2025 -- H 5786 | |
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LC001909 | |
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Introduced By: Representative Arthur J. Corvese | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 44-18-0 of the General Laws in Chapter 44-18 entitled "Sales and |
2 | Use Taxes — Liability and Computation" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 44-18-30B. Exemption from sales tax for sales by writers, composers, artists — |
4 | Findings. |
5 | (a) The general assembly makes the following findings of facts: |
6 | (1) The arts and culture are a significant asset for Rhode Island, one that generates revenue |
7 | through increased tourism and economic activity; creates jobs and economic opportunities; |
8 | revitalizes communities adding to quality of life and property values; and fosters creativity, |
9 | innovation, and entrepreneurship. |
10 | (2) Since 1998, the establishment of arts districts, where “one-of-a-kind, limited- |
11 | production” works of art may be sold exempt from state sales tax, has resulted in an increased |
12 | presence for the arts in designated cities and towns, with benefits to those communities and to the |
13 | state. |
14 | (3) Since the establishment of arts districts, many communities have sought legislation to |
15 | expand the program to their city or town. |
16 | (4) There is value in expanding the arts district program statewide, providing incentives for |
17 | the sale and purchase of art. This is a unique opportunity for Rhode Island to shape history, and |
18 | gain an advantage over other states, by becoming the first-and-only state in the country to declare |
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1 | a statewide sales tax exemption on art. This will strengthen Rhode Island’s identity as an arts- |
2 | friendly destination and “State of the Arts.” |
3 | (b)(1) This section only applies to sales by writers, composers, and artists residing in and |
4 | conducting a business within the state of Rhode Island. For the purposes of this section, a “work” |
5 | means an original and creative work, whether written, composed, or executed for “one-of-a-kind, |
6 | limited production” that falls into one of the following categories: |
7 | (i) A book or other writing; |
8 | (ii) A play or the performance of said play; |
9 | (iii) A musical composition or the performance of said composition; |
10 | (iv) A painting, print, photograph, or other like picture; |
11 | (v) A sculpture; |
12 | (vi) Traditional and fine crafts; |
13 | (vii) The creation of a film or the acting within the film; or |
14 | (viii) The creation of a dance or the performance of the dance. |
15 | (2) For the purposes of this section, a “work” includes any product generated as a result of |
16 | any of the above categories. |
17 | (3) For the purposes of this section, a “work” does not apply to any piece or performance |
18 | created or executed for industry-oriented, commercial, or related production. |
19 | (4) For the purposes of this section, a “book or other writing” means a one-of-a-kind limited |
20 | production, up to the sale of one thousand five hundred (1,500) copies, regardless of the methods |
21 | by which it is published or sold; provided, however, that any third-party electronic sales, and sales |
22 | from bookstores, gift shops and other retail outlets, shall not be exempt from the sales tax. |
23 | (c)(1) This section applies to sales by any individual: |
24 | (i) Who is a resident of, and has a principal place of business situated in, the state of Rhode |
25 | Island. |
26 | (ii) Who is determined by the tax administrator in consultation with the Rhode Island |
27 | council on the arts, after consideration of any evidence he or she deems necessary or that is |
28 | submitted to him or her by the individual, to have written, composed, or executed, either solely or |
29 | jointly, a work or works that would fall into one of the categories listed in subsection (b)(1). |
30 | (2) This section also applies to sales by any other gallery located in the state of Rhode |
31 | Island. |
32 | (3) The tax administrator shall not make a determination unless: |
33 | (i) The individual(s) concerned duly make(s) an application to the tax administrator for the |
34 | sales tax exemption that applies to the works defined in this section; and |
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1 | (ii) The individual has complied and continues to comply with any and all requests made |
2 | by the tax administrator. |
3 | (d) Any individual to whom this section applies, and who makes an application to the tax |
4 | administrator, is entitled to a sales tax exemption for the sale of a work or works sold from the |
5 | individual’s business located in the State of Rhode Island that would, apart from this section, be |
6 | subject to the tax rate imposed by the state of Rhode Island. |
7 | (e) When an individual makes a request for the exemption, the tax administrator is entitled |
8 | to all books, documents, or other evidence relating to the publication, production, or creation of the |
9 | works that may be deemed necessary by the tax administrator for the purposes of the exemption. |
10 | The time period in which to provide this information is in the sole discretion of the tax administrator |
11 | and specified in the notice. |
12 | (f) In addition to the information required in subsection (e), the tax administrator may |
13 | require the individual(s) to submit an annual, certified accounting of the numbers of works sold; |
14 | the type of work sold; and the date of the sale. Failure to file this report may, in the sole discretion |
15 | of the tax administrator, terminate the individual’s eligibility for the exemption. |
16 | (g) Any person storing, using, or otherwise consuming in this state any work or works |
17 | deemed to be exempt from the sales tax pursuant to this section is not liable for the use tax on the |
18 | work or works. |
19 | (h) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, any individual to whom this section may |
20 | apply shall comply with all the administration, collection, and other provisions of chapters 18 and |
21 | 19 of this title. |
22 | (4) The Rhode Island council on the arts will oversee the transition to a statewide arts |
23 | district program and work with the state tourism agencies; local chambers of commerce; and |
24 | advertising/marketing agencies to promote this program, and will coordinate its efforts with the |
25 | city and town governments. The Rhode Island council on the arts may request, and shall receive, |
26 | from any department, division, board, bureau, commission, or agency of the state any data, |
27 | assistance, and resources, including additional personnel, that will enable it to properly carry out |
28 | this program. |
29 | (5) The tax administrator, in cooperation with the Rhode Island council on the arts, will |
30 | gather data to assess the overall impact of the statewide arts district program, and issue an annual |
31 | report, including, but not be limited to, the impact of the tax exemption on employment, tourism, |
32 | sales, and spending within the arts sector and adjacent businesses, and any other factors that |
33 | describe the impact of the program. |
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1 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would expand the definition of “book or other writing” to sales up to one thousand |
2 | five hundred (1,500) copies and deny the sales tax exemption for third-party sales. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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