the undivided interest in the common elements, the |
6 | common expense liability, and votes in the association allocated to each unit. |
7 | (3) “Annual budget” means a financial plan that outlines expected income and expenses |
8 | for a year which determines the annual or monthly condominium fee for unit owners. |
9 | (4) “Association” or “unit owners’ association” means the unit owners’ association |
10 | organized under § 34-36.1-3.01. |
11 | (4)(5) “Capital expense” means money spent by the association to maintain common |
12 | expense, such as land, buildings and equipment. |
13 | (6) “Common elements” means all portions of a condominium other than the units. |
14 | (5)(7) “Common expenses” means expenditures made by or financial liabilities of the |
15 | association, together with any allocations to reserves. This includes, but is not limited to: |
16 | (i) Insurance; |
17 | (ii) Shared utilities; or |
18 | (iii) Site and building maintenance. |
19 | (6)(8) “Common expense liability” means the liability for common expenses allocated to |
20 | each unit pursuant to § 34-36.1-2.07. |
21 | (7)(9)(i) “Condominium” means real estate, portions of which are designated for separate |
22 | ownership and the remainder of which is designated for common ownership solely by the owners |
23 | of those portions. Real estate is not a condominium unless the undivided interests in the common |
24 | elements are vested in the unit owners. |
25 | (ii) Provided that each unit owner has a vested, undivided interest in the common elements |
26 | greater that 0.0 percent, no minimum percentage interest in the common elements is otherwise |
27 | required by this chapter. |
28 | (8)(10) “Condominium fees” means the amount of money each unit owner contributes |
29 | toward common expenses. |
30 | (11) “Conversion building” means a building that at any time before creation of the |
31 | condominium was occupied wholly or partially by persons other than purchasers and persons who |
32 | occupy with the consent of purchasers. |
33 | (9)(12) “Declarant” means any person or group of persons acting in concert who: |
34 | (i) As part of a common promotional plan, offers to dispose of his, her or its interest in a |
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1 | unit not previously disposed of; or |
2 | (ii) Reserves or succeeds to any special declarant right. |
3 | (10)(13) “Declaration” means any instruments, however denominated, that create a |
4 | condominium, and any amendments to those instruments. |
5 | (14) “Deed-restricted unit” means any unit that qualifies as low- and moderate-income |
6 | housing as set forth in § 45-53-3. |
7 | (11)(15) “Development rights” means any right or combination of rights reserved by a |
8 | declarant in the declaration to: |
9 | (A) Add real estate to a condominium, |
10 | (B) Create units, common elements, or limited common elements within a condominium, |
11 | (C) Subdivide units or convert units into common elements, or |
12 | (D) Withdraw real estate from a condominium. |
13 | (12)(16) “Person with a disability” means any person who is unable to engage in any |
14 | substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment |
15 | which can be expected to result in death or has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous |
16 | period of not less than twelve (12) months or any person having an impairment of mobility or vision |
17 | which is expected to be of at least twelve (12) months duration, and is a substantial impediment to |
18 | his or her ability to live independently. |
19 | (13)(17) “Dispose” or “disposition” means a voluntary transfer to a purchaser of any legal |
20 | or equitable interest in a unit, but does not include the transfer or release of a security interest. |
21 | (14)(18) “Executive board” means the body, regardless of name, designated in the |
22 | declaration to act on behalf of the association. |
23 | (15)(19) [Deleted by P.L. 1999, ch. 83, § 80, and P.L. 1999, ch. 130, § 80 which enacted |
24 | identical amendments to this section.] |
25 | (16)(20) “Identifying number” means a symbol or address that identifies only one unit in a |
26 | condominium. |
27 | (17)(21) “Land only units” shall mean units designated as land only units on the plats and |
28 | plans which units may be comprised entirely or partially of unimproved real property and the air |
29 | space above the real property. The boundaries of a land only unit are to be described pursuant to § |
30 | 34-36.1-2.05(a)(5). Land only units may, but need not, contain a physical structure. The declaration |
31 | may provide for the conversion of land only units to other types of units and/or common elements |
32 | provided the conversion shall be effective only upon the recording of an amendment to the |
33 | declaration which amendment will include new plats and plans identifying any portion of the land |
34 | only unit converted to another type of unit and/or common element. |
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1 | (18)(22) “Leasehold condominium” means a condominium in which all or a portion of the |
2 | real estate is subject to a lease the expiration or termination of which will terminate the |
3 | condominium or reduce its size. |
4 | (19)(23) “Limited common element” means a portion of the common elements allocated |
5 | by the declaration or by operation of § 34-36.1-2.02(2) or (4) for the exclusive use of one or more |
6 | but fewer than all of the units. |
7 | (20)(24) “Master association” means an organization described in § 34-36.1-2.20, whether |
8 | or not it is also an association described in § 34-36.1-3.01. |
9 | (21)(25) “Offering” means any advertisement, inducement, solicitation, or attempt to |
10 | encourage any person to acquire any interest in a unit, other than as security for an obligation. An |
11 | advertisement in a newspaper or other periodical of general circulation, or in any broadcast medium |
12 | to the general public, of a condominium not located in this state, is not an offering if the |
13 | advertisement states that an offering may be made only in compliance with the law of the |
14 | jurisdiction in which the condominium is located. |
15 | (22)(26)“Person” means a natural person, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, |
16 | partnership, association, joint venture, government, governmental subdivision or agency, or other |
17 | legal or commercial entity. (In the case of a land trust, however, “person” means the beneficiary of |
18 | the trust rather than the trust or the trustee.) |
19 | (23)(27) “Purchaser” means any person, other than a declarant or a person in the business |
20 | of selling real estate for his or her own account, who by means of a voluntary transfer acquires a |
21 | legal or equitable interest in a unit other than: |
22 | (i) A leasehold interest including renewal options of less than twenty (20) years, or |
23 | (ii) As security for an obligation. |
24 | (24)(28) “Real estate” means any leasehold or other estate or interest in, over, or under |
25 | land, including structures, fixtures, and other improvements and interests which by custom, usage, |
26 | or law pass with a conveyance of land though not described in the contract of sale or instrument of |
27 | conveyance. “Real estate” includes parcels with or without upper or lower boundaries, and spaces |
28 | that may be filled with air or water. |
29 | (25)(29) “Residential purposes” means use for dwelling or recreational purposes, or both. |
30 | (30) “Special assessment” means an unexpected expense that is not included in the |
31 | association annual budget. |
32 | (26)(31) “Special declarant rights” means rights reserved for the benefit of a declarant to: |
33 | (i) Complete improvements indicated on plats and plans filed with the declaration, (§ 34- |
34 | 36.1-2.09), |
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1 | (ii) To exercise any development right, (§ 34-36.1-2.10), |
2 | (iii) To maintain sales offices, management offices, signs advertising the condominium, |
3 | and models, (§ 34-36.1-2.15), |
4 | (iv) To use easements through the common elements for the purpose of making |
5 | improvements within the condominium or within real estate which may be added to the |
6 | condominium, (§ 34-36.1-2.16), |
7 | (v) To make the condominium part of a larger condominium or a planned community, (§ |
8 | 34-36.1-2.21), |
9 | (vi) To make the condominium subject to a master association, (§ 34-36.1-2.20), |
10 | (vii) Or to appoint or remove any officer of the association or any master association or |
11 | any executive board member during any period of declarant control, (§ 34-36.1-3.03(d)). |
12 | (27)(32) “Time share” means a right to occupy a unit or any of several units during five (5) |
13 | or more separated time periods over a period of at least five (5) years, including renewal options, |
14 | whether or not coupled with an estate or interest in a condominium or a specified portion thereof. |
15 | (28)(33) “Unit” means a physical portion of the condominium designated for separate |
16 | ownership or occupancy, the boundaries of which are described pursuant to § 34-36.1-2.05(a)(5). |
17 | (29)(34) “Unit owner” means a declarant or other person who owns a unit, or a lessee of a |
18 | unit in a leasehold condominium whose lease expires simultaneously with any lease, the expiration |
19 | or termination of which will remove the unit from the condominium, but does not include a person |
20 | having an interest in a unit solely as security for an obligation. |
21 | 34-36.1-2.07. Allocation of common element interest, votes, and common expense |
22 | liabilities. |
23 | (a) The declaration shall allocate a fraction or percentage of undivided interests in the |
24 | common elements and in the common expenses of the association, and a portion of the votes in the |
25 | association, to each unit including land only units and state the formulas used to establish those |
26 | allocations. Those allocations may not discriminate in favor of units owned by the declarant, but |
27 | may discriminate in favor of units subject to a housing restriction as set forth in § 34-39.1-3. Except |
28 | as set forth in § 34-36.1-1.03(7), no minimum percentage interest in the common elements is |
29 | otherwise required. |
30 | (1) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, in associations where the minority, less |
31 | than fifty percent (50%), of the units are deed restricted units, increases in monthly common |
32 | expenses may not exceed five percent (5%) of the previous year’s monthly common expenses. |
33 | (2) In associations where the minority, less than fifty percent (50%), of the units are deed |
34 | restricted units and an association must impose a special assessment to cover unforeseen costs not |
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1 | included in the association’s approved annual budget for common expenses, the special assessment |
2 | attributed to deed-restricted units is limited to fifty percent (50%) of the full assessment. The fifty |
3 | percent (50%) limitation is calculated based on what the per unit share would have had the cost |
4 | been equally distributed across units in the association. Associations must allow owners of deed- |
5 | restricted units the option to enter into a monthly payment plan, at no additional charge, where the |
6 | payment is not in excess of one-twelfth (1/12) of the special assessment. |
7 | (b) If units may be added to or withdrawn from the condominium, the declaration must |
8 | state the formulas to be used to reallocate the allocated interests among all units included in the |
9 | condominium after the addition or withdrawal. |
10 | (c) The declaration may provide: (i) That different allocations of votes shall be made to the |
11 | units on particular matters specified in the declaration; (ii) For cumulative voting only for the |
12 | purpose of electing members of the executive board; and (iii) For the class voting on specified |
13 | issues affecting the class if necessary to protect valid interests of the class. A declarant may not |
14 | utilize cumulative or class voting for the purpose of evading any limitation imposed on declarants |
15 | by this chapter, nor may units constitute a class because they are owned by a declarant. |
16 | (d) Except for minor variations due to rounding, the sum of the undivided interests in the |
17 | common elements and common expense liabilities allocated at any time to all the units must each |
18 | equal one if stated as fractions or one hundred percent (100%) if stated as percentages. In the event |
19 | of discrepancy between an allocated interest and the results derived from application of the |
20 | pertinent formula, the allocated interest prevails. |
21 | (e) The common elements are not subject to partition, and any purported conveyance, |
22 | encumbrance, judicial sale, or other voluntary or involuntary transfer of an undivided interest in |
23 | the common elements made without the unit to which that interest is allocated, is void. |
24 | (f) Subject to the provisions of the declaration and other provisions of law, and except as |
25 | provided in § 34-36.1-2.12 which provides for the relocation of boundaries between adjoining units, |
26 | the owners of any two (2) or more units may apply for a reallocation of their respective allocated |
27 | interests to the executive board; but their application shall not attempt to alter common element |
28 | interests except as they relate to the proposed reallocation of unit interests. Unless the executive |
29 | board determines within thirty (30) days, that the reallocations are unreasonable, the association |
30 | shall prepare an amendment that identifies the units involved, states the reallocations, is executed |
31 | by those unit owners, contains words of conveyance between them, and upon recordation, is |
32 | indexed in the name of the grantor and the grantee. |
33 | 34-36.1-3.03. Executive board members and officers. |
34 | (a) Except as provided in the declaration, the bylaws, subsection (b), or in other provisions |
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1 | of this chapter, the executive board may act in all instances on behalf of the association. In the |
2 | performance of their duties, the officers and members of the executive board are required to |
3 | exercise: |
4 | (1) If appointed by the declarant, the care required of fiduciaries of the unit owners; and |
5 | (2) If elected by the unit owners, ordinary and reasonable care. |
6 | (b) The executive board may not act on behalf of the association to amend the declaration |
7 | (§ 34-36.1-2.17), to terminate the condominium, or to elect members of the executive board or |
8 | determine the qualifications, powers and duties, or terms of office of executive board members, but |
9 | the executive board may fill vacancies in its membership for the unexpired portion of any term. |
10 | (c) Within thirty (30) days after adoption of any proposed budget for the condominium, the |
11 | executive board shall provide a summary of the budget to all the unit owners, and shall set a date |
12 | for a meeting of the unit owners to consider ratification of the budget not less than fourteen (14) |
13 | nor more than thirty (30) days after mailing of the summary. Unless at that meeting a majority of |
14 | all the unit owners or any larger vote specified in the declaration reject the budget, the budget is |
15 | ratified, whether or not a quorum is present. In the event the proposed budget is rejected, the |
16 | periodic budget last ratified by the unit owners shall be continued until such time as the unit owners |
17 | ratify a subsequent budget proposed by the executive board. |
18 | (d)(1) Subject to subsection (e), the declaration may provide for a period of declarant |
19 | control of the association, during which period a declarant, or persons designated by him, may |
20 | appoint and remove the officers and members of the executive board. Regardless of the period |
21 | provided in the declaration, a period of declarant control terminates no later than the earlier of: |
22 | (i) Sixty (60) days after conveyance of eighty percent (80%) of the units which may be |
23 | created to unit owners other than a declarant; |
24 | (ii) Two (2) years after all declarants have ceased to offer units for sale in the ordinary |
25 | course of business; or |
26 | (iii) Two (2) years after any development right to add new units was last exercised. |
27 | (2) A declarant may voluntarily surrender the right to appoint and remove officers and |
28 | members of the executive board before terminations of that period, but in that event he or she may |
29 | require, for the duration of the period of declarant control, that specified actions of the association |
30 | or executive board, as described in a recorded instrument executed by the declarant, be approved |
31 | by the declarant before they become effective. |
32 | (e) Not later than sixty (60) days after conveyance of twenty-five percent (25%) of the units |
33 | which may be created to unit owners other than a declarant, at least one member and not less than |
34 | twenty-five percent (25%) of the members of the executive board must be elected by unit owners |
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1 | other than the declarant. Not later than sixty (60) days after conveyance of fifty percent (50%) of |
2 | the units which may be created to unit owners other than a declarant, not less than one-third (⅓) of |
3 | the members of the executive board must be elected by unit owners other than the declarant. |
4 | (f) Not later than the termination of any period of declarant control, the unit owners shall |
5 | elect an executive board of at least three (3) members, at least a majority of whom must be unit |
6 | owners. The executive board shall elect the officers. The executive board members and officers |
7 | shall take office upon election. |
8 | (g) Notwithstanding any provision of the declaration or bylaws to the contrary, the unit |
9 | owners, by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of all persons present and entitled to vote at any meeting of the |
10 | unit owners at which a quorum is present, may remove any member of the executive board with or |
11 | without cause, other than a member appointed by the declarant. |
12 | (h) Any executive board established after June 30, 2026, containing deed-restricted units |
13 | within its association, shall be comprised of members proportionate with the number of deed- |
14 | restricted units and market-rate units. Any calculation yielding a fractional person on the board |
15 | shall be allocated to a market-rate owner. |
16 | SECTION 2. Chapter 34-36.1 of the General Laws entitled "Condominium Law" is hereby |
17 | amended by adding thereto the following section: |
18 | 34-36.1-13. Allocation of common element interest, votes and common expense |
19 | liabilities. |
20 | (a) To increase transparency of operations and association management, every association |
21 | established under chapter 36.1 of title 34, is hereby required to do the following: |
22 | (1) Register as an association with the department of housing by December 31, 2026, or |
23 | within thirty (30) days of establishment; and |
24 | (2) Submit the following materials within thirty (30) days of adoption or amendment: |
25 | (i) Annual budget, including monthly and annual condominium fees; |
26 | (ii) Board list and officers; |
27 | (iii) All financial documents including, condominium fees for the last five (5) years, |
28 | funding reserves and any tax filing information; |
29 | (iv) Date of next officer election; and |
30 | (v) Association by-laws and any other relevant governing documents. |
31 | (b) Failure to comply with this section is subject to the jurisdiction of the department of |
32 | housing pursuant to § 42-64.34-2. |
33 | SECTION 3. Section 42-64.34-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-64.34 entitled "The |
34 | Department of Housing" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
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1 | 42-64.34-2. Powers and duties. |
2 | (a) The department of housing shall be the state’s lead agency for housing, homelessness, |
3 | and community development in the state of Rhode Island. |
4 | (b) The secretary of housing shall have the following powers and duties: |
5 | (1) All powers and duties pursuant to this chapter; |
6 | (2) To supervise the work of the department of housing and to act as its chief administrative |
7 | officer; |
8 | (3) To coordinate the administration and financing of various departments or offices within |
9 | the department of housing; |
10 | (4) To serve as the governor’s chief advisor and liaison to federal policymakers on housing, |
11 | homelessness, and community development as well as the principal point of contact on any such |
12 | related matters; |
13 | (5) To coordinate the housing, homelessness, and community development programs of |
14 | the state of Rhode Island and its departments, agencies, commissions, corporations, and |
15 | subdivisions; |
16 | (6) To employ such personnel and contracts for such consulting services as may be required |
17 | to perform the powers and duties conferred upon the secretary of housing; |
18 | (7) To oversee and direct the administration of funds that may be appropriated from time |
19 | to time to the department of housing; and |
20 | (8) Creation of a written guide for consumers relating to the rights and duties of landlords |
21 | and tenants pursuant to chapter 18 of title 34, which the secretary shall update at minimum on an |
22 | biennial basis. The guide shall be posted on the website of the department of housing and shall be |
23 | published in both English and Spanish; and |
24 | (9) Coordinate a central depository of information regarding condominium associations, |
25 | investigate complaints related to condominium associations in accordance with chapter 35 of title |
26 | 42 ("administrative procedures"). |
27 | (c) In addition to such other powers as may otherwise be delegated elsewhere to the |
28 | department of housing, the department is hereby expressly authorized, by and through the secretary |
29 | of housing: |
30 | (1) To purchase, receive, lease, or otherwise acquire, own, hold, improve, use, and |
31 | otherwise deal in and with, real or personal property, or any interest in real or personal property, |
32 | wherever situated; |
33 | (2) To accept any gifts or grants or loans of funds or property or financial or other aid in |
34 | any form from the federal government or any agency or instrumentality of the federal government, |
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1 | or from the state or any agency or instrumentality of the state, or from any other source and to |
2 | comply, subject to the provisions of this chapter, with the terms and conditions of the gifts, grants, |
3 | or loans; |
4 | (3) Subject to the provisions of § 37-2-1 et seq., to negotiate and to enter into contracts, |
5 | agreements, and cooperative agreements with agencies and political subdivisions of the state, not- |
6 | for-profit corporations, for-profit corporations, and other partnerships, associations, and persons |
7 | for any lawful purpose necessary and desirable to effectuate the purposes of the department of |
8 | housing; and |
9 | (4) To carry out this chapter and perform the duties of the general laws and public laws |
10 | insofar as those provisions relate to any regulatory areas within the jurisdiction of the department |
11 | of housing. |
12 | SECTION 4. This act shall take effect on July 1, 2026. |
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1 | This act would restrict increases in monthly common expenses and limit special |
2 | assessments to cover unforeseen costs not included in the condo association’s approved annual |
3 | budget for common expenses in associations where the minority of the units are deed-restricted |
4 | units. |
5 | This act would take effect on July 1, 2026. |
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