2025 -- H 5676 | |
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LC000652 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Perez, Batista, Diaz, Shallcross Smith, and Fellela | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Judiciary | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 34-18-15 of the General Laws in Chapter 34-18 entitled "Residential |
2 | Landlord and Tenant Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 34-18-15. Terms and conditions of rental agreement. |
4 | (a) A landlord and a tenant may include in a rental agreement terms and conditions not |
5 | prohibited by this chapter or other rule of law, including rent, term of the agreement, and other |
6 | provisions governing the rights and obligations of the parties. |
7 | (1) If there are fees beyond the rent that apply to the rental of a unit, the lease shall disclose |
8 | those fees in the same section as the rent disclosure and shall indicate that additional fees may |
9 | apply. This requirement does not apply whenever the tenant or unit are receiving state or federal |
10 | subsidies that require a different lease format. |
11 | (2) If there is no written lease, the landlord shall provide to the tenant, in writing, a list of |
12 | all fees beyond the rent that apply to the rental of the unit. Any change in required fees must be |
13 | disclosed in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the change becoming effective. |
14 | (3) In any lease agreement the landlord shall disclose which utility costs are included in |
15 | the rent and which utility costs are the tenant’s responsibility. If there is no written lease, the |
16 | landlord shall provide this information to the tenant in writing. |
17 | (4) If a tenant is required to obtain renters insurance, this requirement must be stated in the |
18 | lease or if there is no written lease the landlord shall provide this information to the tenant in |
19 | writing. |
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1 | (5) If a landlord fails to comply with subsections (a)(1) — (a)(4) of this section, the tenant |
2 | may recover any fees paid for the unit that were not disclosed as required. |
3 | (b) In absence of agreement, the tenant shall pay as rent the fair rental value for the use and |
4 | occupancy of the dwelling unit. |
5 | (c) Rent is payable without demand or notice at the time and place agreed upon by the |
6 | parties. Unless otherwise agreed, rent is payable at the dwelling unit and periodic rent is payable at |
7 | the beginning of any term of one month or less and otherwise in equal monthly installments at the |
8 | beginning of each month. Unless otherwise agreed, rent is uniformly apportionable from day-to- |
9 | day. |
10 | (d) Unless the rental agreement fixes a definite term, the tenancy is week-to-week in case |
11 | of a roomer who pays weekly rent, and in all other cases month to month. |
12 | (e) A tenant who is sixty-five (65) years of age or older or who will turn sixty-five (65) |
13 | during the term of a rental agreement for a dwelling unit may terminate such a rental agreement in |
14 | order to enter a residential care and assisted living facility, as defined in § 23-17.4-2, a nursing |
15 | facility, or a unit in a private or public housing complex designated by the federal government as |
16 | housing for the elderly. The tenant may terminate the rental agreement by notice given in writing |
17 | to the usual person to whom rental payments are made. The notice shall be accompanied by |
18 | documentation of admission or pending admission to a facility or housing complex described in |
19 | this section. Termination of the rental agreement shall be effective no earlier than forty-five (45) |
20 | days after the first rental payment due date following delivery of written notice of termination. |
21 | (f)(1) A lease of premises occupied, or intended to be occupied, by a servicemember or a |
22 | servicemember’s dependents may be unilaterally terminated if: |
23 | (i) The lease is executed by or on behalf of a person who, thereafter, and during the term |
24 | of the lease, enters military service; or |
25 | (ii) The servicemember, while in military service, executes the lease and thereafter receives |
26 | military orders for a change of permanent station or to deploy with a military unit, or as an |
27 | individual in support of a military operation, for a period of not less than ninety (90) days; and |
28 | (iii) The lessee delivers to the lessor (or the lessor’s grantee), or to the lessor’s agent (or |
29 | the agent’s grantee), written notice of the termination, and a copy of the servicemember’s military |
30 | orders. |
31 | (2) Effective date of lease termination. In the event that a lease provides for monthly |
32 | payment of rent, termination of the lease under this section is effective thirty (30) days after the |
33 | first date on which the next rental payment is due and payable after the date on which the notice is |
34 | delivered. |
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1 | (3) In the case of any other lease, termination of the lease is effective on the last day of the |
2 | month following the month in which the notice is delivered. |
3 | (4) The lessee shall be responsible for rent amounts of the lease that are unpaid for the |
4 | period preceding the effective date of the lease termination on a prorated basis. The lessor may not |
5 | impose an early termination charge, but any taxes, summonses, or other obligations and liabilities |
6 | of the lessee in accordance with the terms of the lease, including reasonable charges to the lessee |
7 | for excess wear, that are due and unpaid at the time of termination of the lease, shall be paid by the |
8 | lessee. |
9 | (5) Rent paid in advance. Rents or lease amounts paid in advance for a period after the |
10 | effective date of the termination of the lease shall be refunded to the lessee by the lessor (or the |
11 | lessor’s assignee or the assignee’s agent) within thirty (30) days of the effective date of the |
12 | termination of the lease. |
13 | (6) A lessee’s termination of a lease pursuant to this section shall terminate any obligation |
14 | a dependent of the lessee may have under the lease. |
15 | (g) During any twelve (12) month period, no rent increase shall be in an amount greater |
16 | than ten percent (10%) plus the increase in consumer price index above the existing rent. For |
17 | purposes of this section, the “consumer price index” refers to the Consumer Price Index for all |
18 | Urban Consumers (CPI-U) as published by the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics determined as |
19 | of September 30 of the prior calendar year. |
20 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would limit residential rent increases to ten percent (10%) plus the increase in the |
2 | Consumer Price Index (CPI) annually. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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