2025 -- H 5597 | |
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LC001436 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Cotter, Ajello, Potter, Carson, Bennett, and Diaz | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Education | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Chapter 16-21 of the General Laws entitled "Health and Safety of Pupils" is |
2 | hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
3 | 16-21-43. School air quality. |
4 | (a) The following words and phrases when used in this section shall be construed as |
5 | follows: |
6 | (1) “ASHRAE” means the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air |
7 | Conditioning Engineers. |
8 | (2) “HVAC” means heating, ventilation and air conditioning. |
9 | (3) "Mechanical engineer” means a professional engineer certified as a mechanical |
10 | engineer by the board of registration for professional engineers, and who meets the requirements |
11 | under § 5-8-11, and who has professional experience with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning |
12 | systems. |
13 | (4) "Mechanical ventilation system" means a building ventilation system provided by |
14 | mechanically powered, permanent equipment, such as motor-driven fans and blowers, and includes |
15 | carbon dioxide monitoring. The term does not include devices such as wind-driven turbine |
16 | ventilators, portable air cleaning and filtration devices and mechanically operated windows. |
17 | (5) “MERV” means minimum efficiency reporting value. |
18 | (6) “PM2.5” means particles less than two and one-half (2.5) micrometers in diameter. |
19 | (7) “PM10” means particles less than ten (10) micrometers in diameter. |
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1 | (8) “Qualified adjusting personnel” means either of the following: |
2 | (i) A certified testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) technician; or |
3 | (ii) A skilled and trained workforce under the supervision of a certified TAB technician. |
4 | (9) "Qualified testing personnel” means a certified TAB technician or a person certified to |
5 | perform ventilation verification assessments of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems |
6 | through a certification body accredited under the ISO/IEC 17024 personnel certification standard. |
7 | (10) "Skilled and trained construction workforce” means a workforce, managed in |
8 | conformance with the Davis-Bacon Act, P.L. 71-798, 46 Stat.1494, 40 U.S.C. § 3141-3148, in |
9 | which at least sixty percent (60%) of the workers are graduates of or registered in and attending an |
10 | apprenticeship program registered with the department of labor and training (DLT), division of |
11 | apprenticeship training. |
12 | (11) “Verification” means the process of evaluating a system, component, or product to |
13 | determine whether it complies with specified requirements, design specifications, or regulations. |
14 | (b) The department of health shall establish by regulation recommended standards for |
15 | indoor air quality in schools, including recommended thresholds and/or rates for the following: |
16 | (1) Temperature; |
17 | (2) Humidity; |
18 | (3) Carbon dioxide; |
19 | (4) PM2.5; |
20 | (5) PM10; |
21 | (6) Ventilation; and |
22 | (7) Filtration. |
23 | (c) The department of education shall establish a program to undertake a uniform |
24 | inspection and evaluation of the indoor air quality within each school building, including heating, |
25 | ventilation and air conditioning systems when present. The program shall be conducted in |
26 | conjunction with the local school boards. Any deficiencies from the department of health |
27 | recommendations established pursuant to the provisions of subsection (b) of this section shall be |
28 | included with the estimated cost of remediation in the capital construction, reconstruction, |
29 | maintenance, and other capital needs for schools, as outlined in §16-105-3. The inspection and |
30 | evaluation shall be performed using a skilled and trained construction workforce at least once every |
31 | five (5) years. The assessment shall include, but not be limited to, the following: |
32 | (1) Measurements of temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, PM2.5, and PM10; |
33 | (2) Testing for maximum filter efficiency aiming for MERV 13 when feasible; |
34 | (3) Assessment of MERV filter level and replacement routine; |
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1 | (4) Measurements of outside air delivery rate; |
2 | (5) Verification of the condition and operation of ventilation components, pursuant to |
3 | specifications provided by the manufacturer; |
4 | (6) Verification of unit operation and that required maintenance has been performed; |
5 | (7) Verification of control sequences; |
6 | (8) Measurement of all air distribution inlets and outlets; |
7 | (9) Verification, replacement or installation of carbon dioxide sensors; and |
8 | (10) Collection of field data for the installation of mechanical ventilation system or HVAC |
9 | system if none exists. |
10 | (d) The department of education shall make the inspection and evaluation results easily |
11 | available online and send the test results directly to: |
12 | (1) Each school's principal; |
13 | (2) The department of elementary and secondary education; and |
14 | (3) The appropriate local school board. |
15 | (e) All schools with HVAC systems shall install filtration that achieves MERV levels of |
16 | thirteen (13) to the extent determined to be feasible and appropriate for the existing HVAC system, |
17 | as determined by the school board, in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 62.1- 2022 § 8 and Table |
18 | 8–1. If it is determined by the school board that the existing HVAC system is not designed to |
19 | achieve MERV levels of thirteen (13), the school shall install filtration that achieves the highest |
20 | MERV level feasible without significantly reducing the lifespan or performance of the existing |
21 | HVAC system. School personnel shall inspect and replace filters as recommended by manufacturer |
22 | guidelines. All HVAC repairs, upgrades, or replacements shall be performed by a skilled and |
23 | trained workforce. All HVAC adjustments shall be performed by qualified adjusting personnel. |
24 | (e) The department of health and department of education are hereby authorized to |
25 | promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out the purposes of this section. |
26 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would provide that the department of health provide recommended air quality |
2 | standards for schools. This act would further provide that the department of education establish a |
3 | program to test the air quality in schools and deficiencies in air quality would be addressed in the |
4 | responsibilities of the school building authority pursuant to § 16-105-3. This act would also provide |
5 | that HVAC systems in schools achieve a MERV level of 13 where practical. |
6 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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