2025 -- H 5632 | |
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LC001930 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Potter, Kislak, Fogarty, McGaw, Donovan, Giraldo, | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Health & Human Services | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Legislative findings and declaration of purpose. The general assembly hereby |
2 | finds and declares that: |
3 | (1) Containing health care costs requires containing prescription drug costs. The costs of |
4 | prescription drugs have been increasing dramatically. To contain prescription drug costs, it is |
5 | essential to understand the drivers of those costs, including increases in prescriptions and changes |
6 | in prescription patterns from low-cost to high-cost drugs. |
7 | (2) Drug companies employ pharmaceutical sales representatives to increase sales by |
8 | persuading prescribers to prescribe certain drugs. Sales representatives may provide education to |
9 | the prescriber, but often also include inducements in the form of gifts and drug samples. |
10 | (3) Drug sales representatives often have access to physician prescription tracking data. |
11 | (4) The state has an interest in requiring disclosures and regulating the practice of drug |
12 | sales representatives. |
13 | SECTION 2. Title 5 of the General Laws entitled "BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS" |
14 | is hereby amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
15 | CHAPTER 19.3 |
17 | 5-19.3-1. Short title. |
18 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as "The Prescription Drug Sales |
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1 | Representative Disclosure Act". |
2 | 5-19.3-2. Definitions. |
3 | As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings: |
4 | (1) "Department" means the department of business regulation. |
5 | (2) "Director" means the director of the department of business regulation, or designee. |
6 | (3) "Manufacturer" means a pharmaceutical, biological product, or medical device |
7 | manufacturer or any other person who is engaged in the production, preparation, propagation, |
8 | compounding, processing, marketing, or packaging of prescribed products. The term does not |
9 | include a wholesale distributor, a retailer, or a pharmacist. The term also does not include a |
10 | manufacturer whose only prescribed products are classified as Class I by the U.S. Food and Drug |
11 | Administration, are exempt from pre-market notification under Section 510(k) of the federal Food, |
12 | Drug and Cosmetic Act, and are sold over-the-counter without a prescription. |
13 | (4) "Medical facility" means any freestanding emergency care facility, healthcare facility, |
14 | physician or podiatry ambulatory-surgery center, or other similar entity licensed by the state. |
15 | (5) "Pharmaceutical sales representative" means a person who markets prescription drugs |
16 | to providers of health care licensed, certified or registered in this state, pharmacies or employees |
17 | thereof, operators or employees of medical facilities or persons licensed or certified by the state. |
18 | (6) "Prescription drug" means a drug as defined in 21 U.S.C. § 321. |
19 | (7) "Provider of health care" means any person licensed in this state to administer or |
20 | prescribe a prescription drug. |
21 | 5-19.3-3. Pharmaceutical manufacturer and sales representative registration, |
22 | disclosure, and transparency report. |
23 | (a) A manufacturer of a prescription drug shall provide to the department a list of each |
24 | pharmaceutical sales representative who markets prescription drugs on behalf of the manufacturer |
25 | to providers of health care in this state, pharmacies or employees thereof, or operators or employees |
26 | of medical facilities or persons licensed in this state. |
27 | (1) The manufacturer shall inform the department by any means acceptable to the |
28 | department of a change in the manufacturer's list within sixty (60) days of the change. Failure to |
29 | timely inform the department of a change may result in a penalty to be determined by the |
30 | department. |
31 | (2) The manufacturer shall refile or update the list annually. |
32 | (b) The department shall provide electronic access to the most recent list provided by each |
33 | manufacturer pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, to each provider of health care licensed, |
34 | certified or registered in this state, operator of a pharmacy, and operator of a medical facility, or |
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1 | person licensed or certified under the provisions of title 5 for the purposes of ensuring compliance |
2 | with the requirements of subsection (c) of this section. The department shall also provide electronic |
3 | access to the information to the department of health and public access via the department's website. |
4 | This subsection shall not be construed to impose any duty on a provider of health care, operator of |
5 | a pharmacy, or operator of a medical facility or person licensed or certified under the provisions of |
6 | title 5 to ensure such compliance. |
7 | (c) A person who is not included on a current list submitted pursuant to subsection (a) of |
8 | this section, shall not market prescription drugs on behalf of a manufacturer to any provider of |
9 | health care licensed, certified or registered in this state, pharmacy or employee thereof, operator or |
10 | employee of a medical facility or person licensed or certified under the provisions of title 5. |
11 | (d) On or before March 1 of each year, each person who was included on a list of |
12 | pharmaceutical sales representatives submitted pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, at any |
13 | time during the immediately preceding calendar year shall submit to the department a report, which |
14 | shall include, for the immediately preceding calendar year: |
15 | (1) A list of providers of health care, pharmacies and employees thereof, and operators and |
16 | employees of medical facilities and persons licensed or certified under the provisions of title 5 to |
17 | whom the pharmaceutical sales representative provided: |
18 | (i) Any type of compensation, gift, or thing of value, with a value that exceeds one hundred |
19 | dollars ($100); or |
20 | (ii) Total compensation, gift, or thing of value, with a value that exceeds two hundred fifty |
21 | dollars ($250) in the aggregate; and |
22 | (2) The name and manufacturer of each prescription drug for which the pharmaceutical |
23 | sales representative provided a free sample to a provider of health care licensed, certified or |
24 | registered in this state, pharmacy or employee thereof, or operator or employee of a medical facility |
25 | or person licensed or certified under the provisions of title 5. |
26 | (e) The department shall analyze annually the information submitted pursuant to subsection |
27 | (d) of this section, and compile a report on the activities of pharmaceutical sales representatives in |
28 | this state. On or before June 1 of each year, the department shall: |
29 | (1) Post the report on the website maintained by the department; and |
30 | (2) Submit the report to the governor, the director of the department of health, the |
31 | commissioner of the office of health insurance, and to the speaker of the house and the senate |
32 | president. |
33 | 5-19.3-4. Fees and penalties. |
34 | (a) A fee in the amount of fifty-five dollars ($55.00) annually shall be charged by the |
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1 | director from each manufacturer, per each pharmaceutical sales representative listed by the |
2 | manufacturer. All revenue collected pursuant to this chapter shall be deposited as restricted receipts |
3 | available to the department as described in § 42-14-9. |
4 | (b) The attorney general may bring an action in superior court, Providence county for |
5 | injunctive relief, costs, and attorneys' fees, and to impose on a manufacturer that fails to provide |
6 | the information required by this chapter a civil penalty of no more than ten thousand dollars |
7 | ($10,000) per violation. Each unlawful failure to provide information shall constitute a separate |
8 | violation. In any action brought pursuant to this section, the attorney general shall have the same |
9 | authority to investigate and to obtain remedies as if the action were brought under chapter 13.1 of |
10 | title 6 ("deceptive trade practices"). |
11 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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1 | This act would require prescription drug manufacturers to file a detailed, updated list of |
2 | each pharmaceutical sales representative engaged by the manufacturer and to pay an annual fee for |
3 | each name listed with the department of business regulation. Failure to comply would result in civil |
4 | penalties. |
5 | This act would take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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