2025 -- H 5573 | |
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LC002095 | |
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ACT | |
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Introduced By: Representative Joseph J. Solomon | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Corporations | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 42-98-3 and 42-98-8 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-98 entitled |
2 | "Energy Facility Siting Act" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 42-98-3. Definitions. |
4 | As used in this chapter: |
5 | (a)(1) “Advanced conductor” means an electric conductor that has a direct current electrical |
6 | resistance at least ten percent (10%) lower than existing conductors of a similar diameter on the |
7 | system. |
8 | (2) “Advanced power flow control” means hardware and/or software used to reroute |
9 | electricity from overloaded transmission lines to underutilized transmission or distribution |
10 | corridors by adjusting circuit impedance. |
11 | (3) “Agency” means any agency, council, board, or commission of the state or political |
12 | subdivision of the state. |
13 | (b)(4) “Alteration” means a significant modification to a major energy facility, which, as |
14 | determined by the board, will result in a significant impact on the environment, or the public health, |
15 | safety, and welfare. Conversion from one type of fuel to another shall not be considered to be an |
16 | “alteration.” |
17 | (c)(5) “Board” for purposes of this chapter refers to the siting board. |
18 | (d)(6) “Clean coal technology” means one of the technologies developed in the clean coal |
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1 | technology program of the United States Department of Energy, and shown to produce emissions |
2 | levels substantially equal to those of natural gas fired power plants. |
3 | (7) “Dynamic line rating” means hardware and/or software used to calculate the updated |
4 | thermal limits of distribution or transmission lines using real-time and forecasted weather |
5 | conditions. |
6 | (8) “Energy storage as a distribution or transmission asset” means a resource capable of |
7 | receiving energy from the transmission or distribution system and storing it for later injection of |
8 | energy back into the transmission or distribution system. |
9 | (9) "Grid-enhancing technology" means any hardware or software technology that enables |
10 | enhanced or more efficient flow of electricity across the existing electric transmission and |
11 | distribution system infrastructure and rights of way which includes, but is not limited to, dynamic |
12 | line rating, advanced power flow control, reconductoring and rebuilding with advanced conductors, |
13 | topology optimization and energy storage when used as a distribution or transmission asset. |
14 | (e)(10) “Major energy facility” means facilities for the extraction, production, conversion, |
15 | and processing of coal; facilities for the generation of electricity designed or capable of operating |
16 | at a gross capacity of forty megawatts (40 MW) or more; transmission lines of sixty-nine (69) Kv |
17 | or over; facilities for the conversion, gasification, treatment, transfer, or storage of liquefied natural |
18 | and liquefied petroleum gases; facilities for the processing, enrichment, storage, or disposal of |
19 | nuclear fuels or nuclear byproducts; facilities for the refining of oil, gas, or other petroleum |
20 | products; facilities of ten megawatts (10 MW) or greater capacity for the generation of electricity |
21 | by water power, and facilities associated with the transfer of oil, gas, and coal via pipeline; any |
22 | energy facility project of the Rhode Island commerce corporation; the board may promulgate |
23 | regulations to further define “major energy facility” to the extent further definition is required to |
24 | carry out the purpose of this chapter, provided that any waste to energy facility shall not be deemed |
25 | a major energy facility for the purposes of this chapter. |
26 | (11) “Reconductoring” means the process of installing advanced conductors in place of the |
27 | legacy conductors, including structure rehabilitation as needed. |
28 | (12) “Topology optimization” means software that identifies reconfigurations of the |
29 | transmission grid to reroute electricity from overloaded or congested lines to underutilized |
30 | corridors. |
31 | 42-98-8. Applications — Contents — Acceptance for filing. |
32 | (a) The rules and regulations promulgated by the board pursuant to § 42-98-7(c) shall |
33 | prescribe the form and contents of applications under this chapter. The applications shall contain |
34 | at least the following, where applicable: |
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1 | (1) Identification of the proposed owner(s) of the facility, including identification of all |
2 | affiliates of the proposed owners, as the term is defined in § 39-3-27. |
3 | (2) Detailed description of the proposed facility, including its function and operating |
4 | characteristics, and complete plans as to all structures, including underground construction and |
5 | transmission facilities, underground or aerial, associated with the proposed facility. |
6 | The complete plans shall be the basis for determining jurisdiction under the energy facility |
7 | siting act and shall be the plans submitted to all agencies whose permit is required under the law. |
8 | (3) A detailed description and analysis of the impact of the proposed facility on its physical |
9 | and social environment together with a detailed description of all environmental characteristics of |
10 | the proposed site, and a summary of all studies prepared and relied upon in connection therewith. |
11 | In considering and issuing a decision, the board shall consider the net-zero mandate of chapter 6.2 |
12 | of title 42 ("2021 act on climate"), and how the project may advance or delay the greenhouse gas |
13 | emissions reductions set forth therein. The board may also consider other reasonably foreseeable |
14 | climate change impacts, including other pollutant emissions known to have negative health |
15 | impacts, predicted sea level rise, coastal and inland flooding, and other disproportionate adverse |
16 | effects on a specific geographical area. |
17 | Where applicable these descriptions and analysis shall include a review of current |
18 | independent, scientific research pertaining to electric and magnetic fields (EMF). The review shall |
19 | provide data assessing potential health risks associated with EMF exposure. For the purposes of |
20 | this chapter “prudent avoidance” shall refer to measures to be implemented in order to protect the |
21 | public from EMF exposure. |
22 | (4) All studies and forecasts, complete with the information, data, methodology, and |
23 | assumptions on which they are based, on which the applicant intends to rely in showing the need |
24 | for the proposed facility under the statewide master construction plan submitted annually. |
25 | (5) Complete detail as to the estimated construction cost of the proposed facility, the |
26 | projected maintenance and operation costs, estimated costs to the community such as safety and |
27 | public health issues, storm damage and power outages, estimated costs to businesses and |
28 | homeowners due to power outages, the estimated unit cost of energy to be produced by the proposed |
29 | facility, and expected methods of financing the facility. |
30 | (6) A complete life-cycle management plan for the proposed facility, including measures |
31 | for protecting the public health and safety and the environment during the facility’s operations, |
32 | including plans for the handling and disposal of wastes from the facility, and plans for the |
33 | decommissioning of the facility at the end of its useful life. |
34 | (7) A study of alternatives to the proposed facility, including alternatives as to energy |
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1 | sources, methods of energy production, and sites for the facility, together with reasons for the |
2 | applicant’s rejection of these alternatives. The study shall include estimates of facility cost and unit |
3 | energy costs of alternatives considered. In the case of electric transmission infrastructure facilities |
4 | and natural gas pipelines, applicants shall give due consideration to advanced conductors, grid- |
5 | enhancing technologies, and non-wires or non-pipeline alternatives in order to avoid or minimize |
6 | expenditures and/or maximize cost-effectiveness. |
7 | (8) Applicants shall further indicate that for transmission line infrastructure, they have |
8 | sufficiently considered routes that make use of existing rights of way in the state. The board may |
9 | expedite the licensing process for transmission lines utilizing existing rights-of-way. If applicants |
10 | do not intend to make use of existing rights-of-way, or did not consider them, they shall explain |
11 | the reasoning of that decision. |
12 | (9) Applicants shall further describe, where applicable, the degree to which a transmission |
13 | project(s) fulfills an identified need at a regional level, including any studies, forecasts, and other |
14 | evidence demonstrating consistency and alignment with relevant regional grid planning processes, |
15 | and including any “right-sizing” analyses done to confirm that the project could or could not be |
16 | modified to meet a regional need. To the extent a project does not fulfill a regional need, applicants |
17 | shall describe and justify the continued need for the project absent a regional need. The rules and |
18 | regulations promulgated by the board pursuant to § 42-98-7 may identify how the fulfillment of |
19 | any such regional needs are to be weighed alongside Rhode Island-specific needs. |
20 | (b) Within thirty (30) days of the filing of an applicant under this chapter, the board shall |
21 | notify the applicant whether the application is in the form and addresses the matters that are required |
22 | by this section and the rules and regulations as are promulgated pursuant to § 42-98-7. An |
23 | application meeting these requirements shall then be docketed. Any application deemed to be |
24 | deficient shall be returned to the applicant, together with a concise and explicit statement of the |
25 | application’s deficiencies. Within fifteen (15) days of the resubmission of an application following |
26 | a rejection for deficiency, the board shall docket the application together with specification of |
27 | continuing deficiencies noted by the board, if any. |
28 | SECTION 2. Chapter 39-1 of the General Laws entitled "Public Utilities Commission" is |
29 | hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
30 | 39-1-64. Distribution or transmission company performance incentive and |
31 | investigation. |
32 | (a) To the extent authorized by federal law, for base rate proceedings and other proceedings |
33 | in which a distribution or transmission company proposes capital improvements or additions to the |
34 | distribution or transmission system, the distribution or transmission company shall conduct a cost- |
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1 | effectiveness and timetable analysis of multiple strategies including, but not limited to, the |
2 | deployment of advanced conductors, grid-enhancing technologies, or energy storage used as a |
3 | distribution or transmission resource. |
4 | (b) Where advanced conductors, grid-enhancing technologies, or energy storage used as a |
5 | distribution or transmission resource, whether in combination with or instead of capital |
6 | investments, offer a more cost-effective strategy for achieving distribution or transmission goals |
7 | including, but not limited to, distributed energy resource interconnection, grid reliability and |
8 | enhanced cyber and physical security, the commission, to the extent permitted under federal law, |
9 | shall approve the deployment of advanced conductors, grid-enhancing technologies or energy |
10 | storage used as a distribution or transmission resource. |
11 | (c) As part of a base rate filing or other filing in which a distribution or transmission |
12 | company proposes capital improvements or additions to the distribution or transmission system, |
13 | the distribution or transmission company may propose a performance incentive mechanism that |
14 | provides a financial mechanism for the cost-effective deployment of advanced reconductoring, |
15 | grid-enhancing technologies or energy storage used as a distribution or transmission resource. |
16 | (d) Additionally, distribution companies filing infrastructure, safety, and reliability plans |
17 | starting in fiscal year 2027 and thereafter shall investigate grid enhancing technology |
18 | implementation in their plans as part of the solutions needed to achieve Rhode Island’s greenhouse |
19 | gas emissions reduction mandates as established in chapter 6.2 of title 41 ("2021 act on climate"), |
20 | and in order to improve grid performance, reliability and security for the state. |
21 | (e)(1) The public utilities commission, in coordination with the office of energy resources, |
22 | shall conduct an independent investigation that examines the use of advanced conductors and grid- |
23 | enhancing technologies to enhance the performance of the state’s transmission system in |
24 | applications that are subject to federal jurisdiction. Such advanced conductors and grid-enhancing |
25 | technologies shall include, but shall not be limited to, reconductoring of transmission and |
26 | distribution lines and the use of dynamic line ratings, advanced power flow control and topology |
27 | optimization software. |
28 | (2) In conducting its investigation, the commission shall: |
29 | (i) Review industry trends for the implementation and use of advanced conductors and |
30 | grid-enhancing technologies to determine which technologies are cost-effective and in the public |
31 | interest and under what conditions those technologies could be utilized for transmission and |
32 | distribution infrastructure within the state; and |
33 | (ii) For any technologies determined to be cost effective and in the public interest, identify |
34 | any jurisdictional and cost-sharing issues related to requiring a transmission and distribution utility |
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1 | to implement such technologies. |
2 | (iii) Consider the costs of such technologies and consider their benefits including, but not |
3 | limited to: |
4 | (A) Access to lower cost and zero carbon electricity; |
5 | (B) Acceleration of distributed energy resource interconnection; |
6 | (C) Reduced generator curtailment or congestion; |
7 | (D) Reduced environmental impacts; |
8 | (E) Maximization of the value of planned investments; |
9 | (F) Improved resilience; and |
10 | (G) Improved outage coordination and mitigation. |
11 | (3) The public utilities commission shall submit a report to the general assembly not later |
12 | than September 1, 2026. |
13 | (f) The public utilities commission may promulgate rules and regulations to implement the |
14 | provisions of subsection (e) of this section. |
15 | SECTION 3. Section 39-25-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 39-25 entitled "Electric |
16 | Transmission Siting and Regulatory Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
17 | 39-25-3. Regulations on construction of high-voltage lines. |
18 | The energy facility siting board established under § 42-98-5 is hereby authorized and |
19 | directed to establish rules and regulations governing construction within the state of high-voltage |
20 | transmission lines of sixty-nine (69) kV or greater, including the replacement, rebuild or expansion |
21 | of existing transmission line infrastructure. |
22 | SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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ACT | |
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1 | This act would require applications for energy facilities to take into consideration the net- |
2 | zero mandate contained in the 2021 act on climate and how the facility may advance or delay the |
3 | greenhouse gas emissions reductions. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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