2025 -- H 5538 | |
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LC001569 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Cruz, Ajello, Morales, Stewart, Alzate, Handy, Sanchez, | |
Date Introduced: February 18, 2025 | |
Referred To: House State Government & Elections | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 17 of the General Laws entitled "ELECTIONS" is hereby amended by |
2 | adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 30 |
5 | 17-30-1. Short title. |
6 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Residence of Individuals in |
7 | Government Custody Act." |
8 | 17-30-2. Legislative purpose, declaration and findings. |
9 | The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that persons in government custody within the state |
10 | are counted at their actual residence for redistricting purposes. The general assembly notes that § |
11 | 17-1-3.1 provides: "A person's residence for voting purposes is his or her fixed and established |
12 | domicile… A person can have only one domicile, and the domicile shall not be considered lost |
13 | solely by reason of absence for any of the following reasons:…Confinement in a correctional |
14 | facility…". Investigation has shown that, despite these provisions, the census continues to classify |
15 | incarcerated persons as residents of their places of incarceration, rather than of their home |
16 | addresses. The provisions of this chapter are necessary to provide procedures and duties to correct |
17 | this discrepancy. |
18 | 17-30-3. Electronic record. |
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1 | The department of corrections shall collect and maintain an electronic record of the legal |
2 | residence, presumptively outside of the facility, and other demographic data, for any person |
3 | entering its custody after January 1, 2026. At a minimum, this record shall contain the last known |
4 | complete street address prior to incarceration, the person's race, whether the person is of Hispanic |
5 | or Latino origin, and whether the person is over the age of eighteen (18) years. |
6 | 17-30-4. Reports to the division of statewide planning. |
7 | (a) By May 1 of each year, the department of corrections shall deliver to the division of |
8 | statewide planning the following information for each person incarcerated in the department's |
9 | facilities as of April 1 that year: |
10 | (1) The street address of the correctional facility in which such person was incarcerated; |
11 | (2) The last known address of such person prior to incarceration or other legal residence (if |
12 | known); |
13 | (3) The person's race, whether the person is of Hispanic or Latino origin, and whether the |
14 | person is over the age of eighteen (18) years (if known); |
15 | (4) For any person who entered the department’s custody prior to January 1, 2026, the |
16 | department shall provide all information specified in subsections (a)(1) through (a)(3) of this |
17 | section, that exists in its records; and |
18 | (5) Any additional information, as the division of statewide planning may request pursuant |
19 | to law. |
20 | (b) The department shall provide the information specified in subsection (a) of this section, |
21 | in such form as the division of statewide planning shall specify. |
22 | (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of the general or public laws to the contrary, the |
23 | information required to be provided to the division of statewide planning pursuant to this section, |
24 | shall not include the name of any incarcerated person and shall not allow for the identification of |
25 | any such person therefrom, except to the department of corrections. The information shall be treated |
26 | as confidential, and shall not be disclosed by the division of statewide planning, except as |
27 | redistricting data aggregated by census block for purposes which they may require. |
28 | 17-30-5. Federal facilities. |
29 | The division of statewide planning shall request each agency that operates a federal facility |
30 | in this state that incarcerates persons convicted of a criminal offense, to provide the secretary of |
31 | state with a report including the information listed in § 17-30-4. |
32 | 17-30-6. Requiring use of data in redistricting. |
33 | The division of statewide planning shall prepare redistricting population data to reflect |
34 | incarcerated persons at their residential address, pursuant to § 17-30-4. The data prepared by the |
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1 | division of statewide planning pursuant to § 17-30-4, shall be the basis of congressional districts, |
2 | state house of representative districts, state senate districts, and all local government districts that |
3 | are based on population. Incarcerated populations residing at unknown geographic locations within |
4 | the state, as determined under § 17-30-4, shall not be used to determine the ideal population of any |
5 | set of districts, wards, or precincts. |
6 | 17-30-7. Redistricting data publication by the division of statewide planning. |
7 | (a) For each person included in a report received under this chapter, the division of |
8 | statewide planning shall determine the geographic units for which population counts are reported |
9 | in the federal decennial census, that contain the facility of incarceration and the legal residence as |
10 | listed according to the report. |
11 | (b) For each person included in a report received under this chapter, if the legal residence |
12 | is known and in this state, the division of statewide planning shall: |
13 | (1) Ensure that the person is not represented in any population counts reported by the |
14 | division of statewide planning, for the geographic units that include the facility at which the person |
15 | was incarcerated, unless that geographic unit also includes the person's legal residence; and |
16 | (2) Ensure that any population counts reported by the division of statewide planning, reflect |
17 | the person’s residential address as reported, pursuant to this chapter. |
18 | (c) For each person included in a report received under this chapter for whom a legal |
19 | residence is unknown or not in this state, and for all persons reported in the census as residing in a |
20 | federal correctional facility for whom a report was not provided, the division of statewide planning |
21 | shall: |
22 | (1) Ensure that the person is not represented in any population counts reported by the |
23 | division of statewide planning for the geographic units that include the facility at which the person |
24 | was incarcerated; and |
25 | (2) Allocate the person to a state unit not tied to a specific determined geography, as other |
26 | state residents with unknown state addresses are allocated, including, but not limited to, military |
27 | and federal government personnel stationed overseas. |
28 | (d) The data prepared by the division of statewide planning pursuant to this section shall |
29 | be completed and published no later than thirty (30) days from the date that federal decennial data |
30 | is published for the State of Rhode Island or forty-five (45) days after the effective date of this |
31 | chapter, whichever is later. |
32 | 17-30-8. Annual reports by the secretary of state. |
33 | For each report received from the department or federal agency under this chapter, the |
34 | division of statewide planning shall analyze the data submitted for its completeness and publish its |
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1 | findings, including, but not limited to: |
2 | (1) The number of records that were missing data; |
3 | (2) The number of records that could not be geocoded; and |
4 | (3) For any records that could not be geocoded, a determination of which information was |
5 | missing or otherwise made the record unable to be geocoded. |
6 | 17-30-9. Use in aid. |
7 | The data prepared by the division of statewide planning as required by § 17-30-4, shall not |
8 | be used in the distribution of any state or federal aid. |
9 | 17-30-10. Severability. |
10 | If any provision of this chapter or the application of any provision of this chapter to any |
11 | person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications |
12 | of the chapter that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and for this |
13 | purpose the provisions of this chapter are severable. |
14 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would require that the state use the actual residences of persons in government |
2 | custody for redistricting purposes. Such information would be collected by the department of |
3 | corrections and forwarded to the division of statewide planning, to be utilized for redistricting. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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