2025 -- H 5638 | |
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LC002192 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Serpa, Noret, and Fellela | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Judiciary | |
(Attorney General) | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 31-26-1 of the General Laws in Chapter 31-26 entitled "Accidents |
2 | and Accident Reports" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 31-26-1. Duty to stop in accidents resulting in personal injury. |
4 | (a) The driver of any vehicle knowingly involved in an accident resulting in injury to, |
5 | serious bodily injury to, or death of any person shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of |
6 | the accident or as close to it as possible, but shall then immediately return to and in every event |
7 | shall remain at the scene of the accident until he or she has fulfilled the requirements of § 31-26- |
8 | 3. A stop shall be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary. |
9 | (b) Any person knowingly failing to stop or to comply with the requirements under |
10 | circumstances which result in injury to any person shall upon conviction be punished by a |
11 | mandatory loss of license for at least one year and not more than five (5) years and imprisonment |
12 | for not more than five (5) years and/or fined up to five thousand dollars ($5,000). |
13 | (c)(1) Any person knowingly failing to stop or to comply with the requirements under |
14 | circumstances which result in serious bodily injury to any person shall upon conviction be punished |
15 | as follows: |
16 | (i) Every person convicted of a first violation shall be punished by imprisonment for not |
17 | less than one year and for not more than ten (10) fifteen (15) years and by a fine of not less than |
18 | one thousand dollars ($1,000), nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000). The sentencing judge |
| |
1 | shall have the discretion to sentence the person to any unit of the adult correctional institutions. |
2 | Additionally, the license of the person shall be revoked for a period of up to at least two (2) years |
3 | and not more than ten (10) years. The license privilege shall not be reinstated until evidence |
4 | satisfactory to the administrator of the division of motor vehicles establishes that no grounds exist |
5 | which would authorize refusal to issue a license and until the person gives proof of financial |
6 | responsibility pursuant to chapter 32 of this title. |
7 | (ii) For a second or subsequent conviction under this subsection within a five (5) year |
8 | period, a person shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two (2) years nor more than |
9 | fifteen (15) years and by a fine of not less than three thousand dollars ($3,000) nor more than ten |
10 | thousand dollars ($10,000). The sentencing judge shall have the discretion to sentence the person |
11 | to any unit of the adult correctional institutions. Additionally, the license of the person shall be |
12 | revoked for a period of up to four (4) years. The license privilege shall not be reinstated until |
13 | evidence satisfactory to the administrator of the division of motor vehicles establishes that no |
14 | grounds exist which would authorize refusal to issue a license and until the person gives proof of |
15 | financial responsibility pursuant to chapter 32 of this title. |
16 | (2) As used in this subsection, “serious bodily injury” means physical injury that creates a |
17 | substantial risk of death or causes serious physical disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment |
18 | of the function of any bodily member or organ. |
19 | (d) Any person knowingly failing to stop or to comply with the requirements under |
20 | circumstances which result in the death of any person, shall upon conviction be punished pursuant |
21 | to the provisions of this subsection as follows: |
22 | (1) Every person convicted of a first violation of this subsection shall be punished by |
23 | imprisonment in the state prison for not less than two (2) five (5) years and for not more than fifteen |
24 | (15) thirty (30) years, in any unit of the adult correctional institutions in the discretion of the |
25 | sentencing judge, by a fine of not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) nor more than ten |
26 | thousand dollars ($10,000), and his or her license to operate a motor vehicle shall be revoked for a |
27 | period of three (3) years. The at least five (5) years and may be permanently revoked. If less than a |
28 | permanent revocation is imposed, the license privilege shall not be reinstated until evidence |
29 | satisfactory to the administrator of the division of motor vehicles establishes that no grounds exist |
30 | which would authorize the refusal to issue a license, and until the person gives proof of financial |
31 | responsibility pursuant to chapter 32 of this title. |
32 | (2) Every person convicted of a second or subsequent violation of this subsection within a |
33 | five (5) year period shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not less than five (5) |
34 | years and for not more than twenty (20) years, in any unit of the adult correctional institutions in |
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1 | the discretion of the sentencing judge, by a fine of not less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) nor |
2 | more than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) and his or her license to operate a motor vehicle shall |
3 | be revoked for a period of five (5) years. The license privilege shall not be reinstated until evidence |
4 | satisfactory to the administrator of the division of motor vehicles establishes that no grounds exist |
5 | which would authorize the refusal to issue a license, and until the person gives proof of financial |
6 | responsibility pursuant to chapter 32 of this title. |
7 | (e) This section shall apply in its entirety to any driver of a motor vehicle knowingly |
8 | involved in an accident with a pedestrian or a person riding a bicycle. |
9 | SECTION 2. Sections 31-27-1, 31-27-1.1, 31-27-2.2 and 31-27-2.6 of the General Laws |
10 | in Chapter 31-27 entitled "Motor Vehicle Offenses" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
11 | 31-27-1. Driving so as to endanger, resulting in death. |
12 | (a) When the death of any person ensues as a proximate result of an injury received by the |
13 | operation of any vehicle in reckless disregard of the safety of others, including violations of § 31- |
14 | 27-22, the person so operating the vehicle shall be guilty of “driving so as to endanger, resulting in |
15 | death”. |
16 | (b) Any person charged with the commission of this offense shall upon conviction be |
17 | imprisoned for not more than ten (10) thirty (30) years and have his or her license to operate a |
18 | motor vehicle suspended for no more than five (5) years revoked for a period of at least five (5) |
19 | years, and may be permanently revoked. If less than a permanent revocation is imposed, the license |
20 | privilege shall not be reinstated until evidence satisfactory to the administrator of the division of |
21 | motor vehicles establishes that no grounds exist which would authorize the refusal to issue a |
22 | license, and until the person gives proof of financial responsibility pursuant to chapter 32 of this |
23 | title. |
24 | 31-27-1.1. Driving so as to endanger, resulting in serious personal injury Driving so |
25 | as to endanger, resulting in serious personal bodily injury. |
26 | (a) When the serious bodily injury of any person ensues as a proximate result of the |
27 | operation of any vehicle in reckless disregard of the safety of others, including violations of § 31- |
28 | 27-22, the person so operating the vehicle shall be guilty of “driving so as to endanger, resulting in |
29 | serious bodily injury”. |
30 | (b) “Serious bodily injury” means physical injury that creates a substantial risk of death or |
31 | causes serious permanent disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any |
32 | bodily member or organ. |
33 | (c) Any person charged with a violation of this section shall upon conviction be imprisoned |
34 | for not more than five (5) fifteen (15) years and have his or her license to operate a motor vehicle |
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1 | suspended for no more than three (3) years a period of at least two (2) years and not more than ten |
2 | (10) years. |
3 | 31-27-2.2. Driving under the influence of liquor or drugs, resulting in death. |
4 | (a) When the death of any person other than the operator ensues as a proximate result of an |
5 | injury received by the operation of any vehicle, the operator of which is under the influence of any |
6 | intoxicating liquor, toluene, or any controlled substance as defined in chapter 28 of title 21, or any |
7 | combination of these, the person so operating the vehicle shall be guilty of “driving under the |
8 | influence of liquor or drugs, resulting in death”. |
9 | (b) Any person charged with the commission of the offense set forth in subsection (a) of |
10 | this section shall, upon conviction, be punished as follows: |
11 | (1)(i) Every person convicted of a first violation shall be punished by imprisonment in the |
12 | state prison for not less than five (5) years and for not more than fifteen (15) thirty (30) years, in |
13 | any unit of the adult correctional institutions in the discretion of the sentencing judge, by a fine of |
14 | not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) nor more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and his |
15 | or her license to operate a motor vehicle shall be revoked for a period of at least five (5) years. The, |
16 | and may be permanently revoked. If less than a permanent revocation is imposed, the license |
17 | privilege shall not be reinstated until evidence satisfactory to the administrator of the division of |
18 | motor vehicles establishes that no grounds exist which would authorize the refusal to issue a |
19 | license, and until the person gives proof of financial responsibility pursuant to chapter 32 of this |
20 | title. |
21 | (ii)(1) In addition, the person convicted may be required to successfully complete alcohol |
22 | or drug treatment in a program of their choice, at their own expense, as authorized by a judge of |
23 | the superior court, and may successfully complete the program before any license to operate a |
24 | motor vehicle is renewed. |
25 | (2) Every person convicted of a second or subsequent violation within a five (5) year period |
26 | in this state or any other state, provided the out-of-state conviction was based on the same blood- |
27 | alcohol concentration as set forth in § 31-27-2 shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison |
28 | for not less than ten (10) years and for not more than twenty (20) years, in any unit of the adult |
29 | correctional institutions in the discretion of the sentencing judge, by a fine of not less than ten |
30 | thousand dollars ($10,000) nor more than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) and his or her license |
31 | to operate a motor vehicle shall be revoked for a period of five (5) years. In addition, the person |
32 | convicted may be required to successfully complete alcohol or drug treatment, at their own expense, |
33 | in a program established by the director of the department of corrections. The license privilege shall |
34 | not be reinstated whether the convictions occurred in this or any other state until evidence |
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1 | satisfactory to the superior court, following a hearing establishes that no grounds exist which would |
2 | authorize the refusal to issue a license, and until the person gives proof of financial responsibility |
3 | pursuant to chapter 32 of this title. |
4 | 31-27-2.6. Driving under the influence of liquor or drugs, resulting in serious bodily |
5 | injury. |
6 | (a) When serious bodily injury of any person other than the operator is caused by the |
7 | operation of any motor vehicle, the operator of which is under the influence of any intoxicating |
8 | liquor, toluene, or any controlled substance as defined in chapter 28 of title 21 or any combination |
9 | of these, the person so operating the vehicle shall be guilty of driving under the influence of liquor |
10 | or drugs, resulting in serious bodily injury. |
11 | (b) As used in this section, “serious bodily injury” means physical injury that creates a |
12 | substantial risk of death or causes serious physical disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment |
13 | of the function of any bodily member or organ. |
14 | (c) Any person charged with the commission of the offense set forth in subsection (a) of |
15 | this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and for |
16 | not more than ten (10) fifteen (15) years and by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) |
17 | nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000). The sentencing judge shall have the discretion to |
18 | sentence the person to any unit of the adult correctional institutions. The license of the person may |
19 | be revoked for a period of up to two (2) at least two (2) years and not more than ten (10) years. The |
20 | license privilege shall not be reinstated until evidence satisfactory to the administrator of the |
21 | division of motor vehicles establishes that no grounds exist which would authorize refusal to issue |
22 | a license and until the person gives proof of financial responsibility pursuant to chapter 32 of this |
23 | title. In addition, the person convicted may be required to successfully complete alcohol or drug |
24 | treatment, at their own expense, in a program established by the director of the department of |
25 | corrections. |
26 | (d) For a second or subsequent conviction under this section within a five (5) year period, |
27 | a person shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two (2) years nor more than fifteen |
28 | (15) years and by a fine of not less than three thousand dollars ($3,000) nor more than ten thousand |
29 | dollars ($10,000). The sentencing judge shall have the discretion to sentence the person to any unit |
30 | of the adult correctional institutions. In addition, the person convicted may be required to |
31 | successfully complete alcohol or drug treatment, at their own expense, in a program established by |
32 | the director of the department of corrections. The license of the person may be revoked for a period |
33 | of up to four (4) years. The license privilege shall not thereafter be reinstated until evidence |
34 | satisfactory to the administrator of the division of motor vehicles establishes that no grounds exist |
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1 | which would authorize refusal to issue a license and until the person gives proof of financial |
2 | responsibility pursuant to chapter 32 of this title. |
3 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would provide for a single, increased range of penalties for all driving offenses |
2 | which result in serious bodily injury or death. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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