2025 -- H 5810 | |
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LC001860 | |
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J O I N T R E S O L U T I O N | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Casey, Solomon, and J. Brien | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Corporations | |
1 | WHEREAS, Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange that has a monetary value as is the |
2 | US dollar; and |
3 | WHEREAS, Blockchain is a storage technology used for saving data on decentralized |
4 | networks; and |
5 | WHEREAS, A blockchain records and confirms cryptocurrency trades, much like a |
6 | digital ledger, and collects and stores the information when a person buys, sells, or exchanges |
7 | cryptocurrency; and |
8 | WHEREAS, To ensure all regulations that benefit the State’s economy are being |
9 | explored, there is a significant need to assess Rhode Island’s current strategy for blockchain and |
10 | cryptocurrency; now, therefore be it |
11 | RESOLVED, That a special legislative study commission be and the same is hereby |
12 | created consisting of seven (7) members: one of whom shall be the Rhode Island Secretary of |
13 | Commerce, or designee, who shall serve as Chair of the commission; one of whom shall be the |
14 | Director of the Department of Business Regulation, or designee; one of whom shall be the Rhode |
15 | Island General Treasurer, or designee; and four (4) of whom shall be members of the public, one |
16 | of whom shall be a representative from an academic institution with experience or knowledge in |
17 | blockchain technology, to be appointed by the Chair of the Commission, one of whom shall be a |
18 | representative of a financial institution, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House, one of |
19 | whom shall be a representative with experience in federal securities law, to be appointed by the |
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1 | President of the Senate, and one of whom shall be an impartial public representative with a |
2 | demonstrated ability to evaluate complex technologies and economic policies, to be jointly |
3 | appointed by the Senate President, and the Speaker of the House. |
4 | In making appointments to the study commission, the appointing authorities shall strive |
5 | to ensure diversity in educational background, ethnicity, race, sex, and geographic residency. |
6 | The purpose of said commission shall be to: |
7 | Review data and information on the scope of blockchain and cryptocurrency |
8 | throughout the country; |
9 | Determine the current status of blockchain and cryptocurrency in relation to |
10 | related laws in this State; |
11 | Study non-fungible tokens, including the use, prevalence, function, and current |
12 | regulation of non-fungible tokens; |
13 | Solicit ideas and opinions from industry experts; and |
14 | Compile an overview of potential legislation with recommendations on making |
15 | changes to Rhode Island’s blockchain and cryptocurrency environment. |
16 | Forthwith upon passage of this resolution, the Chair shall call the first meeting of the |
17 | study commission. |
18 | A majority of the members of the study commission constitutes a quorum for meetings. |
19 | Vacancies in said commission shall be filled in like manner as the original appointment. |
20 | Commission members shall serve without compensation but may receive reimbursement |
21 | for expenses incurred. |
22 | State departments and agencies shall provide advice and information to facilitate the |
23 | commission’s purposes. |
24 | The study commission shall meet no less than four (4) times per calendar year. |
25 | The study commission shall agree upon any findings and recommendations by a majority |
26 | vote of the total membership of the study commission; now, therefore be it |
27 | RESOLVED, That the commission shall submit an interim progress report of its findings |
28 | and recommendations to the General Assembly no later than January 5, 2026, and shall submit a |
29 | final report of its findings and recommendations to the Secretary of Commerce, the General |
30 | Treasurer, and the General Assembly, no later than January 5, 2027, and shall expire on February |
31 | 5, 2027; and be it further |
32 | RESOLVED, The final report must include: |
33 | Data and information on blockchain and cryptocurrency across the country; |
34 | The impact to Rhode Island’s economy if this technology is embraced; and |
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1 | Recommended legislative proposals for blockchain and cryptocurrency in Rhode |
2 | Island that benefits the State; and be it further |
3 | RESOLVED, That the required reports may be submitted electronically, and must be |
4 | posted on the Department of Commerce and the Department of Business Regulation's website in |
5 | a publicly accessible location. |
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LC001860 | |
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J O I N T R E S O L U T I O N | |
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1 | This resolution would create a seven (7) member special legislative study commission |
2 | whose purpose it would be to recommended legislative proposals to encourage a positive |
3 | economic environment for blockchain and cryptocurrency in this State, and who would submit an |
4 | interim progress report and recommendations to the Secretary of Commerce, the General |
5 | Treasurer, and the General Assembly no later than January 5, 2026, and a final report by January |
6 | 5, 2027, and whose life would expire on February 5, 2027. |
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