2025 -- H 5777 | |
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LC001044 | |
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A N A C T | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Quattrocchi, Place, Roberts, Nardone, Hopkins, | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 24-12-9 of the General Laws in Chapter 24-12 entitled "Rhode Island |
2 | Turnpike and Bridge Authority" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 24-12-9. Powers of authority. |
4 | (a) The authority is hereby authorized and empowered: |
5 | (1) To adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business; |
6 | (2) To adopt an official seal and alter it at pleasure; |
7 | (3) To maintain an office at such place or places within the state as it may designate; |
8 | (4) To sue and be sued in its own name, plead, and be impleaded; provided, however, that |
9 | any and all actions at law or in equity against the authority shall be brought only in the county in |
10 | which the principal office of the authority shall be located; |
11 | (5) To determine, subject to the approval of the director of transportation, the location and |
12 | the design standards of the Newport Bridge, the turnpike, and any additional new facility to be |
13 | constructed; |
14 | (6) To issue bonds of the authority for any of its purposes and to refund its bonds, all as |
15 | provided in this chapter; |
16 | (7) To combine for financing purposes the Newport Bridge, the Mount Hope Bridge, the |
17 | Sakonnet River Bridge, the Jamestown Verrazzano Bridge, the turnpike, and any additional facility |
18 | or facilities, or any two (2) or more of such projects; |
19 | (8) To borrow money in anticipation of the issuance of bonds for any of its purposes and |
| |
1 | to issue notes, certificates, or other evidences of borrowing in form as may be authorized by |
2 | resolution of the authority, the notes, certificates, or other evidence of borrowing to be payable in |
3 | the first instance from the proceeds of any bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter and to |
4 | contain on their face a statement to the effect that neither the state, the authority, nor any |
5 | municipality or other political subdivision of the state shall be obligated to pay the same or the |
6 | interest thereon except from the proceeds of bonds in anticipation of the issuance of which the |
7 | notes, certificates, or other evidences of borrowing shall have been issued, or from revenues; |
8 | (9) To fix and revise, from time to time, subject to the provisions of this chapter, and to |
9 | charge and collect tolls for transit over the turnpike and the several parts or sections thereof, and |
10 | for the use of the Newport Bridge, the Mount Hope Bridge, the Sakonnet River Bridge, the |
11 | Jamestown Verrazzano Bridge, and any additional facility acquired, financed, or leased under the |
12 | provisions of this chapter; |
13 | (10) To acquire, hold, and dispose of real and personal property in the exercise of its powers |
14 | and the performance of its duties; |
15 | (11) To acquire in the name of the authority, by purchase or otherwise, on such terms and |
16 | conditions and in such manner as it may deem proper, or by the exercise of the rights of |
17 | condemnation in the manner as provided by this chapter, public or private lands, including public |
18 | parks, playgrounds, or reservations, or parts thereof or rights therein, rights-of-way, property, |
19 | rights, easements, and interests as it may deem necessary for carrying out the provisions of this |
20 | chapter; provided, however, that all public property damaged in carrying out the powers granted by |
21 | this chapter shall be restored or repaired and placed in its original condition as nearly as practicable; |
22 | (12) To designate the locations, with the approval of the director of transportation, and |
23 | establish, limit, and control the points of ingress to and egress from the turnpike and any additional |
24 | facility as may be necessary or desirable in the judgment of the authority to ensure the proper |
25 | operation and maintenance thereof, and to prohibit entrance to and exit from any point or points |
26 | not so designated; |
27 | (13) To employ, in its discretion, consulting engineers, attorneys, accountants, construction |
28 | and financial experts, superintendents, managers, and such other employees and agents as may be |
29 | necessary in its judgment, and to fix their compensation; |
30 | (14) To apply for, receive, and accept from any federal agency aid and/or grants for or in |
31 | aid of the repair, maintenance, and/or construction of the turnpike, the Newport Bridge, the |
32 | Sakonnet River Bridge, the Mount Hope Bridge, the Jamestown Verrazzano Bridge, or any |
33 | additional facility, and to receive and accept from the state, from any municipality, or other political |
34 | subdivision thereof and from any other source aid or contributions of either money, property, labor, |
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1 | or other things of value, to be held, used and applied only for the purposes for which the grants and |
2 | contributions may be made; |
3 | (15) To construct grade separations at intersections of the turnpike, the approaches, and |
4 | highway connections of the Newport Bridge, the Sakonnet River Bridge, the Mount Hope Bridge, |
5 | the Jamestown Verrazzano Bridge, and any additional facility with public highways, streets, or |
6 | other public ways or places, and to change and adjust the lines and grades thereof so as to |
7 | accommodate the same to the design of the grade separation; the cost of the grade separations and |
8 | any damage incurred in changing and adjusting the lines and grades of the highways, streets, ways, |
9 | and places shall be ascertained and paid by the authority as a part of the cost of the project; |
10 | (16) To vacate or change the location of any portion of any public highway, street, or other |
11 | public way or place, sewer, pipe, main, conduit, cable, wire, tower, pole, and other equipment and |
12 | appliance of the state or of any municipality or other political subdivision of the state and to |
13 | reconstruct the same at such new location as the authority shall deem most favorable for the project |
14 | and of substantially the same type and in as good condition as the original highway, street, way, |
15 | place, sewer, pipe, main, conduit, cable, wire, tower, pole, equipment, or appliance, and the cost of |
16 | the reconstruction and any damage incurred in vacating or changing the location thereof shall be |
17 | ascertained and paid by the authority as a part of the cost of the project; any public highway, street, |
18 | or other public way or place vacated or relocated by the authority shall be vacated or relocated in |
19 | the manner provided by law for the vacation or relocation of public roads, and any damages |
20 | awarded on account thereof shall be paid by the authority as a part of the cost of the project; |
21 | (17) The authority shall also have the power to make reasonable regulations, subject to the |
22 | approval of the public utility administrator, for the installation, construction, maintenance, repair, |
23 | renewal, relocation and removal of tracks, pipes, mains, conduits, cables, wires, towers, poles, and |
24 | other equipment and appliances (herein called “public utility facilities”) of any public utility as |
25 | defined in § 39-1-2, in, on, along, over, or under any project. Whenever the authority shall |
26 | determine that it is necessary that any public facilities that now are, or hereafter may be, located in, |
27 | on, along, over, or under any project should be relocated in the project, or should be removed from |
28 | the project, the public utility owning or operating the facilities shall relocate or remove the facilities |
29 | in accordance with the order of the authority; provided, however, that the cost and expenses of the |
30 | relocation or removal, including the cost of installing the facilities in a new location, or new |
31 | locations, and the cost of any lands, or any rights or interests in lands, and any other rights acquired |
32 | to accomplish the relocation or removal, less the cost of any lands or any rights or interests in lands |
33 | or any other rights of the public utility paid to the public utility in connection with the relocation |
34 | or removal of the property, shall be ascertained and paid by the authority as a part of the cost of the |
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1 | project. In case of any relocation or removal of facilities, the public utility owning or operating the |
2 | facilities, its successors or assigns, may maintain and operate the facilities, with the necessary |
3 | appurtenances, in the new location or new locations, for as long a period, and upon the same terms |
4 | and conditions, as it had the right to maintain and operate the facilities in their former location or |
5 | locations; |
6 | (18) To make reasonable regulations and to grant easements for the installation, |
7 | construction, maintenance, repair, renewal, relocation, and removal of pipelines, other equipment, |
8 | and appliances of any corporation or person owning or operating pipelines in, on, along, over, or |
9 | under the turnpike, whenever the authority shall determine that it is necessary that any facilities |
10 | which now are, or hereafter may be located in, on, along, over or under the turnpike should be |
11 | relocated in the turnpike, or should be removed from the turnpike, the corporation or person owning |
12 | or operating the facilities shall relocate or remove the facilities in accordance with the order of the |
13 | authority; provided, however, that the cost and expense of the relocation or removal, including the |
14 | cost of installing the facilities in a new location, or new locations, and the cost of any lands, or any |
15 | rights or interests in lands, and any other rights acquired to accomplish the relocation or removal, |
16 | less the cost of any lands or any rights or interests in lands or any other rights of any corporation |
17 | or person paid to any corporation or person in connection with the relocation or removal of the |
18 | property, shall be ascertained and paid by the authority as a part of the cost of the project. In case |
19 | of any relocation or removal of facilities, the corporation or person owning or operating the |
20 | facilities, its successors or assigns, may maintain and operate the facilities, with the necessary |
21 | appurtenances, in the new location or new locations, for as long a period, and upon the same terms |
22 | and conditions, as it had the right to maintain and operate the facilities in their former location or |
23 | locations; |
24 | (19) To enter upon any lands, waters, and premises for the purpose of making such surveys, |
25 | soundings, borings, and examinations as the authority may deem necessary or convenient for its |
26 | purposes, and the entry shall not be deemed a trespass, nor shall an entry for such purposes be |
27 | deemed an entry under any condemnation proceedings; provided, however, the authority shall pay |
28 | any actual damage resulting to the lands, water, and premises as a result of the entry and activities |
29 | as a part of the cost of the project; |
30 | (20) To enter into contracts or agreements with any board, commission, public |
31 | instrumentality of another state or the federal government or with any political subdivision of |
32 | another state relating to the connection or connections to be established between the turnpike or |
33 | any additional facility with any public highway or turnpike now in existence or hereafter to be |
34 | constructed in another state, and with respect to the construction, maintenance, and operation of |
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1 | interstate turnpikes or expressways; |
2 | (21) To enter into contracts with the department of transportation with respect to the |
3 | construction, reconstruction, renovation, acquisition, maintenance, repair, operation, or |
4 | management of any project and with the Rhode Island state police with respect to the policing of |
5 | any project; |
6 | (22) To make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the |
7 | performance of its duties and the execution of its powers under this chapter; and |
8 | (23) To do all other acts and things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers |
9 | expressly granted in this chapter. |
10 | (24) To grant and/or contract, through the transfer of funds of the authority to the |
11 | department of transportation, for the construction, reconstruction, acquisition, maintenance, repair, |
12 | operation, or management by the department of transportation of any project or projects authorized |
13 | by this chapter, and the department of transportation is authorized to accept any such grant or |
14 | transfer of funds. |
15 | (b) Provided, the authority, in carrying out the provisions of this section, shall hold public |
16 | hearings prior to the finalization of any specifications or the awarding of any contracts for any |
17 | project. Provided, further, that any revenue generated by facilities under the control of the authority |
18 | shall only be used for the purposes of the authority. |
19 | (c) The authority is authorized to enter into contracts with the state, or any department of |
20 | the state, to operate and/or manage toll facilities on state roads or bridges not owned, leased by, or |
21 | under the control of the authority, and to collect tolls from such facilities on behalf of the |
22 | department of transportation, provided such tolls shall be set by the state acting through the |
23 | department of transportation pursuant to chapter 13.1 of title 42. |
24 | SECTION 2. Section 42-13-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-13 entitled "Department |
25 | of Transportation" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
26 | 42-13-2. Organization and functions of the department. |
27 | (a) The department shall be organized in accordance with a project management-based |
28 | program and shall utilize an asset management system. |
29 | (1) A project management-based program manages the delivery of the department’s |
30 | portfolio of transportation improvement projects from project conception to the project completion. |
31 | Project management activities include: |
32 | (i) Managing and reporting on the delivery status of portfolio projects; |
33 | (ii) Developing overall workload and budget for the portfolio; |
34 | (iii) Developing and implementing the tools to estimate the resources necessary to deliver |
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1 | the projects; and |
2 | (iv) Developing and implementing processes and tools to improve the management of the |
3 | projects. |
4 | (2) Asset management is the process used for managing transportation infrastructure by |
5 | improving decision making for resource allocation. Asset management activities include a systemic |
6 | process based on economic, engineering, and business principles which includes the following |
7 | functions: |
8 | (i) Completing a comprehensive inventory of system assets; |
9 | (ii) Monitoring system performance; and |
10 | (iii) Performing analysis utilizing accurate data for managing various assets within the |
11 | transportation network. |
12 | (b) The director of transportation shall appoint a chief operating officer to oversee the day- |
13 | to-day operations of the department. |
14 | (c) The department shall be organized into such divisions as are described in this section |
15 | and such other divisions, subdivisions, and agencies as the director shall find are necessary to carry |
16 | out the responsibilities of the department, including: division of finance; division of planning; |
17 | division of project management; division of operations and maintenance; office of civil rights; |
18 | office of safety; office of external affairs; office of legal; office of personnel; office of information |
19 | services. |
20 | (d) The director may assign such other responsibilities as he or she shall find appropriate |
21 | and may reassign functions other than as set out in this section if he or she finds the reassignment |
22 | necessary to the proper and efficient functioning of the department or of the state’s transportation |
23 | system. |
24 | (e) The department shall submit a report annually no later than March 31 to the speaker of |
25 | the house, the president of the senate, and the house and senate fiscal advisors concerning the status |
26 | of the ten-year (10) transportation plan. |
27 | (f) Any functions, duties, and staff relating to the Rhode Island department of |
28 | transportation’s external audit section shall be transferred to the Rhode Island department of |
29 | administration’s office of internal audit, or its successor, upon passage [Feb. 11, 2016]. |
30 | (1) The chief of the office of internal audit, or its successor, who shall be the administrative |
31 | head of the office of internal audit, or its successor, shall supervise, coordinate, and/or conduct |
32 | audits, civil and administrative investigations, and inspections or oversight reviews, when |
33 | necessary, relating to programs and operations listed in § 42-13-2. |
34 | (2) The office of internal audit’s (or its successor’s) authorization shall include, but not be |
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1 | limited to, evaluating the efficiency of operations and internal controls, preventing and detecting |
2 | fraud, waste, abuse or mismanagement in the expenditure of public funds, whether state, federal or |
3 | those revenues collected by the use of tolls and related to any and all transportation-related |
4 | programs and operations as well as the procurement of any supplies, services, or construction, by |
5 | the department of transportation or related institutions of the department of transportation. |
6 | Investigations may include the expenditures by nongovernmental agencies of federal, state, and |
7 | local public funds. As deemed necessary or expedient by the office of internal audit, or its |
8 | successor, audits may be made relative to the financial affairs or the economy and efficiency of |
9 | management of the department of transportation or related institutions. |
10 | SECTION 3. Chapter 42-13.1 of the General Laws entitled "The Rhode Island Bridge |
11 | Replacement, Reconstruction, and Maintenance Fund" is hereby repealed in its entirety. |
12 | CHAPTER 42-13.1 |
13 | The Rhode Island Bridge Replacement, Reconstruction, and Maintenance Fund |
14 | 42-13.1-1. Short title. |
15 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as “The Rhode Island Bridge Replacement, |
16 | Reconstruction, and Maintenance Fund Act of 2016.” |
17 | 42-13.1-2. Legislative findings. |
18 | The general assembly finds that: |
19 | (1) The state of Rhode Island, through the Rhode Island department of transportation (“the |
20 | department”), funds the reconstruction, replacement, and maintenance of all bridges in Rhode |
21 | Island, except the Newport Bridge, the Mount Hope Bridge, the Jamestown-Verrazano Bridge, and |
22 | the Sakonnet River Bridge. |
23 | (2) According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) 2015 National Bridge |
24 | Inventory (NBI) data, there are seven hundred sixty-four (764) bridges in Rhode Island greater than |
25 | twenty feet (20′) in length. Of these NBI bridges, one hundred seventy-seven (177) bridges, or |
26 | twenty-three percent (23%), are classified as structurally deficient. |
27 | (3) For the past several decades, Rhode Island has depended on three (3) primary sources |
28 | for funding all transportation infrastructure construction, maintenance, and operations: federal |
29 | funds, state bond funds, and motor fuel tax revenue. Of these sources, two (2), federal funds and |
30 | motor fuel tax revenue, are mutable. |
31 | (4) The 2008 governor’s blue ribbon panel on transportation funding, the 2011 senate |
32 | special commission on sustainable transportation funding, and the 2013 special legislative |
33 | commission to study the funding for East Bay bridges determined that there is insufficient revenue |
34 | available from all existing sources to fund the maintenance and improvement of Rhode Island |
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1 | transportation infrastructure. |
2 | (5) In 2011, the general assembly adopted a component of the recommended systemic |
3 | change to transportation funding by dedicating increased resources from the Rhode Island capital |
4 | plan fund and creating the Rhode Island highway maintenance account, to be funded by an increase |
5 | in license and registration fees, beginning in FY2014. |
6 | (6) In 2014, the general assembly adopted changes to the Rhode Island highway |
7 | maintenance account to provide additional state revenue for transportation infrastructure in future |
8 | years. |
9 | (7) Although the state is shifting from long-term borrowing to reliance upon annual |
10 | revenues to fund transportation infrastructure on a pay-as-you go basis, and although a recurring |
11 | state source of capital funds has been established, there is still a funding gap between the revenue |
12 | needed to maintain all bridges in structurally sound and good condition and the annual amounts |
13 | generated by current dedicated revenue sources. |
14 | (8) According to the U.S. General Accounting Office, just one, fully-loaded five-axle (5) |
15 | tractor trailer has the same impact on the interstate as nine thousand six hundred (9,600) |
16 | automobiles. The department estimates that tractor trailers cause in excess of seventy percent (70%) |
17 | of the damage to the state’s transportation infrastructure, including Rhode Island bridges, on an |
18 | annual basis. However, revenue contributions attributable to tractor trailers account for less than |
19 | twenty percent (20%) of the state’s total annual revenues to fund transportation infrastructure. |
20 | (9) The United States Congress, consistent with its power to regulate interstate commerce |
21 | and pursuant to 23 U.S.C. § 129, has authorized states to implement reconstruction or replacement |
22 | of a toll-free bridge and conversion of the bridge to a toll facility, provided that the state: |
23 | (i) Has in effect a law that permits tolling on a bridge prior to commencing any such |
24 | activity; and |
25 | (ii) Otherwise complies with the requirements of 23 U.S.C. § 129. |
26 | 42-13.1-3. Definitions. |
27 | As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings, |
28 | unless the context shall indicate another or different meaning: |
29 | (1) “Availability payment” means a payment by the department under a contract for a toll |
30 | facility or any other facility that is based on the availability of the facility at a specified performance |
31 | level and may include, without limitation, compensation for operations, maintenance, and financing |
32 | of the facility. |
33 | (2) “Department” means the department of transportation, or, if the department shall be |
34 | abolished, the board, body, or commission succeeding to the principal functions thereof or upon |
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1 | whom the powers given by chapter 5 of title 37 to the department shall be given by law. |
2 | (3) “Large commercial truck” shall be defined pursuant to the Federal Highway |
3 | Administration (FHWA) vehicle classification schedule as any vehicle within Class 8 - single |
4 | trailer, three (3) or four (4) axles, up to and including Class 13 - seven (7) or more axle multi-trailer |
5 | trucks, as such classifications may be revised from time to time by the FHWA. |
6 | (4) “Other vehicle” means any vehicle that has not been defined pursuant to this chapter as |
7 | a large commercial truck. |
8 | (5) “Passenger vehicle” shall be defined pursuant to the Federal Highway Administration |
9 | (FHWA) vehicle classification schedule as any vehicle within Class 1, 2, and 3 as such |
10 | classifications may be revised from time to time by the FHWA. |
11 | (6) “Radio frequency identification transponder” or “RFID” means a toll collection system |
12 | approved by the department that may consist of a toll tag placed inside the vehicle and an overhead |
13 | antenna that reads the toll tag and collects the toll. |
14 | (7) “Toll evader” means, for the purposes of this chapter, any registered owner of any large |
15 | commercial truck that passes through any electronic tolling location as authorized pursuant to § 42- |
16 | 13.1-4 and who does not pay the required toll and/or fees, fines, or penalties within the maximum |
17 | allowable period specified under § 42-13.1-11. |
18 | (8) “Toll facility” means equipment or capital improvements funded in whole or in part by |
19 | toll revenue, or required to effectuate toll collection. |
20 | (9) “Turnpike and bridge authority” means the Rhode Island turnpike and bridge authority |
21 | (RITBA), a public instrumentality of the state of Rhode Island, created by the general assembly |
22 | pursuant to chapter 12 of title 24. |
23 | 42-13.1-4. Authority to collect tolls on large commercial trucks only. |
24 | (a) The department is hereby authorized to fix, revise, charge, and collect tolls for the |
25 | privilege of traveling on Rhode Island bridges to provide for replacement, reconstruction, |
26 | maintenance, and operation of Rhode Island bridges. The tolls shall be fixed after conducting a |
27 | cost-benefit analysis and providing an opportunity for public comment. The tolls shall be collected |
28 | on large commercial trucks only and shall not be collected on any other vehicle; provided, however, |
29 | no vehicle shall be tolled other than a tractor or truck tractor as defined in 23 C.F.R. 658.5, pulling |
30 | a trailer or trailers. No act authorizing tolls on passenger vehicles pursuant to this chapter shall take |
31 | effect until it has been approved by the majority of those electors voting in a statewide referendum. |
32 | The secretary of state shall certify the results of the statewide referendum. Tolls on large |
33 | commercial trucks may be implemented utilizing all-electric toll collection methodologies on a |
34 | cash-less basis, or utilizing any other methodologies determined by the department. |
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1 | (b) Subject to § 42-13.1-14, the department will establish a program to limit the assessment |
2 | of the tolls upon the same individual large commercial truck using a RFID to once per toll facility, |
3 | per day in each direction, or an equivalent frequency use program based upon individual large |
4 | commercial truck use. |
5 | (c) Subject to § 42-13.1-14, the total amount of tolls imposed upon the same individual |
6 | large commercial truck using a RFID for making a border-to-border through trip on Route 95 |
7 | Connecticut to Route 95 Massachusetts, or the reverse, shall not exceed twenty dollars ($20.00). |
8 | (d) Subject to § 42-13.1-14, the daily maximum amount of the tolls collected upon the same |
9 | individual large commercial truck using a RFID shall not exceed forty dollars ($40.00). |
10 | (e) Tolls shall not be subject to supervision or regulation by any commission, board, |
11 | bureau, agency, or official of the state or any municipality or other political subdivision of the state |
12 | except the department. |
13 | 42-13.1-5. Collection of tolls on passenger cars and other vehicles expressly |
14 | prohibited. |
15 | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this statute, the department is expressly prohibited |
16 | from collecting tolls hereunder on other vehicles, herein defined to include motorcycles, passenger |
17 | cars, and all other vehicles classed one through seven (7) pursuant to the Federal Highway |
18 | Administration (FHWA) vehicle classification schedule. |
19 | 42-13.1-6. Rhode Island bridge replacement, reconstruction and maintenance fund |
20 | established. |
21 | (a) There is hereby created a special account in the intermodal surface transportation fund, |
22 | as established in § 31-36-20, to be known as the Rhode Island bridge replacement, reconstruction, |
23 | and maintenance fund (“the fund”). |
24 | (b) The fund shall consist of all those monies received by the department under this chapter, |
25 | including: |
26 | (1) The monies received through the collection of tolls on bridges in Rhode Island; |
27 | (2) Any fees, fines, or penalties collected pursuant to this chapter; and |
28 | (3) Investment earnings on amounts credited to the fund. |
29 | (c) Unexpended balances and any earnings thereon shall not revert to the general fund but |
30 | shall remain in the Rhode Island bridge replacement, reconstruction, and maintenance fund. There |
31 | shall be no requirement that monies received into the fund during any given calendar year or fiscal |
32 | year be expended during the same calendar year or fiscal year. |
33 | 42-13.1-7. Designation of toll bridges. |
34 | The director of the department may designate any Rhode Island bridge on the National |
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1 | Highway System as a toll bridge in order to facilitate the financing of replacement, reconstruction, |
2 | and maintenance of Rhode Island’s system of bridges. |
3 | 42-13.1-8. Amount of tolls. |
4 | The department’s authority to fix and adjust the amount of tolls shall be determined by the |
5 | costs of replacement, reconstruction, maintenance, and operation of Rhode Island’s system of |
6 | bridges and/or any portion or portions thereof, including costs associated with the acquisition, |
7 | construction, operation, and maintenance of the toll facilities and administrative costs in connection |
8 | therewith. |
9 | 42-13.1-9. Limitations on use of revenue. |
10 | All revenue collected pursuant to this chapter and deposited to the Rhode Island bridge |
11 | replacement, reconstruction, and maintenance fund shall be used to pay the costs associated with |
12 | the operation and maintenance of the toll facility, and the replacement, reconstruction, |
13 | maintenance, and operation of Rhode Island bridges on the National Highway System or any other |
14 | use permitted under 23 U.S.C. § 129. |
15 | 42-13.1-10. Procurement of toll facilities. |
16 | Without limiting any right of the department to award contracts under any other law, the |
17 | department shall have the right to procure toll facilities through contracts aggregating the services |
18 | of design, engineering, construction, finance, operations, maintenance, or any combination of the |
19 | foregoing. Notwithstanding any requirement of law to the contrary, the department may award such |
20 | contracts on the basis of competitive negotiation in accordance with § 37-2-19. Such contracts may |
21 | include availability payments or any other compensation structure determined appropriate by the |
22 | department to further the objectives of this chapter. |
23 | 42-13.1-11. Penalty for nonpayment of toll. |
24 | (a) The department shall have the authority to establish and collect fees, fines, and penalties |
25 | from registered owners of large commercial trucks who use, or attempt to use, any toll facility |
26 | established under § 42-13.1-4, without paying the toll at the rate then in force for such use. |
27 | (b) Any fee, fine, or penalty shall be in addition to the toll or tolls initially incurred and |
28 | shall be no less than an amount sufficient to cover the cost of administration and collection of said |
29 | fines, fees, and penalties. |
30 | (c) The registered owner of the large commercial truck subject to toll shall be primarily |
31 | responsible for all tolls, fees, fines, and penalties assessed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. |
32 | (d) Prior to the collection of any toll on large commercial trucks, the department shall |
33 | establish a maximum allowable period for the payment of tolls and any subsequent fees, fines, and |
34 | penalties assessed. |
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1 | 42-13.1-12. Additional penalties — Toll evasion. |
2 | Any toll evader who fails or refuses to pay or prepay the required toll and such fees, fines, |
3 | and penalties as assessed under § 42-13.1-11 and within the maximum allowable period specified |
4 | therein, shall be required to pay a fine not to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000) and shall pay |
5 | the toll amount due and any administrative costs, or shall have their registration suspended until |
6 | payment is made in full for the violation. A toll evader under this section shall receive a traffic |
7 | violation summons which shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the traffic tribunal. All amounts due |
8 | under this section shall be remitted to the Rhode Island bridge replacement, reconstruction, and |
9 | maintenance fund. |
10 | 42-13.1-13. Conformance to statute, rules, and regulations. |
11 | All programs and funding proposals shall conform to applicable federal law, rules, and |
12 | regulations. The department shall promulgate state rules and regulations to carry out the purposes |
13 | of this chapter. Included within said rules and regulations shall be a provision requiring any public |
14 | comment period to continue for at least thirty (30) days and a provision requiring advance |
15 | notification to be provided to the governor, speaker of the house of representatives, and president |
16 | of the senate prior to any announcement of public hearing or public comment period establishing |
17 | or modifying the amount of tolls to be collected. In promulgating these rules and regulations, the |
18 | department shall establish policies and procedures that promote procedural transparency. |
19 | 42-13.1-14. Severability. |
20 | If a part of this chapter is held unconstitutional or invalid, all valid parts that are severable |
21 | from the invalid or unconstitutional part remain in effect. If a part of this chapter is held |
22 | unconstitutional or invalid in one or more of its applications, the part remains in effect in all |
23 | constitutional and valid applications that are severable from the invalid applications. This |
24 | severability clause shall be applicable to each provision of this chapter, regardless of whether or |
25 | not any particular provision references this section. |
26 | 42-13.1-15. Bridge preservation and salt mitigation. |
27 | (a) In any fiscal year when the department fails to complete appropriate bridge |
28 | maintenance, no new construction and design contracts subject to reporting under § 42-13.1-16 |
29 | shall be awarded for the subsequent year or until proof of appropriate bridge maintenance is |
30 | provided. |
31 | (b) The director must submit detailed information regarding bridge maintenance activities |
32 | undertaken during the fiscal year to the governor, office of management and budget, the speaker of |
33 | the house, and the president of the senate no later than thirty (30) days after the fiscal year ends, |
34 | beginning with fiscal year 2017. The information shall also be posted on the department’s website. |
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1 | (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 42-13.1-16, bridge maintenance requirements may |
2 | be waived if the director certifies that: |
3 | (1) Certain bridges are in a state of disrepair such that maintenance activities will not |
4 | forestall further deterioration; or |
5 | (2) Certain bridges have a maintenance plan that does not require any activities during any |
6 | given calendar year; or |
7 | (3) Certain bridges have been modified such that maintenance to prevent salt erosion and |
8 | deterioration is no longer required; or |
9 | (4) The department has not used salt on certain bridges or has stopped using salt for winter |
10 | maintenance as a long-term change in practice; or |
11 | (5) Other specific circumstances exist to eliminate the need for maintenance activities in |
12 | any given calendar year. |
13 | (d) Failure to comply is subject to the penalties contained in § 35-3-24. |
14 | 42-13.1-16. Reporting. |
15 | The department shall submit to the office of management and budget, the house fiscal |
16 | advisor, and the senate fiscal advisor, a report on the progress of implementation of this chapter |
17 | within thirty (30) days of the close of each of the fiscal quarters of each year. The reports shall also |
18 | be posted on the department’s website. The reports shall include, at a minimum: |
19 | (1) Construction and design contracts of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) or |
20 | greater planned to be advertised in the upcoming federal fiscal year, their value, and expected award |
21 | date; |
22 | (2) Construction and design contracts of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) or |
23 | greater awarded in the prior federal fiscal year, date of award, value, and expected substantial |
24 | completion date; |
25 | (3) Expected final cost of: |
26 | (i) Any construction contracts of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) or greater that |
27 | reached substantial completion in the prior federal fiscal year; and |
28 | (ii) Any design contracts of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) or greater completed |
29 | in the prior federal fiscal year; |
30 | (4) Total number of workers employed through the contract and the number of the workers |
31 | in that total with a Rhode Island address; and |
32 | (5) This report shall also include a current list of all federal, discretionary, and any other |
33 | grants that the department has applied for and the status of that application and identify any changes |
34 | from the prior report. For any grants that require a state match, the department shall identify if the |
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1 | source for the state’s match is available under currently authorized funding. |
2 | 42-13.1-17. Equality of opportunity. |
3 | No bid under this chapter shall be deemed complete nor awarded if the bid fails to include |
4 | a specific written plan for the bidder to be in conformity with § 37-14.1-6, ensuring that minority |
5 | business enterprises reach a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the dollar value of the bid. Pursuant |
6 | to §§ 37-14.1-1 and 37-14.1-3, for the purposes of chapter 13.1 of title 42, women shall be included |
7 | in the definition of “minority business enterprise.” The aforementioned written plan should be |
8 | submitted on forms created and distributed by the director of administration. |
9 | SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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A N A C T | |
*** | |
1 | This act would repeal the act authorizing toll facilities on state roads. |
2 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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