2025 -- H 5659 | |
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LC001988 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Dawson, and Solomon | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Judiciary | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 12 of the General Laws entitled "CRIMINAL PROCEDURE" is hereby |
2 | amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 5.3 |
5 | 12-5.3-1. Automated license plate reader defined. |
6 | As used in this chapter, “automated license plate reader” means an electronic device |
7 | mounted on a law enforcement vehicle or positioned in a stationary location that is capable of |
8 | recording data on, or taking a photograph of, the license plate of a vehicle and comparing the |
9 | collected data and photographs to existing law enforcement databases for investigative purposes. |
10 | "Automated license plate reader" includes a device that is owned or operated by a person who is |
11 | not a government entity to the extent that data collected by the reader is shared with a law |
12 | enforcement agency. For the purposes of this chapter, “automated license plate reader” does not |
13 | refer to those electronic devices mounted on a law enforcement vehicle or positioned in a stationary |
14 | location that is capable of recording data on, or taking a photograph of, the license plate of a vehicle |
15 | solely for the purpose of recording the speed on a vehicle, recording information for tolling |
16 | purposes, or recording traffic patterns and assessing traffic violations at an intersection. |
17 | 12-5.3-2. Municipal approval mandatory for funding acquisition or use. |
18 | (a) Unless otherwise prohibited by city or town charter, a municipal law enforcement |
19 | agency shall obtain city or town council approval following an advertised public hearing of the |
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1 | council prior to engaging in any of the following acts: |
2 | (1) Seeking funds for automated license plate readers, including, but not limited to, |
3 | applying for a grant or soliciting or accepting state or federal funds or in-kind or other donations; |
4 | (2) Acquiring or borrowing automated license plate readers, whether or not that acquisition |
5 | is made through the exchange of monies or other consideration; or |
6 | (3) Entering into an agreement with any other person or entity to acquire, share, or |
7 | otherwise use automated license plate readers or data therefrom. |
8 | (b) Any municipal law enforcement agency exempt from obtaining city or town council |
9 | approval pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall be required to formally advise the council |
10 | of any actions taken to purchase or otherwise fund, acquire, or use an automated license plate |
11 | reader. |
12 | (c) A state law enforcement agency shall adopt, via rulemaking procedures pursuant to |
13 | chapter 35 of title 42, its policies and procedures relating to the operation of an automated license |
14 | plate reader system prior to engaging in any of the following acts: |
15 | (1) Seeking funds for automated license plate readers, including, but not limited to, |
16 | applying for a grant or soliciting or accepting state or federal funds or in-kind or other donations; |
17 | (2) Acquiring or borrowing automated license plate readers, whether or not that acquisition |
18 | is made through the exchange of monies or other consideration; or |
19 | (3) Entering into an agreement with any other person or entity to acquire, share, or |
20 | otherwise use automated license plate readers or data therefrom. |
21 | 12-5.3-3. Regulated use of automated license plate readers. |
22 | (a) Operation of and access to an automated license plate reader shall be for official law |
23 | enforcement purposes only, and shall only be used to scan, detect, and identify license plate |
24 | numbers for the purpose of identifying: |
25 | (1) Stolen vehicles; |
26 | (2) Vehicles associated with wanted, missing, or endangered persons; |
27 | (3) Vehicles that register as a match within the National Crime Information Center; and |
28 | (4) Vehicles associated with a suspect in an ongoing, active investigation of a violent felony |
29 | or domestic violence offense. |
30 | (b) An automated license plate reader shall not be used for: |
31 | (1) Photographing, recording or producing images of the occupants of a motor vehicle; |
32 | (2) Photographing, recording or producing images of further identifying features of a |
33 | vehicle other than those captured on the rear of the vehicle from photographing or recording the |
34 | license plate number; |
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1 | (3) Photographing, recording or producing images of passersby or pedestrians, including |
2 | the photographing, recording, or production of images which may identify biometric information |
3 | about such passersby or pedestrians through the usage of facial, voice, iris, or other software; |
4 | (4) In the absence of a judicial warrant, utilizing any photographs, records or images |
5 | produced through the implementation of the automated license plate reader for the purpose of |
6 | identifying potentially associated vehicles; |
7 | (5) Recording or otherwise capturing audio; or |
8 | (6) The identification of a vehicle, or the performance of a search for a vehicle, based on |
9 | the contents or message of a bumper sticker or decal. |
10 | (c) Prior to using an automated license plate reader, the municipal or state law enforcement |
11 | agency that intends to use the technology shall certify that the automated license plate reader meets |
12 | all requirements of this chapter and that the agency has a policy or policies in effect governing its |
13 | use in accordance with this chapter and a documented training process for the officers that will use |
14 | it. |
15 | (d) A positive match by an automated license plate reader alone shall not constitute |
16 | reasonable suspicion as grounds for a law enforcement officer to stop the vehicle. Prior to stopping |
17 | a vehicle based on identification within the automated license plate reader database, the officer |
18 | shall immediately confirm visually that the license plate on the vehicle matches the image of the |
19 | license plate displayed on the automated license plate reader and that the license plate number |
20 | meets one of the criteria specified in subsection (a) of this section. |
21 | (e) Records of license plates recorded by an automated license plate reader shall not be |
22 | transmitted for any other purpose and shall be purged from the database or system within thirty |
23 | (30) days of their capture in such a manner that they are destroyed and not recoverable, unless the |
24 | identification of a license plate resulted in an arrest, a citation, or identified a vehicle that was the |
25 | subject of a missing person or wanted broadcast, or remains the subject of an active investigation |
26 | to the extent authorized by this chapter, in which case the data on the particular license plate may |
27 | be retained until final disposition of the matter. Captured license plate data obtained for the |
28 | purposes identified in section (a) of this section shall not be used or shared for any other purpose. |
29 | (f) A law enforcement officer shall be certified in automated license plate reader operation |
30 | by the department of public safety prior to operating an automated license plate reader system. |
31 | 12-5.3-4. Public log of use required. |
32 | (a) A law enforcement agency that installs or uses any automated license plate reader shall |
33 | maintain a public log of its use, to be updated on an ongoing monthly basis, containing, but not |
34 | limited to, the following information: |
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1 | (1) The aggregate number of vehicles on which data is collected for each month of use and |
2 | a list of all state and federal databases with which the data were compared, unless the existence of |
3 | the database itself is not public; |
4 | (2) For each month of use, a breakdown of the number of vehicles in which the collected |
5 | data identified a stolen vehicle or license plate, a warrant for the arrest of the owner of the vehicle, |
6 | or any other basis for pursuing the owner or operator of a motor vehicle based on an identification |
7 | generated in accordance with § 12-5.3-3(a); |
8 | (3) The census tract in which any stationary or fixed location automated license plate reader |
9 | that is actively collecting data is installed and used; |
10 | (4) A summary of complaints or concerns that were received during each month of active |
11 | use about the automated license plate reader; and |
12 | (5) Any instances of erroneous identification by the automated license plate reader. |
13 | (b) The law enforcement agency shall maintain a public list of current and previous census |
14 | tracts in which an automated license plate reader is or has been located, including the dates it was |
15 | or is utilized at those locations. |
16 | 12-5.3-5. Review of preexisting uses mandatory. |
17 | No later than one hundred twenty (120) days following the effective date of this chapter, |
18 | any law enforcement agency seeking to continue the use of any automated license plate reader that |
19 | was in use prior to the effective date, shall commence an approval or advisory process in accordance |
20 | with §§ 12-5.3-2 and 12-5.3-3. If the continued use of the automated license plate reader has not |
21 | been approved within one hundred eighty (180) days of its submission, the municipal entity or state |
22 | agency shall cease its use of the automated license plate reader and the sharing of data therefrom |
23 | unless and until such time as approval is obtained in accordance with this chapter. |
24 | 12-5.3-6. Remedies and penalties. |
25 | (a) The attorney general may seek appropriate relief, including an injunction banning or |
26 | restricting the use of automated license plate readers, against an agency found to have violated the |
27 | provisions of this chapter. |
28 | (b) Any violation of this chapter shall be subject to the remedies available for a deprivation |
29 | of the right to privacy as provided in § 9-1-28.1(b). |
30 | (c) Any data or other information created or collected in contravention of this chapter, and |
31 | any data or information derived therefrom, shall be immediately deleted and destroyed, and may |
32 | not be offered as evidence by any municipal or state governmental entity in any criminal or civil |
33 | action or proceeding, except as evidence of the violation of this chapter or be voluntarily provided |
34 | to another person or entity for use as evidence or for any other purpose. |
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1 | (d) Notwithstanding subsection (c) of this section, if, upon the discovery of data or other |
2 | information that was created or collected in contravention of this chapter, it appears such data or |
3 | information may be material to the defense in a criminal prosecution, a copy of the relevant, |
4 | potentially material data or other information shall be turned over to the defendant before it is |
5 | deleted and destroyed. |
6 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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1 | This act would provide for municipal and state police authorities to acquire and to utilize |
2 | automated license plate readers. Further, the act would identify what data may be collected and in |
3 | what ways the data can be used. |
4 | This act would take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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