2025 -- H 5687 | |
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LC001794 | |
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ACT | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Dawson, Kazarian, Furtado, and Boylan | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Municipal Government & Housing | |
(Providence/East Providence) | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 42-98-1.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-98 entitled "Energy |
2 | Facility Siting Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 42-98-1.1. Capital city underground utility initiative. |
4 | (a) Legislative Findings |
5 | (1) In 2004, the cities of Providence and East Providence exercised their rights under this |
6 | section as it was originally enacted in 2004, to forego receipt of a customer credit owed to The |
7 | Narragansett Electric Company’s (“company”) electric customers residing in those communities, |
8 | opting instead to use those communities’ allocated share of the customer credit to fund a portion of |
9 | the cost of constructing the “Underground Alignment” of a portion of the E-183 115 kilovolt |
10 | electric transmission line as defined in the Settlement Agreement approved by the Board on May |
11 | 28, 2004 in Docket No. SB-2003-01. |
12 | (2) The Settlement Agreement approved by the Board in Docket No. SB-2003-01 provided, |
13 | in part, that the parties to the Settlement Agreement would work to reach an agreement on a route |
14 | for the Underground Alignment while the Rhode Island attorney general would work to secure |
15 | funding for construction of the Underground Alignment. The Settlement Agreement provided |
16 | further that if the Underground Alignment was found not to be feasible for reasons including cost |
17 | or constructability, other identified alignments of the relevant portion of the E-183 electric |
18 | transmission line would be considered in order of preference. |
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1 | (3) On January 17, 2018, the Board issued an Order determining that the Underground |
2 | Alignment and the “Bridge Alignment North,” as defined in the Settlement Agreement, were not |
3 | feasible, and approving construction of the “Bridge Alignment South,” as defined in the Settlement |
4 | Agreement. |
5 | (4) Following appellate review pursuant to § 42-98-12, on June 17, 2022, in Case No. 2018- |
6 | 40-M.P., the Supreme Court of Rhode Island upheld the Board’s January 17, 2018 Order. |
7 | (5) Due to the foregoing events and decisions, as of 2025, no portion of the E-183 |
8 | transmission line has been constructed underground and no part of the customer credit referred to |
9 | in subsection (a)(1) of this section has been returned to electric customers in the cities of Providence |
10 | and East Providence. |
11 | (6) The customer credit that arose from the company’s base distribution rate case in 2004, |
12 | which the cities of Providence and East Providence did not accept on behalf of their ratepayers, has |
13 | been segregated and has accrued interest for the benefit of Providence and East Providence electric |
14 | distribution customers. |
15 | (7) The cities of Providence and East Providence desire to have portions of the E-183 |
16 | electric transmission line located underground and require legislative authorization for funding |
17 | mechanisms to pay the incremental cost, over and above the estimated cost of the Bridge Alignment |
18 | South, of the burial of portions of the E-183 electric transmission line along the southern shore of |
19 | Fox and India Points that are south of Interstate 195 and in East Providence on the east side of the |
20 | Seekonk River (the “Bridge Alignment South – Hybrid”). |
21 | (b) The public utilities commission shall permit the city of Providence or and the city of |
22 | East Providence, upon petition by a duly authorized representative of such municipality, to forego |
23 | some or apply all of the respective municipality’s pro rata share of the refund accruing to the |
24 | ratepayers of the respective municipality as computed under section 11(c) of the 3rd Third |
25 | Amended Settlement Agreement in Docket No. 2930; provided, however, that the city council of |
26 | each petitioning ratifies such action by passage of a resolution. |
27 | (b) The public utilities commission shall permit, upon petition by the attorney general, for |
28 | the use of up to two million dollars ($2,000,000) from Narragansett Electric Company’s Storm |
29 | Contingency Fund for purposes of under grounding that portion of the E-183 transmission line |
30 | under consideration in Energy Facility Siting Board Docket 2003-01. |
31 | (c) Narragansett Electric Company shall be required to apply to the regional grid operator |
32 | or its successor organization for approval to charge New England regional network service |
33 | customers for the capital costs associated with the construction of Phase II overhead configuration |
34 | labeled the “North Bridge Alignment” as defined by the Settlement Agreement that was approved |
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1 | by the Energy Facility Siting Board in Docket 2003-1. |
2 | (d) The Narragansett Electric Company (“company”) shall be authorized to proceed with |
3 | the construction of the underground alignment of the E-183 line referenced in the Settlement |
4 | Agreement that was approved by the Energy Facility Siting Board in Docket 2003-01 |
5 | (“Underground alignment”), including the acquisition of any property rights needed to implement |
6 | the underground alignment, plus accrued interest, toward the incremental cost of constructing the |
7 | Bridge Alignment South - Hybrid. |
8 | (c) Notwithstanding the Supreme Court’s June 17, 2022 affirmation of the Board’s January |
9 | 17, 2018 Order, the Board shall have jurisdiction to consider a modification to the license to include |
10 | burial of a portion of the E-183 electric transmission line without having to consider whether the |
11 | requirements of §§ 42-98-11(b)(1) and (b)(2) have been met. Following approval by the Board of |
12 | a modified license, the company shall be authorized to proceed with the construction of the |
13 | modification which will include consideration of the Bridge Alignment South- Hybrid, subject to |
14 | the passage of resolutions by both city councils of the cities of Providence and East Providence |
15 | agreeing that any incremental costs above existing funding made available pursuant to subsection |
16 | (b) of this section may be included in electric rates of electric customers in those cities. Such |
17 | resolutions must be delivered to the public utilities commission no later than July 1, 2009. |
18 | Notwithstanding the terms of the Settlement, to 2026. To the extent the actual costs for the |
19 | underground alignment Bridge Alignment South - Hybrid exceed the funding obtained for the |
20 | project pursuant to this section and from federal and any other sources, the company is authorized |
21 | to include the incremental costs above those funding levels in its distribution rate base and reflect |
22 | the revenue requirement, including interest, any resulting tax adjustments, and billing system |
23 | modification costs in rates charged to the electric distribution customers within the cities of |
24 | Providence and East Providence in a manner approved by the public utilities commission, subject |
25 | to the timely passage and delivery of the resolution specified above. Such rate adjustment shall be |
26 | made within six (6) months from project completion, applying the same ratemaking principles as |
27 | ordinarily applied to distribution capital projects when they are allowed in its distribution rate base |
28 | by the public utilities commission. After completion of the underground alignment, the public |
29 | utilities commission shall conduct a review of costs incurred to construct the underground |
30 | alignment in order to verify that the company’s calculation and implementation of rates are in |
31 | compliance with this section; provided, further, the auditor general shall perform a performance |
32 | audit of state costs. billed as a per kilowatt hour charge designed to recover the full incremental |
33 | cost of the Bridge Alignment South – Hybrid, including interest, any resulting tax adjustments, |
34 | and billing system modification costs, over a period not less than three (3) years subject to |
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1 | reconciliation of the final cost compared to billed revenues. The incremental costs of |
2 | undergrounding net of the customer credit referenced in subsection (b) of this section will be |
3 | allocated to each city based on the actual cost of the underground portions in each respective city. |
4 | The company shall book the revenues collected through the rate adjustment for such incremental |
5 | underground construction costs as contribution in aid of construction in the appropriate |
6 | transmission accounts. |
7 | (d) If the cities of Providence and East Providence obtain any other source of funding that |
8 | can be used to offset the cost of burial of the E-183 electric transmission line, that source of funding |
9 | shall offset the amount of the rate adjustment charged to the electric ratepayers in the cities of |
10 | Providence and/or East Providence under subsection (c) of this section as defined by the source of |
11 | funding. |
12 | (e) If the underground alignment goes forward, the company shall retain such portions of |
13 | the properties acquired to implement the underground alignment as may be necessary and prudent, |
14 | and shall transfer any remaining portions of said properties to the redevelopment authority of the |
15 | city in which the property is located after the completion of the project, at the city’s request and at |
16 | no additional cost to the city conditions precedent to the construction of the Bridge Alignment |
17 | South - Hybrid are satisfied, the cities of Providence and East Providence shall acquire and convey |
18 | to the company, at no cost to the company, all property rights needed in the company’s reasonable |
19 | judgment for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the relevant segment of E-183. Any |
20 | easements no longer being used by the company for utility purposes after the underground |
21 | alignment Bridge Alignment South-Hybrid is completed also shall be transferred to the city in |
22 | which such property is located after the completion of the project, at the city’s request and at no |
23 | additional cost to the city. If there is any dispute about the extent to which property or easements |
24 | are needed and therefore should not be transferred, the public utilities commission shall decide the |
25 | issue upon petition by the affected city. |
26 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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ACT | |
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1 | This act would allow for measures to advance the undergrounding of certain utility cables |
2 | and to have the same funded through utility rate increases to the cities of Providence and East |
3 | Providence. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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