2025 -- H 5824 | |
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LC001676 | |
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Introduced By: Representative Brandon T. Voas | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Corporations | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 34-36.1-1.02 of the General Laws in Chapter 34-36.1 entitled |
2 | "Condominium Law" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 34-36.1-1.02. Applicability. |
4 | (a)(1) This chapter applies to all condominiums created within this state after July 1, 1982, |
5 | except that any condominium created within this state prior to July 1, 1982, may voluntarily accept |
6 | the provisions of this chapter in lieu of the provisions under which it was originally organized. |
7 | Acceptance shall be evidenced by an agreement in writing executed by and in behalf of the |
8 | condominium association and by all of the owners of all of the individual condominium units within |
9 | the condominium, in which agreement it is clearly stated that they all accept the provisions of this |
10 | chapter in lieu of those in the statute under which the condominium was organized and wish to be |
11 | governed in the future by the provisions of this chapter. The agreement shall be recorded in the |
12 | land evidence records of each and every town or city where all or any part of the land in the |
13 | condominium concerned may be located and shall become effective when first so recorded. The |
14 | acceptance shall only apply to the governance of the condominium concerned as to all matters |
15 | which are prospective or executory in nature; and nothing herein shall be deemed to abrogate, |
16 | amend, limit, effect, or impair the continued effectiveness, legality, or validity of all actions |
17 | lawfully taken by or in behalf of the condominium prior to the effective date of the acceptance, |
18 | including, but without limitation, the condominium declaration and all amendments thereto, the by- |
19 | laws of the condominium and/or of its association, all deeds, mortgages, leases, and any further |
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1 | documents affecting the titles or rights of unit owners, or of the condominium or the prior lawful |
2 | acts or deeds of any kind, of the condominium association, its officers, directors, or members. |
3 | (2) Sections 34-36.1-1.05 (separate titles and taxation), 34-36.1-1.06 (applicability of local |
4 | ordinances, regulations, and building codes), 34-36.1-1.07 (eminent domain), 34-36.1-2.03 |
5 | (construction and validity of declaration and bylaws), 34-36.1-2.04 (description of units), 34-36.1- |
6 | 3.02(a)(1) — (6) and (11) — (17) (powers of unit owners’ association), 34-36.1-3.06(c) — (d) |
7 | (bylaws), 34-36.1-3.11 (tort and contract liability), 34-36.1-3.16 (lien for assessments), 34-36.1- |
8 | 3.18 (association records), 34-36.1-3.22 (reserve study and reserve account), 34-36.1-4.09 (resale |
9 | of units), and 34-36.1-4.17 (effect of violation on rights of action; attorney’s fees), § 34-36.1-3.20 |
10 | (enforcement of declaration, bylaws and rules), and 34-36.1-1.03 (definitions), to the extent |
11 | necessary in construing any of those sections, apply to all condominiums created in this state before |
12 | July 1, 1982; but those sections apply only with respect to events and circumstances occurring after |
13 | July 1, 1982, and do not invalidate existing provisions of the declaration, bylaws, plats, or plans of |
14 | those condominiums. |
15 | (3) A condominium created as an additional phase by amendment of a condominium |
16 | created prior to July 1, 1982, if the original declaration contemplated the amendment, shall be |
17 | deemed to be a condominium created prior to July 1, 1982; provided, however, the provisions of |
18 | subdivision (a)(2) shall apply as defined therein. |
19 | (4) Section 34-36.1-3.21 (foreclosure of condominium lien) applies, with respect to all |
20 | condominiums created in this state prior to June 19, 1991, only with respect to events and |
21 | circumstances occurring after June 18, 1991, does not invalidate existing provisions of the |
22 | declarations, bylaws, plats, or plans of those condominiums, and applies in all respects to all |
23 | condominiums created in this state after June 18, 1991. |
24 | (b) The provisions of the Condominium Ownership Act, chapter 36 of this title, do not |
25 | apply to condominiums created after July 1, 1982, and do not invalidate any amendment to the |
26 | declaration, bylaws, plats, and plans of any condominium created before July 1, 1982, if the |
27 | amendment would be permitted by this chapter. The amendment must be adopted in conformity |
28 | with the procedures and requirements specified by those instruments and by chapter 36 of this title. |
29 | If the amendment grants to any person any rights, powers, or privileges permitted by this chapter, |
30 | all correlative obligations, liabilities, and restrictions in this chapter also apply to that person. |
31 | (c) This chapter does not apply to condominiums or units located outside this state, but the |
32 | public offering statement provisions (§§ 34-36.1-4.02 — 34-36.1-4.07) apply to all contracts for |
33 | the disposition thereof signed in this state by any party unless exempt under § 34-36.1-4.01(b). |
34 | SECTION 2. Chapter 34-36.1 of the General Laws entitled "Condominium Law" is hereby |
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1 | amended by adding thereto the following section: |
2 | 34-36.1-3.22. Reserve study and reserve account. |
3 | (a) This section applies to all condominiums that have structural common element |
4 | components that would cost at least twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) to replace. |
5 | (b) A condominium association shall have a reserve study which shall contain an |
6 | itemization of common elements which require maintenance, repair or replacement by the |
7 | association in the future because of anticipated deterioration of those common elements. |
8 | (c) The reserve study shall identify specific common elements, the anticipated period of |
9 | time before maintenance, repair or replacement is necessary, and the estimated expenses for such |
10 | work at estimated times in the future, and shall be certified and dated by an engineer or architect |
11 | licensed by the State of Rhode Island. |
12 | (d) The reserve study shall reference estimated association fiscal year funds from the |
13 | annual assessment to be deposited into the association reserve financial account which shall be |
14 | established, and maintained by the executive board, and not deposited into the separate association |
15 | operating financial account which shall be established and maintained by the executive board. |
16 | (e) The executive board shall act to have a reserve study for its association which shall be |
17 | used by an executive board for no more than five (5) years from the date of the reserve study. |
18 | (f) The executive board shall adopt a proposed budget for the association as required by § |
19 | 34-36.1-3.03(c), which shall include in the annual assessment for the association no less than one |
20 | hundred percent (100%) funding of expenses referenced in the reserve study no later than July 1, |
21 | 2027. |
22 | (g) Funds in the association reserve account shall not be used for any purposes other than |
23 | those referenced in the reserve study. |
24 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would require condo associations to obtain and comply with reserve studies |
2 | certified by an architect or engineer, which identifies specific common element components that |
3 | will need to be repaired or replaced in the future, as well as estimate the future necessary expenses |
4 | for repairs and replacement which are broken down to a monthly dollar amount per unit in an |
5 | association budget. The condo association would be required to maintain a reserve fund separate |
6 | from the operating fund. The reserve fund would be required to be one hundred percent (100%) |
7 | funded for all expenses referenced in the reserve study. The executive board would be prohibited |
8 | from using any of the reserve fund except for items specified in the reserve study. |
9 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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