2025 -- H 5582 | |
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LC001605 | |
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Introduced By: Representative Patricia A. Serpa | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Corporations | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 6 of the General Laws entitled "COMMERCIAL LAW — GENERAL |
2 | REGULATORY PROVISIONS" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 26.2 |
5 | 6-26.2-1. Short title. |
6 | This chapter may be known and cited as the "Interchange Fee Restriction Act". |
7 | 6-26.2-2. Definitions. |
8 | As used in this chapter: |
9 | (1) "Acquirer bank" means a member of a payment card network that contracts with a |
10 | merchant for the settlement of electronic payment transactions. An acquirer bank may contract |
11 | directly with merchants or indirectly through a processor to process electronic payment |
12 | transactions. |
13 | (2) "Authorization" means the process through which a merchant requests approval for an |
14 | electronic payment transaction from the issuer. |
15 | (3) "Clearance" means the process of transmitting final transaction data from a merchant |
16 | to an issuer for posting to the cardholder's account and the calculation of fees and charges, including |
17 | interchange fees, that apply to the issuer and the merchant. |
18 | (4) "Credit card" means a card, plate, coupon book, or other credit device existing for the |
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1 | purpose of obtaining money, property, labor, or services on credit. |
2 | (5) "Debit card" means a card or other payment code or device issued or approved for use |
3 | through a payment card network to debit an asset account, regardless of the purpose for which the |
4 | account is established, whether authorization is based on a signature, a personal identification |
5 | number, or other means. Debit card includes a general use prepaid card, as defined in 15 U.S.C. |
6 | 16931·1. Debit card does not include paper checks. |
7 | (6) "Electronic payment transaction" means a transaction in which a person uses a debit |
8 | card, a credit card, or other payment code or device issued or approved through a payment card |
9 | network to debit a deposit account or use a line of credit, whether authorization is based on a |
10 | signature, a personal identification number, or other means. |
11 | (7) "Interchange fee" means a fee established, charged, or received by a payment card |
12 | network for the purpose of compensating the issuer for its involvement in an electronic payment |
13 | transaction. |
14 | (8) "Issuer" means a person issuing a debit card or credit card or the issuer's agent. |
15 | (9) "Merchant" means a person that collects and remits a tax. |
16 | (10) "Payment card network" means an entity that: |
17 | (i) Directly or through licensed members, processors, or agents, provides the proprietary |
18 | services, infrastructure, and software to route information and data for the purpose of conducting |
19 | electronic payment transaction authorization, clearance, and settlement; and |
20 | (ii) A merchant uses to accept as a form of payment a brand of debit card, credit card, or |
21 | other device that may be used to carry out electronic payment transactions. |
22 | (11) "Person" means any individual, firm, public or private corporation, government, |
23 | partnership, association, or any other organization or entity. |
24 | (12) "Processor" means an entity that facilitates, services, processes, or manages the debit |
25 | or credit authorization, billing, transfer, payment procedures, or settlement with respect to any |
26 | electronic payment transaction. |
27 | (13) "Settlement" means the process of transmitting sales information to the issuing bank |
28 | for collection and reimbursement of funds to the merchant and calculating and reporting the net |
29 | transaction amount to the issuer and merchant for an electronic payment transaction that is cleared. |
30 | (14) "Tax" means any sales and use tax or excise tax imposed by the state or a municipality. |
31 | (15) "Tax documentation" means documentation sufficient for the payment card network |
32 | to determine the total amount of the electronic payment transaction and the tax amount of the |
33 | transaction. Tax documentation may be related to a single electronic payment transaction or |
34 | multiple electronic payment transactions aggregated over a period of time. Tax documentation |
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1 | includes, but is not limited to, invoices, receipts, journals, ledgers, and tax returns filed with the |
2 | department of revenue or local taxing authorities. |
3 | 6-26.2-3. Interchange fees on taxes prohibited. |
4 | (a) An issuer, a payment card network, an acquirer bank, or a processor may not receive or |
5 | charge a merchant any interchange fee on the tax amount of an electronic payment transaction if |
6 | the merchant informs the acquirer bank or its designee of the tax amount as part of the authorization |
7 | or settlement process for the electronic payment transaction. The merchant must transmit the tax |
8 | amount data as part of the authorization or settlement process to avoid being charged interchange |
9 | fees on the tax amount of an electronic payment transaction. |
10 | (b) A merchant that does not transmit the tax amount data in accordance with subsection |
11 | (a) of this section may submit tax documentation for the electronic payment transaction to the |
12 | acquirer bank or its designee no later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of the |
13 | electronic payment transaction, and within thirty (30) days after the merchant submits the necessary |
14 | tax documentation, the issuer shall credit to the merchant the amount of interchange fees charged |
15 | on the tax amount of the electronic payment transaction. |
16 | (c) This section does not create liability for a payment card network regarding the accuracy |
17 | of the tax data reported by the merchant. |
18 | (d) It shall be unlawful for an issuer, a payment card network, an acquirer bank, or a |
19 | processor to alter or manipulate the computation and imposition of interchange fees by increasing |
20 | the rate or amount of the fees applicable to or imposed upon the portion of a credit or debit card |
21 | transaction not attributable to taxes or other fees charged to the retailer to circumvent the effect of |
22 | this section. |
23 | 6-26.2-4. Penalties. |
24 | An issuer, a payment card network, an acquirer bank, a processor, or other designated entity |
25 | that has received the tax amount data and violates § 6-26.2-3 shall have engaged in a deceptive |
26 | trade practice in violation of the provisions of chapter 13.1 of title 6 and shall be subject to a civil |
27 | penalty of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) per electronic payment transaction in violation of § |
28 | 6-26.2-3, and the issuer shall be responsible to refund the merchant the interchange fee calculated |
29 | on the tax amount relative to the electronic payment transaction. |
30 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would create the interchange fee restriction act prohibiting interchange fees on |
2 | sales and use tax or excise tax when payment is made with a credit or debit card. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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