2025 -- H 5799 | |
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LC002159 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Cruz, Shekarchi, Potter, Kislak, Stewart, Cotter, | |
Date Introduced: February 27, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Municipal Government & Housing | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 45-23-32 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-23 entitled "Subdivision |
2 | of Land" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 45-23-32. Definitions. |
4 | Where words or phrases used in this chapter are defined in the definitions section of either |
5 | the Rhode Island Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Regulation Act, § 45-22.2-4, or the Rhode |
6 | Island Zoning Enabling Act of 1991, § 45-24-31, they have the meanings stated in those acts. |
7 | Additional words and phrases may be defined in local ordinances, regulations, and rules under this |
8 | act in a manner that does not conflict or alter the terms or mandates in this act, the Rhode Island |
9 | Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Regulation Act § 45-22.2-4, and the Rhode Island Zoning |
10 | Enabling Act of 1991. The words and phrases defined in this section, however, shall be controlling |
11 | in all local ordinances, regulations, and rules created under this chapter. In addition, the following |
12 | words and phrases have the following meanings: |
13 | (1) Administrative officer. The municipal official(s) designated by the local regulations |
14 | to administer the land development and subdivision regulations to review and approve qualified |
15 | applications and/or coordinate with local boards and commissions, municipal staff, and state |
16 | agencies as set forth herein. The administrative officer may be a member, or the chair, of the |
17 | planning board, an employee of the municipal planning or zoning departments, or an appointed |
18 | official of the municipality. See § 45-23-55. |
19 | (2) Board of appeal. The local review authority for appeals of actions of the administrative |
| |
1 | officer, which shall be the local zoning board of review constituted as the board of appeal. See § |
2 | 45-23-57. |
3 | (3) Bond. See improvement guarantee. |
4 | (4) Buildable lot. A lot where construction for the use(s) permitted on the site under the |
5 | local zoning ordinance is considered practicable by the planning board, considering the physical |
6 | constraints to development of the site as well as the requirements of the pertinent federal, state, and |
7 | local regulations. See § 45-23-60(a)(4). |
8 | (5) Certificate of completeness. A notice issued by the administrative officer informing |
9 | an applicant that the application is complete and meets the requirements of the municipality’s |
10 | regulations, and that the applicant may proceed with the review process. |
11 | (6) Concept plan. A drawing with accompanying information showing the basic elements |
12 | of a proposed land development plan or subdivision as used for pre-application meetings and early |
13 | discussions, and classification of the project within the approval process. |
14 | (7) Consistency with the comprehensive plan. A requirement of all local land use |
15 | regulations which means that all these regulations and subsequent actions are in accordance with |
16 | the public policies arrived at through detailed study and analysis and adopted by the municipality |
17 | as the comprehensive community plan as specified in § 45-22.2-3. |
18 | (8) Dedication, fee-in-lieu-of. Payments of cash that are authorized in the local regulations |
19 | when requirements for mandatory dedication of land are not met because of physical conditions of |
20 | the site or other reasons. The conditions under which the payments will be allowed and all formulas |
21 | for calculating the amount shall be specified in advance in the local regulations. See § 45-23-47. |
22 | (9) Development plan review. Design or site plan review of a development of a permitted |
23 | use. A municipality may utilize development plan review under limited circumstances to encourage |
24 | development to comply with design and/or performance standards of the community under specific |
25 | and objective guidelines, for the following categories of developments: |
26 | (i) A change in use at the property where no extensive construction of improvements is |
27 | sought; |
28 | (ii) An adaptive reuse project located in a commercial zone where no extensive exterior |
29 | construction of improvements is sought; |
30 | (iii) An adaptive reuse project located in a residential zone that results in less than nine (9) |
31 | residential units; |
32 | (iv) Development in a designated urban or growth center; or |
33 | (v) Institutional development for educational or hospital facilities. |
34 | (vi) [Deleted by P.L. 2024, ch. 292, § 1 and P.L. 2024, ch. 293, § 1.] |
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1 | (10) Development regulation. Zoning, subdivision, land development plan, development |
2 | plan review, historic district, official map, flood plain regulation, soil erosion control, or any other |
3 | governmental regulation of the use and development of land. |
4 | (11) Division of land. A subdivision. |
5 | (12) Environmental constraints. Natural features, resources, or land characteristics that |
6 | are sensitive to change and may require conservation measures or the application of special |
7 | development techniques to prevent degradation of the site, or may require limited development, or |
8 | in certain instances, may preclude development. See also physical constraints to development. |
9 | (13) Final plan. The final stage of land development and subdivision review or a formal |
10 | development plan review application. See §§ 45-23-38, 45-23-39, and 45-23-50. |
11 | (14) Final plat. The final drawing(s) of all or a portion of a subdivision to be recorded after |
12 | approval by the planning board and any accompanying material as described in the community’s |
13 | regulations and/or required by the planning board. |
14 | (15) Floor area, gross. See R.I. State Building Code. |
15 | (16) Governing body. The body of the local government, generally the city or town |
16 | council, having the power to adopt ordinances, accept public dedications, release public |
17 | improvement guarantees, and collect fees. |
18 | (17) Improvement. Any natural or built item that becomes part of, is placed upon, or is |
19 | affixed to, real estate. |
20 | (18) Improvement guarantee. A security instrument accepted by a municipality to ensure |
21 | that all improvements, facilities, or work required by the land development and subdivision |
22 | regulations, or required by the municipality as a condition of approval, will be completed in |
23 | compliance with the approved plans and specifications of a development. See § 45-23-46. |
24 | (19) Land development project. A project in which one or more lots, tracts, or parcels of |
25 | land or a portion thereof are developed or redeveloped as a coordinated site for one or more uses, |
26 | units, or structures, including but not limited to, planned development or cluster development for |
27 | residential, commercial, institutional, recreational, open space, or mixed uses. The local regulations |
28 | shall include all requirements, procedures, and standards necessary for proper review and approval |
29 | of land development projects to ensure consistency with this chapter and the Rhode Island zoning |
30 | enabling act. |
31 | (i) Minor land development project. A land development project involving any one of |
32 | the following categories which has not otherwise been specifically designated by local ordinance |
33 | as development plan review: |
34 | (A) Seven thousand five hundred (7,500) gross square feet of floor area of new commercial, |
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1 | manufacturing, or industrial development, or less; or |
2 | (B) An expansion of up to fifty percent (50%) of existing floor area or up to ten thousand |
3 | (10,000) square feet for commercial, manufacturing, or industrial structures; or |
4 | (C) Mixed-use development consisting of up to six (6) dwelling units and two thousand |
5 | five hundred (2,500) gross square feet of commercial space or less; or |
6 | (D) Multi-family residential or residential condominium development of nine (9) units or |
7 | less; or |
8 | (E) Change in use at the property where no extensive construction of improvements is |
9 | sought; or |
10 | (F) An adaptive reuse project of up to twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet of gross |
11 | floor area located in a commercial zone where no extensive exterior construction of improvements |
12 | is sought; or |
13 | (G) An adaptive reuse project located in a residential zone that results in less than nine (9) |
14 | residential units; |
15 | A community can increase but not decrease the thresholds for minor land development set |
16 | forth above if specifically set forth in the local ordinance and/or regulations. The process by which |
17 | minor land development projects are reviewed by the local planning board, commission, technical |
18 | review committee, and/or administrative officer is set forth in § 45-23-38. |
19 | (ii) Major land development project. A land development project that exceeds the |
20 | thresholds for a minor land development project as set forth in this section and local ordinance or |
21 | regulation. The process by which major land development projects are reviewed by the local |
22 | planning board, commission, technical review committee, or administrative officer is set forth in § |
23 | 45-23-39. |
24 | (20) Local regulations. The land development and subdivision review regulations adopted |
25 | under the provisions of this act. For purposes of clarification, throughout this act, where reference |
26 | is made to local regulations, it is to be understood as the land development and subdivision review |
27 | regulations and all related ordinances and rules properly adopted pursuant to this chapter. |
28 | (21) Maintenance guarantee. Any security instrument that may be required and accepted |
29 | by a municipality to ensure that necessary improvements will function as required for a specific |
30 | period of time. See improvement guarantee. |
31 | (22) Master plan. An overall plan for a proposed project site outlining general, rather than |
32 | detailed, development intentions. It describes the basic parameters of a major development |
33 | proposal, rather than giving full engineering details. Required in major land development or major |
34 | subdivision review only. It is the first formal review step of the major land development or major |
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1 | subdivision process and the step in the process in which the public hearing is held. See § 45-23-39. |
2 | (23) Modification of requirements. See § 45-23-62. |
3 | (24) Parcel. A lot, or contiguous group of lots in single ownership or under single control, |
4 | and usually considered a unit for purposes of development. Also referred to as a tract. |
5 | (25) Parking area or lot. All that portion of a development that is used by vehicles, the |
6 | total area used for vehicular access, circulation, parking, loading, and unloading. |
7 | (26) Permitting authority. The local agency of government, meaning any board, |
8 | commission, or administrative officer specifically empowered by state enabling law and local |
9 | regulation or ordinance to hear and decide on specific matters pertaining to local land use. |
10 | (27) Phased development. Development, usually for large-scale projects, where |
11 | construction of public and/or private improvements proceeds by sections subsequent to approval |
12 | of a master plan for the entire site. See § 45-23-48. |
13 | (28) Physical constraints to development. Characteristics of a site or area, either natural |
14 | or man-made, which present significant difficulties to construction of the uses permitted on that |
15 | site, or would require extraordinary construction methods. See also environmental constraints. |
16 | (29) Planning board. The official planning agency of a municipality, whether designated |
17 | as the plan commission, planning commission, plan board, or as otherwise known. |
18 | (30) Plat. A drawing or drawings of a land development or subdivision plan showing the |
19 | location, boundaries, and lot lines of individual properties, as well as other necessary information |
20 | as specified in the local regulations. |
21 | (31) Pre-application conference. An initial meeting between developers and municipal |
22 | representatives that affords developers the opportunity to present their proposals informally and to |
23 | receive comments and directions from the municipal officials and others. See § 45-23-35. |
24 | (32) Preliminary plan. A required stage of land development and subdivision review that |
25 | generally requires detailed engineered drawings. See § 45-23-39. |
26 | (33) Public hearing. A hearing before the planning board that is duly noticed in accordance |
27 | with § 45-23-42 and that allows public comment. A public hearing is not required for an application |
28 | or stage of approval unless otherwise stated in this chapter. |
29 | (34) Public improvement. Any street or other roadway, sidewalk, pedestrian way, tree, |
30 | lawn, off-street parking area, drainage feature, or other facility for which the local government or |
31 | other governmental entity either is presently responsible, or will ultimately assume the |
32 | responsibility for maintenance and operation upon municipal acceptance. |
33 | (35) Slope of land. The grade, pitch, rise, or incline of the topographic landform or surface |
34 | of the ground. |
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1 | (36) Storm water detention. A provision for storage of storm water runoff and the |
2 | controlled release of the runoff during and after a flood or storm. |
3 | (37) Storm water retention. A provision for storage of storm water runoff. |
4 | (38) Street. A public or private thoroughfare used, or intended to be used, for passage or |
5 | travel by motor vehicles. Streets are further classified by the functions they perform. See street |
6 | classification. |
7 | (39) Street, access to. An adequate and permanent way of entering a lot. All lots of record |
8 | shall have access to a public street for all vehicles normally associated with the uses permitted for |
9 | that lot. |
10 | (40) Street, alley. A public or private thoroughfare primarily designed to serve as |
11 | secondary access to the side or rear of those properties whose principal frontage is on some other |
12 | street. |
13 | (41) Street, cul-de-sac. A local street with only one outlet and having an appropriate |
14 | vehicular turnaround, either temporary or permanent, at the closed end. |
15 | (42) Street, limited access highway. A freeway or expressway providing for through |
16 | traffic. Owners or occupants of abutting property on lands and other persons have no legal right to |
17 | access, except at the points and in the manner as may be determined by the public authority having |
18 | jurisdiction over the highway. |
19 | (43) Street, private. A thoroughfare established as a separate tract for the benefit of |
20 | multiple, adjacent properties and meeting specific, municipal improvement standards. This |
21 | definition does not apply to driveways. |
22 | (44) Street, public. All public property reserved or dedicated for street traffic. |
23 | (45) Street, stub. A portion of a street reserved to provide access to future development, |
24 | which may provide for utility connections. |
25 | (46) Street classification. A method of roadway organization that identifies a street |
26 | hierarchy according to function within a road system, that is, types of vehicles served and |
27 | anticipated volumes, for the purposes of promoting safety, efficient land use, and the design |
28 | character of neighborhoods and districts. Local classifications use the following as major |
29 | categories: |
30 | (i) Arterial. A major street that serves as an avenue for the circulation of traffic into, out |
31 | of, or around the municipality and carries high volumes of traffic. |
32 | (ii) Collector. A street whose principal function is to carry traffic between local streets and |
33 | arterial streets but that may also provide direct access to abutting properties. |
34 | (iii) Local. Streets whose primary function is to provide access to abutting properties. |
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1 | (47) Subdivider. Any person who: (i) Having an interest in land, causes it, directly or |
2 | indirectly, to be divided into a subdivision; or who (ii) Directly or indirectly sells, leases, or |
3 | develops, or offers to sell, lease, or develop, or advertises to sell, lease, or develop, any interest, |
4 | lot, parcel, site, unit, or plat in a subdivision; or who (iii) Engages directly or through an agent in |
5 | the business of selling, leasing, developing, or offering for sale, lease, or development a subdivision |
6 | or any interest, lot, parcel, site, unit, or plat in a subdivision. |
7 | (48) Subdivision. The division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two or more lots, tracts, |
8 | or parcels or any adjustment to existing lot lines is considered a subdivision. |
9 | (i) Administrative subdivision. Subdivision of existing lots that yields no additional lots |
10 | for development, and involves no creation or extension of streets. This subdivision only involves |
11 | division, mergers, mergers and division, or adjustments of boundaries of existing lots. The process |
12 | by which an administrative officer or municipal planning board or commission reviews any |
13 | subdivision qualifying for this review is set forth in § 45-23-37. |
14 | (ii) Minor subdivision. A subdivision creating nine (9) or fewer buildable lots. The process |
15 | by which a municipal planning board, commission, technical review committee, and/or |
16 | administrative officer reviews a minor subdivision is set forth in § 45-23-38. Minor subdivisions |
17 | shall include oversized lot subdivisions. |
18 | Oversized lot subdivisions. Subdivisions of existing lots, including lots which were legally |
19 | merged or replatted, which result in the creation of a vacant lot or lots for residential use which are |
20 | equal to or greater in lot area than the area of fifty percent (50%) of the residential lots within two |
21 | hundred feet (200′) of the subject lot, as confirmed by a surveyor or certified planner based on city |
22 | or town records including geographic information system and/or tax assessor data. Lots, qualifying |
23 | for this type of subdivision shall be allowed to subdivide even if the resulting lot or lots fail to meet |
24 | minimum lot size requirements of the district in which such lot is located. Such subdivisions shall |
25 | have the benefit of reduced requirements as set forth in § 45-24-38, and/or are eligible for the |
26 | processes set forth in § 45-24-46. |
27 | (iii) Major subdivision. A subdivision creating ten (10) or more buildable lots. The |
28 | process by which a municipal planning board or commission reviews any subdivision qualifying |
29 | for this review under § 45-23-39. |
30 | (49) Technical review committee. A committee or committees appointed by the |
31 | municipality for the purpose of reviewing, commenting, approving, and/or making |
32 | recommendations to the planning board or administrative officer, as set forth in this chapter. |
33 | (50) Temporary improvement. Improvements built and maintained by a developer during |
34 | construction of a development project and prior to release of the improvement guarantee, but not |
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1 | intended to be permanent. |
2 | (51) Vested rights. The right to initiate or continue the development of an approved project |
3 | for a specified period of time, under the regulations that were in effect at the time of approval, even |
4 | if, after the approval, the regulations change prior to the completion of the project. |
5 | (52) Waiver of requirements. See § 45-23-62. |
6 | SECTION 2. Sections 45-24-38 and 45-24-46 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-24 |
7 | entitled "Zoning Ordinances" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
8 | 45-24-38. General provisions — Substandard lots of record. |
9 | (a) Any city or town adopting or amending a zoning ordinance under this chapter shall |
10 | regulate the development of any single substandard lot of record or contiguous lots of record at the |
11 | effective date of adoption or amendment of the zoning ordinance. |
12 | (b) Notwithstanding the failure of that lot or those lots to meet the dimensional and/or |
13 | quantitative requirements, and/or road frontage or other access requirements, applicable in the |
14 | district as stated in the ordinance, a substandard lot of record shall not be required to seek any |
15 | zoning relief based solely on the failure to meet minimum lot size requirements of the district in |
16 | which such lot is located. For any structure proposed under this section on a substandard lot of |
17 | record, the following dimensional regulations shall apply: |
18 | (1) Minimum building setbacks, lot frontage, and lot width requirements for a lot that is |
19 | nonconforming in area shall be reduced by applying the building setback, lot frontage, and lot width |
20 | requirements from another zoning district in the municipality in which the subject lot would be |
21 | conforming as to lot area. If the subject lot is not conforming as to lot area in any zoning district in |
22 | the municipality, the setbacks, lot frontage, and lot width shall be reduced by the same proportion |
23 | that the area of such substandard lot meets the minimum lot area of the district in which the lot is |
24 | located. By way of example, if the lot area of a substandard lot only meets forty percent (40%) of |
25 | the minimum lot area required in the district in which it is located, the setbacks, lot frontage, and |
26 | lot width shall each be reduced to forty percent (40%) of the requirements for those dimensional |
27 | standards in the same district. |
28 | (2) Maximum lot building coverage for lots that are nonconforming in area shall be |
29 | increased by the inverse proportion that the area of such substandard lot meets the minimum area |
30 | requirements in the district in which the lot is located. By way of example, if the lot area of a |
31 | substandard lot only meets forty percent (40%) of the required minimum lot area, the maximum lot |
32 | building coverage is allowed to increase by sixty percent (60%) over the maximum permitted lot |
33 | building coverage in that district. |
34 | All proposals exceeding such reduced requirement shall proceed with a modification |
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1 | request under § 45-24-46 or a dimensional variance request under § 45-24-41, whichever is |
2 | applicable. |
3 | (c) Provisions Except as set forth in this chapter and in chapter 23 of title 45, provisions |
4 | may be made for the merger of contiguous unimproved, or improved and unimproved, substandard |
5 | lots of record in the same ownership to create dimensionally conforming lots or to reduce the extent |
6 | of dimensional nonconformance. The ordinance shall specify the standards, on a district by district |
7 | basis, which determine the mergers. The standards shall include, but are not to be limited to, the |
8 | availability of infrastructure, the character of the neighborhood, and the consistency with the |
9 | comprehensive plan. The merger of lots shall not be required when the substandard lot of record |
10 | has an area equal to or greater than the area of fifty percent (50%) of the lots within two hundred |
11 | feet (200′) of the subject lot, as confirmed by the zoning enforcement officer. |
12 | 45-24-46. Special provisions — Modification. |
13 | (a) A zoning ordinance shall provide for the issuance of modifications from the literal |
14 | dimensional requirements of the zoning ordinance in the instance of the construction, alteration, or |
15 | structural modification of a structure or lot of record. The zoning enforcement officer is authorized |
16 | to grant modification permits. The zoning ordinance shall permit modifications that are fifteen |
17 | percent (15%) or less of the dimensional requirements specified in the zoning ordinance but may |
18 | permit modification up to twenty-five percent (25%). A modification does not permit moving of |
19 | lot lines. Within ten (10) days of the receipt of a request for a modification, the zoning enforcement |
20 | officer shall make a decision as to the suitability of the requested modification based on the |
21 | following determinations: |
22 | (1) The modification requested is reasonably necessary for the full enjoyment of the |
23 | permitted use; |
24 | (2) If the modification is granted, neighboring property will neither be substantially injured |
25 | nor its appropriate use substantially impaired; |
26 | (3) The modification requested does not require a variance of a flood hazard requirement, |
27 | unless the building is built in accordance with applicable regulations; and |
28 | (4) The modification requested does not violate any rules or regulations with respect to |
29 | freshwater or coastal wetlands. |
30 | (b) Upon an affirmative determination, in the case of a modification of five percent (5%) |
31 | or less, the zoning enforcement officer shall have the authority to issue a permit approving the |
32 | modification, without any public notice requirements. In the case of a modification of greater than |
33 | five percent (5%), the zoning enforcement officer shall notify, by first class mail, all property |
34 | owners abutting the property which is the subject of the modification request, and shall indicate the |
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1 | street address of the subject property in the notice, and shall publish in a newspaper of local |
2 | circulation within the city or town that the modification will be granted unless written objection is |
3 | received within fourteen (14) days of the public notice. If written objection is received within |
4 | fourteen (14) days, the request for a modification shall be scheduled for the next available hearing |
5 | before the zoning board of review on application for a dimensional variance following the standard |
6 | procedures for such variances, including notice requirements provided for under this chapter. If no |
7 | written objections are received within fourteen (14) days, the zoning enforcement officer shall grant |
8 | the modification. The zoning enforcement officer may apply any special conditions to the permit |
9 | as may, in the opinion of the officer, be required to conform to the intent and purposes of the zoning |
10 | ordinance. The zoning enforcement officer shall keep public records of all requests for |
11 | modifications, and of findings, determinations, special conditions, and any objections received. |
12 | Costs of any notice required under this subsection shall be borne by the applicant requesting the |
13 | modification. |
14 | (c) Neighborhood character-based modifications (“NCBM”). The zoning enforcement |
15 | officer is authorized to grant NCBM on any parcel with a water and sewer connection, and for |
16 | purposes of residential use, from the literal dimensional requirements of the zoning ordinance in |
17 | the instance of the construction, alteration, creation or structural modification of a dwelling unit, |
18 | provided that: |
19 | (1) Such modifications shall only be granted for dimensional relief from setbacks, height, |
20 | frontage, lot coverage, lot size, lot width, and lot depth, up to the median dimensions of the |
21 | comparable existing built environment. |
22 | (2) The median dimensions of the comparable existing built environment shall be |
23 | calculated as follows: |
24 | (i) Comparable existing parcels shall mean all parcels that are: |
25 | (A) Within two hundred feet (200’) of the subject property; and |
26 | (B) In the same base zone; and |
27 | (C) Used for residential purposes. |
28 | (ii) The median dimensions shall be confirmed by a surveyor or certified planner based on |
29 | city or town records including geographic information system and/or tax assessor data. |
30 | (iii) The median dimensions are to be determined without any additional review of zoning |
31 | or building code analysis of the legality of the existing dimensions of the comparable existing |
32 | parcels. |
33 | (3) Within ten (10) days of the receipt of a request for NCBM, the zoning enforcement |
34 | officer shall make a decision as to the suitability of the requested modification based on the |
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1 | following determinations: |
2 | (i) The modification requested does not require a variance of a flood hazard requirement, |
3 | unless the building is built in accordance with applicable regulations; and |
4 | (ii) The modification requested does not violate any rules or regulations with respect to |
5 | freshwater or coastal wetlands; and |
6 | (iii) The NCBM does not violate any provisions regarding separation included in the state |
7 | building or fire code. |
8 | (4) Upon an affirmative determination, in the case of an infill modification of equal to or |
9 | less than thirty percent (30%) of the requirements of the zoning district, the zoning enforcement |
10 | officer shall have the authority to issue a permit approving the infill modification, without any |
11 | public notice requirements. In the case of a modification of greater than thirty percent (30%), the |
12 | zoning enforcement officer shall notify, by first class mail, all property owners abutting the |
13 | property which is the subject of the infill modification request, and shall indicate the street address |
14 | of the subject property in the notice, and shall publish in a newspaper of local circulation within |
15 | the city or town that the modification will be granted unless written objection is received within |
16 | fourteen (14) days of the public notice. If written objection is received from any party entitled to |
17 | notice under this section within fourteen (14) days, the request for a modification shall be scheduled |
18 | for the next available hearing before the zoning board of review on application for a dimensional |
19 | variance following the standard procedures for such variances, including notice requirements |
20 | provided for under this chapter. If no written objections are received within fourteen (14) days, the |
21 | zoning enforcement officer shall grant the modification. The zoning enforcement officer may apply |
22 | any special conditions to the permit as may, in the opinion of the officer, be required to conform to |
23 | the intent and purposes of the zoning ordinance. The zoning enforcement officer shall keep public |
24 | records of all requests for modifications, and of findings, determinations, special conditions, and |
25 | any objections received. Costs of any notice required under this subsection shall be borne by the |
26 | applicant requesting the modification. |
27 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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1 | This act would provide that, relative to subdivision of land, minor subdivisions would |
2 | include oversized lot subdivisions under certain circumstances and would also, relative to zoning |
3 | ordinances, permit a modification to allow "neighborhood character-based modifications" under |
4 | certain circumstances. |
5 | This act would take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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