2025 -- H 5730 | |
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LC001552 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Speakman, Boylan, Cortvriend, Edwards, and Casey | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House State Government & Elections | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 31-25-21 of the General Laws in Chapter 31-25 entitled "Size, |
2 | Weight, and Load Limits" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 31-25-21. Power to permit excess size or weight of loads. |
4 | (a) The department of transportation, with respect to highways under its jurisdiction, may, |
5 | in its discretion, upon application in writing and good cause being shown for it, approve the |
6 | issuance of a special permit in writing authorizing the applicant to operate or move a vehicle, or |
7 | combination of vehicles, of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding eighty thousand pounds |
8 | (80,000 lbs.) or otherwise not in conformity with the provisions of chapters 1 — 27 of this title |
9 | upon any highway under the jurisdiction of the party granting the permit and for the maintenance |
10 | of which the party is responsible. Permits that have been issued for a full year shall not be required |
11 | to be renewed for the period of time for which payment has been made and the application and |
12 | other required documentation has been completed and filed. Provided, that neither the department |
13 | of transportation nor the local authorities may approve the issuance of permits for divisible loads |
14 | weighing in excess of the limits set by the director of the department of transportation by and |
15 | through the rules and regulations promulgated by the department of transportation entitled “rules |
16 | and regulations regarding overweight and oversize vehicle permits”. |
17 | (1) Provided, however, that for milk products, any vehicle carrying fluid milk products |
18 | shall be considered a load that cannot be easily dismantled or divided. |
19 | (b) The director of the department of transportation may enter into agreements with other |
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1 | states, the District of Columbia, and Canadian provinces providing for the reciprocal enforcement |
2 | of the overweight or over-dimensional vehicle permit laws of those jurisdictions entering into the |
3 | agreement. |
4 | (c) Single trip non-divisible permit fee. A fee of forty dollars ($40.00) shall be paid to the |
5 | department of transportation for the issuance of each non-divisible single trip permit. Upon |
6 | approval of the application, the department of transportation shall provide the approved permit. The |
7 | driver must possess the permit and documentation as required by the permit at all times. |
8 | (d) Annual construction equipment blanket permit fee. An annual fee of four hundred |
9 | dollars ($400) paid to the department of transportation shall exempt the payor from the necessity |
10 | of paying single trip permit fees for non-divisible construction equipment loads, boats, or marine |
11 | assets of less than one hundred thirty thousand pounds (130,000 lbs.) as found in subsection (c). |
12 | However, payment of the fee shall not be deemed to authorize noncompliance with the rules and |
13 | regulations promulgated by the department of transportation entitled “rules and regulations |
14 | regarding overweight and oversize vehicle permits”. |
15 | (e) Blanket construction equipment permits may be issued, as determined by the |
16 | department of transportation, for intrastate movement of non-divisible construction equipment |
17 | loads, boats or marine assets upon payment of the fee set forth in subsection (d). If used in |
18 | conjunction with an annual divisible load permit, the limits and requirements of the blanket |
19 | construction equipment permit shall supersede the requirements of the divisible load permit. The |
20 | driver must possess both permits and all required documentation. The duration of the blanket permit |
21 | may not exceed one year. The construction equipment blanket permit load shall be limited to a |
22 | minimum overall length of fifty-five feet (55′), a maximum overall length of eighty feet (80′), a |
23 | maximum width of twelve feet four inches (12′ 4″), a maximum gross weight of one hundred thirty |
24 | thousand pounds (130,000 lbs.), and a maximum axle weight of twenty-five thousand pounds |
25 | (25,000 lbs.); provided, that the department of transportation, with respect to highways under its |
26 | jurisdiction, may, in its discretion and upon application and for good cause shown, approve the |
27 | issuance of a single trip non-divisible permit authorizing the applicant to exceed one hundred thirty |
28 | thousand pounds (130,000 lbs.) for non-divisible loads. A flashing amber light shall be in operation |
29 | above the highest point of the vehicle and shall be visible from both the front and rear of the vehicle; |
30 | and signs and red warning flags shall be affixed to all extremities. All blanket permits issued in |
31 | accordance with this section shall be effective during daylight and night-time hours for all over- |
32 | dimensional moves made and travel shall be allowed on state highways. |
33 | (f) Permission to travel is always subject to weather and road conditions. The following |
34 | restrictions on travel times shall apply to all vehicles over eight feet six inches (8′ 6″) wide, over |
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1 | eighty feet (80′) long, or over one hundred thirty thousand pounds (130,000 lbs.): |
2 | (1) Freeways and arterial roadways. |
3 | No travel will be allowed between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. or between 3:00 |
4 | p.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. |
5 | (2) [Deleted by P.L. 2022, ch. 178, § 1 and P.L. 2022, ch. 179, § 1.] |
6 | (3) Holidays. |
7 | Memorial Day, Victory Day, Labor Day, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Columbus |
8 | Day — No Saturday, Sunday, or Monday day or night travel. |
9 | Thanksgiving Day — No travel on Wednesday through Sunday of Thanksgiving week in |
10 | any calendar year. |
11 | Independence Day, Veterans Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day — No day or night |
12 | travel and no travel the previous night. |
13 | Easter Sunday. No Saturday night or Sunday travel. |
14 | (4) Violations of this section are subject to fines enumerated in § 31-25-24. |
15 | (g) Construction equipment blanket Blanket permits shall not be granted for travel over the |
16 | following bridges: |
17 | Blackstone River Viaduct 750 carrying I-295 northbound and southbound over the |
18 | Blackstone River; |
19 | Kingston Road Bridge No. 403 carrying I-95 northbound and southbound over Kingston |
20 | Road. |
21 | (h) Travel of blanket permitted construction equipment permits through zones with |
22 | reductions in lane width such as construction zones will not be allowed. Prior to travel, blanket |
23 | permit holders are responsible to verify the location of construction zones and lane width |
24 | reductions. Locations of lane width reduction zones are available through the state department of |
25 | transportation’s construction office. |
26 | (i) Upon approval of the annual construction equipment blanket permit application, the |
27 | department of transportation shall provide the approved permit. The driver must possess the permit |
28 | and documentation as required by the permit at all times. |
29 | (j) Any carrier or persons found to be operating without a required permit, or in excess of |
30 | their permit limits, three (3) times within a one-year period shall be revoked of their ability to use |
31 | and receive permits within the state for up to thirty (30) days. Additional violations shall result in |
32 | revocation of up to ninety (90) days. |
33 | (k) Operation of any vehicle in excess of the requirements of any permit shall void that |
34 | permit and result in the imposition of fines as provided in this chapter. |
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1 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would allow boats and marine assets to utilize the overweight oversize annual |
2 | blanket permit, that was in effect until 2022, when it was no longer allowed. It would also allow |
3 | for the resumption of the prior practice, which was outlawed, of permitting for boats and marine |
4 | asset transportation. |
5 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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