2025 -- H 5771 | |
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LC000881 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Alzate, Ajello, Kislak, Felix, Furtado, Stewart, Kazarian, | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Chapter 42-12.4 of the General Laws entitled "The Rhode Island Medicaid |
2 | Reform Act of 2008" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
3 | 42-12.4-10. Fertility care. |
4 | (a) Beginning January 1, 2026, the department shall provide coverage under the medical |
5 | assistance program for fertility diagnostic care, standard fertility preservation services, and fertility |
6 | treatment. Such coverage shall provide for: |
7 | (1) Any medically necessary ovulation-enhancing drugs and medical services related to |
8 | prescribing and monitoring the use of ovulation-enhancing drugs that is intended to treat infertility |
9 | and establish a pregnancy that results in a live birth; |
10 | (2) At least three (3) cycles of ovulation-enhancing medication treatment; |
11 | (3) Intrauterine insemination; and |
12 | (4) In the event that ovulation-enhancing medication treatment administered with intention |
13 | to prepare for intrauterine insemination results in an ovulation response that counter-indicates |
14 | intrauterine insemination, coverage for in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer as recommended |
15 | by the treating physician. |
16 | (b) Coverage under this section shall be provided without discrimination on the basis of |
17 | age, ancestry, disability, domestic partner status, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic |
18 | information, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. |
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1 | (c) On or before January 1, 2026, the department shall, after consultation with the Centers |
2 | for Medicare and Medicaid Services, submit a report to the general assembly on whether in-vitro |
3 | fertilization is a medically reasonable and necessary procedure under federal law, possible methods |
4 | for covering in-vitro fertilization as a medical assistance covered benefit for both fee-for-service |
5 | and managed care organizations, including any potentially applicable waiver authorities, and the |
6 | amount of money that would need to be allocated to federal and local funds for coverage. |
7 | (d) For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings: |
8 | (1) “Fertility diagnostic care” means procedures, products, genetic testing, medications, |
9 | counseling, and services intended to provide information and counseling about an individual’s |
10 | infertility, including laboratory assessments and imaging studies. |
11 | (2) “Fertility treatment” means procedures, products, genetic testing, medications, |
12 | counseling, and services intended to establish a pregnancy that results in a live birth and that are |
13 | provided in a manner consistent with established medical practice and professional guidelines |
14 | published by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, its successor organization, or a |
15 | comparable organization. |
16 | (3) “Gamete” means sperm or egg. |
17 | (4) “Infertility” means: |
18 | (i) The presence of a condition recognized by a health care provider as a cause of loss or |
19 | impairment of fertility, based on an individual’s medical, sexual, and reproductive history, age, |
20 | physical findings, diagnostic testing, or any combination of those factors; |
21 | (ii) An individual’s inability to establish a pregnancy or to carry a pregnancy to live birth |
22 | after twelve (12) months of unprotected sexual intercourse when the individual and the individual’s |
23 | partner have the necessary gametes to establish a pregnancy; |
24 | (iii) An individual's inability to establish a pregnancy after six (6) months of unprotected |
25 | sexual intercourse due to an individual's age when the individual and the individual’s partner have |
26 | the necessary gametes to establish pregnancy; |
27 | (iv) An individual’s inability to achieve pregnancy as an individual or with a partner |
28 | because the individual or the individual and the individual’s partner do not have the necessary |
29 | gametes to achieve a pregnancy; |
30 | (v) An individual’s increased risk, independently or with the individual’s partner, of |
31 | transmitting a serious, inheritable genetic or chromosomal abnormality to a child; or |
32 | (vi) As defined by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, its successor |
33 | organization, or comparable organization. Pregnancy resulting in a loss does not cause the time |
34 | period of trying to establish a pregnancy to be restarted. |
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1 | (5) “Intrauterine insemination” means a procedure that places semen directly into a |
2 | patient’s uterus at or around the time of ovulation. |
3 | (6) "Standard fertility preservation services" means procedures, products, genetic testing, |
4 | medications, counseling, and services intended to preserve fertility, consistent with established |
5 | medical practice and professional guidelines published by the American Society for Reproductive |
6 | Medicine, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, or other reputable professional medical |
7 | organizations, its successor organization, or a comparable organization, for an individual who has |
8 | a medical or genetic condition or who is expected to undergo treatment that has a possible side |
9 | effect of or may directly or indirectly cause a risk of impairment of fertility and includes, but is not |
10 | limited to, the procurement, cryopreservation, and storage of gametes, embryos, and reproductive |
11 | material. |
12 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would mandate medicaid coverage for fertility diagnostic care, standard fertility |
2 | preservation services, and fertility treatment and would require coverage for any medically |
3 | necessary ovulation-enhancing drugs and medical services related to prescribing and monitoring |
4 | the use of ovulation-enhancing drugs that is intended to treat infertility and establish a pregnancy |
5 | that results in a live birth. |
6 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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