2025 -- H 5648 | |
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LC001596 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Cruz, Morales, Stewart, Potter, Ajello, J. Lombardi, | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Judiciary | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 12-19-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 12-19 entitled "Sentence and |
2 | Execution" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 12-19-2. Selection of method and amount or term of punishment. |
4 | (a) Whenever it is provided that any offense shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment, |
5 | the court imposing punishment may, in its discretion, select the kind of punishment to be imposed, |
6 | and, if the punishment is fine or imprisonment, its amount or term within the limits prescribed by |
7 | law; provided, if the punishment to be imposed is imprisonment, the sentence or sentences imposed |
8 | shall be reduced by the number of days spent in confinement while awaiting trial and while awaiting |
9 | sentencing; and provided, further, that in the case of a person sentenced to a life sentence, the time |
10 | at which he or she shall become eligible to apply for parole shall be reduced by the number of days |
11 | spent in confinement while awaiting trial and while awaiting sentencing; and any sentence or |
12 | sentences in effect at present, including the provision as to a life sentence as described in this |
13 | subsection may be reduced in like manner by the court which imposed the sentence upon |
14 | application by the person serving the sentence to the court. |
15 | (b) The court upon the sentencing of a first-time offender, excluding capital offense and |
16 | sex offense involving minors, may in appropriate cases sentence the person to a term of |
17 | imprisonment, and allow the person to continue in his or her usual occupation or education and |
18 | shall order the person to be confined in a minimum security facility at the A.C.I. during his or her |
19 | nonworking or study hours. |
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1 | (c) The court, in imposing a sentence upon any person, shall make a finding as to whether |
2 | the defendant is the parent of a child or infant or caregiver of an elderly, disabled or terminally ill |
3 | family member whose well-being will be negatively affected by the parent’s or caregiver’s absence, |
4 | and if so, shall consider the following circumstances in assessing the appropriateness of any |
5 | sentence imposed: |
6 | (1) That the parent is breastfeeding the child; |
7 | (2) The age of the child, with strong consideration given to avoiding disruption of the |
8 | caregiving of an infant, pre-school or school-age child by the parent; or age of the elderly, disabled |
9 | or terminally ill family member; |
10 | (3) The role of the parent or caregiver in the day-to-day educational and medical needs of |
11 | the child or elderly, disabled or terminally ill family member; |
12 | (4) The relationship of the parent and child or caregiver and elderly, disabled, or terminally |
13 | ill family member; |
14 | (5) Any special, medical, educational, or psychological needs of the child or elderly, |
15 | disabled, or terminally ill family member; and |
16 | (6) The role of the parent or caregiver in the financial support of the child or elderly, |
17 | disabled, or terminally ill family member. |
18 | (d) The court shall permit the defendant to present a family impact statement at sentencing |
19 | which the court shall consider prior to imposing any sentence. The impact statement may include |
20 | testimony from family and community members, written statements, videos and other |
21 | documentation. Unless the court finds that the parent poses a significant risk to the community that |
22 | outweighs the risk of harm to the defendant’s child by the parent's removal, or caregiver’s removal |
23 | from the family, the court shall impose a sentence of probation, a suspended sentence or home |
24 | confinement if determined necessary, which allows the parent or caregiver to continue to care for |
25 | their child or children, or elderly, disabled, or terminally ill family member. |
26 | (c)(e) The director of corrections or his or her designee may impose any conditions and |
27 | restrictions upon the release of persons sentenced under this section that he or she deems necessary. |
28 | (d)(f) The director of corrections may at any time, subject to the approval of the director, |
29 | recall a prisoner from release status if he or she believes or has reason to believe the peace, safety, |
30 | welfare, or security of the community may be endangered by the prisoner being under release status. |
31 | Any prisoner recalled under this subsection shall be presented to the next regularly scheduled |
32 | meeting of the classification board for its further consideration. |
33 | (e)(g) A prisoner authorized to work at paid employment in the community under this |
34 | section may be required to pay, and the director is authorized to collect, costs incident to the |
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1 | prisoner’s confinement as the director deems appropriate and reasonable. These collections shall |
2 | be deposited with the treasurer as a part of the general revenue of the state. |
3 | (f)(h) When a sentenced inmate’s parole release date or completion of sentence falls on a |
4 | weekend or on a holiday, the department of corrections may release the inmate on the prior business |
5 | day. |
6 | (g)(i) When a sentenced inmate is scheduled to be released from the custody of the |
7 | department of corrections to a community partner for residential treatment and/or to a facility to |
8 | maintain stable living conditions, and the inmate’s release date or completion of sentence is |
9 | incompatible with the capacity, staffing, or scheduling capabilities of the community partner |
10 | facility, the department of corrections may release the inmate up to three (3) business days earlier |
11 | than the scheduled release date, provided the inmate transitions directly from the department of |
12 | corrections to the community partner facility. |
13 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would require a sentencing court to consider whether the defendant is the parent |
2 | of a child, or infant or caregiver of an elderly disabled or terminally ill family member whose |
3 | wellbeing would be adversely affected by the person’s incarceration and if so, shall impose a |
4 | sentence of probation, a suspended sentence or home confinement unless that defendant poses a |
5 | significant risk of danger to the community that outweighs the effects on the child or parent for |
6 | whom they care. |
7 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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