2025 -- H 5496 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Bennett, Hopkins, Donovan, Ajello, Fogarty, Solomon, | |
Date Introduced: February 13, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Health & Human Services | |
(Dept. of Health) | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 5-34-4, 5-34-7, 5-34-9, 5-34-14, 5-34-19, 5-34-24, 5-34-24.1, 5-34- |
2 | 25, 5-34-26 and 5-34-31 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-34 entitled "Nurses" are hereby amended |
3 | to read as follows: |
4 | 5-34-4. Board of nursing — Establishment — Composition — Appointment, terms, |
5 | and removal of members — Director of nurse registration and nursing education. |
6 | (a) Within the division of professional regulation, pursuant to chapter 26 of this title, there |
7 | is a board of nurse registration and nursing education, sometimes referred to herein as the “board |
8 | of nursing.” The board shall be composed of fifteen (15) members. The term of office shall be for |
9 | three (3) four (4) years. No member shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. The member |
10 | shall serve until a qualified successor is appointed to serve. In making those appointments, the |
11 | director of the department of health shall consider persons suggested by professional nurse |
12 | organizations and the practical nurse’s association. |
13 | (b) Present members of the board holding office under the provisions of this chapter shall |
14 | serve as members of the board until the expiration of their terms or until qualified successors are |
15 | appointed. The fifteen-member (15) board shall include: eleven (11) twelve (12) professional |
16 | nurses, two (2) practical nurses one practical nurse appointed by the director of health and approved |
17 | by the governor, and two (2) members of the general public appointed by the governor. Three (3) |
18 | professional nurses shall be from different basic education programs preparing students to become |
19 | nurses; one professional nurse shall be from a nursing service administration; four (4) five (5) |
| |
1 | professional non-administrative, clinical nurses not licensed as advanced practice nurses; and three |
2 | (3) professional advanced practice nurses, one who holds a license as a certified registered nurse |
3 | anesthetist, one who holds a license as a certified registered nurse practitioner, and one who holds |
4 | a license as a certified clinical nurse specialist. No educational program or cooperating agency shall |
5 | have more than one representative on the board. |
6 | (c) The director of health may remove any member from the board for cause including, but |
7 | not limited to, neglect of any duty required by law, incompetence, unprofessional conduct, or |
8 | willful misconduct. A member subject to disciplinary proceedings shall be disqualified from board |
9 | business until the charge is adjudicated. There shall also be a director of nurse registration and |
10 | nursing education appointed by the director of health in accordance with the provisions of chapter |
11 | 4 of title 36. |
12 | 5-34-7. Board of nursing — General powers. |
13 | The board of nurse registration and nursing education is authorized, subject to the approval |
14 | of the director of the department of health, to: |
15 | (1) Adopt, review, or revise rules and regulations consistent with the law that may be |
16 | necessary to effect provisions of the chapter; |
17 | (2) Approve nursing education programs according to the rules established by the board; |
18 | (3) Require standards for nursing practice within organized nursing services and the |
19 | individual practice of licensees; |
20 | (4) Approve the examinations for licensure; |
21 | (5) Establish requirements to validate competence for reinstatement to the active list; |
22 | (6) Conduct hearings upon charges calling for discipline of a licensee or revocation of a |
23 | license; |
24 | (7) Issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and administer oaths to persons |
25 | giving testimony at hearings; |
26 | (8) Cause the prosecution or enjoinder of all persons violating this chapter; |
27 | (9) Maintain a record of all its proceedings; |
28 | (10) Submit an annual report to the director of the department of health; |
29 | (11) Utilize other persons who may be necessary to carry on the work of the board; |
30 | (12) Conduct public hearings, investigations, and studies of nursing practice, nursing |
31 | education, and related matters and prepare and issue publications that, in the judgment of the board, |
32 | allow the nursing profession to provide safe, effective nursing services to the public; |
33 | (13) Determine qualifications necessary for prescriptive privileges for advanced practice |
34 | registered nurses; |
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1 | (14) Grant prescriptive privileges to advanced practice registered nurses; and |
2 | (15) [Deleted by P.L. 2013, ch. 83, § 1 and P.L. 2013, ch. 93, § 1]; |
3 | (16) [Deleted by P.L. 2013, ch. 83, § 1 and P.L. 2013, ch. 93, § 1]; |
4 | (17) Adopt criteria for recognizing national certifying bodies for APRN roles and |
5 | population foci; |
6 | (18) Require a licensee to undergo a physical or psychiatric examination by a provider |
7 | acceptable to the board, from a list provided to the licensee by the board, if probable cause exists |
8 | to believe that allegations of misconduct against a licensee are caused by an impairment that has |
9 | directly affected the ability of the licensee to conduct the licensee’s practice professionally; |
10 | (19) To advise the licensee of the availability of the non-disciplinary alternative program, |
11 | and in appropriate instances, to refer licensees for evaluation by appropriate medical professionals. |
12 | 5-34-9. Register of nurses — Records — Issuance of licenses. |
13 | The department shall license and renew licenses upon the recommendation of the board of |
14 | nurse registration and nursing education and shall maintain a roster of all applicants for licensure |
15 | and all nurses licensed under this chapter, which shall be open at all reasonable times to public |
16 | inspection; and shall be custodian of all records pertaining to the roster and licensing of all nurses; |
17 | and shall have the custody of the official seal. Denial of renewals shall be in accordance with § 5- |
18 | 34-24. The department shall issue all licenses to practice nursing only upon recommendation of the |
19 | board of nurse registration and nursing education except as otherwise provided by law. |
20 | 5-34-14. Qualifications of practical nurse applicants. |
21 | An applicant for a license to practice as a licensed practical nurse shall submit to the board |
22 | of nurse registration and nursing education written evidence on forms furnished by the department, |
23 | verified by oath, that the applicant: |
24 | (1) Has completed the preliminary educational requirements prescribed by the board; |
25 | (2) Has furnished satisfactory proof that he or she successfully completed the prescribed |
26 | curriculum in an a board approved program of practical nursing and holds a diploma or certificate |
27 | from the program or is a graduate of an a board approved school of professional nursing or was a |
28 | student in good standing at an a board approved school of professional nursing before completing |
29 | the program of studies and, at the time of withdrawal, had completed a program of study, theory, |
30 | and clinical practice equivalent to that required for graduation from an a board approved school of |
31 | practical nursing; and |
32 | (3) Is of good moral character. |
33 | 5-34-19. Expiration and renewal of licenses. |
34 | (a) The license of every person licensed under this chapter shall expire on the first day of |
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1 | March of every other year following the date of license. On or before the first day of January of |
2 | every year, the director shall electronically mail an application for renewal of license to persons |
3 | scheduled to be licensed that year a notice for renewal of their license prior to the expiration date. |
4 | Every person who wishes to renew his or her their license shall file with the department a duly |
5 | executed renewal application together with the renewal fee as set forth in § 23-1-54. |
6 | (b) Upon receipt of an the application accompanied by payment of fees, the department |
7 | shall grant a renewal license effective March second and expiring two (2) years later on March |
8 | first, and that renewal license shall render the holder a legal practitioner of nursing for the period |
9 | stated on the certificate of renewal. Every person seeking renewal of a license pursuant to this |
10 | section shall provide satisfactory evidence to the department that in the preceding two (2) years the |
11 | practitioner has completed the ten (10) required continuing education hours as established by the |
12 | department through rules and regulations. The department may extend for only one six-month (6) |
13 | period these educational requirements if the department is satisfied that the applicant has suffered |
14 | hardship that prevented meeting the educational requirement. A renewal application may be denied |
15 | pursuant to § 5-34-24. |
16 | (c) Any person practicing nursing during the time his or her license has lapsed shall be |
17 | considered an illegal practitioner and is subject to the penalties provided for violation of this |
18 | chapter. |
19 | (d) A licensee whose license has expired by failure to renew may apply for reinstatement |
20 | according to the rules established by the board. Upon satisfaction of the requirements for |
21 | reinstatement, the board shall issue a renewal of license. |
22 | 5-34-24. Grounds for discipline of licensees. |
23 | The board of nurse registration and nursing education has the power to deny a renewal |
24 | application, revoke, or suspend any license to practice nursing; to provide for a nondisciplinary non |
25 | disciplinary alternative program only in situations involving alcohol or drug abuse drug or alcohol |
26 | use disorder or mental illness; or to discipline a licensee upon proof that the person is: |
27 | (1) Guilty of fraud or deceit in procuring or attempting to procure a license to practice |
28 | nursing; |
29 | (2) Guilty of a crime of gross immorality; |
30 | (3) Unfit or incompetent by reason of negligence or habits; |
31 | (4) Habitually intemperate or is addicted to the use of habit-forming drugs; |
32 | (5) Mentally incompetent; |
33 | (6) Guilty of unprofessional conduct that includes, but is not limited to, all of the above |
34 | and also: |
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1 | (i) Abandonment of a patient; |
2 | (ii) Willfully making and filing false reports or records in the practice of nursing; |
3 | (iii) Willful omission to file or record nursing records and reports required by law; |
4 | (iv) Failure to furnish appropriate details of a client’s nursing needs to succeeding nurses |
5 | legally qualified to provide continuing nursing services to a client; |
6 | (v) Willful disregard of standards of nursing practice and failure to maintain standards |
7 | established by the nursing profession; or |
8 | (vi) Failing to furnish the board, its investigator, or representatives, information requested |
9 | by the board; |
10 | (vii) Failing to appear, upon written request, in front of the board or an investigative |
11 | committee thereof; |
12 | (viii) Failing to keep an up-to-date residential address on file with the licensing division of |
13 | the department of health; |
14 | (ix) Being subject to any disciplinary sanction from this or any other jurisdiction against |
15 | any professional license, including any license related to the practice of nursing; or |
16 | (x) Practicing nursing as an illegal practitioner pursuant to § 5-34-19(c). |
17 | (7) Guilty of and willfully or repeatedly violating any of the provisions of this chapter |
18 | and/or rule or regulation adopted pursuant to this chapter. |
19 | 5-34-24.1. Nondisciplinary alternative Non disciplinary alternative program. |
20 | (a) The board of nurse registration and nursing education may provide for a nondisciplinary |
21 | non disciplinary alternative program in situations involving alcohol and drug abuse use disorder, |
22 | or any mental illness as listed in the most recent revised publication or the most updated volume of |
23 | either the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) published by the American |
24 | Psychiatric Association or the International Classification of Disease Manual (ICO) published by |
25 | the World Health Organization and that substantially limits the life activities of the person with the |
26 | illness; provided, that the nurse agrees to voluntarily participate in a program of treatment and |
27 | rehabilitation. |
28 | (b) All records pertaining to a nurse’s participation in the nondisciplinary non disciplinary |
29 | alternative program are confidential and not subject to discovery, subpoena, or public disclosure; |
30 | however, participation in the non disciplinary alternative program is indicated in the nurse licensing |
31 | database for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NURSYS). Information related to |
32 | the nondisciplinary non disciplinary alternative program shall be provided to the nurse’s employer |
33 | to ensure adequate worksite monitoring and compliance. |
34 | 5-34-25. Procedure for discipline of licensees. |
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1 | (a) Upon filing a timely sworn complaint within a time period the board considers |
2 | reasonable with the board charging a person with having been guilty of any of the actions specified |
3 | in § 5-34-24, two (2) or more members of the board of nurse registration and nursing education |
4 | immediately shall investigate those charges, or the board, after investigation, may institute charges. |
5 | Any person, firm, corporation, or public officer may submit a written complaint to the department |
6 | of health alleging that the holder of a license has violated § 5-34-24 or any other requirement in |
7 | this chapter, specifying the grounds for the complaint. The department of health shall review all |
8 | complaints. If the department of health determines that the complaint merits consideration, or if the |
9 | board, on its own initiative without a formal complaint, has reason to believe that any holder of a |
10 | license may be guilty of any of the actions specified in § 5-34-24 or other violations of this chapter, |
11 | an investigative committee of two (2) or more members of the board of nurse registration and |
12 | nursing education shall investigate those allegations. |
13 | (b) In the event that investigation, in the opinion of the board or the investigative |
14 | committee, reveals reasonable grounds for believing the applicant or licensee is guilty of the |
15 | charges, the board shall notify the licensee of the charges allegations and the time and place for a |
16 | hearing at least twenty (20) days prior to the time fixed for the hearing. At the hearing, the accused |
17 | has the right to appear personally, or by counsel, or both, to produce witnesses, and to have |
18 | subpoenas issued by the board. The attendance of witnesses and the production of books, |
19 | documents, and papers at the hearing may be compelled by subpoenas issued by the board, which |
20 | shall be served in accordance with the law. At the hearing, the board shall administer oaths that |
21 | may be necessary for the proper conduct of the hearing. The board is not bound by the strict rules |
22 | of procedure or by the laws of evidence in the conduct of its proceedings, but the determination |
23 | shall be based upon sufficient legal evidence to sustain it. The board shall complete the |
24 | investigation of each complaint and issue a decision within six (6) months of the receipt of the |
25 | complaint. The board may extend the time for issuing its decision beyond the initial six-month (6) |
26 | period in documented cases in which delays in the process are the direct result of requests or actions |
27 | by the accused and/or his or her representative(s) or other good cause. The board, on a case-by- |
28 | case basis, for good cause shown in writing, may extend the time for issuing its decision. If the |
29 | accused is found guilty of the charges, the board may revoke, suspend, or otherwise discipline a |
30 | licensee. provide an opportunity for the licensee to request a hearing in writing within twenty (20) |
31 | days of the issuance of the specification of charges. If no hearing is requested, the specification of |
32 | charges shall become a final decision of the board. |
33 | (c) All hearings held under this section shall be conducted in accordance with the |
34 | provisions of chapter 35 of title 42, “administrative procedures act.” Upon a request for a hearing, |
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1 | the hearing committee shall be designated by the board consisting of three (3) other members of |
2 | the board. The hearing shall be conducted by a hearing officer appointed by the director of the |
3 | department of health. The hearing officer shall be responsible for conducting the hearing. At the |
4 | hearing, the accused has the right to appear personally, or by counsel, or both, to produce witnesses, |
5 | and to have subpoenas issued by the board. The attendance of witnesses and the production of |
6 | books, documents, and papers at the hearing may be compelled by subpoenas issued by the board, |
7 | which shall be served in accordance with the law. At the hearing, the hearing officer shall |
8 | administer oaths that may be necessary for the proper conduct of the hearing. The hearing is not |
9 | bound by the strict rules of procedure or by the laws of evidence in the conduct of its proceedings, |
10 | but the determination shall be based upon sufficient legal evidence to sustain it. |
11 | After the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing committee shall read the transcript, review |
12 | the evidence, and deliberate. If a majority of the members of the hearing committee vote in favor |
13 | of finding the accused guilty of the violations as specified in the charges, the hearing committee |
14 | shall meet with the hearing officer to communicate its findings and the hearing officer shall prepare |
15 | a proposed decision with written findings of fact and law in support of that conclusion and a |
16 | proposed sanction. The hearing committee shall review the proposed decision and accept or make |
17 | changes prior to signing the decision. The board shall immediately transmit its findings, together |
18 | with an order stating the sanction to be imposed upon the accused, to the director who shall, as soon |
19 | as practicable, order that appropriate action be taken in accordance with the order of the board. If |
20 | the accused is found not guilty, the board shall immediately issue an order dismissing the charges. |
21 | The board shall make public all decisions, including all conclusions against a license holder |
22 | as listed. The hearing committee shall issue a decision within six (6) months of charges. The board |
23 | may extend the time for issuing its decision beyond the initial six (6) month period in documented |
24 | cases in which delays in the process are the direct result of requests or actions by the accused and/or |
25 | the accused representative(s) or other good cause. The board, on a case-by-case basis, for good |
26 | cause shown in writing, may extend the time for issuing its decision. If the accused is found guilty |
27 | of the charges, the board may revoke, suspend, deny or otherwise discipline a licensee. |
28 | (d) No member of the board who participated in the investigation of a complaint may |
29 | participate in any subsequent hearing on that complaint. |
30 | 5-34-26. Grounds for discipline without a hearing. |
31 | The director may temporarily suspend the license of a nurse without a hearing if the director |
32 | finds that evidence in his or her their possession indicates that a nurse’s continuation in practice |
33 | would constitute an immediate danger to the public. In the event that the director temporarily |
34 | suspends the license of a nurse without a hearing, a hearing by the board a hearing committee must |
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1 | be held within ten (10) thirty (30) days after the suspension has occurred. The hearing shall be held |
2 | in accordance with § 5-34-25(c) and a decision shall be issued in a timely manner. The hearing may |
3 | only be delayed by agreement of the licensee and the hearing committee. |
4 | 5-34-31. Practices and persons exempt. |
5 | No provisions of this chapter shall be construed as prohibiting: |
6 | (1) Gratuitous nursing by friends or members of the family or as prohibiting the care of the |
7 | sick by domestic servants, housekeepers, nursemaids, companions, or household aides of any type, |
8 | whether employed regularly or because of an emergency of illness, provided that person is |
9 | employed primarily in a domestic capacity and does not hold themself out or accept employment |
10 | as a person licensed to practice nursing for hire under the provisions of this chapter or as prohibiting |
11 | nursing assistants in the case of any emergency; |
12 | (2) The practice of nursing by students enrolled in approved educational programs of |
13 | professional nursing or practical-nursing educational programs nor by graduates of those schools |
14 | or courses before taking and receiving results of the National Council Licensure Examination |
15 | (NCLEX), provided that they are licensed in this state within ninety (90) days from the date on the |
16 | department’s licensing application fee receipt, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the |
17 | board; |
18 | (3) The supervised practice of nursing by graduates of approved educational programs of |
19 | professional nursing or practical-nursing educational programs before taking and receiving results |
20 | of the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX); provided that, they are licensed in this |
21 | state within ninety (90) days of graduation. This temporary privilege shall not be renewed and shall |
22 | automatically cease upon notification that the graduate nurse has failed the NCLEX; |
23 | (3)(4) The practice of nursing in this state by any legally qualified nurse of another state |
24 | whose engagement requires him or her to accompany and care for a patient temporarily residing in |
25 | this state during the period of this engagement not to exceed six (6) months in length, provided that |
26 | person does not represent or hold themself out as a nurse licensed to practice in this state; |
27 | (4)(5) The practice of any legally qualified nurse of another state who is employed by the |
28 | United States government or any bureau, division, or agency of the government while in the |
29 | discharge of their official duties; |
30 | (5)(6) Persons employed in state and licensed healthcare facilities, licensed homes for the |
31 | aged and/or convalescent persons, and recognized public-health agencies from assisting in the |
32 | nursing care of patients if adequate medical or nursing supervision is provided; |
33 | (6)(7) Nursing care of the sick with or without compensation or personal profit when done |
34 | in connection with the practice of the religious tenets of any recognized or established church by |
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1 | adherents as long as they do not engage in the practice of nursing as defined in this chapter; |
2 | (7)(8) Persons who provide acceptable evidence of being currently licensed by examination |
3 | or endorsement under the laws of other states of the United States and the District of Columbia |
4 | from practicing nursing in this state for a period of ninety (90) days from the date on the application |
5 | fee receipt, provided that they are licensed in this state within ninety (90) days from the date on the |
6 | application fee receipt. The original privilege to work ninety (90) days from the date on the |
7 | application fee receipt shall not be extended or renewed. |
8 | SECTION 2. Section 5-34-31.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-34 entitled "Nurses" is |
9 | hereby repealed. |
10 | 5-34-31.1. Practices and persons exempt — COVID-19. [Expires June 30, 2022.] |
11 | (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 5-34-31, or any general law, rule, or regulation to |
12 | the contrary, upon the effective date of this section, March 28, 2022, due to the public health crisis |
13 | caused by COVID-19, the exemption in § 5-34-31(2) relating to the practice of nursing “pending |
14 | the results of the licensing examinations following that graduation” is hereby suspended for |
15 | registered nurse graduates; provided that, the registered nurse graduates shall: |
16 | (1) Apply and receive a temporary graduate nursing license that is valid for a period not |
17 | exceeding ninety (90) days; |
18 | (2) Work under the supervision of licensed registered nurses; and |
19 | (3) Comply with other applicable requirements. |
20 | (b) The Rhode Island department of health shall promulgate and enforce any rules and |
21 | regulations necessary to implement this section. |
22 | (c) Unless extended by the general assembly, this section shall sunset on June 30, 2022. |
23 | SECTION 3. Chapter 5-34 of the General Laws entitled "Nurses" is hereby amended by |
24 | adding thereto the following section: |
25 | 5-34-51. Closure of practice -- Preservation of records. |
26 | (a) An APRN shall, at least ninety (90) days before closing their medical practice, give |
27 | public notice as to the disposition of patients’ medical records in a newspaper with a statewide |
28 | circulation, and shall notify the Rhode Island board of nursing registration and nursing education |
29 | of the location of the records. The public notice shall include the date of the APRN’s retirement, |
30 | and where and how patients may obtain their records both prior to and after closure of the practice. |
31 | (b) The heirs or estate of a deceased APRN who had been practicing at the time of their |
32 | death shall, within ninety (90) days of the APRN’s death, give public notice as to the disposition |
33 | of patients’ medical records in a newspaper with a statewide circulation, and shall notify the Rhode |
34 | Island board of nursing registration and nursing education of the location of the records. |
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1 | (c) Any APRN closing their medical practice, or the heirs or estate of a deceased APRN |
2 | who had been practicing at the time of their death, shall dispose of the APRN’s patient records in |
3 | a location and manner so that the records are maintained and accessible to patients. |
4 | (d) Any person or corporation or other legal entity receiving medical records of any retired |
5 | APRN or deceased APRN who had been practicing at the time of their death shall comply with and |
6 | be subject to the provisions of chapter 37.3 of this title, (“confidentiality of health care |
7 | communications and information act”), and shall be subject to the rules and regulations |
8 | promulgated in accordance with § 23-1-48 and with the provisions of § 5-37-22(c) and (d), even |
9 | though this person, corporation, or other legal entity is not an APRN or a physician. |
10 | (e) In the event of an APRN leaving a practice, the APRN must provide written notice to |
11 | their patients. |
12 | SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would make several changes to the licensing and disciplinary process of the board |
2 | of nursing. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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