2025 -- H 5550 | |
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LC001764 | |
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A N A C T | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Shanley, and Batista | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Corporations | |
(Dept. of Health) | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 5-31.1-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-31.1 entitled "Dentists |
2 | and Dental Hygienists" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 5-31.1-2. Board of examiners in dentistry — Members — Compensation — Funds. |
4 | (a) There is created within the department of health the Rhode Island board of examiners |
5 | in dentistry composed of the following members: |
6 | (1) Eight (8) licensed dentists, no more than three (3) shall be dental specialists as |
7 | recognized by the American Dental Association (ADA) and at least one of the three (3) dental |
8 | specialists shall be an oral and maxillofacial surgeon; |
9 | (2) Four (4) public members not associated with the dental field; |
10 | (3) Two (2) licensed dental hygienists; |
11 | (4) The chief of the office of dental public health, who shall serve as an ex-officio member |
12 | of the board; and |
13 | (5) One certified dental assistant. |
14 | (b) The governor shall appoint the members of the board, except that prior to appointing |
15 | the eight (8) dentist members, the governor may submit a list of all candidates to the appropriate |
16 | dental societies for comments as to their qualifications. No member shall be appointed for more |
17 | than two (2) consecutive full terms. A member appointed for less than a full term (originally or to |
18 | fill a vacancy) may serve two (2) full terms in addition to that part of a full term, and a. Upon |
| |
1 | expiration of the term of office, a member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed and |
2 | qualified. A former member is again eligible for appointment after a lapse of one or more years. |
3 | All subsequent appointments to the board shall be for a term of three (3) years. Any member of the |
4 | board may be removed by the governor for neglect of duty, misconduct, malfeasance, or |
5 | misfeasance in office after being given a written statement of the charges against him or her and |
6 | sufficient opportunity to be heard on the charges. The director of the department of health shall |
7 | appoint from the members a chairperson who shall be a dentist duly licensed under the laws of the |
8 | state of Rhode Island, and a vice-chairperson who shall in the absence of the chairperson exercise |
9 | all powers of the chairperson, and secretary, who serve for one year or until their successors are |
10 | appointed and qualified. A majority of seats filled shall constitute a quorum. The board shall meet |
11 | at least once a month or more often upon the call of the chairperson, director of health, or dental |
12 | administrator, at any times and places that the chairperson designates. |
13 | (c) Members of the board shall not be paid for the discharge of official duties. |
14 | (d) The director has the authority to suspend or revoke the license of any dentist or dental |
15 | hygienist who does not pay the annual fee. Monies shall be received by the department and |
16 | deposited in the general fund as general revenues. |
17 | SECTION 2. Section 5-34-40 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-34 entitled "Nurses" is |
18 | hereby amended to read as follows: |
19 | 5-34-40. Advanced practice nurse advisory committee. |
20 | (a) The seven-member (7) committee consists of two (2) certified nurse practitioners, two |
21 | (2) certified registered nurse anesthetists, two (2) certified clinical nurse specialists, and one |
22 | consumer. The director of health shall appoint the committee. In making appointments to the |
23 | committee, the director shall consider persons recommended by professional nurse organizations |
24 | and professional medical associations. The professional members of the committee shall be |
25 | currently engaged in practice. The consumer members shall be: (1) Knowledgeable in consumer |
26 | health concerns; (2) A resident of the state; (3) Not licensed as a healthcare practitioner; (4) Not a |
27 | parent, spouse, sibling, or child of a person licensed as a healthcare practitioner and not a student |
28 | in a professional program; (5) Not having a direct financial interest in healthcare services; and (6) |
29 | Not a member or an employee of any board of control of any public or private healthcare service. |
30 | (b) Each member appointment shall be for three (3) years, with no. No member serving |
31 | shall be appointed to more than two (2) consecutive, three-year (3) terms, except that in making the |
32 | initial appointments, the director designates: four (4) members for a term of two (2) years; three (3) |
33 | members for a term of three (3) years; and the consumer members for three-year (3) terms. Upon |
34 | expiration of the term of office, a member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed and |
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1 | qualified. |
2 | (c) This committee must meet not fewer than two (2) times per year. The committee has |
3 | the following functions: |
4 | (1) To assess advanced nursing practice for the purpose of improving patient care. |
5 | (2)(i) To review all complaints regarding advanced practice nurses and recommend any |
6 | and all disciplinary or corrective action that it deems appropriate, including revocation and |
7 | suspension of license upon proof that an advanced practice nurse has: |
8 | (A) Aided or abetted an uncertified person to practice as an advanced practice nurse; |
9 | (B) Become addicted to the use of liquor or controlled substances; |
10 | (C) Negligently, willfully, or intentionally acted in a manner inconsistent with the health |
11 | and safety of persons entrusted to his or her care; |
12 | (D) Had his or her authorization to practice as an advanced practice nurse denied, revoked, |
13 | or suspended in another state; |
14 | (E) Engaged in the performance of medical functions beyond the scope of practice |
15 | authorized by the provisions of this chapter; |
16 | (F) Willfully failed to file or record medical records and reports; |
17 | (G) Mental incompetence; or |
18 | (H) Willfully failed to maintain standards established by the nursing profession. |
19 | (ii) The recommendation shall be submitted to the board of nursing for implementation. |
20 | (3) To advise periodically the board of nurse registration and nursing education regarding |
21 | advanced nurse practice. |
22 | SECTION 3. Section 5-35.2-8 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-35.2 entitled "Opticians" |
23 | is hereby amended to read as follows: |
24 | 5-35.2-8. Advisory committee for opticianry. |
25 | There is created an advisory committee for opticianry, appointed by the director, to consist |
26 | of five (5) members, who shall be residents of the state, four (4) of whom shall be licensed as |
27 | opticians under the provisions of this chapter, and shall have practiced as opticians for a period of |
28 | at least five (5) years, and one layperson who shall be from the public. The members of the advisory |
29 | committee shall be appointed for terms of three (3) years; each member may serve a maximum of |
30 | no member shall be appointed to more than two (2) full terms. Upon expiration of the term of office, |
31 | a member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. A majority of seats |
32 | filled shall constitute a quorum. The duties of the advisory committee for opticianry shall include |
33 | but not be limited to advising the director on all matters pertaining to the licensure and regulation |
34 | of opticianry in this state. |
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1 | SECTION 4. Sections 5-36.1-9 and 5-36.1-11 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-36.1 |
2 | entitled "License of Naturopathy Act of 2017" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 5-36.1-9. Board of licensure. |
4 | (a) The director of the department of health, with the approval of the governor, shall appoint |
5 | a board consisting of five (5) persons, all residents of the state, to constitute a board of licensure |
6 | for naturopathy with the duties, powers, and authority as stated in this chapter, and that board shall |
7 | be composed of the following: |
8 | (1) Two (2) members who shall be licensed physicians under chapter 37 of this title who |
9 | have been actively engaged in the practice of medicine; |
10 | (2) One member who is a representative of the general public not employed in any health- |
11 | related field; and |
12 | (3) Two (2) members who shall be doctors of naturopathy meeting the qualifications for |
13 | licensure under this chapter. |
14 | (b) Members shall be appointed for terms of three (3) years each with no. No member |
15 | serving shall be appointed to more than two (2) consecutive terms. Upon expiration of the term of |
16 | office, a member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. |
17 | (c) In their initial appointment, the director shall designate the members of the board of |
18 | licensure as follows: three (3) members to serve for terms of three (3) years; and two (2) members |
19 | to serve for a term of two (2) years. |
20 | (d) The director of the department of health may remove any member of the board for |
21 | cause. |
22 | (e) Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired portion of any term in the same manner as |
23 | the original appointment. |
24 | 5-36.1-11. Board of licensure — Organization and meetings — Compensation of |
25 | members. |
26 | The board shall elect its own chairperson annually and shall meet at the call of the |
27 | administrator, the chairperson, or upon the request of two (2) or more members of the board. A |
28 | quorum shall consist of at least three (3) members present A majority of seats filled shall constitute |
29 | a quorum, one of whom must be a doctor of naturopathy. The board shall approve programs for |
30 | continuing naturopathic education. Board members shall serve without compensation. |
31 | SECTION 5. Section 5-37-1.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-37 entitled "Board of |
32 | Medical Licensure and Discipline" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
33 | 5-37-1.1. Board of medical licensure and discipline — Creation — Composition — |
34 | Appointment, removal, and compensation of members — Officers — Meetings — Funds. |
| LC001764 - Page 4 of 14 |
1 | (a)(1) There is created within the department of health, the Rhode Island board of medical |
2 | licensure and discipline which is composed of the following members: |
3 | (i) Four (4) licensed physicians who possess the degree of doctor of allopathic medicine; |
4 | one of whom shall be a full-time medical school faculty member; |
5 | (ii) Two (2) licensed physicians who hold the degree of doctor of osteopathic medicine; |
6 | (iii) Five (5) public members, one of whom is an attorney with experience as plaintiff’s |
7 | counsel in the presentation or prosecution of medical malpractice matters, and one of whom is a |
8 | member of the general public, not associated with the medical field, who is at least sixty (60) years |
9 | of age; and three (3) of whom are public members not associated with the medical field; |
10 | (iv) One hospital administrator; and |
11 | (v) The director of the department of health who shall serve as chairperson of the board. |
12 | (2) The governor shall appoint the members of the board except that prior to appointing |
13 | the six (6) physician members the governor may submit a list of all candidates to the appropriate |
14 | medical or osteopathic societies for comments as to their qualifications. When the board is first |
15 | selected, six (6) members shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years, five (5) members shall |
16 | be appointed for a term of two (2) years, and two (2) members shall be appointed for a term of one |
17 | year. No member shall be appointed for more than two (2) consecutive full terms. A member |
18 | appointed for less than a full term (originally or to fill a vacancy) may serve two (2) full terms in |
19 | addition to that part of a full term, and a former member is again eligible for appointment after a |
20 | lapse of one or more years. All subsequent appointments to the board shall be for a term of three |
21 | (3) years. Upon expiration of the term of office, a member shall continue to serve until a successor |
22 | is appointed and qualified. Any member of the board may be removed by the governor for neglect |
23 | of duty, misconduct, malfeasance, and misfeasance in office after being given a written statement |
24 | of the charges against him or her and sufficient opportunity to be heard. The board shall elect from |
25 | its members a vice-chairperson who, in the absence of the chairperson, shall exercise all powers of |
26 | the chairperson, and a secretary. These officers shall serve for one year or until their successors are |
27 | appointed and qualified. The board shall meet at least once a month or more often upon the call of |
28 | the chairperson, director of the department of health, or chief administrative officer, at the times |
29 | and places that the chairperson designates. |
30 | (3) A majority of seats filled shall constitute a quorum. |
31 | (b) Members of the board shall not be paid for the discharge of official duties. |
32 | (c) The administration of the board shall be funded from annual fees. The director, as stated |
33 | in § 5-37-10, in consultation with the board, shall determine the amount of the annual fee to be |
34 | charged to each licensed physician and to hospitals, the payment of which is a condition to |
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1 | practicing medicine or rendering hospital services in the state. The director or chief administrative |
2 | officer has the authority to suspend or revoke the license of any physician who does not pay the |
3 | annual fee. Monies shall be received by the department and credited to a restricted receipt account. |
4 | All monies in that fund shall be utilized only for the purposes of maintaining, managing, operating, |
5 | and administering the board of medical licensure and discipline in carrying out its functions. The |
6 | fees and date of collection of all funds to be collected for the initial registrations and licenses issued |
7 | pursuant to this title shall be as the director by regulation shall establish. |
8 | SECTION 6. Section 5-37.2-1.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-37.2 entitled "The |
9 | Practice of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
10 | 5-37.2-1.1. Board of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. |
11 | (a) The director of the department shall appoint a board of acupuncture and Chinese |
12 | medicine. The board shall consist of five (5) members, all of whom shall be residents of the state, |
13 | four (4) of whom shall be doctors of acupuncture and Chinese medicine licensed by the department |
14 | and engaged in the practice of acupuncture and Chinese medicine in the state for at least five (5) |
15 | years prior to their appointment, and there shall be one public member. The members shall be |
16 | appointed for terms of three (3) years; each member may serve a maximum of shall not be appointed |
17 | to more than two (2) consecutive, full terms. Upon expiration of the term of office, a member shall |
18 | continue to serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. A majority of seats filled shall |
19 | constitute a quorum. No member of the board of acupuncture and Chinese medicine shall receive |
20 | compensation for his or her attendance at meetings of the board. |
21 | (b) The director of health may remove any member from the board for neglect of any duty |
22 | required by law or for any incompetency, unprofessional, or dishonorable conduct. Vacancies |
23 | created by voluntary resignation or removal by the director of health shall be filled in the same |
24 | manner as the original appointment was made for the remainder of the term. |
25 | SECTION 7. Section 5-39.1-6 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-39.1 entitled "License |
26 | Procedure for Social Workers" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
27 | 5-39.1-6. Board of social work examiners. |
28 | (a) Within the department, there is established a board of social work examiners. |
29 | (b) The governor shall appoint a board consisting of seven (7) members. Two (2) shall be |
30 | social workers; two (2) shall be licensed clinical social workers; and two (2) shall be licensed |
31 | independent clinical social workers (for the purposes of initial appointments, certified social |
32 | workers represent licensed clinical social workers and certified independent social workers |
33 | represent licensed independent social workers). One member shall be a public member. At least |
34 | one member shall be a NASW member. |
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1 | (c) All board members shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years. No member shall |
2 | serve be appointed to more than nine (9) three (3) consecutive years terms. Upon expiration of the |
3 | term of office, a member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. In the |
4 | event a member cannot complete his or her term, a successor shall be appointed to serve the |
5 | unexpired term. A majority of seats filled shall constitute a quorum. |
6 | (d) Terms of initial members shall be staggered with two (2) members appointed for a one |
7 | year term, two (2) for two (2) years, and three (3) for three-year (3) terms. |
8 | (e) The governor may remove any member of the board for cause. |
9 | SECTION 8. Section 5-49-15 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-49 entitled "Hearing Aid |
10 | Dealers and Fitters" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
11 | 5-49-15. Board — Creation — Composition — Appointment and terms. |
12 | (a) There is established a board of hearing aid dealers and fitters that guides, advises, and |
13 | makes recommendations to the department. |
14 | (b)(1) Members of the board shall be residents of the state. |
15 | (2) The board shall consist of three (3) hearing aid dealers and fitters; one otolaryngologist; |
16 | one audiologist; and one lay member who shall be a user of hearing aids and not employed in the |
17 | practice of fitting and dealing in hearing aids. |
18 | (3) Each hearing aid dealer and fitter on the board shall have no less than five (5) years’ |
19 | experience and hold a valid license as a hearing aid dealer and fitter, as provided under this chapter. |
20 | (4) Excepted shall be the hearing aid dealers and fitters of the first board appointed, who |
21 | have no less than five (5) years of experience and fulfill all qualifications under § 5-49-7 as |
22 | provided under this chapter. |
23 | (c) All members of the board shall be appointed by the governor. |
24 | (d) The term of office of each member shall be three (3) years; except that of the members |
25 | of the first board appointed under this chapter, two (2) shall be appointed for two (2) years; two (2) |
26 | shall be appointed for three (3) years; and two (2) shall be appointed for four (4) years. |
27 | (e) Before a member’s term expires, the governor shall appoint a successor to assume his |
28 | or her duties on the expiration of his or her predecessor’s term. Upon expiration of the term of |
29 | office, a member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. |
30 | (f) A vacancy in the office of a member shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired |
31 | term. |
32 | (g) A majority of seats filled shall constitute a quorum. |
33 | (g)(h) The members of the board shall annually designate one member to serve as chair |
34 | and another to serve as secretary-treasurer. |
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1 | (h)(i) No member of the board who has served two (2) or more full terms may be |
2 | reappointed to the board until at least one year after the expiration of his or her most recent full |
3 | term of office. |
4 | (i)(j) Members of the board shall not be compensated for their services on the board. |
5 | SECTION 9. Sections 5-54-5 and 5-54-6 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-54 entitled |
6 | "Physician Assistants" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
7 | 5-54-5. Board of licensure. |
8 | (a) The director of the department of health, with the approval of the governor, shall appoint |
9 | a board consisting of seven (7) persons, residents of the state, to constitute a board of licensure for |
10 | physician assistants with the duties, powers, and authority as stated in this chapter, and that board |
11 | shall be composed of the following: |
12 | (1) Two (2) members shall be licensed physicians under the provisions of chapter 37 of |
13 | this title who have been actively engaged in the practice of medicine; |
14 | (2) [Deleted by P.L. 2019, ch. 197, § 1 and P.L. 2019, ch. 230, § 1]. |
15 | (3) Two (2) members who are representatives of the general public not employed in any |
16 | health-related field; and |
17 | (4) Three (3) members shall be physician assistants. |
18 | (b) Members shall be appointed for terms of three (3) years each with no member serving. |
19 | No member shall be appointed to more than two (2) consecutive terms. Upon expiration of the term |
20 | of office, a member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. |
21 | (c) In his or her initial appointment, the director shall designate the members of the board |
22 | of licensure for physician assistants as follows: two (2) members to serve for terms of three (3) |
23 | years; two (2) members to serve for a term of two (2) years; and three (3) members to serve for a |
24 | term of one year. Any additional appointments shall serve for one year. |
25 | (d) The director of the department of health may remove any member of the board for |
26 | cause. |
27 | (e) Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired portion of any term in the same manner as |
28 | the original appointment. |
29 | 5-54-6. Board of licensure — Organization and meetings — Compensation of |
30 | members. |
31 | The board shall elect its own chairperson annually and shall meet at the call of the |
32 | administrator, the chairperson, or upon the request of two (2) or more members of the board. A |
33 | quorum shall consist of at least four (4) members present. A majority of seats filled shall constitute |
34 | a quorum. The board shall approve programs for continuing medical education. Board members |
| LC001764 - Page 8 of 14 |
1 | shall serve without compensation. |
2 | SECTION 10. Section 5-60-4 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-60 entitled "Athletic |
3 | Trainers" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
4 | 5-60-4. Board — Composition — Appointment, terms, oaths, and removal of |
5 | members — Officers — Meetings. |
6 | (a) The director of the department of health, with the approval of the governor, shall appoint |
7 | the members of the Rhode Island board of athletic trainers, which shall be composed of three (3) |
8 | licensed athletic trainers and one public member and one physician licensed to practice medicine |
9 | and with an interest in sports medicine. In making appointments to the board, the director shall give |
10 | consideration to recommendations made by professional organizations of athletic trainers and |
11 | physicians. Each appointee shall be licensed and practicing in the state, except that the director, in |
12 | appointing the athletic trainer members of the first board, may appoint any practicing athletic trainer |
13 | who possesses the qualification required by § 5-60-10. To qualify as a member, a person must be |
14 | a citizen of the United States and a resident of the state for five (5) years immediately preceding |
15 | appointment. |
16 | (b) The members of the board shall be appointed for terms of three (3) years, which expire |
17 | on August 1 of even-numbered years, except that in making the initial appointments, the director |
18 | shall designate one member to serve one year; two (2) members to serve two (2) years; and two (2) |
19 | members to serve three (3) years. In the event of death, resignation, or removal of any member, the |
20 | vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original |
21 | appointment. The director may remove any member for cause at any time prior to the expiration of |
22 | his or her term. No member shall serve be appointed for more than two (2) consecutive three-year |
23 | (3) terms. Upon expiration of the term of office, a member shall continue to serve until a successor |
24 | is appointed and qualified. |
25 | (c) Each appointee to the board shall qualify by taking the constitutional oath of office |
26 | within thirty (30) days from the date of his or her appointment. On presentation of the oath, the |
27 | director shall issue commissions to appointees as evidence of their authority to act as members of |
28 | the board. |
29 | (d) The board shall elect from its members for a term of one year, a chairperson, vice- |
30 | chairperson, and secretary-treasurer, and may appoint committees that it considers necessary to |
31 | carry out its duties. The board shall meet at least two (2) times a year. Additional meetings may be |
32 | held on the call of the chairperson or at the written request of any three (3) members of the board. |
33 | The quorum required for any meeting of the board shall be three (3) members a majority of the |
34 | seats filled. No action by the board or its members has any effect unless a quorum of the board is |
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1 | present. |
2 | SECTION 11. Sections 5-63.2-4 and 5-63.2-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-63.2 |
3 | entitled "Mental Health Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists" are hereby amended to |
4 | read as follows: |
5 | 5-63.2-4. Composition of board — Appointment and terms of members. |
6 | The director of the department of health, with the approval of the governor, shall appoint |
7 | nine (9) electors as members of the board. Three (3) shall be clinical mental health counselors, at |
8 | least two (2) of whom shall meet the qualifications of § 5-63.2-9(b) and have at least five (5) years |
9 | of private practice experience in mental health counseling; three (3) shall be marriage and family |
10 | therapists, who shall be clinical marriage and family therapists who meet the qualifications of § 5- |
11 | 63.2-10(b) and have at least five (5) years of private practice experience in marriage and family |
12 | therapy; three (3) shall be members of the public. Commencing September 1996, the director of |
13 | the department of health shall appoint one clinical mental health counselor for one year; one clinical |
14 | mental health counselor for two (2) years; one clinical mental health counselor for three (3) years; |
15 | one marriage and family therapist for one year; one marriage and family therapist for two (2) years; |
16 | one marriage and family therapist for three (3) years; one public member for two (2) years; and two |
17 | (2) public members for three (3) years. After this, all terms of appointments shall be for three (3) |
18 | years. In no instance shall a person serve more than six (6) consecutive years on the board. No |
19 | member shall serve for more than two (2) consecutive terms. Upon expiration of the term of office, |
20 | a member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. |
21 | 5-63.2-5. Organization and meetings of board. |
22 | The board shall organize immediately after the appointment and qualification of its |
23 | members. The board shall annually elect a chairperson and secretary. Meetings may be called by |
24 | the chairperson or the director of the department of health or by written request of four (4) members |
25 | of the board. Five (5) members of the board shall constitute a quorum A majority of seats filled |
26 | shall constitute a quorum; provided, that a clinical mental health counselor and a marriage and |
27 | family therapist must be present. The board shall meet as often as necessary. |
28 | SECTION 12. Section 5-64-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-64 entitled |
29 | "Dietitian/Nutritionist Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
30 | 5-64-5. Rhode Island state board of dietetics practice. |
31 | (a) Within the division of professional regulation in the Rhode Island department of health |
32 | there is a board of dietetics practice. |
33 | (1) The board shall consist of nine (9) members appointed for terms of three (3) years each |
34 | with no member serving shall be appointed for more than two (2) consecutive terms. Upon |
| LC001764 - Page 10 of 14 |
1 | expiration of the term of office, a member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed and |
2 | qualified. One shall be the director of the department of health or designee. Five (5) shall be |
3 | licensed dietitians/nutritionists appointed by the director of the department of health, with the |
4 | approval of the governor, except that the appointments made initially need not be licensed under |
5 | this chapter. (In his or her initial appointment, the director shall designate the licensed |
6 | dietitian/nutritionist members of the board as follows: one member to serve for a term of one year; |
7 | two (2) members to serve for a term of two (2) years; and two (2) members to serve for a term of |
8 | three (3) years). One member shall be a physician licensed to practice medicine in this state |
9 | appointed by the governor. Two (2) shall be consumers appointed by the governor. A majority of |
10 | seats filled shall constitute a quorum. |
11 | (2) The director of the department of health may remove any member of the board for |
12 | cause. |
13 | (3) Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired portion of any term in the same manner as |
14 | the original appointment. |
15 | (b) The duties of the board shall be to: |
16 | (1) Recommend to the director rules and regulations necessary to implement this chapter; |
17 | (2) Determine the qualification and fitness of applicants and to issue and/or reinstate |
18 | licenses; and |
19 | (3) Recommend to the director revocation, suspension, and/or denial of a license. |
20 | SECTION 13. Section 5-68.1-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-68.1 entitled "Radiologic |
21 | Technologists" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
22 | 5-68.1-3. Board — Composition — Appointment and terms of members — Duties. |
23 | (a) Within the Rhode Island department of health there shall be a board of radiologic |
24 | technology consisting of seven (7) members as follows: |
25 | (1) One member shall be a member of the public who has no financial interest in radiologic |
26 | technology other than as a consumer or possible consumer of its services. They shall have no |
27 | financial interest personally or through a spouse. |
28 | (2) Two (2) members of the board shall be licensed practitioners, one of whom shall be a |
29 | radiologist who utilizes ionizing radiation in the normal course of his or her practice. Nominations |
30 | for the licensed practitioner board members shall be submitted by the Rhode Island Medical Society |
31 | and the Rhode Island Radiological Society to the director for approval. |
32 | (3)(i) Three (3) members of the board shall be licensed under this chapter. One shall be |
33 | from radiography, one shall be from nuclear medicine, and one shall be from radiation therapy. |
34 | (ii) The director shall appoint as radiologic technologist members of the board, individuals |
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1 | currently practicing as registered radiologic technologists in Rhode Island. |
2 | (4) One member shall be a representative of the hospital association who shall be |
3 | nominated by the Hospital Association of Rhode Island and submitted to the director for approval. |
4 | (5)(i) The director, with the approval of the governor, shall make appointments for a three- |
5 | year (3) term, but no individual shall serve be appointed to more than two (2) consecutive terms. |
6 | Upon expiration of the term of office, a member shall continue to serve until a successor is |
7 | appointed and qualified. Members of the board as of the effective date of this chapter, who were |
8 | previously appointed pursuant to § 5-68-4, shall continue to serve for the remainder of their |
9 | appointed term. |
10 | (ii) In the event of a vacancy in one of the positions, the director, with the approval of the |
11 | governor, may appoint an individual who shall fill the unexpired term. |
12 | (6) The board shall meet during the first month of each calendar year to select a chairperson |
13 | and for other purposes. At least one additional meeting shall be held during each calendar year. |
14 | Meetings may also be called at any time by the chairperson, the director, or by written request of |
15 | two (2) members of the board. A majority of the fully authorized board constitutes a quorum. A |
16 | majority of seats filled shall constitute a quorum. |
17 | (b) The duties of the board shall be as follows: |
18 | (1) To evaluate the qualifications of applicants and review the required examination results |
19 | administered by a testing agency approved by the board; |
20 | (2) To recommend to the director the issuance of licenses to applicants who meet the |
21 | requirements of this chapter; |
22 | (3) To administer, coordinate, and enforce the provisions of this chapter and investigate |
23 | persons engaging in practices that may violate the provisions of the chapter; |
24 | (4) To recommend to the director the denial or revocation of licenses to practice radiologic |
25 | technology as provided in this chapter; and |
26 | (5) To recommend to the director adoption of rules and regulations pursuant to this chapter. |
27 | SECTION 14. Section 23-39-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-39 entitled "Respiratory |
28 | Care Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
29 | 23-39-5. Board created. |
30 | (a) Within the division of professional regulation of the health department shall be a board |
31 | of respiratory care consisting of five (5) members as follows: |
32 | (1) One physician licensed in the state who is knowledgeable in respiratory care; |
33 | (2) Three (3) licensed respiratory care practitioners; |
34 | (3) One public member who is a resident of Rhode Island. The public member shall not |
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1 | have been licensed as a respiratory care practitioner nor shall he or she have any financial interest, |
2 | direct or indirect, in the occupation regulated. |
3 | (b) The director of the department of health, with the approval of the governor, within sixty |
4 | (60) days following November 1, 1986, shall appoint one board member for a term of one year; |
5 | two (2) for a term of two (2) years; and two (2) for a term of three (3) years. Appointments made |
6 | thereafter shall be for three-year terms but no person shall be appointed to serve more than two (2) |
7 | consecutive terms. Upon expiration of the term of office, a member shall continue to serve until a |
8 | successor is appointed and qualified. A majority of seats filled shall constitute a quorum. |
9 | (c) The director, in his or her initial appointment, shall appoint as the respiratory care |
10 | practitioner one of the members of the board or a person currently practicing as respiratory care |
11 | practitioners in Rhode Island. |
12 | (d) The board shall meet during the first month of each calendar year to select a chairperson |
13 | and for other purposes. At least one additional meeting shall be held before the end of each calendar |
14 | year. Other meetings may be convened at the call of the chairperson, the administrator of |
15 | professional regulation, or upon the written request of any two (2) board members. |
16 | (e) In the event of a vacancy in one of the positions, the director of the department of health, |
17 | with the approval of the governor, may appoint a person who shall fill the unexpired term. |
18 | SECTION 15. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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OF | |
A N A C T | |
*** | |
1 | This act would standardize successor appointment language for various boards and adds |
2 | language providing that a quorum would be a majority of board seats filled and the language would |
3 | apply across several healthcare professional boards that currently lack this language. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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