2025 -- H 5752 | |
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LC001721 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Ajello, Cotter, Tanzi, Alzate, Corvese, Felix, Donovan, | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Legislative finding and purpose. |
2 | (a) The general assembly makes the following findings of facts: |
3 | (1) The state funds cities and towns pursuant to chapter 13 of title 45. |
4 | (2) There is a compelling state interest in protecting the tax base of its cities and towns. |
5 | (3) There are numerous non-owner occupied residential properties throughout the cities |
6 | and towns of Rhode Island assessed at values over one million dollars ($1,000,000). |
7 | (4) The existence of such properties within a city or town has an impact on the value of |
8 | real property within the cities and towns and the tax base within these cities and towns. |
9 | (5) Non-owner occupied properties sometimes place a greater demand on essential state, |
10 | city or town services such as police and fire protection than do occupied properties comparably |
11 | assessed for real estate tax purposes. |
12 | (6) The residents of non-owner occupied properties are not vested with a motive to |
13 | maintain such properties. |
14 | (7) The owners of non-owner occupied properties do not always contribute a fair share of |
15 | the costs of providing the foregoing essential state, city or town services financed in part by real |
16 | estate tax revenues, which revenues are solely based on the assessed value of properties. |
17 | (8) Some properties are deliberately left vacant by their owners in the hope that real estate |
18 | values will increase, thereby enabling the owners to sell these properties at a substantial profit |
19 | without making any of the necessary repairs or improvements to the property. |
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1 | (9) The non-owner occupation of such property whether for profit speculation, tax benefit, |
2 | or any other purposes is the making use of that property and as such, is a privilege incident to the |
3 | ownership of the property. |
4 | (10) Owners of non-owner occupied properties must be encouraged to use the properties |
5 | in a positive manner to stop the spread of deterioration, to increase the stock of viable real estate |
6 | within a city or town, and to maintain real estate values within communities. |
7 | (11) Owners of non-owner occupied properties must be required, through the state’s power |
8 | to tax, to pay a fair share of the cost of providing certain essential state services to protect the public |
9 | health, safety, and welfare. |
10 | (b) For all of the reasons stated within subsection (a) of this section, the purpose of the |
11 | provisions of chapter 72 of title 44 is to impose a statewide tax upon non-owner occupied residential |
12 | property assessed at a value of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more. |
13 | SECTION 2. Title 44 of the General Laws entitled "TAXATION" is hereby amended by |
14 | adding thereto the following chapter: |
15 | CHAPTER 72 |
17 | 44-72-1. Short title. |
18 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Non-Owner Occupied Property Tax". |
19 | 44-72-2. Definitions. |
20 | As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: |
21 | (1) “Administrator” means the tax administrator within the department of revenue. |
22 | (2) “Assessed value” means the assessed value of the real estate as returned by the tax |
23 | assessor of the city or town where the property is located. |
24 | (3) “Non-owner occupied” means that the residential property is not occupied by the owner |
25 | of the property for a majority of the privilege year. A seasonal or vacation occupancy is deemed |
26 | non-owner occupied residency for the purposes of this chapter. |
27 | (4) “Non-owner occupied tax” means the assessment imposed upon the non-owner |
28 | occupied residential property assessed at one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more pursuant to this |
29 | chapter. |
30 | (5) “Person” means any individual, corporation, company, association, partnership, joint |
31 | stock association, and the legal successor thereof or any other entity or group organization against |
32 | which a tax may be assessed. |
33 | (6) “Taxable year” means July 1 through June 30. |
34 | 44-72-3. Imposition of tax. |
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1 | The tax administrator is empowered to impose a tax upon the privilege of utilizing property |
2 | as non-owner occupied residential property within the state during any privilege year commencing |
3 | with the privilege year beginning July 1, 2025 and every tax year thereafter. The non-owner |
4 | occupied tax shall be in addition to any other taxes authorized by the general or public laws. |
5 | 44-72-4. Exemptions. |
6 | This chapter does not supersede any applicable exemption in the general or public laws; |
7 | provided, however, that the tax administrator shall be provided with the alleged basis for that |
8 | exemption in writing and may reject said alleged exemption if the administrator deems said |
9 | exemption is not applicable. |
10 | 44-72-5. Rate of tax. |
11 | The tax authorized by this chapter shall be measured by the assessed value of the real estate: |
12 | (1) At the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for each one thousand dollars ($1,000) or fractional |
13 | part of the assessed value on properties worth one million dollars ($1,000,000) but less than two |
14 | million dollars ($2,000,000); |
15 | (2) At the rate of six dollars ($6.00) for each one thousand dollars ($1,000) or fractional |
16 | part of the assessed value on properties worth two million dollars ($2,000,000) or more. |
17 | 44-72-6. Returns. |
18 | (a) The tax imposed by this chapter shall be due and payable in four (4) equal installments. |
19 | The first installment shall be paid on or before September 15 of the taxable year, the second |
20 | installment shall be paid on or before December 15 of the taxable year, the third installment shall |
21 | be paid on or before March 15 of the taxable year, and fourth installment shall be paid on or before |
22 | June 15 of the taxable year. |
23 | (b) The tax administrator is authorized to adopt rules and regulations, pursuant to this |
24 | chapter, relative to the form of the return and the data that it shall contain for the correct |
25 | computation of the imposed tax. All returns shall be signed by the taxpayer or by its authorized |
26 | representative, subject to the pains and penalties of perjury. If a return shows an overpayment of |
27 | the tax due, the tax administrator shall refund or credit the overpayment to the taxpayer. |
28 | (c) The tax administrator, for good cause shown, may extend the time within which a |
29 | taxpayer is required to file a return. If the return is filed during the period of extension, no penalty |
30 | or late filing charge shall be imposed for failure to file the return at the time required by this chapter; |
31 | provided, however, the taxpayer shall be liable for interest as prescribed in this chapter. Failure to |
32 | file the return during the period for the extension shall void the extension. |
33 | 44-72-7. Set-off for delinquent payment of tax. |
34 | If a taxpayer shall fail to pay a tax within thirty (30) days of its due date, the tax |
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1 | administrator may request any agency of state government making payments to the taxpayer to set- |
2 | off the amount of the delinquency against any payment due the taxpayer from that agency of state |
3 | government and remit the sum to the tax administrator. Upon receipt of the set-off request from the |
4 | tax administrator, any agency of state government is authorized and empowered to set-off the |
5 | amount of the delinquency against any payment or amounts due the taxpayer. The amount of set- |
6 | off shall be credited against the tax due from the taxpayer. |
7 | 44-72-8. Tax on available information – Interest on delinquencies – Penalties – |
8 | Collection powers. |
9 | If any taxpayer shall fail to file a return within the time required by this chapter, or shall |
10 | file an insufficient or incorrect return, or shall not pay the tax imposed by this chapter when it is |
11 | due, the tax administrator shall assess the tax upon the information as may be available, which shall |
12 | be payable upon demand and shall bear interest at the annual rate provided by § 44-1-7, from the |
13 | date when the tax should have been paid. If any part of the tax not paid is due to negligence or |
14 | intentional disregard of the provisions of this chapter, a penalty of ten percent (10%) of the amount |
15 | of the determination shall be added to the tax. The tax administrator shall collect the tax with |
16 | interest in the same manner and with the same powers as are prescribed for collection of taxes in |
17 | this title. |
18 | 44-72-9. Claims for refund - Hearing upon denial. |
19 | (a) Any taxpayer subject to the provisions of this chapter may file a claim for refund with |
20 | the tax administrator at any time within two (2) years after the tax has been paid. If the tax |
21 | administrator determines that the tax has been overpaid, the administrator shall make a refund with |
22 | interest from the date of overpayment. |
23 | (b) Any taxpayer whose claim for refund has been denied may, within thirty (30) days from |
24 | the date of the mailing by the administrator of the notice of the decision, request a hearing and the |
25 | administrator shall, as soon as practicable, set a time and place for the hearing and shall notify the |
26 | taxpayer. |
27 | 44-72-10. Hearing by tax administrator on application. |
28 | Any taxpayer aggrieved by the action of the tax administrator in determining the amount |
29 | of any tax or penalty imposed under the provisions of this chapter may apply to the tax |
30 | administrator, within thirty (30) days after the notice of the action is mailed to the taxpayer, for a |
31 | hearing relative to the tax or penalty. The tax administrator shall fix a time and place for the hearing |
32 | and shall so notify the taxpayer. Upon the hearing, the tax administrator shall correct manifest |
33 | errors, if any, disclosed at the hearing and thereupon assess and collect the amount lawfully due |
34 | together with any penalty or interest thereon. |
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1 | 44-72-11. Appeals. |
2 | (a) In any appeal from the imposition of the tax set forth in this chapter, the tax |
3 | administrator shall find in favor of an appellant who shows that the property assessed: |
4 | (1) Was actively occupied by the owner during the privilege year for more than six (6) |
5 | months; or |
6 | (2) Was exempt pursuant to the general laws or public laws from the imposition of the tax |
7 | set forth in this chapter. |
8 | (b) Appeals from administrative orders or decisions made pursuant to any provisions of |
9 | this chapter shall be to the sixth division district court pursuant to chapter 8 of title 8. The taxpayer’s |
10 | right to appeal under this section shall be expressly made conditional upon prepayment of all |
11 | surcharges, interest, and penalties unless the taxpayer moves for and is granted an exemption from |
12 | the prepayment requirement pursuant to § 8-8-26. If the court, after appeal, holds that the taxpayer |
13 | is entitled to a refund, the taxpayer shall also be paid interest on the amount at the rate provided in |
14 | § 44-1-7.1. |
15 | 44-72-12. Taxpayers records. |
16 | Every taxpayer shall: |
17 | (1) Keep records as may be necessary to determine the amount of its liability under this |
18 | chapter including, but not limited to: rental agreements, payments for rent, bank statements for |
19 | payment of residential expenses, utility bills, and any other records establishing residency or non- |
20 | residency. |
21 | (2) Preserve those records for the period of three (3) years following the date of filing of |
22 | any return required by this chapter, or until any litigation or prosecution under this chapter is finally |
23 | determined. |
24 | (3) Make those records available for inspection by the administrator or any authorized |
25 | agents, upon demand, at reasonable times during regular business hours. |
26 | 44-72-13. Rules and regulations. |
27 | The tax administrator is authorized to make and promulgate rules, regulations, and |
28 | procedures not inconsistent with state law and fiscal procedures as the administrator deems |
29 | necessary for the proper administration of this chapter and to implement the provisions, policies, |
30 | and purposes of this chapter. |
31 | 44-72-14. Severability. |
32 | If any provision of this chapter or the application of this chapter to any person or |
33 | circumstances is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the |
34 | chapter that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the |
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1 | provisions of this chapter are declared to be severable. It is declared to be the legislative intent that |
2 | this chapter would have been adopted had those provisions not been included or that person, |
3 | circumstance, or time period been expressly excluded from its coverage. |
4 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect on July 1, 2025. |
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1 | This act would impose a property tax on non-owner occupied residential properties |
2 | assessed at one million dollars ($1,000,000) and less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) and a |
3 | higher tax on properties assessed at two million dollars ($2,000,000) or more. |
4 | This act would take effect on July 1, 2025. |
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