2025 -- H 5744 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Morales, Diaz, Alzate, Giraldo, Stewart, Carson, | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Findings of fact. |
2 | (1) The demographic divide in which there are less bilingual, dual language and world |
3 | language teachers and more multilingual students is of growing public concern. |
4 | (2) Currently, multilingual students comprise twenty-seven percent (27%) of students in |
5 | Rhode Island’s urban core student population and sixteen percent (16%) of Rhode Island’s |
6 | statewide student population (Rhode Island Kids Count, 2024). |
7 | (3) Only two percent (2%) of multilingual learners are enrolled in dual language programs |
8 | and comprise a large portion of urban core and urban ring school students. |
9 | (5) A common explanation of why the demographic divide is so concerning is that |
10 | multilingual students benefit most from instruction from teachers that are certified in bilingual, dual |
11 | language and world language. |
12 | (6) More students benefiting from dual language instruction may, in turn, translate into |
13 | better academic outcomes such as student motivation, improved interest in academics, consistent |
14 | attendance, and grades. |
15 | (7) Bilingual, dual language and world language teachers represent excellent role models |
16 | and provide a continuous source of inspiration for not only multilingual students, but all students. |
17 | (8) Linguistic separation and isolation can be countered through significant investment in |
18 | bilingual, dual language and world language teachers that will deliver academic content through |
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1 | multiple languages. |
2 | (9) Students learn important societal lessons through the example of cooperative interracial |
3 | and interethnic relationships among teachers. |
4 | (10) It is in the best interest of the state, its residents, and its students to develop and support |
5 | certified bilingual, dual language and world language teachers. The Rhode Island Blueprint for a |
6 | Multilingual Learner Success (2021) calls for a nimble system that "Secures and allocates human |
7 | and fiscal resources to support high-quality core instruction to meet the diverse needs of MLLs, |
8 | including professional learning opportunities for all teachers and administrators." |
9 | (11) Support for increased preparation and training of bilingual, dual language and world |
10 | language teachers can successfully be leveraged by providing direct financial support to public |
11 | institutions of higher education in Rhode Island working to increase the number of certified |
12 | bilingual, dual language and world language teachers. |
13 | SECTION 2. Title 16 of the General Laws entitled "EDUCATION" is hereby amended by |
14 | adding thereto the following chapter: |
15 | CHAPTER 117 |
18 | 16-117-1. Short title. |
19 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Bilingual and Dual Language and |
20 | World Language Teachers Investment Act". |
21 | 16-117-2. Definitions. |
22 | When used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following |
23 | meanings: |
24 | (1) "Bilingual and dual language educator" means a person who is certified by the |
25 | department of elementary and secondary education as a bilingual and dual language teacher in any |
26 | grade in accordance with the department of education regulation 200-RICR-20-20-1. |
27 | (2) "Eligible teacher" means a full-time teacher certified to teach in a kindergarten through |
28 | grade twelve (K-12) school by the department of elementary and secondary education and is |
29 | actively teaching within a public school located in the urban core or urban ring. |
30 | (3) "FAFSA" means the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form; |
31 | (4) “Initial teacher certification programs” means Rhode Island approved educator |
32 | preparation programs that lead to full initial certification in Rhode Island. |
33 | (5) "Mandatory fees and tuition" means the costs that every student is required to pay in |
34 | order to enroll in classes, and does not include room and board, textbooks, program fees that may |
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1 | exist in some majors, course fees that may exist for some specific courses, meal plans, or travel; |
2 | (6) "Multilingual adult" means an adult who has demonstrated advanced low or higher |
3 | proficiency in the target language of certification in accordance with the American Council on the |
4 | Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency scale through any of the approved Seal of |
5 | Biliteracy language proficiency assessments including, but not limited to: ACT, SAT, Advanced |
6 | Placement (English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, and World |
7 | Language), ACCESS, LAS Links (Form C/D), AAPPL, STAMP 4S, and ASLPI. |
8 | (7) "Multilingual learner" means a student who speaks a language other than English at |
9 | home. |
10 | (8) "Recipient student" means a college student attending Rhode Island College or the |
11 | University of Rhode Island enrolled in a certification program for world language or bilingual and |
12 | dual language and is awarded a scholarship pursuant to the provisions of § 16-117-4. |
13 | (9) "Recipient teacher" means an eligible teacher who is awarded a scholarship pursuant to |
14 | the provisions of § 16-117-6. |
15 | (10) "Scholarship" or "scholarship program" means the scholarship program that is |
16 | established pursuant to § 16-117-4 to promote and increase the quantity of bilingual, dual language |
17 | and world language teachers in urban core and urban ring public schools. |
18 | (11) "State" means the State of Rhode Island. |
19 | (12) "Urban core" means the municipalities of Providence, Pawtucket, Central Falls, |
20 | Woonsocket and Newport. |
21 | (13) "Urban ring" means the municipalities of Cranston, Warwick, West Warwick, North |
22 | Providence and East Providence. |
23 | (14) "World language educator" means a person who is certified by the department of |
24 | elementary and secondary education as an All Grades World Language teacher in accordance with |
25 | the department of education regulation 200-RICR-20-20-1. |
26 | 16-117-3. Strategy to expand teaching certifications for bilingual dual language and |
27 | world language teachers. |
28 | The department of education is hereby empowered and directed to collaborate with the |
29 | office of the postsecondary commissioner and in consultation with Rhode Island college (RIC) and |
30 | the university of Rhode Island (URI) to increase and streamline the issuance of world language or |
31 | bilingual and dual language certifications in order to increase the number of bilingual and dual |
32 | language and world language teachers in urban core and urban ring public schools. |
33 | 16-117-4. Scholarship program for college students. |
34 | (a) Beginning November 1, 2025, there is hereby established a scholarship program within |
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1 | the office of the postsecondary commissioner to promote and increase the number of bilingual, dual |
2 | language and world language teachers in urban core and urban ring public schools. |
3 | (b) The general assembly shall annually appropriate, commencing in fiscal year 2026, the |
4 | sum of five hundred thousand ($500,000) to implement the scholarship purposes of this chapter. |
5 | Additional funds beyond the scholarships may be appropriated to support and advance the |
6 | scholarship program established pursuant to the provisions of this section. In order to support |
7 | administrative, recruitment, and implementation efforts, an amount not to exceed fifty thousand |
8 | dollars ($50,000) shall be used as discretionary funds by the office of the postsecondary |
9 | commissioner. Any unexpended discretionary funds shall revert to their original purpose of |
10 | providing scholarships. In addition to appropriations by the general assembly, charitable donations |
11 | may be accepted into the scholarship program. |
12 | (c) The office of the postsecondary commissioner, in conjunction with the financial aid |
13 | office at RIC and URI, shall administer the scholarship program for state residents seeking |
14 | bilingual, dual language or world language teacher certification who meet the eligibility |
15 | requirements in subsection (d) of this section. |
16 | (d) To be eligible for receipt of the scholarship, a student: |
17 | (1) Shall be pursuing a bilingual dual language or world language teacher certification as |
18 | part of the teacher preparation program at RIC or URI; |
19 | (2) Shall commit to work full-time as a teacher within one year of certification completion |
20 | at an urban core or urban ring public school in Rhode Island. The commitment to work full-time |
21 | shall extend to one year of teaching for each year the recipient received and accepted an award of |
22 | scholarship pursuant to the provisions of this chapter; |
23 | (3) Shall qualify for in-state tuition and fees pursuant to the residency policy adopted by |
24 | the council on postsecondary education, as amended, supplemented, restated, or otherwise modified |
25 | from time to time ("residency policy"); |
26 | (4) Shall complete the FAFSA and any required FAFSA verification or the Rhode Island |
27 | alternative application for state postsecondary student financial assistance by the deadline |
28 | prescribed by RIC and URI for each year in which the student seeks to receive funding under the |
29 | scholarship program. |
30 | (5) Shall maintain an average annual cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or |
31 | greater, as determined by RIC and URI; |
32 | (6) Shall commit to a repayment of all funds received by the scholarship program if the |
33 | recipient student fails to complete or comply with all requirements and provisions of this chapter. |
34 | (e) The office of the postsecondary commissioner, in conjunction with RIC and URI, shall |
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1 | develop a policy and procedure to secure the commitments referenced in § 16-117-4 from recipient |
2 | students. |
3 | (f) Every scholarship awarded pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be calculated |
4 | annually. Each applicant and/or recipient student shall complete the FAFSA and any required |
5 | FAFSA verification by the deadline prescribed by RIC and URI for each year of attendance. The |
6 | scholarship award shall cover the annual cost of mandatory fees and tuition, less federal and all |
7 | other financial aid monies available to the recipient student. Once awarded, the scholarship may |
8 | continue for a period of up to two (2) years conditioned on the recipient student's compliance with |
9 | the provisions of this section. |
10 | (g) All scholarships awarded pursuant to the provisions of this section are subject to |
11 | appropriation, and no applicant shall have a right to receive any scholarship pursuant to the |
12 | provisions of this section until awarded. |
13 | 16-117-5. Scholarship award preference for college students. |
14 | In selecting recipient students of the scholarship established pursuant to § 16-117-4, |
15 | preference shall be given to the following applicants: |
16 | (1) Multilingual adults with a bachelor’s degree from the United States or abroad; or |
17 | (2) Multilingual adults enrolled in an initial teacher certification program. |
18 | 16-117-6. Scholarship program for eligible teachers. |
19 | (a) Beginning November 1, 2025, there is hereby established a scholarship program within |
20 | the office of the postsecondary commissioner to promote and increase the number of bilingual, dual |
21 | language and world language teachers in urban core and urban ring public schools. |
22 | (b) The general assembly shall annually appropriate, commencing in fiscal year 2026, the |
23 | sum of five hundred thousand ($500,000) to implement the scholarship purposes of this chapter. |
24 | Additional funds beyond the scholarships may be appropriated to support and advance the |
25 | scholarship program established pursuant to the provisions of this section. In order to support |
26 | administrative, recruitment, and implementation efforts, an amount not to exceed fifty thousand |
27 | dollars ($50,000) shall be used as discretionary funds by the office of the postsecondary |
28 | commissioner. Any unexpended discretionary funds shall revert to their original purpose of |
29 | providing scholarships. In addition to appropriation by the general assembly, charitable donations |
30 | may be accepted into the scholarship program. |
31 | (c) The office of the postsecondary commissioner, in conjunction with the financial aid |
32 | office at RIC and URI, shall administer the scholarship program for state residents seeking |
33 | bilingual, dual language or world language teacher certification who meet the eligibility |
34 | requirements in subsection (d) of this section. |
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1 | (d) To be eligible for receipt of the scholarship, an eligible teacher: |
2 | (1) Shall be actively teaching full-time at a kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) |
3 | public school located in the urban core or urban ring. |
4 | (2) Shall already be certified in early childhood, elementary, middle grades, secondary |
5 | grades, or all grades by the department of elementary and secondary education in accordance with |
6 | the department of education regulation 200-RICR-20-20-1. |
7 | (3) Shall complete the FAFSA and any required FAFSA verification or the Rhode Island |
8 | alternative application for state postsecondary student financial assistance by the deadline |
9 | prescribed by RIC and URI for each year in which the student seeks to receive funding under the |
10 | scholarship program; |
11 | (3) Shall maintain an average annual cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or |
12 | greater, as determined by RIC and URI; |
13 | (4) Shall commit to a repayment of all funds received by the scholarship program if the |
14 | recipient teacher fails to complete or comply with all requirements and provisions of this chapter. |
15 | (e) The office of the postsecondary commissioner, in conjunction with RIC and URI, shall |
16 | develop a policy and procedure to secure the commitments referenced in § 16-117-6 from eligible |
17 | teachers. |
18 | 16-117-7. Promulgation of rules and procedure. |
19 | The office of the postsecondary commissioner is authorized to promulgate rules and |
20 | regulations to effectuate the purpose of this chapter. In addition, RIC and URI shall establish appeal |
21 | procedures for the award, denial, repayment, or revocation of a scholarship award pursuant to the |
22 | provisions of §§ 16-117-4 and 16-117-6. |
23 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect on November 1, 2025. |
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1 | This act would authorize the office of the postsecondary commissioner to expand the |
2 | issuance of bilingual, dual language and world teacher certificates in urban core and urban ring |
3 | public schools by establishing two (2) scholarship programs, one for college students and one for |
4 | eligible teachers. The act would include detailed eligibility requirements and disbursement |
5 | requirements for Rhode Island college (RIC) and the university of Rhode Island (URI). In addition, |
6 | the act would permit charitable donations to the scholarship program as well as require an annual |
7 | appropriation of one million dollars ($1,000,000) by the general assembly. |
8 | This act would take effect on November 1, 2025. |
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