2025 -- H 5610 | |
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LC001078 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Chippendale, Place, Fascia, Newberry, and Nardone | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Environment and Natural Resources | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 42-6.2-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-6.2 entitled "2021 Act |
2 | on Climate" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 42-6.2-2. Purpose of the council. |
4 | (a) The council shall have the following duties: |
5 | (1) Assess, integrate, and coordinate climate change efforts throughout state agencies to |
6 | reduce emissions, strengthen the resilience of communities and infrastructure, and prepare for the |
7 | effects on climate change, including, but not limited to, coordinating vulnerability assessments |
8 | throughout state government; |
9 | (2)(i) No later than December 31, 2025, and every five (5) years thereafter, submit to the |
10 | governor and general assembly an updated plan, following an opportunity for public comment, that |
11 | includes strategies, programs, and actions to meet economy-wide enforceable targets for |
12 | greenhouse gas emissions reductions as follows: |
13 | (A) Ten percent (10%) below 1990 levels by 2020; |
14 | (B) Forty-five percent (45%) below 1990 levels by 2030; |
15 | (C) Eighty percent (80%) below 1990 levels by 2040; |
16 | (D) Net-zero emissions by 2050. |
17 | No action shall be brought pursuant to: subsection (a)(2)(i)(B) of this section before 2031, |
18 | pursuant to subsection (a)(2)(i)(C) of this section before 2041, and pursuant to subsection |
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1 | (a)(2)(i)(D) of this section before 2051. |
2 | (ii) The plan shall also include procedures and public metrics for periodic measurement, |
3 | not less frequently than once every five (5) years, of progress necessary to meet these targets and |
4 | for evaluating the possibility of meeting higher targets through cost-effective measures. |
5 | (iii) The plan shall address in writing the annual input that is provided to the council by its |
6 | advisory board, as set forth in § 42-6.2-4, and its science and technical advisory board, as set forth |
7 | in § 42-6.2-5, in their reports to the council. |
8 | (iv) If a plan directs an agency to promulgate regulations, then the agency must do so by |
9 | either issuing an advance notice of proposed rulemaking, as set forth in § 42-35-2.5, no later than |
10 | six (6) months after the plan is released or by issuing a notice of proposed rulemaking, as set forth |
11 | in § 42-35-2.7, no later than one year after the plan is released, unless the plan specifies another |
12 | timeframe for an advance notice of rulemaking or a notice of rulemaking. |
13 | (v) The plan shall include an equitable transition to climate compliance for environmental |
14 | justice populations, redress past environmental and public health inequities, and include a process |
15 | where the interests of and people from populations most vulnerable to the effects of climate change |
16 | and at risk of pollution, displacement, energy burden, and cost influence such plan. |
17 | (vi) The plan shall identify support for workers during this equitable transition to address |
18 | inequity in the state by creating quality and family-sustaining clean energy jobs that pay wages and |
19 | benefits consistent with or that exceed area wage and labor standards. The plan shall provide for |
20 | the development of programs that directly recruit, train, and retain those underrepresented in the |
21 | workforce, including women, people of color, indigenous people, veterans, formerly incarcerated |
22 | people, and people living with disabilities. |
23 | (vii) The requirements under this subsection shall be subject to the enforcement provisions |
24 | of § 42-6.2-10 effective in 2026. |
25 | (viii) No later than December 31, 2022, the council shall submit to the governor and the |
26 | general assembly an update to the greenhouse gas emission’s reduction plan dated “December |
27 | 2016” which shall not be subject to the requirements of subsections (a)(2)(ii) through (a)(2)(vi) of |
28 | this section. No action shall be brought pursuant to subsection (a)(2)(viii) of this section before |
29 | 2023; |
30 | (3) Advance the state’s understanding of the effects on climate change including, but not |
31 | limited to: sea level rise; coastal and shoreline changes; severe weather events; critical |
32 | infrastructure vulnerability; food security; and ecosystem, economic, and health impacts, including |
33 | the effects of carbon pollution on children’s health; |
34 | (4) Identify strategies to prepare for these effects and communicate them to Rhode |
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1 | Islanders, including strategies that incentivize businesses, institutions, and industry to adapt to |
2 | climate change; |
3 | (5) Work with municipalities to support the development of sustainable and resilient |
4 | communities; |
5 | (6) Identify and leverage federal, state, and private funding opportunities for emission |
6 | reduction and climate change preparedness and adaption work in Rhode Island; |
7 | (7) Advise the governor, the general assembly, and the public on ways to ensure that Rhode |
8 | Island continues to be a national leader in developing and implementing strategies that effectively |
9 | address the challenges on climate change; |
10 | (8) Work with other New England states to explore areas of mutual interest to achieve |
11 | common goals; and |
12 | (9) Identify and facilitate opportunities to educate the public about climate change and |
13 | efforts throughout state agencies and municipalities to address climate change.; and |
14 | (10) Evaluate and make recommendations for the use of carbon emissions removal |
15 | technology as an alternative approach to reducing carbon emissions and meeting the climate goals |
16 | as set forth in this chapter. |
17 | (b) The council is encouraged to utilize the expertise of Rhode Island universities and |
18 | colleges in carrying out the duties described in subsection (a) of this section, specifically to ensure |
19 | that the state’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change are based on the best available |
20 | scientific and technical information, and to optimize the contribution by the universities and |
21 | colleges of their expertise and experience in research, analysis, modeling, mapping, applications to |
22 | on-the-ground situations, technical assistance, community outreach, and public education. |
23 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would require the executive climate change coordinating council to evaluate and |
2 | make recommendations for the use of carbon emissions removal technology as an alternative |
3 | approach to reducing carbon emissions and meeting the climate goals set forth in the act on climate |
4 | change. |
5 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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