2025 -- H 5802 | |
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LC002162 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Noret, Slater, Tanzi, Casey, Speakman, Cotter, Dawson, | |
Date Introduced: February 27, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Municipal Government & Housing | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 45-22.2-10 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-22.2 entitled "Rhode |
2 | Island Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 45-22.2-10. Coordination of state agencies. |
4 | (a) State agencies shall develop their respective programs and conduct their respective |
5 | activities in a manner consistent with the findings, intent, and goals established under this chapter. |
6 | (b) The chief shall develop standards to assist municipalities in the incorporation of the |
7 | state goals and policies into comprehensive plans, and to guide the chief’s review of comprehensive |
8 | plans and state agency activities. |
9 | (c) The state planning council shall adopt and maintain all rules and regulations necessary |
10 | to implement the standards established by this chapter. |
11 | (d) The chief shall develop and make readily available to all municipalities statewide data |
12 | and technical information for use in the preparation of comprehensive plans. Data specific to each |
13 | municipality shall be provided by that municipality. The chief shall make maximum use of existing |
14 | information available from other agencies. |
15 | (e) The chief may contract with any person, firm, or corporation to develop the necessary |
16 | planning information and coordinate with other state agencies as necessary to provide support and |
17 | technical assistance for local planning efforts. |
18 | (f) The chief shall notify appropriate state agencies of the approval of a comprehensive |
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1 | plan or amendment to a comprehensive plan. |
2 | (g) Once a municipality’s comprehensive plan is approved, programs and projects of state |
3 | agencies, excluding the state guide plan as provided for by § 42-11-10, shall conform to that plan. |
4 | In the event that a state agency wishes to undertake a program, project, or to develop a facility |
5 | which is not in conformance with the comprehensive plan, the state planning council shall hold a |
6 | public hearing on the proposal at which the state agency must demonstrate: |
7 | (1) That the program, project, or facility conforms to the stated goals, findings, and intent |
8 | of this chapter; and |
9 | (2) That the program, project, or facility is needed to promote or protect the health, safety, |
10 | and welfare of the people of Rhode Island; and |
11 | (3) That the program, project, or facility is in conformance with the relevant sections of the |
12 | state guide plan; and |
13 | (4) That the program implementation, project, or size, scope, and design of the facility will |
14 | vary as little as possible from the comprehensive plan of the municipality. |
15 | (h)(1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, in the event a state agency |
16 | wishes to undertake a program, project or to develop a facility on state-owned vacant land, state- |
17 | owned abandoned property, or state-owned underutilized or excess land, for housing purposes, |
18 | which is not in conformance with an approved and updated local comprehensive plan, and/or local |
19 | zoning ordinance provisions, then the state planning council shall hold a public hearing on the |
20 | proposal within thirty (30) days of receipt of the proposal, where the state agency must |
21 | demonstrate: |
22 | (i) That the program, project, or facility conforms to relevant sections of the state guide |
23 | plan prepared and adopted pursuant to § 42-11-10; and |
24 | (ii) That the program, project, or facility is needed to promote or protect the health, safety, |
25 | and welfare of the people of Rhode Island including, but not limited to, the need for low- and |
26 | moderate-income housing; and |
27 | (iii) That the program, project, or facility has attempted to utilize design standards and |
28 | recommendations of the relevant municipality to the extent feasible; and |
29 | (iv) That the agency has obtained reports from experts which conclude that there will not |
30 | be a detrimental impact on traffic, stormwater, wetlands, sewer capacity, potable water availability, |
31 | or historic features. |
32 | (2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the respective state agency from partnering with, |
33 | or transferring, leasing or selling the property upon completion of the project, to any nonprofit, or |
34 | privately-owned entity or person under any approved and lawful process. |
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1 | SECTION 2. Section 45-23-27 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-23 entitled "Subdivision |
2 | of Land" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 45-23-27. Applicability. |
4 | (a) §§ 45-23-25 — 45-23-74 and all local regulations are applicable to all applications |
5 | under this chapter, except that the local regulations and processes adopted pursuant to this chapter |
6 | are not applicable to any program, project or to develop a facility on state-owned vacant land, state- |
7 | owned abandoned property, or state-owned underutilized or excess land, for housing purposes, so |
8 | long as the proposal has completed a public hearing pursuant to § 45-22.2-10(h). |
9 | (b) Plats required. |
10 | (1) All activity defined as a subdivision requires a new plat, drawn to the specifications of |
11 | the local regulations, and reviewed and approved by the planning board or its agents as provided in |
12 | this chapter; and |
13 | (2) Prior to recording, the approved plat shall be submitted for signature and recording as |
14 | specified in § 45-23-64. |
15 | SECTION 3. Section 45-24-28 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-24 entitled "Zoning |
16 | Ordinances" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
17 | 45-24-28. Continuation of ordinances — Supercession — Relation to other statutes. |
18 | (a) Any zoning ordinance or amendment of the ordinance enacted after January 1, 1992, |
19 | shall conform to the provisions of this chapter. All lawfully adopted zoning ordinances shall be |
20 | brought into conformance with this chapter by December 31, 1994. Each city and town shall review |
21 | its zoning ordinance and make amendments or revisions that are necessary to bring it into |
22 | conformance with this chapter. |
23 | (b) All zoning ordinances adopted under authority of §§ 45-24-1 through 45-24-26 or any |
24 | special zoning enabling act that is in effect on June 17, 1991, shall remain in full force and effect |
25 | until December 31, 1994, unless earlier amended so as to conform to the provisions of this chapter, |
26 | except that § 45-24-37 and § 45-24-44 shall become effective on January 1, 1992. |
27 | (c) Former §§ 45-24-1 through 45-24-26 and all special zoning enabling acts, including, |
28 | but not limited to, chapter 2299 of the public laws of 1922, as amended (town of Westerly); chapter |
29 | 1277 of the public laws of 1926, as amended (town of Narragansett); chapter 2065 of the public |
30 | laws of 1933, as amended (town of West Warwick); chapter 2233 of the public laws of 1935, as |
31 | amended (town of Johnston); chapter 2079 of the public laws of 1948, as amended (town of North |
32 | Kingstown); chapter 3125 of the public laws of 1953, as amended (town of New Shoreham); |
33 | chapter 101 of the public laws of 1973, as amended (town of South Kingstown); are repealed |
34 | effective December 31, 1994. All provisions of zoning ordinances adopted under authority of the |
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1 | provisions of former §§ 45-24-1 through 45-24-26 or of any special act are repealed and are null |
2 | and void as of December 31, 1994, unless amended so as to conform to the provisions of this |
3 | chapter. |
4 | (d) Chapter 24.1 of this title, entitled “Historical Area Zoning”, and chapter 3 of title 1, |
5 | entitled “Airport Zoning”, are not superseded by this chapter; provided, that any appeal to the |
6 | superior court pursuant to chapter 24.1 of this title, entitled “Historical Area Zoning”, or pursuant |
7 | to chapter 3 of title 1, entitled “Airport Zoning”, is taken in the manner provided in § 45-24-69. |
8 | (e) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit the authority of agencies of state |
9 | government to perform any regulatory responsibilities. The local zoning ordinance adopted |
10 | pursuant to this chapter is not applicable to any program, project or to develop a facility on state- |
11 | owned vacant land, state-owned abandoned property, or state-owned underutilized or excess land, |
12 | for housing purposes, so long as the proposal has completed a public hearing pursuant to § 45-22.2- |
13 | 10(h). |
14 | SECTION 4. This act shall take effect January 1, 2026. |
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1 | This act would provide amendments to enable the development of state-owned vacant, |
2 | abandoned or underutilized land for housing and the process therefor. |
3 | This act would take effect January 1, 2026. |
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