2025 -- H 5666 | |
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LC001731 | |
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Introduced By: Representative William W. O'Brien | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Judiciary | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 16-52-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-52 entitled "Maintenance |
2 | of Order on Campus [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]" is |
3 | hereby amended to read as follows: |
4 | 16-52-2. Appointment of campus police. |
5 | (a) The board of governors for higher education may appoint one or more persons who may |
6 | act as police officers upon the property and highways of state colleges and universities subject to |
7 | the control of the board. The campus police officers shall protect the property of each college or |
8 | university, suppress nuisances and disturbances and breaches of the peace, and enforce laws and |
9 | regulations for the preservation of good order. They shall have the same powers and authority as |
10 | that conferred upon municipal police officers, including the power to arrest persons for violations |
11 | of state criminal statutes or for violations of city or town ordinances of the city or town in which |
12 | the institution is located. They shall not carry firearms unless expressly authorized by the board of |
13 | governors subject to the training requirements of this section. Additionally, any campus police |
14 | officer observing the violation of any rule or regulation of the board adopted pursuant to this |
15 | chapter, including but not limited to parking and traffic regulations, may issue a summons in the |
16 | manner and form set forth in § 31-27-12 or § 31-41.1-1 returnable to the district court, the police |
17 | court of the city or town where the violation occurs, or the traffic tribunal as provided by law. |
18 | (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all fines and penalties recovered for |
19 | violation of rules and regulations made under authority of this section shall be accounted for by the |
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1 | appropriate authority, which shall forward all fines or penalties for nonmoving traffic violations to |
2 | the general treasurer for use by the college or university on whose campus the citation or violation |
3 | was issued in accordance with § 16-32-27. |
4 | (c) Campus police and peace officers shall, prior to October 1, 2025, complete a course of |
5 | firearm instruction as provided by the Rhode Island police officers commission on standards and |
6 | training, with approval of the commissioner of public safety and shall be subject to in service |
7 | training requirements of chapter 28 of title 42, the standardized training requirements of § 42-28.2- |
8 | 8.3, and shall be afforded all rights, duties and responsibility of chapter 28.6 of title 42 ("law |
9 | enforcement officers' bill of rights"). |
10 | (d) The board of education shall adopt rules and regulations for the purposes of |
11 | implementing the provisions of this chapter. |
12 | SECTION 2. Section 42-28.6-1 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-28.6 entitled "Law |
13 | Enforcement Officers' Due Process, Accountability, and Transparency Act" is hereby amended to |
14 | read as follows: |
15 | 42-28.6-1. Definitions — Payment of legal fees. [Effective January 1, 2025.] |
16 | As used in this chapter, the following words have the meanings indicated: |
17 | (1) “Course of training in police discipline” means a course or courses of instruction |
18 | approved by the Rhode Island police officers commission on standards and training |
19 | (“commission”) which shall be taught by instructors approved by the commission regarding the |
20 | provisions of this chapter and the applicable procedure, evidence and rules that apply to police |
21 | discipline as provided pursuant to § 42-28.6-1.2. |
22 | (2) “Hearing” means any meeting in the course of an investigatory proceeding, other than |
23 | an interrogation at which no testimony is taken under oath, conducted by a hearing committee for |
24 | the purpose of taking or adducing testimony or receiving evidence. |
25 | (3)(i) “Hearing committee” means a committee acting as a deliberative body which is |
26 | authorized to hold a hearing on a complaint against a law enforcement officer and which consists |
27 | of five (5) members: one member appointed by the chief justice of the supreme court who shall be |
28 | a retired justice or judge of the supreme, superior, or district court; one member appointed by the |
29 | chief justice of the supreme court, who is a practicing attorney in good standing with the supreme |
30 | court, in consultation with the court’s committee on racial and ethnic fairness and the Rhode Island |
31 | Bar Association and its committee on diversity, equity, and inclusion; and three (3) active or retired |
32 | qualified law enforcement officers employed by or retired from the state police or a municipal law |
33 | enforcement agency from within the state of Rhode Island, who shall be selected at random by the |
34 | Rhode Island police officers commission on standards and training from the certified officer pool |
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1 | established pursuant to § 42-28.6-1.1 at an open meeting pursuant to chapter 46 of this title. No law |
2 | enforcement officer shall be selected that is employed by or retired from the same law enforcement |
3 | agency that employs the accused law enforcement officer or who is employed by or retired from |
4 | the charging law enforcement agency. The retired justice or judge appointed by the chief justice of |
5 | the supreme court shall serve as chairperson of the hearing committee. Upon written application by |
6 | a majority of the hearing committee, the chairperson, in their discretion, may also appoint legal |
7 | counsel to assist the hearing committee. |
8 | (ii) The law enforcement agency and the accused law enforcement officer under |
9 | investigation shall each be responsible to pay fifty percent (50%) of the legal fee of the appointed |
10 | legal counsel for the hearing committee; provided, however, that on motion made by either party, |
11 | the chair of the hearing committee shall have the authority to make a different disposition as to |
12 | what each party is required to pay toward the appointed legal counsel’s legal fee. |
13 | (4) “Law enforcement officer” means any permanently employed city or town police |
14 | officer, state police officer, permanent law enforcement officer of the department of environmental |
15 | management, campus police officer as set forth in § 16-52-2, or those employees of the airport |
16 | corporation of Rhode Island who have been granted the authority to arrest by the president and |
17 | CEO of said corporation. However this shall not include the chief of police and/or the highest |
18 | ranking sworn officer of any of the departments including the president and CEO of the airport |
19 | corporation of Rhode Island. |
20 | (5) “Qualified law enforcement officer” means: |
21 | (i) A sworn law enforcement officer who: |
22 | (A) Has a minimum of five (5) years’ active service as a law enforcement officer with a |
23 | law enforcement agency within the state; |
24 | (B) Has successfully completed a course(s) of training in police discipline pursuant to this |
25 | chapter and has maintained a current certification of completed training; and |
26 | (C) Has not achieved the rank of chief, colonel, deputy chief, or lieutenant colonel; |
27 | (ii) A retired law enforcement officer who has qualified prior to retirement or during |
28 | retirement and has met the criteria set out herein. |
29 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would mandate arming campus police at public higher educational institutions and |
2 | would include campus police in the definition of "law enforcement officer" for the purposes of the |
3 | "law enforcement officers' bill of rights". |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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