2025 -- H 5547 | |
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LC001348 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Solomon, and Kennedy | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Corporations | |
(Division of Public Utilities & Carriers) | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 39-1-26 of the General Laws in Chapter 39-1 entitled "Public Utilities |
2 | Commission" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 39-1-26. Public utilities reserve fund created — Appropriations — Recovery of |
4 | expenses from utility companies. |
5 | (a) There is hereby created a fund to be known as the public utilities reserve account, an |
6 | account within the public utilities commission in the general fund. Such account, hereinafter |
7 | referred to as the “fund,” shall be used for the purpose of providing the financial means for the |
8 | commission and division to purchase materials, and to employ on a contract or other basis, legal |
9 | counsel, official stenographers, engineers, accountants, economists, and other expert witnesses, and |
10 | for other necessary expenses of the commission and division in investigations and hearings related |
11 | to applications and filings made by public utilities, or commission- or division-initiated |
12 | investigations into utility operating practices, or related appeals to state or federal courts or in |
13 | relevant regulatory matters before federal agencies. The general assembly shall annually |
14 | appropriate to the fund a sum equal to twenty-five one thousandths of one percent (.00025%) of |
15 | the gross, annual operating revenues of gas, electric, and telephone companies attributable to their |
16 | conduct of intrastate operations in this state during the year next preceding; provided, however, that |
17 | if at June 30, in any year the balance in the fund shall be in excess of one hundred thousand dollars |
18 | ($100,000), the amount of the excess shall forthwith be transferred to the general fund of the state. |
19 | Prebilled revenue shall be excluded from an excess balance to be transferred to the general fund. |
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1 | The state controller is authorized and directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer |
2 | for the payment from the fund of such sums as may be required from time to time upon receipt by |
3 | him or her of proper vouchers approved by the administrator. |
4 | (b) The public utility making an application or filing to the commission or division, or |
5 | subject to a commission- or division-initiated investigation, or any public utility distributing |
6 | electricity or gas whose retail rates would be affected by a proceeding before an agency of the |
7 | federal government or a federal court, shall be charged with and shall pay a portion of the expenses |
8 | reasonably so incurred by the commission and by the division for the purchase of materials and for |
9 | the employment of legal counsel, official stenographers, engineers, accountants, and expert |
10 | witnesses, and for travel and other necessary expenses as are reasonably attributable to the |
11 | investigation or the hearing of the proposal by the commission and the division, or to the |
12 | administrator’s representation of the state before federal or state courts or an agency of the federal |
13 | government. The administrator or the commission chairperson, as appropriate, shall ascertain the |
14 | expenses and shall determine the amount to be paid by the public utility company or companies, |
15 | and bills shall be rendered therefor either at the conclusion of the investigation or hearing, or from |
16 | time to time during its progress, and the amount of each bill so rendered shall be paid by the public |
17 | utility to the administrator or the commission, as appropriate, within thirty (30) days from the date |
18 | of its rendition unless, within the thirty-day (30) time period, the public utility so billed shall request |
19 | an opportunity to be heard by the commission as to the amount thereof. The commission shall |
20 | comply with any such request. Any amount of the bill not paid within thirty (30) days from the date |
21 | of service of the determination upon the hearing, or, if none shall be requested, within thirty (30) |
22 | days from the date of rendition of the bill, shall draw interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) |
23 | per annum. At the discretion of the administrator, or the commission chairperson, as appropriate, |
24 | utility companies may be prebilled for contractual services utilized by the commission or division. |
25 | Any revenue received from public utilities not expended upon the completion of the case will be |
26 | promptly reimbursed to the utility company. The total amount that may be charged to any public |
27 | utility under authority of this section for proceedings before the commission or division or in related |
28 | appeals before state or federal courts in any calendar year shall not exceed seven hundred and fifty |
29 | thousand dollars ($750,000), provided that any indirect one million dollars ($1,000,000). Indirect |
30 | cost recovery obligations pursuant to § 35-4-27 shall constitute a separate and additional assessment |
31 | to public utilities to be added to the foregoing expense assessment limit limits; in addition, the total |
32 | amount that may be charged against any public utility under authority of this section for the |
33 | administrator’s representation of the state before agencies of the federal government in any calendar |
34 | year shall not exceed two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) five hundred thousand |
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1 | dollars ($500,000). All moneys collected by the administrator or the commission pursuant to this |
2 | section shall be paid by him or her monthly to the general treasurer to be added to the public utilities |
3 | reserve fund. |
4 | (c) The division of public utilities and carriers shall adopt by regulation, a fee schedule for |
5 | all telecommunications filings, including initial applications and annual registrations, by |
6 | telecommunications providers that are not otherwise subject to the provisions of subsection (a) or |
7 | (b) of this section. The money assessed and paid shall be paid into the general fund and shall not |
8 | be a part of the public utilities reserve fund. |
9 | (d) The general assembly shall annually appropriate such sums as it may deem necessary |
10 | for the salaries of the commissioners and their expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, |
11 | and for the operations of the commission and the division and payment of such office expenses and |
12 | assistance as from time to time may be required. The state controller is authorized and directed to |
13 | draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of such sum, or so much thereof, |
14 | as may be required from time to time upon receipt by him or her of vouchers approved by the |
15 | administrator or his or her authorized agent. |
16 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would increase the public utilities reserve fund cap and the cap on expenses |
2 | relating to the public utilities commission and the division of public utilities and carriers |
3 | representing the state before federal agencies. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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