2025 -- H 5518 | |
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LC001145 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Baginski, and Paplauskas | |
Date Introduced: February 13, 2025 | |
Referred To: House State Government & Elections | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 17-8-10 of the General Laws in Chapter 17-8 entitled "Local |
2 | Canvassing Authorities" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 17-8-10. Publication of local questions to be submitted to voters. |
4 | (a) Prior to each local election at which public questions are to be submitted, the local board |
5 | shall cause to be prominently posted in at least three (3) local public locations and advertised at |
6 | least once in a newspaper of local circulation, or in lieu of the requirement to place the |
7 | advertisement in a newspaper of local circulation, the City of Pawtucket may mail to the household |
8 | of each registered voter prior to the election the full text of each legislative act to be acted upon and |
9 | the election date, or the local board may substitute a description of the text of each act in lieu of the |
10 | full text, together with the following information: |
11 | (1) The designated number of the question; |
12 | (2) A brief caption of the question; |
13 | (3) A brief explanation of the measure that is the subject matter of the question; and |
14 | (4) A notice that voter fraud is a felony and the penalty for voter fraud. This notice shall be |
15 | in conspicuous lettering and shall contain the following language: “You must be registered to vote |
16 | from your actual place of residence.” |
17 | (b) If the public question involves the issuance of bonds or other evidence of indebtedness |
18 | or any other long-term financial obligation such as a lease, the notice required by subsection (a) of |
19 | this section shall also include at least the following information to be provided: |
| |
1 | (1) The estimated total cost of the project or program, including financing (using a |
2 | reasonable assumed rate of interest), legal, and other costs. |
3 | (2) The estimated useful life of the project, and the term of the bonds, other indebtedness, |
4 | or other obligation. |
5 | (3) A reasonably detailed description of the project or program, its purposes, and a project |
6 | timetable. |
7 | (c) The local board may substitute the advertising requirements as listed in subsection (a) |
8 | of this section, by posting in its place, a conspicuous and prominent notice containing all of the |
9 | same information on the municipality's website for at least twenty-one (21) consecutive days |
10 | leading up to and including the date of the election, where the local question(s) are certified to |
11 | appear on the ballot, in addition to prominently posting the same in at least three (3) public |
12 | locations. |
13 | SECTION 2. Chapter 17-8 of the General Laws entitled "Local Canvassing Authorities" is |
14 | hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
15 | 17-8-11. Publication of early voting dates, hours, and location. |
16 | (a) The local board shall advertise the dates, hours, and location of early voting, in a |
17 | newspaper of general circulation in the city or town at least once prior to the commencement of |
18 | any in-person early voting period to be conducted by the local board, and at least one while that |
19 | same early voting period is underway. |
20 | (b) The local board shall publish a conspicuous and prominent notice on the municipality's |
21 | website of the dates, hours, and location of early voting, and said notice shall remain published |
22 | throughout the duration of any in-person early voting period conducted by the local board. Said |
23 | notice shall reasonably comply with web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 compliance |
24 | level AA. |
25 | SECTION 3. Section 17-9.1-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 17-9.1 entitled "Registration |
26 | of Voters" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
27 | 17-9.1-3. Periods when boards receive registrations. |
28 | (a) The local boards shall open their respective offices for the purposes of receiving |
29 | registration of voters throughout the year during the regular business hours. Registration for any |
30 | election shall close on the thirtieth (30th) day preceding an election; provided, that local boards |
31 | shall not receive the registration on Sundays or legal holidays, and may receive the registrations |
32 | during additional hours each day from the fortieth (40th) to the thirtieth (30th) day before any |
33 | election. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as restricting the right of statewide or |
34 | local registration agents or members of the general assembly to accept registrations of voters on |
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1 | any day. The acceptance of registrations at any other time shall not affect the validity of any |
2 | election. |
3 | (b) Notwithstanding any other sections of the general laws to the contrary, all local boards |
4 | of canvassers shall remain open from eight-thirty (8:30) a.m. until four o’clock (4:00) p.m. on the |
5 | last day prescribed by law for the taking of voter registrations to permit participation of the voters |
6 | in the next succeeding election. In the event that the last day prescribed by law for the taking of |
7 | voter registrations is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the local board may; |
8 | (1) Designate one publicly accessible location in the city or town at which voter |
9 | registrations will be taken; and |
10 | (2) Designate the hours during which voter registration will be taken at that location, which |
11 | hours shall include the hours from one o’clock (1:00) p.m. until four o’clock (4:00) p.m. |
12 | (c) If a local board does designate a location other than its regular place of business or does |
13 | designate hours other than eight-thirty o’clock (8:30) a.m. until four o’clock (4:00) p.m., it shall: |
14 | (1) Publicly announce those designation(s) at least ten (10) days prior to the last day |
15 | provided by law for the taking of voter registrations; and |
16 | (2) Advertise those designation(s) in a newspaper of general circulation in the city or town |
17 | at least twice prior to the last day prescribed by law for the taking of voter registrations. The local |
18 | board may substitute advertising in a newspaper, by posting a conspicuous and prominent notice |
19 | of those designation(s) on the municipality's website, for at least ten (10) consecutive days leading |
20 | up to the last day prescribed by law for the taking of voter registrations. Said notice shall reasonably |
21 | comply with web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 compliance level AA. |
22 | SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would require the local board of canvassers to publish early voting dates, hours, |
2 | and location, at least twice in a newspaper of general circulation within the city or town, and to |
3 | publish the same on the municipality's website for the duration of the in-person early voting period. |
4 | It would also permit the substitution of advertising the voter registration deadline in a newspaper |
5 | by continuously posting notice of designation(s) on the municipality's website for a designated |
6 | period of consecutive days leading up to the last day prescribed by law for the taking of voter |
7 | registrations. |
8 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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