2025 -- H 5607 | |
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LC001782 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Cotter, Ajello, Potter, Chippendale, Roberts, and Bennett | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Environment and Natural Resources | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 2-1-20 and 2-1-22 of the General Laws in Chapter 2-1 entitled |
2 | "Agricultural Functions of Department of Environmental Management" are hereby amended to |
3 | read as follows: |
4 | 2-1-20. Definitions. |
5 | As used in this chapter; |
6 | (1) “Area subject to flooding” shall include, but not be limited to, low-lying areas that |
7 | collect, hold, or meter out storm and flood waters from any of the following: rivers, streams, |
8 | intermittent streams, or areas subject to storm flowage. |
9 | (2) “Area subject to storm flowage” includes drainage swales and channels that lead into, |
10 | out of, pass through, or connect other freshwater wetlands or coastal wetlands, and that carry flows |
11 | resulting from storm events, but may remain relatively dry at other times. |
12 | (3) “Bog” means a place where standing or slowly running water is near or at the surface |
13 | during normal growing season and/or where a vegetational community has over fifty percent (50%) |
14 | of the ground or water surface covered with sphagnum moss (Sphagnum) and/or where the |
15 | vegetational community is made up of one or more of, but not limited to nor necessarily including |
16 | all of, the following: blueberries, and cranberry (Vaccinium), leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne |
17 | calyculata), pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea), sundews (Droseraceae), orchids (Orchidaceae), |
18 | white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides), red maple (Acer rubrum), black spruce (Picae mariana), |
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1 | bog aster (Aster nemoralis), larch (Laris laricina), bogrosemary (Andromeda glaucophylla), azaleas |
2 | (Rhododendron), laurels (Kalmia), sedges (Caryx), and bog cotton (Eriophorum). |
3 | (4) “Buffer” means an area of undeveloped vegetated land adjacent to a freshwater wetland |
4 | that is to be retained in its natural undisturbed condition, or is to be created to resemble a naturally |
5 | occurring vegetated area. |
6 | (5) “Department” means the department of environmental management (DEM). |
7 | (6) “Director” means the director of the department of environmental management or his |
8 | or her duly authorized agent or agents. |
9 | (7) “Floodplain” means that land area adjacent to a river or stream or other body of flowing |
10 | water which is, on the average, likely to be covered with flood waters resulting from a one-hundred |
11 | (100) year frequency storm. A “one-hundred (100) year frequency storm” is one that is to be |
12 | expected to be equaled or exceeded once in one hundred (100) years; or may be said to have a one |
13 | percent (1%) probability of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. |
14 | (8) “Freshwater wetlands” includes, but is not limited to, those areas that are inundated or |
15 | saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration to support, and that under normal |
16 | circumstances do support a prevalence of vegetation adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. |
17 | Freshwater wetlands includes, but is not limited to: marshes, swamps, bogs, emergent, and |
18 | submergent plant communities, and for the purposes of this chapter, rivers, streams, ponds, and |
19 | vernal pools. |
20 | (9) “Jurisdictional area” means the following lands and waters, as defined herein except as |
21 | provided for in § 2-1-22(k), that shall be subject to regulation under this chapter: |
22 | (i) Freshwater wetlands; |
23 | (ii) Buffers; |
24 | (iii) Floodplains; |
25 | (iv) Areas subject to storm flowage; |
26 | (v) Areas subject to flooding; and |
27 | (vi) Contiguous areas that extend outward: |
28 | (A) Two hundred feet (200′) from the edge of a river or stream; |
29 | (B) Two hundred feet (200′) from the edge of a drinking water supply reservoir; and |
30 | (C) One hundred feet (100′) from the edge of all other freshwater wetlands. |
31 | (10) “Marsh” means a place wholly or partly within the state where a vegetational |
32 | community exists in standing or running water during the growing season and/or is made up of one |
33 | or more of, but not limited to nor necessarily including all of, the following plants or groups of |
34 | plants: hydrophytic reeds (Phragmites), grasses (Cramineae), mannagrasses (Glyceria), cutgrasses |
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1 | (Leersia), pickerelwoods (Pontederiaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), rushes (Juncaceae), cattails |
2 | (Typha), water plantains (Alismataceae), bur-reeds (Sparganiazceae), pondweeds (Zosteraceae), |
3 | frog’s bits (Hydrocharitaceae), arums (Araceae), duckweeds (Lemmaceae), water lilies |
4 | (Nymphaeceae), water-milfoils (Haloragaceae), water-starworts (Callitrichaeceae), bladder-worts |
5 | (Utricularia), pipeworts (Eriocaulon), sweet gale (Myrica gale), and buttonbush (Cephalanthus |
6 | occidentalis). |
7 | (11) “Near or at the surface” mean within eighteen (18) inches of the surface. |
8 | (12) “Pond” means a place natural or man-made, wholly or partly within the state, where |
9 | open-standing or slowly moving water is present for at least six (6) months a year. |
10 | (13) “River” means a body of water designated as a perennial stream by the United States |
11 | Department of Interior geologic survey on 7.5 minute series topographic maps and that is not a |
12 | pond as defined in this section. |
13 | (14) “Setback” means the minimum distance from the edge of a freshwater wetland at |
14 | which an approved activity or alteration may take place. |
15 | (15) “Stream” means any flowing body of water or watercourse that flows long enough |
16 | each year to develop and maintain a channel and that may carry groundwater discharge or surface |
17 | runoff. |
18 | (16) “Swamp” means a place, wholly or partly within the state, where ground water is near |
19 | or at the surface of the ground for a significant part of the growing season or runoff water from |
20 | surface drainage collects frequently and/or where a vegetational community is made up of a |
21 | significant portion of one or more of, but not limited to nor necessarily including all of, the |
22 | following: red maple (Acer rubum), elm (Ulmus americana), black spruce (Picea mariana), white |
23 | cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides), ashes (Fraximus), poison sumac (Rhus vernix), larch (Larix |
24 | laricina), spice bush (Lindera benzoin), alders (Alnus), skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus), |
25 | hellebore (Veratrum viride), hemlock (Thuja canadensis), sphagnums (Sphagnum), azaleas |
26 | (Rhododendron), black alder (Ilex verticillata), coast pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), marsh |
27 | marigold (Caltha palustris), blueberries (Vaccinium), buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), |
28 | willow (Salicaceae), water willow (Decodon verticillatus), tupelo (Nyssa sylbatica), laurels |
29 | (Kalmia), swamp white oak (Quercus biscolor), or species indicative of marsh. |
30 | (17) “Vernal pool” means a depressional wetland basin that typically goes dry in most years |
31 | and may contain inlets or outlets, typically of intermittent flow. Vernal pools range in both size and |
32 | depth depending upon landscape position and parent materials. Vernal pools usually support one |
33 | or more of the following obligate indicator species: wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus), spotted |
34 | salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), marbled salamander (Ambystoma opacum), and fairy |
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1 | shrimp (Eubranchipus spp.) and typically preclude sustainable populations of predatory fish. |
2 | (18) “Agricultural land” means land on which agricultural operations are being conducted, |
3 | or is suitable for agriculture operations, is under the control of a farmer, and has a USDA Farm |
4 | Tract/Farm Number or the individual farming the land has filed a 1040F U.S. Internal Revenue |
5 | Form with the Internal Revenue Service and has earned two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) |
6 | gross income on farm products in the preceding year. |
7 | (19) “Farm” means a parcel of land or other defined place, together with any attendant |
8 | buildings, including dwellings, structures, machinery and equipment, tools and supplies, which is |
9 | used for agriculture operations. |
10 | (20) “Farmer” means a natural person who is either the owner of a farm or a principal |
11 | operator of a farm and who engages in agricultural operations. |
12 | (21) “Agricultural operations” includes any commercial enterprise that has as its primary |
13 | purpose horticulture and production of field crops of all types, viticulture, viniculture, floriculture, |
14 | forestry, stabling of horses, dairy farming, or aquaculture, or the raising of livestock, including for |
15 | the production of fiber, furbearing animals, poultry, or bees, and all such other operations, uses, |
16 | and activities as the director, in consultation with the chief of division of agriculture, may determine |
17 | to be agriculture, or an agricultural activity, use or operation. |
18 | 2-1-22. Procedure for approval by director — Notice of change of ownership — |
19 | Recordation of permit. |
20 | (a) Application for approval of a project to the director of environmental management shall |
21 | be made in a form to be prescribed by the director and provided by the director upon request. Prior |
22 | to the application, a request may be made for preliminary determination as to whether this chapter |
23 | applies. A preliminary determination shall be made by the director only after an on-site review of |
24 | the project and the determination shall be made within thirty (30) days of the request. This chapter |
25 | shall be determined to apply if a significant alteration appears to be contemplated and an application |
26 | to alter a freshwater wetland, buffer, or floodplain will be required. Within fourteen (14) days after |
27 | receipt of the completed application accompanied by plans and drawings of the proposed project, |
28 | the plans and drawings to be prepared by the registered professional engineer to a scale of not less |
29 | than one inch (1") to one hundred feet (100'), the director shall notify all landowners whose |
30 | properties are within two hundred feet (200') of the proposed project and the director will also |
31 | notify the city or town council, the conservation commission, the planning board, the zoning board, |
32 | and any other individuals and agencies in any city or town within the borders of which the project |
33 | lies that may have reason, in the opinion of the director, to be concerned with the proposal. The |
34 | director may also establish a mailing list of all interested persons and agencies who or that may |
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1 | wish to be notified of all applications. |
2 | (b) If the director receives any objection to the project within forty-five (45) days of the |
3 | mailing of the notice of application from his or her office, the objection to be in writing and of a |
4 | substantive nature, the director shall then schedule a public hearing in an appropriate place as |
5 | convenient as reasonably possible to the site of the proposed project. The director shall inform by |
6 | registered mail all objectors of the date, time, place, and subject of the hearing to be held. The |
7 | director shall further publish notice of the time, place, date, and subject of the hearing in one local |
8 | newspaper circulated in the area of the project and one statewide newspaper, the notices to appear |
9 | once per week for at least two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the week during which the hearing is |
10 | scheduled. The director shall establish a reasonable fee to cover the costs of the investigations, |
11 | notifications and publications, and hearing and the applicant shall be liable for the fee. |
12 | (c) If no public hearing is required, or following a public hearing, the director shall make |
13 | his or her decision on the application and notify the applicant by registered mail and the applicant’s |
14 | attorney and any other agent or representative of the applicant by mail of this decision within a |
15 | period of six (6) weeks. If a public hearing was held, any persons who objected, in writing, during |
16 | the forty-five (45) day period provided for objections shall be notified of the director’s decision by |
17 | first-class mail. |
18 | (d) In the event of a decision in favor of granting an application, the director shall issue a |
19 | permit for the applicant to proceed with the project and shall require the applicant to pay a permit |
20 | fee of one hundred dollars ($100). The permit may be issued upon any terms and conditions, |
21 | including time for completion, that the director may require. Permits shall be valid for a period of |
22 | one year from the date of issue and shall expire at the end of that time unless renewed. A permit |
23 | may be renewed for up to three (3) additional one-year periods upon application by the original |
24 | permit holder or a subsequent transferee of the property subject to permit, unless the original permit |
25 | holder or transferee has failed to abide by the terms and conditions of the original permit or any |
26 | prior renewal. The director may require new hearings if, in his or her judgment, the original intent |
27 | of the permit is altered or extended by the renewal application or if the applicant has failed to abide |
28 | by the terms of the original permit in any way. In addition, in the event a project authorized by a |
29 | permit was not implemented by the permit holder or transferee because approval of the project by |
30 | a federal agency, for which application had been timely made, had not been received or a federal |
31 | agency had stopped the project from proceeding, prior to the expiration of the permit, the permit |
32 | holder or transferee may apply for a renewal of the permit at any time prior to the tenth (10th) |
33 | anniversary of the original issuance, and the application shall be deemed to be an insignificant |
34 | alteration subject to expedited treatment. The request for renewal of a permit shall be made |
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1 | according to any procedures and form that the director may require. |
2 | (e) The original permittee or subsequent transferee shall notify the director, in writing, of |
3 | any change of ownership that occurs while an original or renewal permit is in effect by forwarding |
4 | a certified copy of the deed of transfer of the property subject to the permit to the director. |
5 | (f) A notice of permit and a notice of completion of work subject to permit shall be eligible |
6 | for recordation under chapter 13 of title 34 and shall be recorded at the expense of the applicant in |
7 | the land evidence records of the city or town where the property subject to permit is located and |
8 | any subsequent transferee of the property shall be responsible for complying with the terms and |
9 | conditions of the permit. |
10 | (g) The director shall notify the person requesting a preliminary determination and the |
11 | person’s attorney, agent, and other representative of his or her decision by letter, copies of which |
12 | shall be sent by mail to the city or town clerk, the zoning board, the planning board, the building |
13 | official, and the conservation commission in the city or town within which the project lies. |
14 | (h) The director shall report to the general assembly on or before February 1 of each |
15 | calendar year on his or her compliance with the time provisions contained in this chapter. |
16 | (i) Normal farming activities shall be considered insignificant alterations and, as normal |
17 | farming activities, shall be exempted from the provisions of this chapter in accordance with the |
18 | following procedures: |
19 | (1) Normal farming and ranching activities are those carried out on agricultural land by |
20 | farmers as defined in this title, including plowing, seeding, cultivating, land clearing for routine |
21 | agriculture purposes, harvesting of agricultural products, pumping of existing farm ponds for |
22 | agricultural purposes, upland soil and water conservation practices, and maintenance of existing |
23 | farm drainage structures, existing farm ponds and existing farm roads are permissible at the |
24 | discretion of farmers in accordance with best farm management practices which assure that the |
25 | adverse effects to the flow and circulation patterns and chemical and biological characteristics of |
26 | freshwater wetlands are minimized and that any adverse effects on the aquatic environment are |
27 | minimized. |
28 | (2) In the case of construction of new farm ponds, construction of new drainage structures, |
29 | and construction of new farm roads, the division of agriculture shall be notified by the filing of a |
30 | written application for the proposed construction by the property owner. The application shall |
31 | include a description of the proposed construction and the date upon which construction is |
32 | scheduled to begin, which date shall be no earlier than thirty (30) calendar days after the date of |
33 | the filing of the application. The division of agriculture shall review such applications to determine |
34 | that they are submitted for agricultural purposes and to ensure that adverse effects to the flow and |
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1 | circulation patterns and chemical and biological characteristics of freshwater wetlands are |
2 | minimized and that any adverse effects on the aquatic environment are minimized and will not |
3 | result in a significant alteration to the freshwater wetlands. Pursuant to this review, the division |
4 | shall notify the applicant, in writing, whether the proposal is an insignificant alteration. This notice |
5 | shall be issued not later than thirty (30) days after the date that the application was filed with the |
6 | division. In the event notice is given by the division as required, the application shall be |
7 | conclusively presumed to be an insignificant alteration. If no notice is given as required, or if an |
8 | application is approved as an insignificant alteration, the applicant may cause construction to be |
9 | done in accordance with the application, and neither the applicant, nor the applicant’s agents or |
10 | employees who cause or perform the construction in accordance with the application, shall be liable |
11 | for any criminal, civil, administrative or other fine, fee, or penalty, including restoration costs for |
12 | violations alleged to arise from the construction. |
13 | (3) The division of agriculture shall, in coordination with the agricultural council’s |
14 | advisory committee, adopt regulations for subdivision (i)(2), and shall determine whether a |
15 | proposed activity, other than an activity listed in subdivision (i)(1), constitutes a normal farming |
16 | activity, or involves the best farm management practices. In making such a determination, the |
17 | division of agriculture shall consider the proposed activity on a case-by-case basis, relative to the |
18 | characteristics of the particular jurisdictional area in which the activity is proposed, and shall |
19 | consider whether the activity incorporates best farm management practices and ensures that adverse |
20 | effects to the flow and circulation patterns and chemical and biological characteristics of freshwater |
21 | wetlands, buffers, and floodplains are minimized and that any adverse effects on the aquatic |
22 | environment are minimized in each instance. |
23 | (4) Except as otherwise provided for farm road construction, filling of freshwater wetlands |
24 | conforms to the provisions of this chapter. |
25 | (j) For the purposes of this section, a “farmer” is an individual, partnership, or corporation |
26 | who operates a farm and has filed a 1040F U.S. Internal Revenue Form with the Internal Revenue |
27 | Service, has a state farm tax number, and has earned ten thousand dollars ($10,000) gross income |
28 | on farm products in each of the preceding four (4) years. |
29 | (k) For the purposes of this section as applicable to normal farming and ranching activities |
30 | specified in §§ 2-1-22(i)(1) and (i)(2) above, freshwater wetlands shall be defined as: freshwater |
31 | wetlands, floodplains, areas subject to storm flowage, areas subject to flooding as defined in § 2-1- |
32 | 20 and the land area within two hundred feet (200′) of a flowing body of water having a width of |
33 | ten feet (10′) or more during normal flow; the area of land within one hundred feet (100′) of a |
34 | flowing body of water having a width of less than ten feet (10′) during normal flow; and the area |
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1 | of land within fifty feet (50′) of a bog, marsh of one acre or greater, swamp of three (3) acres or |
2 | greater and pond not less than one quarter (¼) acre in extent. These areas shall also serve as the |
3 | jurisdictional area. |
4 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would redefine what constitutes a farm by reducing the amount of revenue from |
2 | farm products required to be sold from ten thousand ($10,000) to two thousand five hundred dollars |
3 | ($2500). The act would expand the farm to include all agricultural operations, including forestry. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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