2025 -- H 5494 | |
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LC001358 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Fogarty, Donovan, Hull, Spears, Carson, Bennett, | |
Date Introduced: February 13, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Health & Human Services | |
(OHIC) | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 27-18.2-3 and 27-18.2-3.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 27-18.2 |
2 | entitled "Medicare Supplement Insurance Policies" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 27-18.2-3. Standards for policy provisions. |
4 | (a) No Medicare supplement insurance policy or certificate in force in the state shall contain |
5 | benefits that duplicate benefits provided by Medicare. |
6 | (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law of this state, a Medicare supplement policy |
7 | or certificate shall not exclude or limit benefits for loss incurred more than six (6) months from the |
8 | effective date of coverage because it involved a preexisting condition. The policy or certificate shall |
9 | not define a preexisting condition more restrictively than a condition for which medical advice was |
10 | given or treatment was recommended by or received from a physician within six (6) months before |
11 | the effective date of coverage. |
12 | (c) The commissioner shall adopt reasonable regulations to establish specific standards for |
13 | policy provisions of Medicare supplement policies and certificates. Those standards shall be in |
14 | addition to and in accordance with the applicable laws of this state, including but not limited to §§ |
15 | 27-18-3(a) and 42-62-12 and regulations promulgated pursuant to those sections. No requirement |
16 | of this title or chapter 62 of title 42 relating to minimum required policy benefits, other than the |
17 | minimum standards contained in this chapter, shall apply to Medicare supplement policies and |
18 | certificates. The standards may cover, but not be limited to: |
19 | (1) Terms of renewability; |
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1 | (2) Initial and subsequent conditions of eligibility; |
2 | (3) Nonduplication of coverage; |
3 | (4) Probationary periods; |
4 | (5) Benefit limitations, exceptions, and reductions; |
5 | (6) Elimination periods; |
6 | (7) Requirements for replacement; |
7 | (8) Recurrent conditions; and |
8 | (9) Definitions of terms. |
9 | (d) The commissioner may adopt reasonable regulations that specify prohibited policy |
10 | provisions not specifically authorized by statute, if, in the opinion of the commissioner, those |
11 | provisions are unjust, unfair, or unfairly discriminatory to any person insured or proposed to be |
12 | insured under a Medicare supplement policy or certificate. |
13 | (e) The commissioner shall adopt reasonable regulations to establish minimum standards |
14 | for premium rates, benefits, claims payment, marketing practices, and compensation arrangements |
15 | and reporting practices for Medicare supplement policies and certificates. |
16 | (f) The commissioner may adopt any reasonable regulations necessary to conform |
17 | Medicare supplement policies and certificates to the requirements of federal law and regulations |
18 | promulgated pursuant to federal law, including but not limited to: |
19 | (1) Requiring refunds or credits if the policies or certificates do not meet loss ratio |
20 | requirements; |
21 | (2) Establishing a uniform methodology for calculating and reporting loss ratios; |
22 | (3) Assuring public access to policies, premiums, and loss ratio information of issuers of |
23 | Medicare supplement insurance; |
24 | (4) Establishing a process for approving or disapproving policy forms and certificate forms |
25 | and proposed premium increases; |
26 | (5) Establishing a policy for holding public hearings prior to approval of premium increases |
27 | that may include the applicant’s provision of notice of the proposed premium increase to all |
28 | subscribers subject to the proposed increase, at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing; and |
29 | (6) Establishing standards for Medicare select policies and certificates. |
30 | (g) Each Medicare supplement Plan A policy or applicable certificate that an issuer |
31 | currently, or at any time hereafter, makes available in this state shall be made available to any |
32 | applicant under the age of sixty-five (65) who is eligible for Medicare due to a disability or end- |
33 | stage renal disease, provided that the applicant submits their application during the first six (6) |
34 | months immediately following the applicant’s initial eligibility for Medicare Part B, or alternate |
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1 | enrollment period as determined by the commissioner. The issuance or coverage of any Medicare |
2 | supplement policy pursuant to this section shall not be conditioned on the medical or health status |
3 | or receipt of health care by the applicant; and no insurer shall perform individual medical |
4 | underwriting on any applicant in connection with the issuance of a policy pursuant to this |
5 | subsection. |
6 | (1) Any individual under the age of sixty-five (65) enrolled in a Medicare supplement Plan |
7 | A by reason of disability or end-stage renal disease pursuant to subsection (g) of this section, shall |
8 | receive a six (6) month open enrollment period for any policy or applicable certificate that an issuer |
9 | currently makes available in this state beginning on the first day of the month in which the |
10 | individual both attains the age of sixty-five (65) and remains enrolled in Medicare Parts A & B. |
11 | (h) Individuals enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B applying for a Medicare supplement |
12 | plan, regardless of age, shall receive guaranteed issue rights for standardized Medicare Supplement |
13 | Plan A during an annual enrollment period of at least one month each calendar year, as established |
14 | by the issuer. The issuance or coverage of any Medicare supplement policy pursuant to this section |
15 | shall not be conditioned on the medical or health status or receipt of health care by the applicant; |
16 | and no insurer shall perform individual medical underwriting in connection with the issuance of a |
17 | policy pursuant to this subsection; provided: |
18 | (1) That the applicant, having been enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B, enrolled in a |
19 | Medicare Advantage plan under Medicare Part C, and remains enrolled in such a plan when the |
20 | Medicare supplement application is submitted. |
21 | An individual enrolled in a Medicare supplement policy or Medicare Advantage plan who |
22 | has been covered by any Medicare supplement policy(s) or Medicare Advantage plan(s) with no |
23 | gap in coverage greater than ninety (90) days beginning from that individual's Medicare supplement |
24 | open enrollment period, shall annually be afforded guaranteed issue rights for a period of at least |
25 | thirty (30) days beginning on the individual's birthday, for any available Medicare supplement |
26 | policy or applicable certificate that an issuer currently makes available in this state. |
27 | (1) The issuance or coverage of any Medicare supplement policy pursuant to subsection |
28 | (h) of this section shall not be conditioned on the medical or health status or receipt of health care |
29 | by the applicant and no issuer shall perform individual medical underwriting on any applicant in |
30 | connection with the issuance of a policy pursuant to this subsection. |
31 | (2) For those individuals under the age of sixty-five (65) enrolled in a Medicare Advantage |
32 | or Medicare supplement Plan A due to a disability, pursuant to subsection (g) of this section the |
33 | individual shall be afforded guaranteed issue rights for every Medicare supplement Plan A policy |
34 | or applicable certificate that an issuer, makes available in this state. Coverage shall be afforded |
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1 | pursuant to subsection (h)(1) of this section. |
2 | 27-18.2-3.1. Premium rate review. |
3 | (a) An issuer shall not deliver or issue for delivery a policy or certificate to a resident of |
4 | this state unless the policy form or certificate form has been filed with and approved by the |
5 | commissioner in accordance with filing requirements and procedures prescribed by the |
6 | commissioner. |
7 | (b) The commissioner shall review the rate, rating formula, or rate manual filing and |
8 | approve the filing, propose to the health insurance issuer how the filing can be amended and |
9 | approved, or take other actions separately or in combination as the commissioner deems appropriate |
10 | and as authorized by law. |
11 | (1) For any rate filing subject to a public comment period, as determined by the |
12 | commissioner, the issuer shall bear the reasonable expenses of the commissioner in connection |
13 | with the filing including, but not limited to, any costs related to the compensation of actuaries or |
14 | other experts appointed by the commissioner to assist in reviewing the issuers requested rates. |
15 | (2) In the event the commissioner determines that a public hearing on a rate filing is |
16 | necessary, in addition to subsection (b)(1) of this section, the issuer shall also bear the reasonable |
17 | expenses associated with that public hearing, including without limitation costs relating to |
18 | advertisements, legal counsel, expert fees, and stenographic reporting. |
19 | (c) The commissioner may approve, disapprove, or modify the rates, rating formula, or |
20 | rating manual filed by the issuer. |
21 | (d) A health insurance rate, rating formula, or rate manual shall not be approved unless the |
22 | commissioner determines that the health insurance issuer has demonstrated to the satisfaction of |
23 | the commissioner that it is consistent with the proper conduct of the business of the issuer, and |
24 | consistent with the interests of the public. In considering the interests of the public, the |
25 | commissioner shall seek to ensure affordability and to minimize unreasonable disparities in access |
26 | to coverage. |
27 | (e) For Medicare supplement policies or applicable certificates to be issued on or after |
28 | January l, 2026, an issuer shall not utilize gender, attained-age, or issue-age as a part of its rating |
29 | structure or methodology. Community rating shall be the only rating methodology permitted for |
30 | any Medicare supplement policies or applicable certificates issued on or after January 1, 2026. |
31 | (1) Individuals enrolled in policies or applicable certificates with a rating structure or |
32 | methodology utilizing including one or more of attained-age, issue age, or gender prior to January |
33 | 1, 2026 may keep those policies with those rating structures or may switch policies beginning on |
34 | January 1, 2026. |
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1 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would add several consumer protections to existing Medicare Supplement law. |
2 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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