2025 -- H 5503 | |
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LC001598 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Cruz, Potter, Morales, Giraldo, Stewart, Felix, Tanzi, | |
Date Introduced: February 13, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Judiciary | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 34-18-11 of the General Laws in Chapter 34-18 entitled "Residential |
2 | Landlord and Tenant Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 34-18-11. Definitions. |
4 | Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent sections of this chapter which |
5 | apply to specific sections thereof, and unless the context otherwise requires, in this chapter: |
6 | (1) “Abandonment” means the tenant has vacated the premises without notice to the |
7 | landlord and has no intention of returning, as evidenced by nonpayment of rent for more than fifteen |
8 | (15) days and removal of substantially all possessions from the premises; |
9 | (2) “Action” includes recoupment, counterclaim, set-off, suit in equity, and any other |
10 | proceeding in which rights are determined, including an action for possession; |
11 | (3) “Building and housing codes” include any law, ordinance, or governmental regulation |
12 | concerning fitness for habitation, or the construction, maintenance, operation, occupancy, use, or |
13 | appearance of any premises of dwelling unit; |
14 | (4) "Disabled person" means a person who has an impairment which results from |
15 | anatomical, physiological or psychological conditions, other than addiction to alcohol, gambling, |
16 | or any controlled substance, which are demonstrable by medically acceptable clinical and |
17 | laboratory diagnostic techniques, and which are expected to be permanent and which substantially |
18 | limit one or more of such person's major life activities. |
19 | (4)(5) “Dwelling unit” or "housing accommodation" means a structure or part of a structure |
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1 | that is designed or intended to be used as a home, residence, or sleeping place by one or more |
2 | persons, including a mobile home or land in a mobile home park; |
3 | (5)(6) “Fair rental value” means rent which is of comparable value with that of other rental |
4 | properties of similar size and condition within the contiguous neighborhood; |
5 | (6)(7) “Good faith” means honesty in fact in the conduct of the transaction concerned; |
6 | (7)(8) “Landlord” means the owner, lessor, assigner, or sublessor or other person receiving |
7 | or entitled to receive rent for the occupancy of any housing accommodation or an agent of any of |
8 | the foregoing of the dwelling unit or the building of which it is a part, and it also means a manager |
9 | of the premises who fails to disclose as required by § 34-18-20; |
10 | (8)(9) “Ordinary wear and tear” means deterioration of the premises which is the result of |
11 | the tenant’s normal nonabusive living and includes, but is not limited to, deterioration caused by |
12 | the landlord’s failure to prepare for expected conditions or by the landlord’s failure to comply with |
13 | his or her obligations; |
14 | (9)(10) “Organization” includes a corporation, government, governmental subdivision or |
15 | agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership of association, two (2) or more persons having a |
16 | joint or common interest, and any other legal or commercial entity; |
17 | (10)(11) “Owner” shall mean any person who, alone or jointly or severally with others: |
18 | (i) Has legal title or tax title (pursuant to §§ 44-9-40 — 44-9-46, inclusive, of the general |
19 | laws) to any dwelling, dwelling unit or structure with or without accompanying actual possession |
20 | thereof; or |
21 | (ii) Has charge, care, or control of any dwelling, dwelling unit or structure as owner or |
22 | agent of the owner, or an executor, administrator, trustee, or guardian of the estate of the owner. |
23 | Any person representing the actual owner in this way shall be bound to comply with the provisions |
24 | of this chapter and of rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto to the same extent as if he or |
25 | she were the owner. |
26 | (11)(12) “Person” includes an individual or organization; |
27 | (12)(13) “Premises” means a dwelling unit and the structure of which it is a part and |
28 | facilities and appurtenances therein and grounds, areas, and facilities held out for the use of tenants |
29 | generally, or the use of which is promised to the tenant; |
30 | (13)(14) “Rent” means the payment or consideration that a tenant pays to a landlord for the |
31 | use of the premises, whether money, services, property, or produce of the land; |
32 | (14)(15) “Rental agreement” means all agreements, written or oral, and valid rules and |
33 | regulations adopted under § 34-18-25 embodying the terms and conditions concerning the use and |
34 | occupancy of a dwelling unit and premises, and also includes any terms required by law; |
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1 | (15)(16) “Roomer” means a tenant occupying a dwelling unit which consists of any room |
2 | or group of rooms forming a single habitable unit used or intended to be used for living and |
3 | sleeping, but not for cooking or eating purposes; |
4 | (16)(17) “Security deposit” means a sum of money given by a tenant to a landlord at the |
5 | outset of the tenancy or shortly thereafter, as a deposit against physical damages to the tenant’s |
6 | dwelling unit during said tenancy; |
7 | (17)(18) “Tenant” means a tenant, sub-tenant, lessee, sublessee, assignee, an occupant of a |
8 | rooming house or hotel or any other person entitled to the possession, use or occupancy of any |
9 | housing accommodation person entitled under a rental agreement to occupy a dwelling unit to the |
10 | exclusion of others; |
11 | (18)(19) “Transitional housing facility” means a facility which, for a period not to exceed |
12 | two (2) years, provides its residents with appropriate social services for the purpose of fostering |
13 | independence, self-sufficiency, and eventual transition to a permanent living arrangement; |
14 | (19)(20) “Willful” means that the act was performed intentionally, knowingly and |
15 | purposely, not accidentally or inadvertently and without justifiable excuse. |
16 | SECTION 2. Chapter 34-18 of the General Laws entitled "Residential Landlord and Tenant |
17 | Act" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following sections: |
18 | 34-18-7.1. Applicability to just cause evictions. |
19 | This section shall apply to all housing accommodations subject to just cause evictions |
20 | except: |
21 | (1) Owner-occupied premises with fewer than five (5) units; |
22 | (2) An individual or family who owns and manages a one to four (4) unit property that is |
23 | separate from their own primary residence; |
24 | (3) Premises sublet, or otherwise, where the sublessor seeks, in good faith, to recover |
25 | possession of such housing accommodation for their own personal use and occupancy; |
26 | (4) Premises, the possession, use or occupancy of which, is solely incidental to employment |
27 | and such employment is being lawfully terminated; and |
28 | (5) Premises otherwise subject to regulation of rents or evictions pursuant to state or federal |
29 | law to the extent that such state or federal law requires "good cause" for termination or non-renewal |
30 | of such tenancies. |
31 | 34-18-38.3. Necessity for just cause - Removal of tenants. |
32 | (a) No landlord shall, by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from |
33 | possession, by failure to renew any lease, or otherwise, remove any tenant from housing |
34 | accommodations covered by chapter 18 of title 34, except for good cause as set forth in subsection |
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1 | (b) of this section. |
2 | (b)(1) No landlord shall remove a tenant from any housing accommodation, or attempt |
3 | such removal or exclusion from possession, notwithstanding that the tenant has no written lease or |
4 | that the lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, except upon order of |
5 | a court of competent jurisdiction entered in an appropriate judicial action or proceeding in which |
6 | the petitioner or plaintiff has established one of the following grounds as good cause for removal |
7 | or eviction: |
8 | (i) The tenant has failed to pay rent due and owing; provided, however, that the rent due |
9 | and owing, or any part thereof, did not result from a rent increase which is unreasonable or imposed |
10 | for the purpose of circumventing the intent of this section. In determining whether all or part of the |
11 | rent due and owing is the result of an unreasonable rent increase, it shall be a rebuttable presumption |
12 | that the rent for a dwelling not protected by rent regulation is unreasonable if said rent has been |
13 | increased in any calendar year by a percentage exceeding either four percent (4%) or one and one- |
14 | half (1½) times the annual percentage change in the consumer price index for the region in which |
15 | the housing accommodation is located, as established the August preceding the calendar year in |
16 | question, whichever is greater; |
17 | (ii) The tenant is violating a substantial obligation of the tenancy, other than the obligation |
18 | to surrender possession, and has failed to cure such violation after written notice that the violation |
19 | cease within ten (10) days of receipt of such written notice; provided, however, that the obligation |
20 | of tenancy for which violation is claimed was not imposed for the purpose of circumventing the |
21 | intent of this section; |
22 | (iii) The tenant is committing or permitting a nuisance in such housing accommodation, or |
23 | is maliciously or by reason of negligence damaging the housing accommodation; or the tenant's |
24 | conduct is such as to interfere with the comfort of the landlord or other tenants or occupants of the |
25 | same or adjacent buildings or structures; |
26 | (iv) Occupancy of the housing accommodation by the tenant is in violation of or causes a |
27 | violation of law and the landlord is subject to civil or criminal penalties therefore; provided, |
28 | however, that an agency of the state or municipality having jurisdiction has issued an order |
29 | requiring the tenant to vacate the housing accommodation. No tenant shall be removed from |
30 | possession of a housing accommodation on such ground unless the court finds that the cure of the |
31 | violation of law requires the removal of the tenant and that the landlord did not, through neglect or |
32 | deliberate action or failure to act, create the condition necessitating the vacate order. In instances |
33 | where the landlord does not undertake to cure conditions of the housing accommodation causing |
34 | such violation of the law, the tenant shall have the right to pay or secure payment in a manner |
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1 | satisfactory to the court, to cure such violation; provided that, any tenant expenditures shall be |
2 | applied against rent to which the landlord is entitled. In instances where removal of a tenant is |
3 | absolutely essential to the tenant's health and safety, the removal of the tenant shall be without |
4 | prejudice to any leasehold interest or other right of occupancy the tenant may have and the tenant |
5 | shall be entitled to resume possession at such time as the dangerous conditions have been removed. |
6 | Nothing herein shall abrogate or otherwise limit the right of a tenant to bring an action for monetary |
7 | damages against the landlord to compel compliance by the landlord with all applicable state or |
8 | municipal laws or housing codes; |
9 | (v) The tenant is using or permitting the housing accommodation to be used for an illegal |
10 | purpose; |
11 | (vi) The tenant has unreasonably refused the landlord access to the housing accommodation |
12 | for the purpose of making necessary repairs or improvements required by law or for the purpose of |
13 | showing the housing accommodation to a prospective purchaser, mortgagee or other person having |
14 | a legitimate interest when the landlord has provided the required forty-eight (48) hours notice for |
15 | non-emergency repairs therein; |
16 | (vii) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of a housing accommodation |
17 | located in a building containing fewer than twelve (12) units because of immediate and compelling |
18 | necessity for the landlord's own personal use and occupancy as the landlord's principal residence, |
19 | or the personal use and occupancy as principal residence of the landlord's spouse, parent, child, |
20 | stepchild, father-in-law or mother-in-law, when no other suitable housing accommodation in such |
21 | building is available. This subsection shall permit recovery of only one housing accommodation |
22 | per calendar year and shall not apply to a housing accommodation occupied by a tenant who is |
23 | sixty-two (62) years of age or older or who is a disabled person; or |
24 | (viii) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of any or all housing |
25 | accommodations located in a building with less than five (5) units to personally occupy such |
26 | housing accommodations as the landlord's principal residence. |
27 | (2) A tenant required to surrender a housing accommodation by virtue of the operation of |
28 | subsections (b)(1)(vii) or (b)(1)(viii) of this section shall have a cause of action in any court of |
29 | competent jurisdiction for damages, declaratory, and injunctive relief against a landlord or |
30 | purchaser of the premises who makes a fraudulent statement regarding a proposed use of the |
31 | housing accommodation. In any action or proceeding brought pursuant to this provision, a |
32 | prevailing tenant shall be entitled to recovery of actual damages, and reasonable attorneys' fees. |
33 | (3) Nothing in this section shall abrogate or limit the tenant's right to permanently stay the |
34 | issuance or execution of a warrant or eviction in a summary proceeding, whether characterized as |
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1 | a nonpayment, objectionable tenancy, or holdover proceeding, the underlying basis of which is the |
2 | nonpayment of rent, as long as the tenant complies with the procedural requirements of this chapter. |
3 | 34-18-38.3. Waiver of rights void. |
4 | Any agreement by a tenant heretofore or hereinafter entered into in a written lease or other |
5 | rental agreement waiving or modifying the tenant's rights as set forth in § 34-18-38.3 shall be void |
6 | as contrary to public policy. |
7 | 34-18-54.1. Preservation of existing requirements of law. |
8 | No action shall be maintainable and no judgment of possession shall be entered for housing |
9 | accommodations pursuant § 34-18-38.3 unless the landlord has complied with any and all |
10 | applicable laws governing such action or proceeding and has complied with any and all applicable |
11 | laws governing notice to tenants, including, without limitation, the manner and the time of service |
12 | of such notice and the contents of such notice. |
13 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would allow a landlord to remove a tenant from any housing accommodation, or |
2 | attempt such removal or exclusion from possession, notwithstanding that the tenant has no written |
3 | lease or that the lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, except upon |
4 | order of a court of competent jurisdiction entered in an appropriate judicial action or proceeding in |
5 | which the petitioner or plaintiff has established one of the several grounds of just cause set forth |
6 | for removal or eviction. |
7 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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