2025 -- H 5709 | |
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LC001962 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Serpa, and Fellela | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House State Government & Elections | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 17-20-9 of the General Laws in Chapter 17-20 entitled "Mail Ballots" |
2 | is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 17-20-9. Application by permanently disabled or incapacitated voters and nursing |
4 | home residents. Application to be placed on the permanent mail ballot application list. |
5 | (a) A voter who is indefinitely confined because of physical illness or infirmity or is |
6 | disabled for an indefinite period or who is a long-term resident in a nursing home, may, by signing |
7 | an affidavit to that effect an application, may request that a mail ballot application be sent to him |
8 | or her automatically for every election. The affidavit form application and instructions shall be |
9 | prescribed by the secretary of state, and furnished upon request to any elector by each local board |
10 | of canvassers. The envelope containing the mail ballot application shall be clearly marked as not |
11 | forwardable. If any elector is no longer an eligible voter indefinitely confined or is no longer |
12 | residing in a nursing home, he or she shall notify the clerk of the local board of canvassers of this |
13 | fact. The clerk local board shall remove the name of any voter from the mailing list established |
14 | under this section upon receipt of reliable information that a voter no longer qualifies for the |
15 | service. The voter shall be notified of the action within five (5) days after the board takes the action. |
16 | (b) The affidavit form application and instructions prescribed in this section shall be mailed |
17 | to the applicant along with a stamped return envelope addressed to the local boards of canvassers. |
18 | The secretary of state may process applications pursuant to this section through the online mail |
19 | ballot application portal established by § 17-20-2.3. |
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1 | (c) For purposes of this section, “nursing home” refers to facilities defined and licensed by |
2 | the department of health. “Long-term” excludes any residents temporarily residing in such a facility |
3 | for rehabilitation. |
4 | (d) The secretary of state shall maintain a list in the central voter registration system of all |
5 | voters who automatically receive applications for mail ballots, pursuant to this section. |
6 | (e) [Expires December 31, 2025.] Eligible disabled voters shall be entitled to electronically |
7 | receive and return their mail ballot, using the same electronic transmission system as that used by |
8 | voters covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA). This |
9 | electronic process shall satisfy the federal Rehabilitation Act, section 508 concerning accessibility |
10 | standards. |
11 | (f) [Expires December 31, 2025.] For purposes of this section, “eligible disabled voter” |
12 | means a person with disabilities eligible to vote who is incapacitated to such an extent that it would |
13 | be an undue hardship to vote at the polls because of illness, mental or physical disability, blindness, |
14 | or a serious impairment of mobility. |
15 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would modernize and streamline the existing processes for getting on the |
2 | permanent mail ballot application list. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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