2025 -- H 5747 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Fogarty, Spears, McEntee, Tanzi, Shallcross Smith, | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 16-32-2, 16-32-27 and 16-32-34 of the General Laws in Chapter 16- |
2 | 32 entitled "University of Rhode Island [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of |
3 | Education Act]" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
4 | 16-32-2. Board of Trustees established. |
5 | (a) There is hereby created a board of trustees for the university of Rhode Island, sometimes |
6 | referred to as the “board” or “board of trustees,” which shall be and is constituted a public |
7 | corporation, empowered to sue and be sued in its own name; to borrow money; to compromise and |
8 | settle claims; to have a seal; and to make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or |
9 | convenient to the exercise of its powers; and to exercise all the powers, in addition to those |
10 | specifically enumerated in this chapter, usually appertaining to public corporations entrusted with |
11 | control of postsecondary educational institutions and functions. Upon its organization, the board |
12 | shall be vested with the legal title to all property, real and personal, now owned by and/or under |
13 | the control or in the custody of the council on postsecondary education for the use of the university |
14 | of Rhode Island, including all its departments, divisions, and branches, sometimes referred to as |
15 | the property, and as such the provisions of chapter 6 of title 37 ("acquisition of land"), including |
16 | the rules, regulations, and procedures of the committee promulgated thereunder, and the provisions |
17 | of chapter 7 of title 37 ("management and disposal of property"), shall not apply to the board or the |
18 | property. |
19 | (b) The board is empowered to hold and operate the property in trust for the state; to |
| |
1 | acquire, hold, and dispose of the property and other like property as deemed necessary for the |
2 | execution of its corporate purposes, and the board may, in its discretion, adopt or promulgate its |
3 | own rules and regulations with respect thereto. The board is made successor to all powers, rights, |
4 | duties, and privileges for the university of Rhode Island formerly belonging to the council on |
5 | postsecondary education pertaining to postsecondary education and the board of governors for |
6 | higher education. |
7 | (c) The board shall be the employer of record for the university. It shall retain all authority |
8 | formerly vested in the council on postsecondary education and the board of education regarding |
9 | the employment of faculty and staff at the university of Rhode Island. The board shall appoint the |
10 | president of the university and shall review their performance on an annual basis. |
11 | (1) The board is empowered to enter into contracts and agreements with the council on |
12 | postsecondary education and/or the department of administration related to employee benefits, |
13 | including but not limited to retirement benefits, health, dental, vision and life insurance, disability |
14 | insurance, workers’ compensation, and tuition waivers to maximize the state’s and university’s |
15 | purchasing and investment portfolio and educational opportunities for the benefit of its employees. |
16 | (2) The board is empowered to enter into collective bargaining agreements as appropriate |
17 | with its employees and all existing collective bargaining agreements in effect when the board is |
18 | established pursuant to § 16-32-2.2 shall be transferred from the council on postsecondary |
19 | education to the board. |
20 | (d) The board shall make rules and regulations for the control and use of all public |
21 | properties and highways under its care, and for violations of those rules and regulations; penalties, |
22 | up to one hundred dollars ($100) and costs for any one offense, may be imposed by any district |
23 | court or police court in the city or town where the violation occurs; and, in general, the board shall |
24 | take all actions necessary for the proper execution of the powers and duties granted to, and imposed |
25 | upon, the board by the terms of this chapter. |
26 | (e) The board shall make and maintain rules and regulations pursuant to chapter 2 of title |
27 | 37 to implement its responsibilities as a public agency for procurement purposes as defined in § |
28 | 37-2-7(16). The university’s vice president of administration and finance is designated the chief |
29 | purchasing officer for the university. |
30 | (1) Notwithstanding any rule, regulation, or provision of the public laws or general laws to |
31 | the contrary, and except for procurements directly related to projects funded by the State of Rhode |
32 | Island general obligation bonds, the board and the university shall not be required to comply with |
33 | chapter 2 of title 37 ("state purchases"); and, in general, the board and the university shall contract |
34 | on their own behalf and pursuant to the rules and regulations promulgated by the board as described |
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1 | in this subsection (e) of this section for all other purchases. the provisions of § 37-2-22, small |
2 | procurements made by the board and the university shall not exceed an aggregate amount of fifty |
3 | thousand dollars ($50,000) for construction and ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for all other |
4 | purchases, regardless of the source of funding, and shall be made in accordance with small purchase |
5 | regulations promulgated by the board. These thresholds may be increased annually through an |
6 | amendment to the small purchase regulations promulgated by the board of trustees, to reflect the |
7 | annual increase in the federal Consumer Price Index published by the United States Department of |
8 | Labor from the date of any prior adjustment. |
9 | (f) The board shall evaluate data on which to base performance of the university as |
10 | described in subsection (g) of this section which shall be defined by the president of the university. |
11 | These measures may include and incorporate outcomes or goals from multiple, previous years. The |
12 | lack of information from previous years, however, will not affect the use of performance-based |
13 | measures. |
14 | (g) The university of Rhode Island shall have unique measures consistent with its purpose, |
15 | role, scope, and mission. The board shall provide faculty and students an opportunity to provide |
16 | input on the development of performance measures. |
17 | (1) The performance-based measures shall include, but not be limited to, the following |
18 | metrics: |
19 | (i) The number and percentage, including growth in relation to enrollment and prior years |
20 | of bachelor’s degrees awarded to first-time, full-time students within four (4) years and six (6) |
21 | years, including summer graduates; |
22 | (ii) The number of degrees awarded that are tied to Rhode Island’s high demand, high- |
23 | wage employment opportunities consistent with the institution’s mission; |
24 | (iii) One metric that applies only to the university, in consultation with the president, which |
25 | shall consider faculty, staff, and student input; and |
26 | (iv) Any other metrics that are deemed appropriate by the board. |
27 | (2) Weight may be assigned to any of the aforementioned metrics to reinforce the mission |
28 | of the university, the economic needs of the state, and the socio-economic status of the students. |
29 | (h) The board shall hold the university accountable for developing and implementing |
30 | transfer pathways for students from the community college of Rhode Island and Rhode Island |
31 | college. |
32 | (i) The board shall adopt a process requiring every academic program at the university to |
33 | accept for credit the advanced placement subject test scores of students who obtain a three (3) or |
34 | better in any advanced placement course. |
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1 | (j) The board shall supervise, coordinate, and/or authorize audits, civil and administrative |
2 | investigations, and inspections or oversight reviews, when necessary, relating to expenditure of |
3 | state or federal funds, or to any and all university programs and operations, as well as the |
4 | procurement of any supplies, services, or construction, by the university. In the course of an audit |
5 | or investigation, the board authorized auditor(s) shall review statutes and regulations of the |
6 | university and shall determine if the university is in compliance and shall make recommendations |
7 | concerning the efficiency of operations, and the effect of such statutes or regulations on internal |
8 | controls and the prevention and detection of fraud, waste, and abuse. The board authorized |
9 | auditor(s) may recommend policies or procedures that may strengthen internal controls, or assist in |
10 | the prevention or detection of fraud, waste, and abuse or mismanagement. Any audits conducted |
11 | shall be transmitted to the office of internal audit established in chapter 7.1 of title 35. |
12 | 16-32-27. Establishment of landscaping fund. |
13 | All money received pursuant to the provisions of § 16-52-2(b) shall be deemed to be trust |
14 | funds for the benefit of the University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College, and the Community |
15 | College of Rhode Island to be held by the general treasurer in a separate rotary fund for each |
16 | institution which shall be made available to the presidents of the University of Rhode Island, Rhode |
17 | Island College, or the Community College of Rhode Island to be applied solely for the purpose of |
18 | improving landscaping, safety and security, and/or parking facilities at the respective colleges as |
19 | determined by the presidents of these colleges. |
20 | 16-32-34. Fiscal accounts — Receipts — Petty cash funds. |
21 | (a) The treasurer of the university of Rhode Island, as appointed by the board of trustees, |
22 | shall: |
23 | (1) Keep an accurate account of his or her receipts and expenditures, which shall be audited |
24 | by the state controller; and |
25 | (2) Turn over to the general treasurer at monthly intervals all sums of money received by |
26 | him or her during the preceding month which shall be credited to the proper accounts and funds by |
27 | the general treasurer. |
28 | (b) The state controller shall establish an imprest fund or petty cash fund for the use of the |
29 | treasurer of the university for expenditures of any nature as may be approved by the state controller. |
30 | (c) Nothing contained in this section or chapter shall prohibit the university from |
31 | establishing its own internal audit functions and controls, including to conduct post audits, as |
32 | consistent with the provisions of §16-32-2(j). |
33 | (d) The requirements of § 35-7-13 and § 22-13-6 to obtain the approval of the director of |
34 | administration and the auditor general prior to the employment of private auditors shall not apply |
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1 | to the board or the university, nor shall the university be required to solicit bid proposals for auditors |
2 | procurement; provided, however, should it elect to do so, the solicitation shall be in accordance |
3 | with the board’s own rules and regulations for procurement and not subject to the guidelines for |
4 | audit procurement and bid specifications issued by the department of administration office of |
5 | accounts and control and the office of the auditor general. |
6 | SECTION 2. Chapter 16-32 of the General Laws entitled "University of Rhode Island [See |
7 | Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]" is hereby amended by adding |
8 | thereto the following sections: |
9 | 16-32-43. Tort claims against the board of trustees. |
10 | (a) Definitions. For purposes of this section: |
11 | (1) “Board of trustees” means and includes the university of Rhode Island and, except as |
12 | otherwise provided herein, employees of the board of trustees acting within the scope of their |
13 | employment. |
14 | (2) “Employee” means and includes an officer, employee, or servant, whether or not |
15 | compensated or part-time, who is authorized to perform any act or service; provided, however, that |
16 | the term does not include an independent contractor. |
17 | (3) “Injury” means death, injury to a person, damage to or loss of property, or any other |
18 | injury that a person may suffer that would be actionable if inflicted by a private person. |
19 | (b) With regard to tort liability: |
20 | (1) The board of trustees shall only be liable for injury within the limitations of this chapter. |
21 | (2) The board of trustees is liable for injury proximately caused by an act or omission of |
22 | an employee within the scope of their employment, except for any act or omission constituting |
23 | actual fraud, actual malice, or willful misconduct. |
24 | (3) Any liability of the board of trustees established by this chapter is subject to any |
25 | immunity of the board of trustees and is subject to any defenses that would be available to the board |
26 | of trustees if it were a private person. |
27 | (c) With regard to conditions of public property: |
28 | (1) The board of trustees is liable for injury caused by a condition of its property if the |
29 | plaintiff establishes that the property was in dangerous condition at the time of the injury, that the |
30 | injury was proximately caused by the dangerous condition, that the dangerous condition created a |
31 | reasonably foreseeable risk of the kind of injury which was incurred, and that the board of trustees |
32 | willfully or maliciously failed to guard or warn against the dangerous condition. |
33 | (2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to impose liability upon the board of trustees |
34 | for a dangerous condition of its property if the action the board of trustees took to protect against |
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1 | the condition or the failure to take such action was not palpably unreasonable. |
2 | (d) With regard to joint tortfeasors: |
3 | (1) Notwithstanding any other law, in any case where the board of trustees is determined |
4 | to be a joint tortfeasor, the board of trustees shall be required to contribute to a joint tortfeasor only |
5 | to the extent of the recovery provided for under this chapter. |
6 | (2) Notwithstanding any other law, in any case where the board of trustees is determined |
7 | to be a tortfeasor in any cause of action along with one or more other tortfeasors, the board of |
8 | trustees shall be liable for no more than that percentage share of the damages which is equal to the |
9 | percentage of the negligence attributable to the board of trustees. |
10 | (e) With regard to presentation of claims: |
11 | (1) No action shall be brought against the board of trustees unless the claim upon which it |
12 | is based shall have been presented in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section. |
13 | (2) The board of trustees shall designate the office(s) or individual(s) where a claim for |
14 | injury shall be filed and may by rule or regulation adopt forms specifying information to be |
15 | contained in claims filed against it under this chapter. |
16 | (i) A claim shall be presented by the claimant or by a person acting on their behalf and |
17 | shall include: |
18 | (A) The name and post office address of the claimant; |
19 | (B) The post-office address to which the person presenting the claim desires notices to be |
20 | sent; |
21 | (C) The date, place, and other circumstances of the occurrence or transaction which gave |
22 | rise to the claim asserted; |
23 | (D) A general description of the injury, damage, or loss incurred as far as it may be known |
24 | at the time of presentation of the claim; and |
25 | (E) The amount claimed as of the date of presentation of the claim, including the estimated |
26 | amount of any prospective injury, damage, or loss, insofar as it may be known at the time of the |
27 | presentation of the claim, together with the basis of computation of the amount claimed. |
28 | (ii) A claim relating to a cause of action for injury shall be presented as provided in this |
29 | section not later than the ninetieth day after accrual of the cause of action. After the expiration of |
30 | six (6) months from the date the notice of claim is received, the claimant may file suit in an |
31 | appropriate court of law. The claimant shall be forever barred from recovering against the board of |
32 | trustees if: |
33 | (A) The claimant failed to file the claim with the board of trustees within ninety (90) days |
34 | of accrual of the claim; |
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1 | (B) Two (2) years have elapsed since the accrual of the claim; or |
2 | (C) The claimant or the claimant's authorized representative entered into a settlement |
3 | agreement with respect to the claim. |
4 | (3) Nothing in this section shall prohibit a minor or a person who is mentally incapacitated |
5 | from commencing an action under this chapter within the time limitations contained herein, after |
6 | reaching majority or returning to mental capacity. |
7 | (f) With regard to interest and limitations of damages: |
8 | (1) Notwithstanding any other law, no interest shall accrue prior to the entry of judgment |
9 | against the board of trustees. |
10 | (2) No punitive or exemplary damages shall be awarded against the board of trustees. |
11 | (3) No damages shall be awarded against the board of trustees for pain and suffering |
12 | resulting from any injury; provided, however, that this limitation on the recovery of damages for |
13 | pain and suffering shall not apply in cases of permanent loss of a bodily function, permanent |
14 | disfigurement, or dismemberment. |
15 | (4) In any tort action against the board of trustees, any damages recovered therein shall not |
16 | exceed the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). |
17 | (g) With regard to the effect of assumption of liability, any waiver of immunity and |
18 | assumption of liability contained in this chapter shall not apply in circumstances where liability has |
19 | been or is hereafter assumed by another party, to the extent of such assumption of liability. |
20 | (h) With regard to the effect upon liability based on contract or right to relief other than |
21 | damages, nothing in this chapter shall affect liability based on contract or the right to obtain relief |
22 | other than damages against the public entity or one of its employees. |
23 | (i) With regard to workers’ compensation laws, nothing in this chapter shall be construed |
24 | to affect, alter, or repeal any provision of the workers’ compensation laws of this state. |
25 | 16-32-44. Inconsistent provisions. |
26 | Insofar as the provisions of this chapter are inconsistent with the provisions of any other |
27 | law or ordinance, general, special or local, the provisions of this chapter shall be controlling. |
28 | 16-32-45. Liberal construction. |
29 | Neither this chapter nor anything contained in this chapter is or shall be construed as a |
30 | restriction or limitation upon any powers, which the board might otherwise have under any laws of |
31 | this state, and this chapter is cumulative to any powers. This chapter does and shall be construed to |
32 | provide a complete, additional, and alternative method of doing things authorized by this chapter |
33 | and shall be regarded as supplemental and additional to powers conferred by other laws. |
34 | SECTION 3. Section 35-18-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 35-18 entitled "Public |
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1 | Corporation Debt Management" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
2 | 35-18-3. Approval by the general assembly. |
3 | (a) No elected or appointed state official may enter into any financing lease or into any |
4 | guarantee with any person without the prior approval of the general assembly unless: |
5 | (1) The governor certifies that federal funds will be available to make all of the payments |
6 | which the state is or could be obligated to make under the financing lease or guarantee; or |
7 | (2) The general assembly has adjourned for the year with the expectation that it will not |
8 | meet again until the following year and the governor certifies that action is necessary, because of |
9 | events occurring after the general assembly has adjourned, to protect the physical integrity of an |
10 | essential public facility, to ensure the continued delivery of essential public services, or to maintain |
11 | the credit worthiness of the state in the financial markets. |
12 | (b) No bonds may be issued or other obligation incurred by any public corporation to |
13 | finance, in whole or in part, the construction, acquisition, or improvement of any essential public |
14 | facility without the prior approval of the general assembly, unless: |
15 | (1) The governor certifies that federal funds will be available to make all of the payments |
16 | required to be made by the public corporation in connection with the bond or obligation. The |
17 | certification shall be transmitted to the speaker of the house and the president of the senate with |
18 | copies to the chairpersons of the respective finance committees and fiscal advisors; or |
19 | (2) The general assembly has adjourned for the year with the expectation that it will not |
20 | meet again until the following year and the governor certifies that action is necessary, because of |
21 | events occurring after the general assembly has adjourned, to protect the physical integrity of an |
22 | essential public facility, to ensure the continued delivery of essential public services, or to maintain |
23 | the credit worthiness of the state in the financial markets. The certification shall be transmitted to |
24 | the speaker of the house and the president of the senate, with copies to the chairpersons of the |
25 | respective finance committees and fiscal advisors. |
26 | (c) In addition to, and not by way of limitation on, the exemptions provided in subsections |
27 | (a) and (b), prior approval by the general assembly shall not be required under this chapter for |
28 | bonds or other obligations issued by, or financing leases or guarantee agreements entered into by: |
29 | (1) The Rhode Island Industrial Facilities Corporation; provided financing leases, bonds or |
30 | other obligations are being issued for an economic development project; |
31 | (2) The Rhode Island infrastructure bank; |
32 | (3) The Rhode Island housing and mortgage finance corporation; |
33 | (4) The Rhode Island student loan authority; |
34 | (5) Any public corporation to refund any bond or other obligation issued by the public |
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1 | corporation to finance the acquisition, construction, or improvement of an essential public facility |
2 | provided that the governor certifies to the speaker of the house and the president of the senate, with |
3 | copies to the chairpersons of the respective finance committees and fiscal advisors that the |
4 | refunding shall provide a net benefit to the issuer; provided, however, obligations of the Rhode |
5 | Island resource recovery corporation outstanding on July 31, 1999, may be refunded by the issuance |
6 | of obligations on or before August 1, 1999; |
7 | (6) The Narragansett Bay commission; |
8 | (7) The Rhode Island health and educational building corporation, except bonds or other |
9 | obligations issued in connection with the acquisition, construction, or improvement of any facility |
10 | used by any state agency, department, board, or commission, including the council on |
11 | postsecondary education, to provide services to the public pursuant to the requirements of state or |
12 | federal law, and all fixtures for any of those facilities; and |
13 | (8) The state to refund any financing leases entered into with the authorization of the |
14 | general assembly, provided that the governor certifies to the speaker of the house and the president |
15 | of the senate, with copies to the chairpersons of the respective finance committees and fiscal |
16 | advisors, that the refunding shall provide a net benefit to the state.; and |
17 | (9) The University of Rhode Island and its board of trustees. |
18 | (d) Nothing contained in this section applies to any loan authorized to be borrowed under |
19 | Article VI, § 16 or 17 of the Rhode Island Constitution. |
20 | (e) Nothing in this section is intended to expand in any way the borrowing authority of any |
21 | public corporation under its charter. |
22 | (f)(1) Any certification made by the governor under subsection (a), (b), or (c) of this section |
23 | may be relied upon by any person, including without limitation, bond counsel. |
24 | (2) The certifications shall be transmitted to the speaker of the house and the president of |
25 | the senate with copies to the chairpersons of the respective finance committees and fiscal advisors. |
26 | (g) Except as provided for in this chapter, the requirements of this chapter supersede any |
27 | other special or general provision of law, including any provision which purports to exempt sales |
28 | or leases between the state and a public corporation from the operation of any law. |
29 | SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would enhance and further define the role of the board of trustees of the University |
2 | of Rhode Island, and would provide the board of trustees with tort claim protections similar to other |
3 | state colleges and agencies. This act would also provide a more efficient procurement process for |
4 | the university. |
5 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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