2025 -- H 5489 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Baginski, and Fellela | |
Date Introduced: February 13, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Education | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 16 of the General Laws entitled "EDUCATION" is hereby amended by |
2 | adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 91.2 |
5 | 16-91.2-1. Definitions. |
6 | For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings: |
7 | (1) "Athletic trainer" means an athletic trainer licensed under chapter 60 of title 5, who is |
8 | working under the supervision of a physician. |
9 | (2) "Coach" means any volunteer or employee of a school who is responsible for organizing |
10 | and supervising students to teach them or train them in the fundamental skills of an interscholastic |
11 | athletic activity. "Coach" refers to both head coaches and assistant coaches. |
12 | (3) "Concussion" means a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain caused |
13 | by a traumatic physical force or impact to the head or body, which may include temporary or |
14 | prolonged altered brain function resulting in physical, cognitive, or emotional symptoms or altered |
15 | sleep patterns and which may or may not involve a loss of consciousness. |
16 | (4) "Interscholastic athletic activity" means any organized school-sponsored or school- |
17 | sanctioned activity for students, generally outside of school instructional hours, under the direction |
18 | of a coach, athletic director, or band leader, including, but not limited to, baseball, basketball, |
19 | cheerleading, cross country track, fencing, field hockey, football, golf, gymnastics, ice hockey, |
| |
1 | lacrosse, marching band, rugby, soccer, skating, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, track |
2 | (indoor and outdoor), ultimate Frisbee, volleyball, water polo, and wrestling. All interscholastic |
3 | athletics are deemed to be interscholastic activities. |
4 | (5) "Nurse" means a person who is employed by or volunteers at a school and is licensed |
5 | under chapter 34 of title 5, as a registered nurse, practical nurse, or advanced practice registered |
6 | nurse. |
7 | (6) "Physician" means a physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches by |
8 | the board of medical licensure and discipline. |
9 | (7) "Physician assistant" means a physician assistant licensed under chapter 54 of title 5. |
10 | (8) "Student" means an adolescent or child enrolled in a school. |
11 | 16-91.2-2. School district guidelines to be developed and implemented. |
12 | (a) The governing body of each public or charter school and the appropriate administrative |
13 | officer of a private school with students enrolled who participate in an interscholastic athletic |
14 | activity shall appoint or approve a concussion oversight team. Each concussion oversight team shall |
15 | establish a return-to-play protocol, based on peer-reviewed scientific evidence consistent with the |
16 | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, for a student's return to interscholastic |
17 | athletics practice or competition following a force or impact believed to have caused a concussion. |
18 | (b) Each concussion oversight team shall also establish a return-to-learn protocol, based on |
19 | peer-reviewed scientific evidence consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
20 | guidelines, for a student's return to the classroom after that student is believed to have experienced |
21 | a concussion, whether or not the concussion took place while the student was participating in an |
22 | interscholastic athletic activity. |
23 | (c) Each concussion oversight team shall include, to the extent practicable, at least one |
24 | physician. If a school employs an athletic trainer, the athletic trainer shall be a member of the school |
25 | concussion oversight team to the extent practicable. If a school employs a nurse, the nurse shall be |
26 | a member of the school concussion oversight team to the extent practicable. At a minimum, a school |
27 | shall appoint a person who is responsible for implementing and complying with the return-to-play |
28 | and return-to-learn protocols adopted by the concussion oversight team. At a minimum, a |
29 | concussion oversight team may be composed of only one person and this person need not be a |
30 | licensed healthcare professional; provided, however, the person shall not be a coach. A school may |
31 | appoint other licensed healthcare professionals to serve on the concussion oversight team. |
32 | 16-91.2-3. Student participation in interscholastic activity -- Concussion brochure. |
33 | A student shall not participate in an interscholastic athletic activity for a school year until |
34 | the student and the student's parent or guardian or another person with legal authority to make |
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1 | medical decisions for the student have signed a form for that school year that acknowledges |
2 | receiving and reading written information that explains concussion prevention, symptoms, |
3 | treatment, and oversight and that includes guidelines for safely resuming participation in an athletic |
4 | activity following a concussion. The form shall be approved by the commissioner of elementary |
5 | and secondary education. |
6 | 16-91.2-4. Removal of student from practice or competition upon suspicion of |
7 | sustaining a concussion. |
8 | (a) A student shall be removed from an interscholastic athletic practice or competition |
9 | immediately if one of the following persons believes the student might have sustained a concussion |
10 | during the practice or competition: |
11 | (1) A coach; |
12 | (2) A physician; |
13 | (3) A game official; |
14 | (4) An athletic trainer; |
15 | (5) The student's parent or guardian or another person with legal authority to make medical |
16 | decisions for the student; |
17 | (6) The student; or |
18 | (7) Any other person deemed appropriate under the school's return-to-play protocol. |
19 | (b) This section shall also apply to youth sports programs. |
20 | 16-91.2-5. Requirements for return to practice or competition. |
21 | (a) A student removed from an interscholastic athletic practice or competition under § 16- |
22 | 91.2-4 shall not be permitted to practice or compete again following the force or impact believed |
23 | to have caused the concussion until: |
24 | (1) The student has been evaluated, using established medical protocols based on peer- |
25 | reviewed scientific evidence consistent with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, |
26 | by a treating physician chosen by the student or the student's parent or guardian or another person |
27 | with legal authority to make medical decisions for the student, an athletic trainer, an advanced |
28 | practice registered nurse, or a physician assistant; |
29 | (2) The student has successfully completed each requirement of the return-to-play protocol |
30 | established under this section necessary for the student to return to play or practice; |
31 | (3) The student has successfully completed each requirement of the return-to-learn protocol |
32 | established under this section necessary for the student to return to learn; |
33 | (4) The treating physician, the athletic trainer, or the physician assistant has provided a |
34 | written statement indicating that, in that person’s professional judgment, it is safe for the student to |
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1 | return to play or practice and return to learn; and |
2 | (5) The student and the student's parent or guardian or another person with legal authority |
3 | to make medical decisions for the student: |
4 | (i) Have acknowledged that the student has completed the requirements of the return-to |
5 | play and return-to-learn protocols necessary for the student to return to play or practice; |
6 | (ii) Have provided the treating physician's, athletic trainer's, advanced practice registered |
7 | nurse's, or physician assistant's written statement under subsection (a)(4) of this section to the |
8 | person responsible for compliance with the return-to-play and return-to-learn protocols under § 16- |
9 | 91.2-2(c) and the person who has supervisory responsibilities under subsection (b) of this section; |
10 | and |
11 | (iii) Have signed a consent form indicating that the person signing: |
12 | (A) Has been informed concerning and consent to the student participating in returning to |
13 | play or practice in accordance with the return-to-play and return-to-learn protocols; |
14 | (B) Understands the risks associated with the student returning to play or practice and |
15 | returning to learn and will comply with any ongoing requirements in the return-to-play and return |
16 | to-learn protocols; and |
17 | (C) Consents to the disclosure to appropriate persons, consistent with the federal Health |
18 | Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-191), of the treating physician's, |
19 | athletic trainer's, physician assistant's, or advanced practice registered nurse's written statement |
20 | under subsection (a)(4) of this section and, if any, the return-to-play and return-to-learn |
21 | recommendations of the treating physician, the athletic trainer, the physician assistant, or the |
22 | advanced practice registered nurse, as the case may be. |
23 | (b) A coach of an interscholastic athletics team may not authorize a student's return to play |
24 | or practice or return to learn. The district superintendent, or designee, in the case of a public |
25 | elementary or secondary school, the chief school administrator, or designee, in the case of a charter |
26 | school, or the appropriate administrative officer, or designee, in the case of a private school shall |
27 | supervise an athletic trainer or other person responsible for compliance with the return-to-play |
28 | protocol and shall supervise the person responsible for compliance with the return-to-learn |
29 | protocol. The person who has supervisory responsibilities under this subsection may not be a coach |
30 | of an interscholastic athletics team. |
31 | SECTION 2. Chapter 16-91 of the General Laws entitled "School and Youth Programs |
32 | Concussion Act" is hereby repealed in its entirety. |
33 | CHAPTER 16-91 |
34 | School and Youth Programs Concussion Act |
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1 | 16-91-1. Findings of fact. |
2 | The general assembly hereby finds and declares: (1) Concussions are one of the most |
3 | commonly reported injuries in children and adolescents who participate in sports and recreational |
4 | activities. A concussion is caused by a blow or motion to the head or body that causes the brain to |
5 | move rapidly inside the skull. The risk of catastrophic injuries or death is significant when a |
6 | concussion or head injury is not properly evaluated and managed. |
7 | (2) Concussions are a type of brain injury that can range from mild to severe and can disrupt |
8 | the way the brain normally works. Concussions can occur in any organized or unorganized sport |
9 | or recreational activity and can result from a fall or from players colliding with each other, the |
10 | ground, or with obstacles. Concussions occur with or without loss of consciousness, but the vast |
11 | majority occurs without loss of consciousness. |
12 | (3) Continuing to play with a concussion or symptoms of a head injury leaves the young |
13 | athlete especially vulnerable to greater injury and even death. The general assembly also recognizes |
14 | that, despite having generally recognized return-to-play standards for concussion and head injury, |
15 | some affected youth athletes are prematurely returned to play resulting in actual or potential |
16 | physical injury or death to youth athletes in the state of Rhode Island. |
17 | (4) Concussions can occur in any sport or recreational activity, furthermore, symptoms of |
18 | concussions may manifest themselves after the injury during school hours and in the classroom |
19 | setting. All school nurses, coaches, parents, and athletes shall be advised of the signs and symptoms |
20 | of concussions as well as the protocol for treatment. |
21 | 16-91-2. Definitions. |
22 | For the purpose of this section, the term “youth sports programs” means any program |
23 | organized for recreational and/or athletic competition purposes by any school district or by any |
24 | school participating in Rhode Island Interscholastic League Competition, and whose participants |
25 | are nineteen (19) years of age or younger. |
26 | 16-91-3. School district’s guidelines to be developed and implemented. |
27 | (a) The department of education and the department of health shall work in concert with |
28 | the Rhode Island Interscholastic League to develop and promulgate guidelines to inform and |
29 | educate coaches, teachers, school nurses, youth athletes, and their parents and/or guardians of the |
30 | nature and risk of concussion and head injury, including continuing to play after concussion or head |
31 | injury. A concussion and head injury information sheet shall be signed and returned by the youth |
32 | athlete and the athlete’s parent and/or guardian prior to the youth athlete’s return to practice or |
33 | competition. |
34 | (b) School districts are required to use training materials made available by the United |
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1 | States Center for Disease Control and Prevention entitled “Heads Up: Concussion in the High |
2 | School Sports/Concussion in Youth Sports” and any updates or amendments thereto, or training |
3 | materials substantively and substantially similar thereto. The department of education shall post |
4 | training materials made available by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Rhode |
5 | Island Interscholastic League on its website. All coaches and volunteers involved in a youth sport |
6 | or activity covered by this chapter must complete a training course and a refresher course annually |
7 | thereafter in concussions and traumatic brain injuries. All school nurses must complete a training |
8 | course and an annual refresher course in concussions and traumatic brain injuries. Teachers and |
9 | teachers’ aides are strongly encouraged to complete the training course in concussions and |
10 | traumatic brain injuries. Training may consist of videos, classes, and any other generally accepted |
11 | mode and medium of providing information. |
12 | (c) School districts are encouraged to have all student athletes perform baseline |
13 | neuropsychological testing, computerized or otherwise. Parents and/or guardians shall be provided |
14 | with information as to the risk of concussion and/or traumatic brain injuries prior to the start of |
15 | every sport season and they shall sign an acknowledgement as to their receipt of such information. |
16 | (d) A youth athlete, who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury in a practice |
17 | or game, shall be removed from competition at that time. |
18 | (e) A youth athlete, who has been removed from play, may not return to play until the |
19 | athlete is evaluated by a licensed physician who may consult with an athletic trainer, all of whom |
20 | shall be trained in the evaluation and management of concussions. The athlete must receive written |
21 | clearance to return to play from that licensed physician. |
22 | (f) All school districts are encouraged to have an athletic trainer, or similarly trained |
23 | person, at all recreational and athletic events addressed by this statute. |
24 | 16-91-4. All other youth sports program. |
25 | All other youth sports programs not specifically addressed by this statute are encouraged |
26 | to follow the guidance set forth in this statute for all program participants who are age nineteen |
27 | (19) and younger. |
28 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect on July 1, 2025. |
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1 | This act would replace the existing chapter on this subject by requiring school districts to |
2 | organize concussion oversight teams, develop removal-from-play, return-to-play, and return-to- |
3 | learn protocols, and develop a concussion brochure. This act would repeal chapter 16-91, the |
4 | "school and youth programs concussion act." |
5 | This act would take effect on July 1, 2025. |
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