2025 -- H 5688 | |
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LC001479 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Speakman, Casey, Kislak, and Diaz | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Municipal Government & Housing | |
(Providence) | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 44-5-13.11 of the General Laws in Chapter 44-5 entitled "Levy and |
2 | Assessment of Local Taxes" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 44-5-13.11. Qualifying low-income housing — Assessment and taxation. |
4 | (a) Any residential property that has been issued an occupancy permit on or after January |
5 | 1, 1995, after substantial rehabilitation as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban |
6 | Development and is encumbered by a covenant recorded in the land records in favor of a |
7 | governmental unit or Rhode Island housing and mortgage finance corporation restricting either or |
8 | both the rents that may be charged to tenants of the property or the incomes of the occupants of the |
9 | property is,: |
10 | (1) At least forty percent (40%) of the rental dwelling units in the property to levels |
11 | affordable to households at or below eighty percent (80%) statewide area median income, adjusted |
12 | for family size; or |
13 | (2) At least thirty percent (30%) of the rental dwelling units in the property to levels |
14 | affordable to households at or below sixty percent (60%) statewide area median income, adjusted |
15 | for family size, as established by § 45-53-3 are subject to a tax that equals eight percent (8%) of |
16 | the property’s previous years’ gross scheduled rental income or a lesser percentage as determined |
17 | by each municipality. |
18 | (b) Any residential rental housing that is created by converting an existing building, from |
19 | non-residential use, and is issued an occupancy permit, shall be subject to a fixed percentage of the |
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1 | prior year’s gross scheduled rental income for the following thirty (30) years as outlined below: |
2 | Year Schedule |
3 | 1 8% |
4 | 2 8% |
5 | 3 8% |
6 | 4 8% |
7 | 5 8% |
8 | 6 8% |
9 | 7 8% |
10 | 8 8% |
11 | 9 8% |
12 | 10 8% |
13 | 11 8% |
14 | 12 8% |
15 | 13 8% |
16 | 14 8% |
17 | 15 8% |
18 | 16 10% |
19 | 17 10% |
20 | 18 10% |
21 | 19 10% |
22 | 20 10% |
23 | 21 12% |
24 | 22 12% |
25 | 23 12% |
26 | 24 12% |
27 | 25 12% |
28 | 26 12% |
29 | 27 12% |
30 | 28 12% |
31 | 29 12% |
32 | 30 12% |
33 | (c) The term “residential property” as used in this section shall not include any portion of |
34 | a mixed-use building that is not used as a residence or in service of a residence. In those instances, |
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1 | property owners shall provide evidence deemed necessary by the local assessor to demonstrate the |
2 | fractional portion of each property that should be taxed at the appropriate non-residential rate. The |
3 | assessor shall then tax the residential portion at the appropriate rate set in subsections (a) or (b) of |
4 | this section, and the remainder at the appropriate non-residential rate. |
5 | (d) For those properties that have been approved for tax treatment under this section by an |
6 | assessor as of December 31, 2024, the manner in which the assessor has applied this statute in the |
7 | past may continue receiving any previously established tax rate agreed to by the municipality and |
8 | the property owner unless the property owner affirmatively rejects the same. Said prior tax |
9 | treatment is transferrable to any subsequent property owner if the conditions of the tax treatment |
10 | are met by the new owner to the satisfaction of the assessor. |
11 | (e) Creating low-income housing and creating new housing through adaptive reuse are |
12 | matters of state-wide concern. For that reason, no city or town shall have the authority to tax |
13 | properties qualifying for and utilizing this section at any rate higher than otherwise provided for in |
14 | this section. |
15 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would provide an 8% tax rate for those properties that are encumbered by a deed |
2 | restriction for low-income housing set at 80% or 60% of adjusted median income established by |
3 | HUD, and would provide a tax stabilization schedule for those buildings which are converted to |
4 | residential properties starting at 8% of rent rolls and gradually increasing over thirty (30) years. |
5 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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