2025 -- H 5522 | |
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LC001599 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Corvese, Solomon, Azzinaro, Serpa, and DeSimone | |
Date Introduced: February 13, 2025 | |
Referred To: House State Government & Elections | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 42-35-2.7 and 42-35-4 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-35 entitled |
2 | "Administrative Procedures" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 42-35-2.7. Notice of proposed rulemaking. |
4 | (a) At least thirty (30) days before the filing of a final rule with the secretary of state, an |
5 | agency shall publish the notice of the proposed rulemaking on the agency’s website. The agency |
6 | shall file notice of the proposed rulemaking with the secretary of state, in accordance with |
7 | procedures established by the secretary of state, for publication in the state register and for |
8 | electronic notification to interested parties pursuant to subsection (c). The notice shall be mailed |
9 | by the agency to all persons who have made timely request of the agency for notice of its |
10 | rulemaking proceedings, and published in a newspaper or newspapers having aggregate general |
11 | circulation throughout the state; provided, however, that if the action is limited in its applicability |
12 | to a particular area, then the publication may be in a newspaper having general circulation in the |
13 | area. In lieu of newspaper publication, advance notice of proposed rulemaking by all agencies may |
14 | be posted via electronic media on a website maintained by the office of secretary of state. Copies |
15 | of proposed rules shall be available at the agency at the time of the notice required by this |
16 | subsection, and by mail to any member of the public upon request. |
17 | (b) The notice shall include: |
18 | (1) A short explanation of the purpose of the proposed rule; |
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1 | (2) A citation or reference to the specific, legal authority authorizing the proposed rule; |
2 | (3) The text of the proposed rule; |
3 | (4) How a copy of the full text of any regulatory analysis of the proposed rule may be |
4 | obtained; |
5 | (5) Where, when, and how a person may comment on the proposed rule and request a |
6 | hearing, including the beginning and end dates of the public-comment period; |
7 | (6) The date of the filing of the notice of the proposed rulemaking with the secretary of |
8 | state; |
9 | (7) A citation to each scientific or statistical study, report, or analysis that served as a basis |
10 | for the proposed rule, together with an indication of how the full text of the study, report, or analysis |
11 | may be obtained; |
12 | (8) Any proposed additions, deletions, or other amendments to the rules and regulations. |
13 | New proposed language must be clearly marked using underline formatting for proposed insertions, |
14 | and strikethrough formatting for proposed deletions. If an agency proposes a new rule which will |
15 | supersede an existing rule, the agency shall make available a summary of all non-technical |
16 | differences between the existing and proposed rules. An agency’s lawful promulgation of |
17 | amendments to an existing rule shall be deemed to supersede and repeal the previous enactments |
18 | of that rule, provided that the public notice required under subdivision (a)(1) indicated such an |
19 | intent; and |
20 | (9) Any regulatory analysis prepared under § 42-35-2.9. |
21 | (c) The secretary of state shall establish a process to provide timely notification via |
22 | electronic mail to any person that requests information concerning agency notices of proposed |
23 | rulemaking. Requests under this section may be submitted to the secretary of state’s office through |
24 | its website. |
25 | (d) At least thirty (30) days before the filing of a final rule with the secretary of state, an |
26 | agency shall provide the notice of the proposed rulemaking, including the text of the proposed rule |
27 | as prescribed in subsection (b) of this section, via electronic mail to all members of the general |
28 | assembly. |
29 | 42-35-4. Filing and taking effect of rules. |
30 | (a) An agency shall file each final rule with the secretary of state. An agency may not file |
31 | a final rule until the public comment period has ended. In filing a final rule, an agency shall use a |
32 | standardized form and process for submission determined by the secretary of state. The secretary |
33 | of state shall affix to each final rule a certification of the time and date of filing. The secretary of |
34 | state may reject the final rule if an agency fails to use the standardized format or fails to adhere to |
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1 | the codification requirements or any other publication requirements or rules promulgated by the |
2 | secretary of state’s office pursuant to § 42-35-5. The secretary of state shall reject the improper |
3 | final rule by returning it to the director of the agency which submitted the improper form within |
4 | fifteen (15) days of receipt. |
5 | (b) The secretary of state, with notification to the agency, may make minor non-substantive |
6 | corrections in spelling, grammar, and format in a proposed or final rule. The secretary of state shall |
7 | make a record of the corrections. |
8 | (c) The agency shall file the rule not later than one hundred eighty (180) days after close |
9 | of the public-comment period. If that rule is not filed within one hundred eighty (180) days, the |
10 | agency must restart the rulemaking process pursuant to this chapter. |
11 | (d) A final rule filed by an agency with the secretary of state under this section must contain |
12 | the text of the rule and be accompanied by a record that contains: |
13 | (1) The date the final rule was signed by the relevant agency head; |
14 | (2) A reference to the specific statutory or other authority authorizing the rule; |
15 | (3) Any finding required by law as a prerequisite to the proposed rule or effectiveness of |
16 | the rule; |
17 | (4) The effective date of the rule; and |
18 | (5) A concise explanatory statement as defined by § 42-35-2.6. |
19 | (e) Each rule hereafter shall be effective twenty (20) days after filing with the secretary of |
20 | state, except: |
21 | (1) If a later date is required by statute or specified in the rule, the later date is the effective |
22 | date; |
23 | (2) An emergency rule under § 42-35-2.10 becomes effective upon signature by the agency |
24 | head and the governor, or the governor’s designee; |
25 | (3) A direct final rule under § 42-35-2.11, to which no objection is made, becomes effective |
26 | thirty (30) days after publication, unless the agency specifies a later effective date; |
27 | (4) A final rule shall not be effective or enforceable until properly submitted and accepted |
28 | by the secretary of state. |
29 | (f) The secretary of state shall maintain a permanent register of all filed rules and concise |
30 | explanatory statements for the rules. The secretary of state shall provide a copy of each certified |
31 | final rule to an agency upon request. The secretary of state shall publish the notice of each final |
32 | rule in the state register. |
33 | (g) Within twenty (20) days of filing a final rule with the secretary of state, the agency shall |
34 | provide a copy of each certified final rule via electronic mail to all members of the general |
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1 | assembly. |
2 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would require that, thirty (30) days prior to filing a final administrative rule with |
2 | the secretary of state, the agency proposing the new rule, send the text of the rule to all members |
3 | of the general assembly. It would also require the rule adopting agency to send a copy of the |
4 | certified rule to all members of the general assembly, within twenty (20) days of filing a final rule. |
5 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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