2025 -- H 5546 | |
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LC001798 | |
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Introduced By: Representative Arthur J. Corvese | |
Date Introduced: February 26, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Corporations | |
(Division of Public Utilities & Carriers) | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 39 of the General Laws entitled "PUBLIC UTILITIES AND |
2 | CARRIERS" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 14.4 |
5 | 39-14.4-1. Definitions. |
6 | Terms used in this chapter shall be construed as follows, unless another meaning is |
7 | expressed or is clearly apparent from the language or context: |
8 | (1) "Administrator" means the administrator of the division of public utilities and carriers. |
9 | (2) "Background check clearance certificate" means verification issued by the division, |
10 | electronically or otherwise, that the driver has successfully completed the background check |
11 | required under this section. |
12 | (3) "Clearance certificate" means a background check clearance certificate. |
13 | (4) "Conviction" means judgments of conviction entered by a court, subsequent to a finding |
14 | of guilty or a plea of guilty; and those instances where a defendant has entered a plea of nolo |
15 | contendere and has received a sentence of probation; and those instances where a defendant has |
16 | entered into a deferred sentence agreement with the attorney general. |
17 | (5) "Division" means the Rhode Island division of public utilities and carriers. |
18 | (6) "Driver" means any person seeking initial authority to provide for-hire intrastate |
| |
1 | passenger transportation services under chapters 14, 14.1, or 14.2 of title 39. |
2 | (7) "Initial authority" means first-time and renewal applicants for a special operator's |
3 | license as defined in §§ 39-14-20 and 39-14.1-8; first-time TNC operators; and for active TNC |
4 | operators, as defined in § 39-14.2-1, subject to subsequent periodic background checks as required |
5 | in § 39-14.2-7, no later than December 31, 2019. |
6 | (8) "TNC" means transportation network company as defined in § 39-14.2-1. |
7 | 39-14.4-2. Background check required. |
8 | (a) No driver shall transport passengers for hire in a taxicab, limited public motor vehicle, |
9 | public motor vehicle or TNC vehicle within the state without first having undergone a national and |
10 | state criminal background check in accordance with this chapter. The driver shall apply to the |
11 | bureau of criminal identification (BCI), department of attorney general, state police, or local police |
12 | department where they reside, for a national and state criminal records check. Fingerprinting shall |
13 | be required. The driver shall be responsible for the cost of conducting the national criminal |
14 | background check. |
15 | (b) In instances which no disqualifying information has been found, the bureau of criminal |
16 | identification, state police, or local police department shall inform the driver and the division, in |
17 | writing, of this fact. |
18 | (c) Upon the discovery of any disqualifying information as defined in subsection (d) of this |
19 | section, the bureau of criminal identification, state police or local police department shall inform |
20 | the driver, in writing, of the nature of the disqualifying information; and, without disclosing the |
21 | nature of the disqualifying information, will notify the division, in writing, that disqualifying |
22 | information has been discovered. |
23 | (d) For the purposes of this chapter, "disqualifying information" shall mean: information |
24 | produced by a national criminal records check pertaining to conviction for the following crimes |
25 | will result in a letter to the driver and the division: murder; voluntary manslaughter; involuntary |
26 | manslaughter; first degree sexual assault; second degree sexual assault; third degree sexual assault; |
27 | first degree child molestation sexual assault; second degree child molestation sexual assault; any |
28 | offense under chapter 67 of title 11; assault on persons sixty (60) years of age or older; assault with |
29 | intent to commit specified felonies (murder, robbery, rape, burglary, or the abominable and |
30 | detestable crimes against nature); felony assault; patient abuse; neglect or mistreatment of patients; |
31 | burglary; first degree arson; robbery; unlawful possession of a firearm; felony drug offenses; felony |
32 | obtaining money under false pretenses; abuse, neglect and/or exploitation of adults with severe |
33 | impairments; exploitation of elders; felony larceny; duty to stop in accidents, resulting in injury; |
34 | duty to stop in accidents, resulting in serious bodily injury; duty to stop in accidents, resulting in |
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1 | death; driving so as to endanger, resulting in death; driving so as to endanger, resulting in personal |
2 | injury; driving so as to endanger, resulting in physical injury; driving under influence of liquor or |
3 | drugs; refusal to submit to chemical test; driving under the influence of liquor or drugs, resulting |
4 | in death; driving under the influence of liquor or drugs, resulting in serious bodily injury. |
5 | 39-14.4-3. Background check clearance certificate. |
6 | (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, no person shall transport passengers |
7 | for hire in a taxicab, limited public motor vehicle, public motor vehicle or TNC vehicle within the |
8 | state without first obtaining a background check clearance certificate, as defined in in § 39-14.4-1, |
9 | issued by the division. The clearance certificate shall be issued to the driver; provided, however, |
10 | the division shall transmit the clearance certificate to any TNC permit holder identified by the |
11 | driver. |
12 | (b) The following criminal records may not be used in connection with any application for |
13 | a background check clearance certificate issued by the division: |
14 | (1) Juvenile adjudications; |
15 | (2) Records of arrest not followed by a valid conviction; |
16 | (3) Convictions that have been, pursuant to law, annulled or expunged; |
17 | (4) Misdemeanor convictions for which no jail sentence can be imposed. |
18 | (c) A person who has been convicted of a crime or crimes referenced in § 39-14.4-2(d) |
19 | shall not be disqualified from obtaining a background check clearance certificate if the person can |
20 | show competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties for |
21 | which the background clearance certificate is sought. The division shall consider the time elapsed |
22 | since the conviction when determining sufficient rehabilitation, as well as any evidence presented |
23 | by the applicant regarding: |
24 | (1) Completion of a period of at least two (2) years after release from imprisonment, or at |
25 | least two (2) years after the sentencing date for a probation sentence not accompanied by |
26 | incarceration, without subsequent conviction or pending criminal charge; |
27 | (2) The nature, seriousness, and relevance of the crime or crimes for which convicted; |
28 | (3) All circumstances relative to the crime or crimes, including mitigating circumstances |
29 | surrounding the commission of the crime or crimes; |
30 | (4) The age of the person at the time the crime or crimes were committed; |
31 | (5) Claims that the criminal record information is in error or inadmissible under subsection |
32 | (b) of this section; and |
33 | (6) All other competent evidence of rehabilitation and present fitness presented, including, |
34 | but not limited to, letters of reference by persons who have been in contact with the applicant since |
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1 | the applicant's release from any state or federal correctional institution. |
2 | (d) Any driver denied the issuance of a background clearance certificate may appeal the |
3 | decision in accordance with chapter 35 of title 42 ("administrative procedures"). |
4 | (e) The clearance certificate shall be effective for a period of five (5) years from the date |
5 | of issuance by the division. |
6 | 39-14.4-4. Denial and appeal process. |
7 | (a) If the division intends to deny a background clearance certificate based solely or in part |
8 | on § 39-14.4-2(d), the division shall notify the individual in writing of the following prior to the |
9 | final decision: |
10 | (1) The specific conviction(s) that form the basis for the potential denial, suspension, or |
11 | revocation and the rationale for deeming the conviction substantially related to the relevant permit; |
12 | (2) A copy of the conviction history report, if any, on which the division relies; |
13 | (3) A statement that the applicant may provide evidence of mitigation or rehabilitation, as |
14 | described in § 39-14.4-3(c); and |
15 | (4) Instructions on how to respond to the revocation. |
16 | (b) After receiving the notice of potential denial, the individual shall have thirty (30) |
17 | business days to respond. |
18 | (c) If the division denies a background clearance certificate based solely or in part on § 39- |
19 | 14.4-2(d), the division shall issue a final written decision that addresses each of the following |
20 | factors: |
21 | (1) The state's legitimate interest in equal access to employment for individuals who have |
22 | had past contact with the criminal justice system; |
23 | (2) The state's legitimate interest in protecting the property and the safety and welfare of |
24 | specific individuals or the general public; and |
25 | (3) The relationship of the crime or crimes to the ability, capacity, and fitness required to |
26 | perform the duties and discharge the responsibilities of the position of employment or occupation. |
27 | (4) The specific conviction(s) that form the basis for the denial and the rationale for |
28 | deeming the conviction substantially related to the relevant permit. |
29 | (5) The process for appealing the decision in accordance with chapter 35 of title 42 |
30 | ("administrative procedures"); and |
31 | (6) The earliest date the person may reapply for an occupational license, permit, or |
32 | certificate, which shall not be longer than two (2) years from the date of the final decision. |
33 | 39-14.4-5. Destruction of fingerprint record. |
34 | At the conclusion of the criminal background check required in this chapter, the department |
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1 | of attorney general, state police, or local police department, as appropriate, shall promptly destroy |
2 | the fingerprint record of the driver obtained pursuant to this chapter. |
3 | 39-14.4-6. Expiration of certificate. |
4 | The clearance certificate shall expire five (5) years from the date of issuance; provided, |
5 | however, that the division may invalidate a certificate and require the driver to obtain a new |
6 | clearance certificate if the division determines that it is in the public interest. |
7 | SECTION 2. Section 39-14-20 of the General Laws in Chapter 39-14 entitled "Taxicabs |
8 | and Limited Public Motor Vehicles" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
9 | 39-14-20. Licensing of operators. |
10 | (a) No person shall operate a taxicab or limited public motor vehicle upon the public |
11 | highways until the person shall have first obtained: |
12 | (1) An an operator’s license as provided for in chapter 10 of title 31.; |
13 | (2) A background check clearance certificate in accordance with chapter 14.4 of title 39. |
14 | Issuance of such certificate is a separate and distinct requirement from the special license required |
15 | in subsection (3) of this section; and |
16 | (b) Further, no person shall operate a taxicab or limited public motor vehicle upon the |
17 | highways until the person shall have first obtained a |
18 | (3) A special license from the division of public utilities and carriers under such rules and |
19 | regulations as the division of public utilities and carriers shall require. |
20 | SECTION 3. Section 39-14.1-8 of the General Laws in Chapter 39-14.1 entitled "Public |
21 | Motor Vehicles" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
22 | 39-14.1-8. Licensing of operators. |
23 | No person shall operate a public motor vehicle upon the public highways until the person |
24 | shall have first obtained an operator’s license as provided for in chapter 10 of title 31. Further, no |
25 | person shall operate a public motor vehicle upon the highways until the person shall have first |
26 | obtained a special license from the division of public utilities and carriers under any rules and |
27 | regulations that the division of public utilities and carriers shall require; and, further, until the |
28 | person shall have obtained from the division a background check clearance certificate in accordance |
29 | with chapter 14.4 of title 39. |
30 | SECTION 4. Section 39-14.2-7 of the General Laws in Chapter 39-14.2 entitled |
31 | "Transportation Network Company Services" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
32 | 39-14.2-7. Transportation network company operators or TNC operators, TNC |
33 | drivers. |
34 | (a) No individual shall provide TNC services or transport TNC riders in a personal vehicle |
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1 | until the individual shall have first submitted to required, periodic background checks conducted |
2 | through the TNC in accordance with subsection (b). |
3 | (b) Prior to permitting an individual to accept trip requests through its digital network, a |
4 | TNC shall: |
5 | (1) Require the individual to submit an application to the TNC. The application shall |
6 | include the individual’s name; address; age; driver’s license number; photocopy or electronic copy |
7 | of the driver’s license; motor-vehicle registration for the personal vehicle that the individual intends |
8 | to use to provide prearranged rides; automobile liability insurance; and other information as may |
9 | be required by the TNC; |
10 | (2) Conduct, or have a third party accredited by the National Association of Professional |
11 | Background Screeners conduct, a local and national criminal background check for each applicant |
12 | that shall include: |
13 | (i) A multistate/multi-jurisdictional criminal records locator or other similar commercial |
14 | nationwide database with validation (primary source search); and |
15 | (ii) The Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website; and |
16 | (3) Obtain and review, or have a third party obtain and review, a driving history research |
17 | report for such driving applicant. |
18 | (c) The TNC shall certify that the required background checks verify that the applicant |
19 | meets the following criteria: |
20 | (1) Has not had more than three (3) moving violations in the prior three-year (3) period, or |
21 | one of the following major violations in the prior three-year (3) period: |
22 | (i) Attempting to evade the police; |
23 | (ii) Reckless driving; |
24 | (iii) Driving on a suspended license; or |
25 | (iv) Revoked license. |
26 | (2) Has not, in the past seven (7) years, been convicted of or pleaded nolo contendere to |
27 | any of the following: |
28 | (i) Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol; |
29 | (ii) Felony fraud; |
30 | (iii) Sexual offenses; |
31 | (iv) Use of a motor vehicle to commit a felony; |
32 | (v) Felony crimes involving property damage and/or theft; or |
33 | (vi) Acts of violence or felony acts of terror; |
34 | (3) Is not a match in the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website; |
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1 | (4) Possesses a valid driver’s license; |
2 | (5) Possesses proof of registration for the motor vehicle to be used to provide prearranged |
3 | rides or TNC services; |
4 | (6) Possesses proof of automobile liability insurance, that satisfies the financial- |
5 | responsibility requirement for a motor vehicle under § 31-47-2(13)(i)(A), for the motor vehicle(s) |
6 | to be used to provide prearranged rides or TNC services; and |
7 | (7) Is at least nineteen (19) years of age; and |
8 | (8) Has obtained from the division a background check clearance certificate as required by |
9 | § 39-14.4-3. |
10 | (d) TNC operators may be affiliated with or may “partner” with more than one properly |
11 | permitted transportation network company to provide TNC services. |
12 | SECTION 5. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would provide a criminal background check procedure for for-hire intrastate |
2 | passenger transportation services. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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