2025 -- H 5815 | |
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LC001304 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Morales, Stewart, Cotter, Handy, Felix, Tanzi, Ajello, | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Corporations | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Chapter 39-1 of the General Laws entitled "Public Utilities Commission" is |
2 | hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
3 | 39-1-64. Public utility commission and energy facility siting board intervenor support |
4 | program. |
5 | (a) Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context requires otherwise: |
6 | (1) "Commission" means the public utilities commission. |
7 | (2) "Compensation" means payment for all or part, as determined by the commission, of |
8 | reasonable advocate's fees, reasonable expert witness fees, and other reasonable costs of |
9 | preparation for and participation in a proceeding, and includes the fees and costs of obtaining an |
10 | award under this section and of obtaining judicial review, if any. |
11 | (3) “Energy facility siting board” or “siting board” means the energy facilities siting board |
12 | as established by chapter 98 of title 42. |
13 | (4) "Expert witness fees" means recorded or billed costs incurred by an intervenor for an |
14 | expert witness. |
15 | (5) “Eligible local government entity” means a city, county, governmental bodies, federally |
16 | recognized tribe, state-acknowledged tribe or state-recognized tribe or city and county that is not a |
17 | publicly owned public utility that intervenes or participates in a commission proceeding. |
18 | (6) “Interests of residential customers” means and includes, but is not limited to, |
19 | considerations of utility service; the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the utility sector; |
| |
1 | public health; energy efficiency; weatherization; electrification; environmental justice; efficient |
2 | and cost-effective measures, programs and services; and clean energy technologies. |
3 | (7) "Intervenor" means a person or organization that has been admitted as an intervenor or |
4 | participant in a commission proceeding. |
5 | (8) "Intervenor compensation special fund" means the intervenor compensation special |
6 | fund established in this section. |
7 | (9) "Notice of intent to claim intervenor compensation" means a standardized document |
8 | available on the commission website. |
9 | (10) "Other reasonable costs" means reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, directly incurred |
10 | by an intervenor, that are directly related to the contentions or recommendations made by the |
11 | customer that resulted in a substantial contribution. |
12 | (11) "Party" means any interested party, respondent public utility, or commission staff in a |
13 | hearing or proceeding. |
14 | (12) "Proceeding" means an application, complaint, or investigation; rulemaking; |
15 | alternative dispute resolution procedures in lieu of formal proceedings as may be sponsored or |
16 | endorsed by the commission; or other formal proceeding before the commission. |
17 | (13) "Significant financial hardship" means either that the customer cannot afford, without |
18 | undue hardship, to pay the costs of effective participation, including advocate’s fees, expert witness |
19 | fees, and other reasonable costs of participation, or that, in the case of a group or organization, the |
20 | economic interest of the individual members of the group or organization is small in comparison to |
21 | the costs of effective participation in the proceeding. |
22 | (14) "Siting permit" means the major energy facility siting permit established pursuant to |
23 | this section and the rules and regulations promulgated by the commission. |
24 | (15) "Substantial contribution" means that, in the judgment of the commission, the |
25 | intervenor has substantially assisted the commission and supplied a perspective that is valued based |
26 | on criteria for grant approval. |
27 | (b) Intervenor support program established. |
28 | (1) There is established an intervenor support program to provide compensation for |
29 | reasonable advocate's fees, reasonable expert witness fees, and other reasonable costs to an |
30 | intervenor who makes a substantial contribution to a proceeding resulting in a decision favorable |
31 | to the interest of utility consumers. Ten percent (10%) of the approved potential grant may go to |
32 | non-legal or non-administrative fees, if needed. The commission shall undertake a detailed review |
33 | of the reasonableness of the actual claimed costs when it reviews an intervenor compensation claim. |
34 | (2) The provisions of this subsection shall apply to all formal proceedings of the |
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1 | commission involving electric, gas, water, and telephone utilities, and of the energy facility siting |
2 | board, and shall be administered in a manner that encourages the effective and efficient |
3 | participation of all groups that have a stake in the public utility regulation process. |
4 | (3) The process for finding eligibility for intervenor compensation shall be streamlined, |
5 | and based upon such criteria as an intervenor’s issues, budget, and costs. |
6 | (4) Intervenors may be compensated for making a substantial contribution to proceedings |
7 | of the commission, as determined by the commission beforehand in their grant approval process, |
8 | after reviewing the notices of intent intervenors submit. |
9 | (5) Intervenor compensation grants shall be awarded to eligible intervenors in a timely |
10 | manner, within thirty (30) days of the notice of the intent to participate. |
11 | (6) This section may be administered in a manner that avoids unproductive or unnecessary |
12 | participation that duplicates the participation of similar interests otherwise adequately represented |
13 | or participation that is not necessary for a fair determination of the proceeding. |
14 | (7) The commission shall develop: |
15 | (i) Accessible, multi-lingual and easily comprehensible web-based educational materials, |
16 | including forms and templates, to educate prospective grantees and the public on the intervenor |
17 | support grant program; and |
18 | (ii) A robust virtual and in-person outreach program to educate prospective grantees and |
19 | the public about the intervenor support grant program. |
20 | (8) The commission may award reasonable advocate’s fees, reasonable expert witness fees, |
21 | and other reasonable costs of preparation for and participation in a hearing or proceeding to any |
22 | customer who satisfies both of the following requirements: |
23 | (i) The customer’s presentation makes a substantial contribution to the adoption, in whole |
24 | or in part, of the commission’s order or decision, and |
25 | (ii) Participation or intervention without an award of fees or costs imposes a significant |
26 | financial hardship. |
27 | (9) In determining whether to approve a grant to an applicant, the commission may |
28 | consider: |
29 | (i) Evidence of the applicant's experience and commitment to advancing the interests of |
30 | residential utility consumers. |
31 | (ii) The anticipated effect of the proposal contained in the application on residential utility |
32 | consumers, including the immediate and long-term impacts of the proposal. |
33 | (iii) The uniqueness or innovativeness of an applicant's position or point of view as it relates |
34 | to advocating for residential utility consumers. |
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1 | (iv) Qualification as an intervenor generally, in accordance with intervention rules as set |
2 | forth in 815-RICR-00-00-1.17. |
3 | (10) The commission shall adopt a policy to allow reasonable advocate’s fees, reasonable |
4 | expert witness fees, and other reasonable costs of preparation for and participation in a hearing or |
5 | proceeding to an eligible local government entity that satisfies all of the following requirements: |
6 | (i) The entity’s presentation makes a substantial contribution to the adoption, in whole or |
7 | in part, of the commission’s order or decision. |
8 | (ii) Participation or intervention without an award of fees or costs imposes a significant |
9 | financial hardship. |
10 | (iii) The subject of the hearing or proceeding is the result of a triggering event, as |
11 | determined by the commission, that significantly impacted the residents of the local government |
12 | entity. |
13 | (11) A municipality that qualifies for the distressed community relief fund, as provided for |
14 | in § 45-13-12, that is a prospective grantee for a proceeding pertaining to a major energy facility |
15 | within its boundaries shall not be required to meet the criteria pursuant to this section to receive a |
16 | grant award. |
17 | (12) The commission shall submit an annual report to the legislature and to the ratepayers |
18 | advisory board, as established in § 39-1-37.1. Such report shall include a description of all activities |
19 | of the fund, including, but not limited to: |
20 | (i) Amounts credited to the fund, amounts expended from the fund, and any unexpended |
21 | balance; |
22 | (ii) A summary of the intervenor support grant fund application process; |
23 | (iii) The number of grant applications received, the number and amount of awards granted, |
24 | and the number of grant applications rejected; |
25 | (iv) The number of intervenors who participated in proceedings with and without support |
26 | from the fund; |
27 | (v) An itemization of costs incurred by and payments made to grantees; |
28 | (vi) An evaluation of the impact and contribution of grantees in commission and board |
29 | proceedings; |
30 | (vii) A summary of education and outreach activities conducted by the commission related |
31 | to the intervenor support grant program; and |
32 | (viii) Any recommended changes to the program. |
33 | (c) Intervenor compensation program - Awarding of compensation. |
34 | (1) An intervenor who intends to seek an award for compensation under this subsection |
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1 | shall, at the earliest reasonable time, file a notice of intent to claim intervenor compensation with |
2 | the commission. The intervenor shall include within the filing a statement of the nature and extent |
3 | of the intervenor's planned participation including their potential substantial contribution, an |
4 | itemized estimate of the compensation that the customer expects to request, including anticipated |
5 | expert witness fees and other reasonable costs, and a statement explaining the intervenor's |
6 | significant financial hardship. |
7 | (2) Intervenors shall receive a grant after submitting a notice of intent to participate, if |
8 | approved by the commission based on eligibility standards. Intervenor compensation shall be |
9 | awarded to eligible intervenors by the commission no later than thirty (30) days after the |
10 | intervenors’ original notice of intent is submitted. Intervenors shall describe in their notice of intent |
11 | to participate, the substantial contribution they intend to contribute to the proceeding. This process |
12 | would be separate from the required standard motion to intervene in a docket. If approved under |
13 | consideration from factors in subsection (b) of this section as well as given standing as an |
14 | intervenor, the approved funds shall be granted before the proceeding as a guarantee. |
15 | (i) Grantees shall not receive funds as approved if they withdraw from the proceeding. |
16 | (ii) The commission shall make disbursements pursuant to a grant in advance of an |
17 | applicant’s proposed actions as set forth in the application if necessary to enable the applicant to |
18 | initiate, continue, or complete the proposed actions. |
19 | (iii) If upon completion of the proceeding and submittal of the grantee’s report to the |
20 | commission, the grantee’s budget exceeds the actual spending, such excess funds shall be returned |
21 | to the intervenor compensation special fund. |
22 | (3) The commission shall encourage grant making to nonprofits representing |
23 | environmental justice communities and communities with the highest energy burdens. |
24 | (4) Any computer model that is the basis for any intervenor compensation shall be available |
25 | to, and subject to verification by, the commission and parties to the hearing or proceedings to the |
26 | extent necessary for cross-examination or rebuttal. |
27 | (5) The computation of a compensation award shall take into consideration the market rates |
28 | paid to persons of comparable training and experience who offer similar services. The |
29 | compensation awarded shall not, in any case, exceed the comparable market rate for services paid |
30 | by the commission or the public utility, whichever is greater, to persons of comparable training and |
31 | experience who are offering similar services. |
32 | (6) The commission may audit the records and books of the intervenor to the extent |
33 | necessary, and may contract the services of a third party, to verify the basis for the award. |
34 | (7) The commission may deny any award to any intervenor who attempts to delay or |
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1 | obstruct the orderly and timely fulfillment of the commission's responsibilities. |
2 | (8) The commission may require public utilities to pay into the intervenor compensation |
3 | special fund. |
4 | (9) The award shall be paid out of the intervenor compensation special fund. |
5 | (10) Participation by a customer that materially supplements, complements, or contributes |
6 | to the presentation of another party, including the commission staff, shall be fully eligible for |
7 | compensation if the participation makes a substantial contribution to a commission order or |
8 | decision, and if this participation was approved beforehand for the grant. |
9 | (11) Within thirty (30) days after the completion of a proceeding, each grantee shall submit |
10 | to the commission a report that: |
11 | (i) Identifies the use of the funds during the proceeding; |
12 | (ii) The substantial contribution provided by its participation; and |
13 | (iii) A demonstration that its participation and the use of the funding did not cause a delay |
14 | in the proceeding. Upon this submittal, any adjustments to the difference between the original grant |
15 | given and the actual spending that occurred will be made. |
16 | (12) Any grants awarded pursuant to this section shall be used only in proceedings before |
17 | the commission or the siting board, and not for any judicial appeal of such agencies’ final decisions. |
18 | (d) Intervenor compensation special fund. |
19 | (1) There is established the intervenor compensation special fund within the commission, |
20 | into which shall be deposited any funds so designated by the commission, and from which awards |
21 | for intervenor compensation under this section may be paid. |
22 | (2) The fund shall consist of the following sources: |
23 | (i) Sums the general assembly may appropriate; |
24 | (ii) Monies received from federal or state entities, including bond funds or court awards; |
25 | (iii) Fees levied by the commission or siting board; |
26 | (iv) Monies received from any private donor for the intervenor compensation special fund; |
27 | (v) Any interest earned on monies in the fund; and |
28 | (vi) Annual assessment on electric and gas distribution companies. |
29 | (3) An annual assessment on electric and gas distribution companies shall occur: |
30 | (i) If the total funds available would result in the special fund having a balance below a |
31 | reasonable annual budget as set by the commission; |
32 | (ii) If the general assembly appropriates funds, the utility shall be assessed up to an equal |
33 | amount as the appropriation, in order that the fund shall be capped at one hundred fifty percent |
34 | (150%) of a reasonable annual budget as set by the commission. |
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1 | (4) Such an assessment shall be proposed prior to April 1 of each year, and go into effect |
2 | on April 1 of each year, or other such date as approved by the commission. |
3 | (5) A grant awarded pursuant to this section shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars |
4 | ($50,000) per proceeding for any single awardee. The commission shall, at the commission’s sole |
5 | discretion, determine the amount of financial support being granted, considering the demonstrated |
6 | needs of the intervenor and the complexity of the proceeding. The commission may, at the |
7 | commission’s sole discretion: |
8 | (i) Upon the petition of a prospective grantee, award a grant exceeding fifty thousand |
9 | dollars ($50,000) only upon a demonstration of good cause, including the complexity of the |
10 | proceeding in which the grantee is intervening; and |
11 | (ii) Upon the petition of a prospective grantee, provide grant funding in addition to the |
12 | funding initially requested under subsection (c) of this section upon a showing that new, novel or |
13 | complex issues have arisen in the proceeding since the time the grant application was submitted |
14 | pursuant to subsection (c) of this section. |
15 | (6) The commission may consider the potential for intervenors to share costs through |
16 | collaborative efforts with other parties to a proceeding as part of determining the amount of funding |
17 | awarded to any prospective grantee and such intervenors may be expected to reduce duplicative |
18 | costs to the extent possible in instances where the position or positions of multiple intervenors |
19 | align. |
20 | (7) The aggregate grant funding for any individual proceeding shall not exceed one hundred |
21 | thousand dollars ($100,000). Where the aggregate amount of funding being requested exceeds one |
22 | hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), funding shall be allocated to prospective grantees based on |
23 | their relative financial hardship. The commission may, upon a determination of good cause, provide |
24 | funding exceeding one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for any individual commission or |
25 | board proceeding. |
26 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect On September 1, 2025. |
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1 | This act would establish an intervenor support program to provide compensation for |
2 | reasonable advocate's fees, reasonable expert witness fees, and other reasonable costs to an |
3 | intervenor who makes a substantial contribution to a proceeding resulting in a decision favorable |
4 | to the interest of utility consumers. The act would also establish an intervenor compensation special |
5 | fund within the public utilities commission, forwarding grants to intervenors. |
6 | This act would take effect on September 1, 2025. |
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