2025 -- H 5568 | |
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LC002100 | |
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Introduced By: Representative Patricia A. Serpa | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Corporations | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 27-50-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 27-50 entitled "Small |
2 | Employer Health Insurance Availability Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 27-50-5. Restrictions relating to premium rates. |
4 | (a) Premium rates for health benefit plans subject to this chapter are subject to the following |
5 | provisions: |
6 | (1) Subject to subsection (a)(2) of this section, a small employer carrier shall develop its |
7 | rates based on an adjusted community rate and may only vary the adjusted community rate for: |
8 | (i) Age; and |
9 | (ii) [Deleted by P.L. 2021, ch. 88, § 5 and P.L. 2021, ch. 89, § 5.] |
10 | (iii) Family composition. |
11 | (2) The adjustment for age in subsection (a)(1)(i) of this section may not use age brackets |
12 | smaller than five-year (5) increments and these shall begin with age thirty (30) and end with age |
13 | sixty-five (65). |
14 | (3) The small employer carriers are permitted to develop separate rates for individuals age |
15 | sixty-five (65) or older for coverage for which Medicare is the primary payer and coverage for |
16 | which Medicare is not the primary payer. Both rates are subject to the requirements of this |
17 | subsection (a). |
18 | (4) For each health benefit plan offered by a carrier, the highest premium rate for each |
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1 | family composition type shall not exceed four (4) times the premium rate that could be charged to |
2 | a small employer with the lowest premium rate for that family composition. |
3 | (5) Premium rates for bona fide associations except for the Rhode Island Builders’ |
4 | Association whose membership is limited to those who are actively involved in supporting the |
5 | construction industry in Rhode Island and members of the greater Providence chamber of |
6 | commerce shall comply with the requirements of this section. |
7 | (6) For a small employer group renewing its health insurance with the same small employer |
8 | carrier that provided it small employer health insurance in the prior year, the adjustment factor for |
9 | age for that small employer group will not exceed one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the |
10 | adjustment factor for age for that small employer group in the prior rate year. |
11 | (b) The premium charged for a health benefit plan may not be adjusted more frequently |
12 | than annually except that the rates may be changed to reflect: |
13 | (1) Changes to the enrollment of the small employer; |
14 | (2) Changes to the family composition of the employee; or |
15 | (3) Changes to the health benefit plan requested by the small employer. |
16 | (c) Premium rates for health benefit plans shall comply with the requirements of this |
17 | section. |
18 | (d) Small employer carriers shall apply rating factors consistently with respect to all small |
19 | employers. Rating factors shall produce premiums for identical groups that differ only by the |
20 | amounts attributable to plan design and do not reflect differences due to the nature of the groups |
21 | assumed to select particular health benefit plans. Two groups that are otherwise identical, but which |
22 | have different prior year rate factors, may, however, have rating factors that produce premiums that |
23 | differ because of the requirements of subsection (a)(6) of this section. Nothing in this section shall |
24 | be construed to prevent a group health plan and a health insurance carrier offering health insurance |
25 | coverage from establishing premium discounts or rebates or modifying otherwise applicable |
26 | copayments or deductibles in return for adherence to programs of health promotion and disease |
27 | prevention, including those included in affordable health benefit plans, provided that the resulting |
28 | rates comply with the other requirements of this section, including subsection (a)(4) of this section. |
29 | The calculation of premium discounts, rebates, or modifications to otherwise applicable |
30 | copayments or deductibles for affordable health benefit plans shall be made in a manner consistent |
31 | with accepted actuarial standards and based on actual or reasonably anticipated small employer |
32 | claims experience. As used in the preceding sentence, “accepted actuarial standards” includes |
33 | actuarially appropriate use of relevant data from outside the claims experience of small employers |
34 | covered by affordable health plans, including, but not limited to, experience derived from the large |
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1 | group market, as this term is defined in § 27-18.6-2. |
2 | (e) For the purposes of this section, a health benefit plan that contains a restricted network |
3 | provision shall not be considered similar coverage to a health benefit plan that does not contain |
4 | such a provision, provided that the restriction of benefits to network providers results in substantial |
5 | differences in claim costs. |
6 | (f) The health insurance commissioner may establish regulations to implement the |
7 | provisions of this section and to ensure that rating practices used by small employer carriers are |
8 | consistent with the purposes of this chapter, including regulations that ensure that differences in |
9 | rates charged for health benefit plans by small employer carriers are reasonable and reflect objective |
10 | differences in plan design or coverage (not including differences due to the nature of the groups |
11 | assumed to select particular health benefit plans or separate claim experience for individual health |
12 | benefit plans) and to ensure that small employer groups with one eligible subscriber are notified of |
13 | rates for health benefit plans in the individual market. |
14 | (g) In connection with the offering for sale of any health benefit plan to a small employer, |
15 | a small employer carrier shall make a reasonable disclosure, as part of its solicitation and sales |
16 | materials, of all of the following: |
17 | (1) The provisions of the health benefit plan concerning the small employer carrier’s right |
18 | to change premium rates and the factors, other than claim experience, that affect changes in |
19 | premium rates; |
20 | (2) The provisions relating to renewability of policies and contracts; |
21 | (3) The provisions relating to any preexisting condition provision; and |
22 | (4) A listing of and descriptive information, including benefits and premiums, about all |
23 | benefit plans for which the small employer is qualified. |
24 | (h)(1) Each small employer carrier shall maintain at its principal place of business a |
25 | complete and detailed description of its rating practices and renewal underwriting practices, |
26 | including information and documentation that demonstrate that its rating methods and practices are |
27 | based upon commonly accepted actuarial assumptions and are in accordance with sound actuarial |
28 | principles. |
29 | (2) Each small employer carrier shall file with the commissioner annually on or before |
30 | March 15 an actuarial certification certifying that the carrier is in compliance with this chapter and |
31 | that the rating methods of the small employer carrier are actuarially sound. The certification shall |
32 | be in a form and manner, and shall contain the information, specified by the commissioner. A copy |
33 | of the certification shall be retained by the small employer carrier at its principal place of business. |
34 | (3) A small employer carrier shall make the information and documentation described in |
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1 | subsection (h)(1) of this section available to the commissioner upon request. Except in cases of |
2 | violations of this chapter, the information shall be considered proprietary and trade secret |
3 | information and shall not be subject to disclosure by the director to persons outside of the |
4 | department except as agreed to by the small employer carrier or as ordered by a court of competent |
5 | jurisdiction. |
6 | (4) For the wellness health benefit plan described in § 27-50-10, the rates proposed to be |
7 | charged and the plan design to be offered by any carrier shall be filed by the carrier at the office of |
8 | the commissioner no less than thirty (30) days prior to their proposed date of use. The carrier shall |
9 | be required to establish that the rates proposed to be charged and the plan design to be offered are |
10 | consistent with the proper conduct of its business and with the interest of the public. The |
11 | commissioner may approve, disapprove, or modify the rates and/or approve or disapprove the plan |
12 | design proposed to be offered by the carrier. Any disapproval by the commissioner of a plan design |
13 | proposed to be offered shall be based upon a determination that the plan design is not consistent |
14 | with the criteria established pursuant to § 27-50-10(b). |
15 | (i) The requirements of this section apply to all health benefit plans issued or renewed on |
16 | or after October 1, 2000. |
17 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would include members of the greater Providence chamber of commerce in the |
2 | exclusion of premium rates for the Rhode Island Builders' Association. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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