2025 -- H 5556 | |
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LC001688 | |
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A N A C T | |
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Introduced By: Representatives DeSimone, Fellela, McNamara, Biah, Slater, Kazarian, | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Corporations | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Legislative findings and purpose. |
2 | (a) The general assembly finds that: |
3 | (1) School psychologists are part of a comprehensive program to meet student needs, |
4 | consistent with 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1400 [the "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act"] and 20 |
5 | U.S.C. Sec. 6301 [the "Every Student Succeeds Act"]. |
6 | (2) School psychologists are an integral part of the school team and support student |
7 | learning, mental health and behavior to help students achieve academically, socially, behaviorally, |
8 | and emotionally. |
9 | (3) The National Association of School Psychologists recommends a maximum ratio of |
10 | five hundred (500) students per school psychologists in order to provide a comprehensive range of |
11 | school psychological services. |
12 | (4) There is a shortage of school psychologists in Rhode Island, with an estimated ratio of |
13 | 763:1. Ratios in the urban districts average 1:1000. |
14 | (5) A shortage of school psychologists across the State of Rhode Island jeopardizes the |
15 | state's ability to provide essential services and supports to students, schools, and communities. |
16 | (6) Data indicate that shortages of school psychologists will persist into the future. |
17 | (7) There is an insufficient number of credentialed school psychology graduates produced |
18 | by the state's higher education institutions to fill existing gaps. |
19 | (8) Initiatives designed to promote and support the education and preparation of school |
| |
1 | psychologists can help mitigate the problem of a shortage. |
2 | (9) Research and best practice show that after three (3) years of employment within a |
3 | school, school psychologists become imbedded in their community, resulting in lower turnover |
4 | within the profession. |
5 | (b) The purpose of this legislation is: |
6 | (1) To address the shortage of school psychologists in the State of Rhode Island. |
7 | (2) To address the shortage of school psychologists in the higher education pipeline. |
8 | (3) To create a pipeline for licensure through the department of health that would allow for |
9 | independent contracting, educational evaluations, consultation, and other services related to the |
10 | academic learning process. |
11 | (4) To improve the academic, behavioral, and social–emotional well-being of children and |
12 | youth by increasing access to high quality school-employed mental and behavioral health |
13 | professionals. |
14 | (5) To improve the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional well-being of children and |
15 | youth by increasing community access to high quality mental and behavioral health professionals |
16 | who specialize in school psychology, and psychoeducational evaluations. |
17 | (6) To ensure the state fulfills its obligations to state and federal laws that address students |
18 | with disabilities, school safety, school climate and social and emotional learning. |
19 | SECTION 2. Sections 5-44-1, 5-44-12, 5-44-13 and 5-44-15 of the General Laws in |
20 | Chapter 5-44 entitled "Psychologists" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
21 | 5-44-1. Definitions. |
22 | As used in this chapter: |
23 | (1) “Academic psychologist” means a person employed by or associated with a recognized |
24 | college or university or other recognized institution who is engaged in teaching, studying, or |
25 | conducting research in the science of psychology. |
26 | (2) “Board” means the board of psychology established by § 5-44-3. |
27 | (3) “Department” means the Rhode Island department of health. |
28 | (4) “Director” means the director of the Rhode Island department of health. |
29 | (5) “Education” means the academic program pursued by a person in obtaining a doctoral |
30 | degree, that program to include formal course work, seminars, and practica. |
31 | (6) "Graduate program" means a program accredited by the state that is dedicated to |
32 | providing an organized program of graduate preparation in school psychology and provides no less |
33 | than sixty (60) graduate semester hours (or the equivalent) and includes coursework and experience |
34 | relevant to both education and psychology. Coursework shall advance knowledge in: |
| LC001688 - Page 2 of 23 |
1 | (i) Data collection and analysis, and data-based decision making; |
2 | (ii) Student assessment and evaluation; |
3 | (iii) Academic programs and instructional support; |
4 | (iv) Multi-tiered systems of support to address students' academic, social--emotional, and |
5 | mental and behavioral health needs including: |
6 | (A) Universal screening and early identification; |
7 | (B) Prevention and intervention services; |
8 | (C) Progress monitoring; |
9 | (D) Providing a range of increasingly intensive services based on student need; |
10 | (v) School-wide practices to promote student learning, resilience and risk factors, and crisis |
11 | preparedness, response, and recovery; |
12 | (vi) Mental health interventions; |
13 | (vii) Consultation and collaboration; |
14 | (viii) Family--school--community collaboration; |
15 | (ix) Diversity in development and learning; |
16 | (x) Program evaluation and research; |
17 | (xi) Professional ethics; |
18 | (xii) Systems; and |
19 | (xiii) All relevant local, state and federal laws, including the Individuals with Disabilities |
20 | Education Act and the requirements specific to the role of the school psychologist. |
21 | (6)(7) “Licensed psychologist” means a person who has been licensed for the practice of |
22 | psychology under this chapter. “Psychologist” as used in this chapter means a licensed psychologist |
23 | as defined in this section. |
24 | (8) "Licensed school psychologist" means a school psychologist who meets the |
25 | qualifications set forth in § 5-44-9.1. |
26 | (9) "Living wage" means the amount of money needed to provide for annual basic needs |
27 | for an individual to live above the poverty level and is determined by the state. |
28 | (7)(10) “Practice of psychology” means the rendering of professional psychological |
29 | services to individuals, groups, families, or any public or private organization for remuneration. |
30 | Professional psychological services means applying established psychological principles, methods, |
31 | or procedures for the purpose of preventing or eliminating symptomatic, maladaptive, or undesired |
32 | behavior and of enhancing interpersonal relationships, work and life adjustment, personal |
33 | effectiveness, and mental health. The practice of psychology includes, but is not limited to: |
34 | (i) Diagnoses and treatment of emotional, mental, or behavioral dysfunction, disorder, or |
| LC001688 - Page 3 of 23 |
1 | disability, alcoholism and substance-abuse disorders of habit or conduct, as well as of the |
2 | psychological aspects of physical illness, accident, injury, or disability; |
3 | (ii) Psychological testing and evaluation of intelligence, personality, abilities, interests, |
4 | aptitudes, and neuropsychological functioning; |
5 | (iii) Psychoeducation evaluation, therapy, remediation, and consultation; and |
6 | (iv) Counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy, biofeedback, and behavior |
7 | analysis and therapy. |
8 | (8)(11) “Psychology student,” “psychology trainee,” “psychology intern,” or “psychology |
9 | resident” means a student, intern, or other person studying or preparing for the profession of |
10 | psychologist under the supervision of recognized educational or training institutions or facilities. |
11 | (12) "School psychology internship" means a culminating and immersive field-supervised |
12 | experience in which the primary focus is on providing high-quality experiences, attainment of |
13 | comprehensive school psychology competencies, and integration and application of the full range |
14 | of domains of school psychology. Minimum requirements for an internship shall include: |
15 | (i) At least one thousand two hundred (1,200) hours in duration over the course of an |
16 | academic year; |
17 | (ii) At least six hundred (600) hours of the internship shall occur in a school-based setting |
18 | as defined by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) standards; |
19 | (iii) Opportunities and supervision in a broad range of direct and indirect school |
20 | psychological services; and |
21 | (iv) Supervision shall be conducted by a credentialed school psychologist or a professional |
22 | appropriately credentialed for the internship setting. |
23 | (9)(13) “Training” means the pre-professional or professional-supervised experience |
24 | received by the person at the pre- or post-doctoral level, that experience to have been obtained in |
25 | an internship, clinic, or other similar professional setting. |
26 | 5-44-12. Application fee. |
27 | The applicant applying for licensure as a psychologist or a licensed school psychologist |
28 | shall pay a fee as set forth in § 23-1-54 to the department. |
29 | 5-44-13. Temporary license. |
30 | (a) Pursuant to §§ 5-44-6 and 5-44-23(f) and rules and regulations promulgated hereunder, |
31 | a temporary permit to practice psychology under supervision may be granted to a candidate for |
32 | licensure who has paid the required fee as set forth in § 23-1-54 and has satisfied the following |
33 | requirements: |
34 | (1) Filed an application for licensure with all required supporting materials; |
| LC001688 - Page 4 of 23 |
1 | (2) Has received a doctoral degree in accordance with § 5-44-9, and successfully completed |
2 | one thousand five hundred (1,500) hours of supervision satisfactory to the board as specified in the |
3 | rules and regulations; |
4 | (3) Shall only practice under the appropriate supervision of a licensed psychologist as |
5 | delineated in the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder; |
6 | (4) Shall refrain from using the title “psychologist” or "licensed school psychologist" |
7 | representing himself or herself as a psychologist other than by using the title “psychology student,” |
8 | “psychology trainee,” “psychology intern,” "licensed school psychologist trainee," or “psychology |
9 | resident”; and |
10 | (5) The temporary permit shall be valid for a period of two (2) years from the date of |
11 | issuance. |
12 | (b) Temporary permit holders may request from the board a one-year extension. Such an |
13 | extension may be granted at the discretion of the board upon review of the applicant’s |
14 | circumstances. This extension shall only be granted once. |
15 | 5-44-15. Expiration and renewal of licenses — Continuing education — Lapsed |
16 | license. |
17 | (a) The license of every person licensed under the provisions of this chapter shall expire |
18 | on the first day of July of the next even-numbered year following the issuance of his or her license. |
19 | (b) On or before the first day of May of each even-numbered year, the department shall |
20 | mail an application for renewal of license to every person to whom a license has been issued or |
21 | renewed during the cycle. |
22 | (c) Every licensed person who desires to renew his or her license shall file with the |
23 | department a renewal application, executed, together with a renewal fee as set forth in § 23-1-54, |
24 | on or before the first day of June in each even-numbered year. Upon receipt of a renewal application |
25 | and payment of the renewal fee, the accuracy of the application shall be verified and the department |
26 | may grant a renewal license effective July 1st and expiring the June 30th in each even-numbered |
27 | year. |
28 | (d) Every licensed psychologist or licensed school psychologist who desires to continue |
29 | licensure as a licensed psychologist or licensed school psychologist shall present satisfactory |
30 | evidence to the board and approved by rule or regulation of the board that the licensed psychologist |
31 | or licensed school psychologist has completed a prescribed course of continuing licensed |
32 | psychological education. |
33 | (e) Any person who allows his or her license to lapse, by failing to renew it on or before |
34 | June 1st in each even-numbered year, as provided in this section, may be reinstated by the |
| LC001688 - Page 5 of 23 |
1 | department on payment of the current renewal fee, plus an additional fee as set forth in § 23-1-54. |
2 | Any person using the title “psychologist” or offering services defined as the practice of psychology |
3 | under this chapter during the time his or her license has lapsed is subject to the penalties provided |
4 | for violation of this chapter. |
5 | SECTION 3. Section 23-1-54 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-1 entitled "Department |
6 | of Health" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
7 | 23-1-54. Fees payable to the department of health. |
8 | Fees payable to the department shall be as follows: |
9 | PROFESSION RIGL Section Description of Fee FEE |
10 | Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-10(a) Renewal application $25.00 |
11 | Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-10(a) Renewal application: |
12 | Manicuring Instructors and manicurists $25.00 |
13 | Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-10(b) Minimum late renewal fee $25.00 |
14 | Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-10(b) Maximum late renewal fee $100.00 |
15 | Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-11[c] Application fee $25.00 |
16 | Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-11[c] Application fee: manicuring |
17 | Instructors and manicurists $25.00 |
18 | Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-13 Demonstrator’s permit $90.00 |
19 | Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-15 Shop license: initial $170.00 |
20 | Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-15 Shop license: renewal $170.00 |
21 | Veterinarians 5-25-10 Application fee $40.00 |
22 | Veterinarians 5-25-11 Examination fee $540.00 |
23 | Veterinarians 5-25-12(a) Renewal fee $580.00 |
24 | Veterinarians 5-25-12[c] Late renewal fee $120.00 |
25 | Podiatrists 5-29-7 Application fee $240.00 |
26 | Podiatrists 5-29-11 Renewal fee: minimum $240.00 |
27 | Podiatrists 5-29-11 Renewal fee: maximum $540.00 |
28 | Podiatrists 5-29-13 Limited registration $65.00 |
29 | Podiatrists 5-29-14 Limited registration: |
30 | Academic faculty $240.00 |
31 | Podiatrists 5-29-14 Application fee: |
32 | Renewal minimum $240.00 |
33 | Podiatrists 5-29-14 Application fee: |
34 | Renewal maximum $440.00 |
| LC001688 - Page 6 of 23 |
1 | Chiropractors 5-30-6 Examination fee: $210.00 |
2 | Chiropractors 5-30-7 Examination exemption fee $210.00 |
3 | Chiropractors 5-30-8(b) Exam Physiotherapy $210.00 |
4 | Chiropractors 5-30-8(b) Exam chiro and $210.00 |
5 | physiotherapy |
6 | Chiropractors 5-30-12 Renewal fee $210.00 |
7 | Dentists/dental hygienists 5-31.1-6(d) Dentist: application fee $965.00 |
8 | Dentists/dental hygienists 5-31.1-6(d) Dental hygienist: |
9 | application fee $65.00 |
10 | Dentists/dental hygienists 5-31.1-6(d) Reexamination: dentist $965.00 |
11 | Dentists/dental hygienist 5-31.1-6(d) Reexamination: hygienist $65.00 |
12 | Dentists/dental hygienists 5-31.1-21(b) Reinstatement fee dentist $90.00 |
13 | Dentists/dental hygienists 5-31.1-21(b) Reinstatement fee hygienist $90.00 |
14 | Dentists/dental hygienists 5-31.1-21(c) Inactive status: dentist $220.00 |
15 | Dentists/dental hygienists 5-31.1-21(c) Inactive status: hygienist $40.00 |
16 | Dentists/dental hygienists 5-31.1-22 Limited registration $65.00 |
17 | Dentists/dental hygienists 5-31.1-23[c] Limited reg: Academic faculty $965.00 |
18 | Dentists/dental hygienists 5-31.1-23[c] Limited reg: |
19 | Academic faculty renewal $500.00 |
20 | Electrolysis 5-32-3 Application fee $25.00 |
21 | Electrolysis 5-32-6(b) Renewal fee $25.00 |
22 | Electrolysis 5-32-7 Reciprocal license fee $25.00 |
23 | Electrolysis 5-32-17 Teaching license $25.00 |
24 | Funeral directors/embalmers 5-33.2-12 Funeral establishment license $120.00 |
25 | Funeral services establishments |
26 | Funeral directors/embalmers 5-33.2-15 Renewal: funeral/director - $90.00 |
27 | Funeral services establishments embalmer $30.00 |
28 | Funeral directors/embalmers 5-33.2-12 Funeral branch ofc license $90.00 |
29 | Funeral directors/embalmers 5-33.2-13.1 Crematories: application fee $120.00 |
30 | Funeral services establishments |
31 | Funeral directors/embalmers 5-33.2-15 Renewal: funeral/director |
32 | Funeral Svcs establishments establishment $120.00 |
33 | Funeral directors/embalmers 5-33.2-15 Additional branch office |
34 | Funeral services Establishments licenses $120.00 |
| LC001688 - Page 7 of 23 |
1 | Funeral directors/embalmers 5-33.2-15 Crematory renewal fee |
2 | Funeral svcs establishments $120.00 |
3 | Funeral directors/embalmers 5-33.2-15 Late renewal fee |
4 | Funeral svcs establishments (All license types) $25.00 |
5 | Funeral directors/embalmers 5-33.2-16(a) Intern registration fee |
6 | Funeral Services establishments- $25.00 |
7 | Nurses 5-34-12 RN Application fee $135.00 |
8 | Nurses 5-34-16 LPN Application fee $45.00 |
9 | Nurses 5-34-19 Renewal fee: RN $135.00 |
10 | Nurses 5-34-19 Renewal fee: LPN $45.00 |
11 | Nurses 5-34-37 RNP application fee $80.00 |
12 | Nurses 5-34-37 RNP renewal fee $80.00 |
13 | Nurses 5-34-37 RNP prescriptive privileges $65.00 |
14 | Nurses 5-34-40.3 Clin nurse spec application $80.00 |
15 | Nurses 5-34-40.3 Clin nurse spec renewal $80.00 |
16 | Nurses 5-34-40.3 Clin nurse spec Rx privilege $65.00 |
17 | Nurse anesthetists 5-34.2-4(a) CRNA application fee $80.00 |
18 | Nurse anesthetists 5-34.2-4(b) CRNA renewal fee $80.00 |
19 | Optometrists 5-35.1-4 Application fee $280.00 |
20 | Optometrists 5-35.1-7 Renewal fee $280.00 |
21 | Optometrists 5-35.1-7 Late fee $90.00 |
22 | Optometrists 5-35.1-7 Reactivation of license fee $65.00 |
23 | Optometrists 5-35.1-19(b) Violations of section $650.00 |
24 | Optometrists 5-35.1-20 Violations of chapter $260.00 |
25 | Opticians 5-35.2-3 Application fee $30.00 |
26 | Physicians 5-37-2 Application fee $1,090.00 |
27 | Physicians 5-37-2 Re-examination fee $1,090.00 |
28 | Physicians 5-37-10(b) Late renewal fee $170.00 |
29 | Physicians 5-37-16 Limited registration fee $65.00 |
30 | Physicians 5-37-16.1 Ltd reg: academic faculty $600.00 |
31 | Physicians 5-37-16.1 Ltd reg: academic |
32 | Faculty renewal $170.00 |
33 | Acupuncture 5-37.2-10 Application fee $310.00 |
34 | Acupuncture 5-37.2-13(4) Acupuncture assistant $310.00 |
| LC001688 - Page 8 of 23 |
1 | Licensure fee $170.00 |
2 | Social workers 5-39.1-9 Application fee $70.00 |
3 | Social workers 5-39.1-9 Renewal fee $70.00 |
4 | Physical therapists 5-40-8 Application fee $155.00 |
5 | Physical therapists 5-40-8.1 Application: physical $50.00 |
6 | therapy assistants |
7 | Physical therapists 5-40-10(a) Renewal fee: |
8 | Physical therapists $155.00 |
9 | Physical therapists 5-40-10(a) Renewal fee: Physical |
10 | therapy assistants $50.00 |
11 | Physical therapists 5-40-10[c] Late renewals $50.00 |
12 | Occupational therapists 5-40.1-12(2) Renewal fee $140.00 |
13 | Occupational therapists 5-40.1-12(5) Late renewal fee $50.00 |
14 | Occupational therapists 5-40.1-12(b) Reactivation fee $140.00 |
15 | Occupational therapists 5-40.1-13 Application fee $140.00 |
16 | Psychologists/licensed school 5-44-12 Application fee $230.00 |
17 | psychologist |
18 | Psychologists/licensed school 5-44-13 Temporary permit $120.00 |
19 | psychologist |
20 | Psychologists/licensed school 5-44-15[c] Renewal fee $230.00 |
21 | psychologist |
22 | Psychologists/licensed school 5-44-15(e) Late renewal fee $50.00 |
23 | psychologist |
24 | Nursing home administrators 5-45-10 Renewal fee $160.00 |
25 | Speech pathologist/audiologists 5-48-1(14) Speech lang support |
26 | personnel: late filing $90.00 |
27 | Speech pathologist/audiologists 5-48-9(a) Application fee: Audiologist $65.00 |
28 | Speech pathologist/audiologists 5-48-9(a) Application fee: |
29 | Speech Pathologist $145.00 |
30 | Speech pathologist/audiologists 5-48-9(a) Renewal fee: Audiologist $65.00 |
31 | Speech pathologist/audiologists 5-48-9(a) Renewal fee: Speech $145.00 |
32 | Pathologist |
33 | Speech pathologist/ audiologists 5-48-9(a) Provisional license: |
34 | renewal fee $65.00 |
| LC001688 - Page 9 of 23 |
1 | Speech pathologist/au- 5-48-9(b) Late renewal fee $50.00 |
2 | diologists |
3 | Speech pathologist/audiologists 5-48-9(d)(1) Reinstatement fee: |
4 | audiologist $65.00 |
5 | Speech pathologist/audiologists 5-48-9(d)(1) Reinstatement fee: |
6 | audiologist $65.00 |
7 | speech pathologists $145.00 |
8 | personnel: late filing $65.00 |
9 | Hearing aid dealers/fitters 5-49-6(a) License endorsement |
10 | Examination fee $25.00 |
11 | Hearing aid dealers/fitters 5-49-8(b) Temporary permit fee $25.00 |
12 | Hearing aid dealers/fitters 5-49-8(d) Temporary permit $35.00 |
13 | renewal fee |
14 | Hearing aid dealers/fitters 5-49-11(a)(1) License fee $25.00 |
15 | Hearing aid dealers/fitters 5-49-11(b) License renewal fee $25.00 |
16 | Hearing aid dealers/fitters 5-49-11[c] License renewal late fee $25.00 |
17 | Physician assistants 5-54-9(4) Application fee $110.00 |
18 | Physician assistants 5-54-11(b) Renewal fee $110.00 |
19 | Orthotics/prosthetic practice 5-59.1-5 Application fee $120.00 |
20 | Orthotics/prosthetic practice 5-59.1-12 Renewal fee $120.00 |
21 | Athletic trainers 5-60-11 Application fee $60.00 |
22 | Athletic trainers 5-60-11 Renewal fee $60.00 |
23 | Athletic trainers 5-60-11 Late renewal fee $25.00 |
24 | Mental health counselors/ 5-63.2-16 Application fee: Marriage/ |
25 | Marriage and family Family therapist $130.00 |
26 | therapists |
27 | Mental health counselors/ 5-63.2-16 Application fee: Mental |
28 | Marriage and family therapists Health counselors $70.00 |
29 | Mental health counselors/ 5-63.2-16 Reexamination fee: |
30 | Marriage and family therapists Marriage/family therapist $130.00 |
31 | Mental health counselors/ 5-63.2-16 Reexamination fee: |
32 | Marriage and family therapists Mental health counselors $70.00 |
33 | Mental health counselors/ 5-63.2-17(a) Renewal fee: Marriage/ |
34 | Marriage and Family therapists Family therapist $130.00 |
| LC001688 - Page 10 of 23 |
1 | Mental health counselors/ 5-63.2-17(a) Renewal fee: |
2 | Marriage and Family therapist Mental health counselor $50.00 |
3 | Mental health counselors/ 5-63.2-17(b) Late renewal fee: |
4 | Marriage and Family therapist Marriage and family $90.00 |
5 | therapist |
6 | Dieticians/nutritionists 5-64-6(b) Application fee $75.00 |
7 | Dieticians/nutritionists 5-64-7 Graduate status: |
8 | Application fee: $75.00 |
9 | Dieticians/nutritionists 5-64-8 Renewal fee $75.00 |
10 | Dieticians/nutritionists 5-64-8 Reinstatement fee $75.00 |
11 | Radiologic technologists 5-68.1-10 Application fee maximum $190.00 |
12 | Licensed chemical de- 5-69-9 Application fee $75.00 |
13 | pendency professionals |
14 | Licensed chemical de- 5-69-9 Renewal fee $75.00 |
15 | pendency professionals |
16 | Licensed chemical 5-69-9 Application fee $75.00 |
17 | Licensed chemical 5-69-9 Application fee $75.00 |
18 | dependency clinical supervisor |
19 | Licensed chemical 5-69-9 Renewal fee $75.00 |
20 | dependency clinical supervisor |
21 | Deaf interpreters 5-71-8(a)(3) License fee maximum $25.00 |
22 | Deaf interpreters 5-71-8(a)(3) License renewal fee $25.00 |
23 | Milk producers 21-2-7(g)(1) In-state milk processor $160.00 |
24 | Milk producers 21-2-7(g)(2) Out-of-state milk processor - $160.00 |
25 | Milk producers 21-2-7(g)(3) Milk distributors $160.00 |
26 | Frozen desserts 21-9-3(1) In-state wholesale $550.00 |
27 | Frozen desserts 21-9-3(2) Out-of-state wholesale $160.00 |
28 | Frozen desserts 21-9-3(3) Retail frozen dess pro- $160.00 |
29 | cessors |
30 | Meats 21-11-4 Wholesale $160.00 |
31 | Meats 21-11-4 Retail $40.00 |
32 | Shellfish packing houses 21-14-2 License fee: |
33 | Shipper/reshipper $320.00 |
34 | Shellfish packing houses 21-14-2 License fee: |
| LC001688 - Page 11 of 23 |
1 | Shucker packer/repacker $390.00 |
2 | Non-alcoholic bottled 21-23-2 Bottler permit |
3 | beverages, drinks & juices $550.00 |
4 | Non-alcoholic bottled 21-23-2 Bottle apple cider fee |
5 | beverages, drinks and juices $60.00 |
6 | Farm home food manu- 21-27-6.1(4) Registration fee $65.00 |
7 | facturers |
8 | Cottage Food Manu- 21-27-6.2(4) Registration fee $65.00 |
9 | facturers |
10 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(1) Food processors wholesale $300.00 |
11 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(2) Food processors retail $120.00 |
12 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(3) Food service establishments |
13 | 50 seats or less $160.00 |
14 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(3) Food service establishments |
15 | more than 50 seats $240.00 |
16 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(3) Mobile food service units $100.00 |
17 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(3) Industrial caterer or |
18 | food vending |
19 | Machine commissary $280.00 |
20 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(3) Cultural heritage |
21 | educational Facility $80.00 |
22 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(4) Vending Machine |
23 | Location3 units or less $50.00 |
24 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(4) Vending Machine |
25 | Location 4-10 units $100.00 |
26 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(4) Vending Machine |
27 | Location = 11 units $120.00 |
28 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(5) Retail Mkt |
29 | 1-2 cash registers $120.00 |
30 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(5) Retail Market |
31 | 3-5 cash registers $240.00 |
32 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(5) Retail Market = 6 |
33 | Cash registers $510.00 |
34 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(6) Retail food peddler $100.00 |
| LC001688 - Page 12 of 23 |
1 | Food businesses 21-27-10(e)(7) Food warehouses $190.00 |
2 | Food businesses 21-27-11.2 Certified food safety mgr $50.00 |
3 | License verification fee 23-1-16.1 All license types $50.00 |
4 | Tattoo and body piercing 23-1-39 Annual registration |
5 | fee: Person $90.00 |
6 | Tattoo and body piercing 23-1-39 Annual registration fee: |
7 | establishment $90.00 |
8 | Vital records 23-3-25(a)(1) Certificate of birth, fetal |
9 | death, death, marriage, birth, |
10 | or Certification that such |
11 | record Cannot be found $20.00 |
12 | Vital records 23-3-25(a)(1) Each duplicate of |
13 | certificate of birth, |
14 | fetal death, death, marriage, |
15 | birth, or certification that |
16 | such record cannot be found $15.00 |
17 | Vital records 23-3-25(a)(2) Each additional calendar |
18 | year Search, if within 3 |
19 | months of original |
20 | search and if receipt of |
21 | original search presented $2.00 |
22 | Vital records 23-3-25(a)(3) Expedited service $7.00 |
23 | Vital records 23-3-25(a)(4) Adoptions, legitimations, |
24 | or Paternity determinations $15.00 |
25 | Vital records 23-3-25(a)(5) Authorized corrections, |
26 | Alterations, and additions $10.00 |
27 | Vital records 23-3-25(a)(6) Filing of delayed record |
28 | and Examination of docu- |
29 | mentary Proof $20.00 |
30 | Vital records 23-3-25(a)(6) Issuance of certified copy |
31 | of a delayed record $20.00 |
32 | Medical Examiner 23-4-13 Autopsy reports $40.00 |
33 | Medical Examiner 23-4-13 Cremation |
34 | certificates and statistics $30.00 |
| LC001688 - Page 13 of 23 |
1 | Medical Examiner 23-4-13 Testimony in civil suits: |
2 | Minimum/day $650.00 |
3 | Medical Examiner 23-4-13 Testimony in civil suits: |
4 | Maximum/day $3,250.00 |
5 | Emergency medical 23-4.1-10[c] Annual fee: ambulance |
6 | technicians service maximum $540.00 |
7 | Emergency medical 23-4.1-10[c] Annual fee: vehicle |
8 | technicians license maximum $275.00 |
9 | Emergency medical 23-4.1-10[c] Triennial fee: EMT |
10 | technicians license maximum $120.00 |
11 | Emergency medical 23-4.1-10(c)(2) Exam fee maximum: $120.00 |
12 | technicians EMT |
13 | Emergency medical 23-4.1-10(c)(2) Vehicle inspection |
14 | technicians Maximum $190.00 |
15 | Clinical laboratories 23-16.2-4(a) Clinical laboratory |
16 | license |
17 | per specialty $650.00 |
18 | Clinical laboratories 23-16.2-4(a) Laboratory station $650.00 |
19 | license |
20 | Clinical laboratories 23-16.2-4(b) Permit fee $70.00 |
21 | Health care facilities 23-17-38 Hospital: base fee $16,900.00 |
22 | annual |
23 | Health care facilities 23-17-38 Hospital: annual per $120.00 |
24 | bed fee |
25 | Health care facilities 23-17-38 ESRD: annual fee $3,900.00 |
26 | Health care facilities 23-17-38 Home nursing-care/ |
27 | home- |
28 | care providers $650.00 |
29 | Health care facilities 23-17-38 OACF: annual fee $650.00 |
30 | Assisted living residences/ 23-17.4-15.2(d) License application fee: $220.00 |
31 | administrators |
32 | Assisted living residences/ 23-17.4-15.2(d) License renewal fee: $220.00 |
33 | administrators |
34 | Assisted living residences 23-17.4-31 Annual facility fee: base $330.00 |
| LC001688 - Page 14 of 23 |
1 | Assisted living residences 23-17.4-31 Annual facility per bed $70.00 |
2 | Nursing assistant registration 23-17.9-3 Application: competency |
3 | evaluation training |
4 | program maximum $325.00 |
5 | Nursing assistant registration 23-17.9-5 Application fee $35.00 |
6 | Nursing assistant registration 23-17.9-5 Exam fee: skills proficiency $170.00 |
7 | Nursing assistant registration 23-17.9-6 Registration fee $35.00 |
8 | Nursing assistant registration 23-17.9-7 Renewal fee $35.00 |
9 | Sanitarians 23-19.3-5(a) Registration fee $25.00 |
10 | Sanitarians 23-19.3-5(b) Registration renewal $25.00 |
11 | Massage therapy 23-20.8-3(e) Massage therapist appl fee $65.00 |
12 | Massage therapy 23-20.8-3(e) Massage therapist $65.00 |
13 | renewal fee |
14 | Recreational facilities 23-21-2 Application fee $160.00 |
15 | Swimming pools 23-22-6 Application license: |
16 | first pool $250.00 |
17 | Swimming pools 23-22-6 Additional pool |
18 | fee at same location $75.00 |
19 | Swimming pools 23-22-6 Seasonal application |
20 | license: first pool $150.00 |
21 | Swimming pools 23-22-6 Seasonal additional pool |
22 | fee at same location $75.00 |
23 | Swimming pools 23-22-6 Year-round license |
24 | for non-profit $25.00 |
25 | Swimming pools 23-22-10 Duplicate license $2.00 |
26 | Swimming pools 23-22-12 Penalty for violations $50.00 |
27 | Respiratory care practitioners - 23-39-11 Application fee $60.00 |
28 | Respiratory care practitioners 23-39-11 Renewal fee $60.00 |
29 | SECTION 4. Chapter 5-44 of the General Laws entitled "Psychologists" is hereby amended |
30 | by adding thereto the following sections: |
31 | 5-44-9.1. Qualifications for licensed school psychologist. |
32 | An applicant for licensure shall submit to the board written evidence satisfying the criteria |
33 | set forth herein, on forms furnished by the professional regulation unit of the department of labor |
34 | and training, verified under oath, that said applicant: |
| LC001688 - Page 15 of 23 |
1 | (1) Is of good moral character; |
2 | (2) Has obtained an advanced graduate degree in school psychology from a regionally |
3 | accredited college or university whose school psychology program is accredited by the American |
4 | Psychological Association and/or the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and |
5 | requires at least sixty (60) graduate credits with one thousand two hundred (1,200) hours of |
6 | supervised school psychology experience; |
7 | (3) Has three (3) years or three thousand six hundred (3,600) hours of postgraduate |
8 | supervised experience as a school psychologist; |
9 | (4) Has passed the Educational Testing Service's School Psychology Examination as |
10 | determined by the National School Psychology Certification Board; and |
11 | (5) Has obtained credentials as a Nationally Certified School Psychologist by the National |
12 | Association of School Psychologists. |
13 | 5-44-9.2. Scope of practice of a licensed school psychologist. |
14 | (a) A licensed school psychologist may engage in the practice of school psychology in |
15 | public schools kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12), early childhood and pre-K settings, and |
16 | private and charter schools as an employee or consultant to the local education agency or school. |
17 | Licensed school psychologists may practice outside of these settings or independent of an |
18 | employment or consulting relationship. The practice of educational psychology is the performance |
19 | of any of the following professional functions pertaining to academic learning processes or the |
20 | education system or both: |
21 | (1) Educational evaluation. |
22 | (2) Diagnosis of psychological disorders related to academic learning processes. |
23 | (3) Administration of diagnostic tests related to academic learning processes including tests |
24 | of academic ability, learning patterns, achievement, motivation, and personality factors. |
25 | (4) Interpretation of diagnostic tests related to academic learning processes including tests |
26 | of academic ability, learning patterns, achievement, motivation, and personality factors. |
27 | (5) Providing psychological counseling for individuals, groups, and families. |
28 | (6) Consultation with other educators and parents on issues of social development and |
29 | behavioral and academic difficulties. |
30 | (7) Conducting psychoeducational assessments for the purposes of identifying special |
31 | needs. |
32 | (8) Developing treatment programs and strategies to address problems of adjustment. |
33 | (9) Coordinating intervention strategies for management of individual crises. |
34 | (b) The board of psychology shall further define the practice of school psychology in rules |
| LC001688 - Page 16 of 23 |
1 | and regulations. |
2 | SECTION 5. Chapter 16-11 of the General Laws entitled "Certification of Teachers [See |
3 | Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]" is hereby amended by adding |
4 | thereto the following sections: |
5 | 16-11-11. School psychologist graduate preparation grant program. |
6 | (a) There is hereby established a grant program to incentivize and support the |
7 | implementation and operation of school psychologist graduate preparation programs within state- |
8 | funded institutions of higher education. This program shall be a culminating and immersive field- |
9 | supervised experience in which the primary focus is on providing high-quality experiences, |
10 | attainment of comprehensive school psychology competencies, and integration and application of |
11 | the full range of domains of school psychology. Minimum requirements for an internship shall |
12 | include: |
13 | (1) At least one thousand two hundred (1,200) hours in duration over the course of an |
14 | academic year; |
15 | (2) At least six hundred (600) hours of the internship shall occur in a school-based setting |
16 | as defined by national standards; |
17 | (3) Opportunities and supervision in a broad range of direct and indirect school |
18 | psychological services; and |
19 | (4) Supervision shall be conducted by a credentialed school psychologist or a professional |
20 | appropriately credentialed for the internship setting. |
21 | (b) The department of education shall provide annual funding to institutions of higher |
22 | education to fill faculty vacancies in existing graduate programs in school psychology. |
23 | (1) For institutions of higher education with existing graduate programs in school |
24 | psychology that do not have unfilled vacancies, the department shall provide funding to recruit and |
25 | supplement the costs of additional faculty to train and prepare more qualified school psychology |
26 | candidates. |
27 | (2) The department shall work with institutions of higher education to place school |
28 | psychology interns in high needs districts, while ensuring the availability of effective and |
29 | appropriate internship supervision, and provide an annual living internship stipend that meets the |
30 | state requirements for a living wage. |
31 | (3) The department shall forgive the school loans accrued by school psychologists in |
32 | pursuit of their degree, upon completion of five (5) years of employment in a high needs district. |
33 | 16-11-12. Reporting requirements. |
34 | (a) The department of education ("department") shall conduct an annual collection of data |
| LC001688 - Page 17 of 23 |
1 | on the number of school psychologists who are employed: |
2 | (1) Full-time by a school or district; |
3 | (2) Part-time by a school or district; |
4 | (3) By an outside organization and provides school psychological services as a school |
5 | psychologist in a school or district; and |
6 | (4) As a full- or part-time contract employee providing services as a school psychologist |
7 | in a school or district. |
8 | (b) Data shall be: |
9 | (1) Used to inform the department regarding high needs districts; |
10 | (2) Used to inform the department's decision making regarding the effective use of state |
11 | funds to recruit, train, and retain school psychologists; |
12 | (3) Used to help identify and target funding needs; |
13 | (4) Made publicly available on the state department of education website; and |
14 | (5) Reported annually to the general assembly and the governor. |
15 | SECTION 6. The title of Chapter 5-63.2 of the General Laws entitled "Mental Health |
16 | Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
17 | CHAPTER 5-63.2 |
18 | Mental Health Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists |
19 | CHAPTER 5-63.2 |
22 | SECTION 7. Sections 5-63.2-2 and 5-63.2-9 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-63.2 entitled |
23 | "Mental Health Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists" are hereby amended to read as |
24 | follows: |
25 | 5-63.2-2. Definitions. |
26 | As used in this chapter: |
27 | (1) “Advertise” means, but is not limited to, the issuing or causing to be distributed any |
28 | card, sign, or device to any person; or the causing, permitting, or allowing any sign or marking on |
29 | or in any building, radio, or television; or by advertising by any other means designed to secure |
30 | public attention. |
31 | (2) "Allied field" means counselor education, psychology, marriage and family therapy, |
32 | counseling psychology, community mental health, education with a concentration in counseling or |
33 | psychology, or other field determined by the board to be an allied field. Said allied field shall |
34 | include all components of the core curriculum. |
| LC001688 - Page 18 of 23 |
1 | (2)(3) “Board” means the board of mental health counselors and marriage and family |
2 | therapists and mental health counselors. |
3 | (3)(4) “Clinical mental health counselor” means a person who is licensed pursuant to § 5- |
4 | 63.2-9, which license is in force and not suspended or revoked as of the particular time in question. |
5 | (5) "Clinical instruction" means all supervised course work within which the student has |
6 | the opportunity to engage in a broad range of clinical activities similar to those performed by a |
7 | licensed counselor/therapist. This instruction includes all practice and internships completed within |
8 | a student's program. |
9 | (6) "Department" means the Rhode Island department of health. |
10 | (7) "Director" means the director of the Rhode Island department of health. |
11 | (4)(8) “Internship” means a part of an organized graduate program in counseling therapy |
12 | and constitutes a supervised experience within a mental health and/or marriage and family setting. |
13 | (9) "Licensed school psychologist" means a person who is duly licensed and which license |
14 | is in force and not suspended or revoked as of the particular time in question. |
15 | (5)(10) “Marriage and family therapist” means a person who is licensed pursuant to § 5- |
16 | 63.2-10, which license is in force and not suspended or revoked as of the particular time in question. |
17 | (6)(11) “Person” means any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, organization, or |
18 | body politic. |
19 | (7)(12) “Practice of clinical mental health counseling” means the rendering of professional |
20 | services to individuals, families, or groups for monetary compensation. These professional services |
21 | include: |
22 | (i) Applying the principles, methods, and theories of counseling and/or psychotherapeutic |
23 | techniques to define goals and develop a treatment plan of action aimed toward the prevention, |
24 | treatment, and resolution of social, mental, and emotional dysfunction and intra or interpersonal |
25 | disorders in persons diagnosed at intake as non-psychotic and not presenting medical problems; |
26 | and. |
27 | (ii) Engaging in psychotherapy of a nonmedical nature, utilizing supervision when |
28 | appropriate, and making referrals to other psychiatric, psychological, or medical resources when |
29 | the person is diagnosed as psychotic or presenting a medical problem. |
30 | (iii) Promoting mental health and wellness, which includes the achievement of social, |
31 | education and career, and emotional development across the lifespan, as well as preventing and |
32 | treating mental disorders and providing crisis intervention. |
33 | (iv) Psychotherapy, diagnosis, evaluation, administration of assessments, tests, and |
34 | appraisals, referral, and treatment of behavioral, emotional, addiction and mental disorders, and |
| LC001688 - Page 19 of 23 |
1 | establishment of counseling treatment plans for individuals, couples, groups, and families with |
2 | emotional, mental, addiction, cognitive, academic and physical disorders. |
3 | (v) Consultation and program evaluation, program administration within and to schools |
4 | and organizations, and training and supervision of interns, trainees, and pre-licensed professional |
5 | counselors through accepted and established principles, methods, procedures, and ethics of |
6 | counselor supervision. |
7 | (vi) The practice of clinical mental health counseling does not include functions or |
8 | practices that are not within the professional's training or education. |
9 | (8)(13) “Practice of marriage and family therapy” means the rendering of professional |
10 | services to individuals, family groups, couples, or organizations for monetary compensation. These |
11 | professional services include applying principles, methods, and therapeutic techniques for the |
12 | purpose of resolving emotional conflicts; modifying perceptions and behavior; enhancing |
13 | communications and understanding among all family members; and the prevention of family and |
14 | individual crisis. Individual marriage and family therapists shall also engage in psychotherapy of a |
15 | nonmedical and non-psychotic nature with appropriate referrals to psychiatric resources. |
16 | (14) "Practice of school psychology" or "licensed school psychologist (LSP)" means the |
17 | performance of any of the following professional functions pertaining to academic learning |
18 | processes or the education system or both: educational evaluation; diagnosis of psychological |
19 | disorders related to academic learning processes; administration of diagnostic tests related to |
20 | academic learning processes including tests of academic ability, learning patterns, achievement, |
21 | motivation, and personality factors; interpretation of diagnostic tests related to academic learning |
22 | processes including tests of academic ability, learning patterns, achievement, motivation, and |
23 | personality factors; providing psychological counseling for individuals, groups, and families; |
24 | consultation with other educators and parents on issues of social development and behavioral and |
25 | academic difficulties; conducting psychoeducational assessments for the purposes of identifying |
26 | special needs; developing treatment programs and strategies to address problems of adjustment, |
27 | and coordinating intervention strategies for management of individual crises. |
28 | (9)(15) “Practicum” means a part of an organized graduate program in counseling therapy |
29 | and constitutes a supervised experience within the graduate counseling program. |
30 | (10)(16) “Qualified supervision” means the supervision of clinical services in accordance |
31 | with standards established by the board under the supervision of an individual who has been |
32 | recognized by the board as an approved supervisor. |
33 | (11)(17) “Recognized educational institution” means any educational institution that grants |
34 | a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree and is recognized by the board of mental health |
| LC001688 - Page 20 of 23 |
1 | counselors and marriage and family therapists or a recognized postgraduate clinical training |
2 | program as specified in §§ 5-63.2-9 and 5-63.2-10. |
3 | (12)(18) “Use a title or description of” means to hold oneself out to the public as having a |
4 | particular status by means of stating on signs, mailboxes, address plates, stationery, |
5 | announcements, calling cards, or other instruments of professional identification. |
6 | 5-63.2-9. Qualifications of licensed clinical mental health counselor associates and |
7 | licensed clinical mental health counselors. Qualifications of licensed clinical mental health |
8 | counselor associates, licensed clinical mental health counselors and school psychologists. |
9 | (a) The department shall issue the appropriate license to applicants who meet the |
10 | qualifications in this section. |
11 | (1) Prerequisites for licensure of a clinical mental health counselor associate. A license as |
12 | a “clinical mental health counselor associate” shall be issued to an applicant who meets the |
13 | following qualifications: |
14 | (i) Is of good character; |
15 | (ii) Has received a graduate degree specializing in counseling/therapy from a college or |
16 | university accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, or an equivalent |
17 | regional accrediting agency, and that has the approval by a cognizable national or regional |
18 | certifying authority; |
19 | (iii) Has completed sixty (60) semester hours or ninety (90) quarter hours within his or her |
20 | graduate counseling/therapy program; and |
21 | (iv) Has completed a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours or eighteen (18) quarter hours |
22 | of supervised practicum and a minimum of one calendar year of supervised internship consisting |
23 | of twenty (20) hours per week, or its equivalent, with emphasis in mental health counseling |
24 | supervised by the department within the college or university granting the requisite degree or by an |
25 | accredited postgraduate clinical training program recognized by the United States Department of |
26 | Education, or education and/or experience that is deemed equivalent by the board. |
27 | (2) Prerequisites for licensure of a clinical mental health counselor. A license as a “clinical |
28 | mental health counselor” shall be issued to an applicant who meets the following qualifications: |
29 | (i) Has completed a minimum of two (2) years of relevant postgraduate experience, |
30 | including at least two thousand (2,000) hours of direct client contact offering clinical or counseling |
31 | or therapy services with emphasis in mental health counseling subsequent to being awarded a |
32 | master’s degree, certificate of advanced graduate study, or doctorate; |
33 | (ii) Has a minimum of one hundred (100) hours of post-degree supervised case work spread |
34 | over a two-year (2) period; provided, that the supervision was provided by a person who, at the |
| LC001688 - Page 21 of 23 |
1 | time of rendering the supervision, was recognized by the board as an approved supervisor; and |
2 | (iii) Has passed, to the satisfaction of the board, an examination conducted by it to |
3 | determine the applicant’s qualification for licensure as a clinical mental health counselor or is |
4 | applying for licensure under the provisions of § 5-63.2-15. |
5 | (3) A license as a "licensed school psychologist" shall be issued to an applicant who meets |
6 | the following qualifications: |
7 | (i) Filed an application for licensure with all required supporting materials; |
8 | (ii) Has received an advanced level degree in school psychology from a program accredited |
9 | by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), or equivalent, and successfully |
10 | completed one thousand two hundred (1,200) hours of appropriately supervised practice; and |
11 | (iii) Shall only practice within the scope of competency, and adherence to the Code of |
12 | Ethics, set forth by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). |
13 | (b) Provisional permit holders may request from the board a one year extension. Such an |
14 | extension may be granted at the discretion of the board upon review of the applicant's |
15 | circumstances. This extension shall only be granted once. |
16 | (b)(c) A candidate shall be held to have qualified for licensure as a clinical mental health |
17 | counselor associate, or a clinical mental health counselor upon the affirmative vote of at least four |
18 | (4) members of the board, two (2) of whom must be mental health counselors on the board. |
19 | SECTION 8. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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OF | |
A N A C T | |
*** | |
1 | This act would include licensed school psychologists under the provisions of the general |
2 | laws governing the regulations of psychologists and would expand the licensing of school |
3 | psychologists for independent practice. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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