2025 -- H 5477 | |
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LC001131 | |
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J O I N T R E S O L U T I O N | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Handy, Cortvriend, McEntee, Fogarty, Kislak, Cruz, | |
Date Introduced: February 12, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
1 | WHEREAS, The State of Rhode Island is recognized as the 2nd most urbanized state in |
2 | the country and has many traditionally-developed commercial districts, including retail corridors, |
3 | downtowns, village squares, and neighborhood commercial centers, herein collectively referred to |
4 | as “Main Street districts”; and |
5 | WHEREAS, When Main Street districts are functioning as vibrant places, they yield |
6 | many benefits to the State and its municipalities, with the potential to generate substantial |
7 | economic activity, tax revenues, housing, tourism, small business creation, jobs, and real estate |
8 | development, as well as positive social and public health outcomes; and |
9 | WHEREAS, Overall, Rhode Island’s Main Street districts are currently not living up to |
10 | their potential to generate these benefits with local efforts to revitalize and cultivate these districts |
11 | often inconsistent, not comprehensive, and disconnected from each other, resulting in inefficiency |
12 | and uneven success; and |
13 | WHEREAS, Forty-one other states and five city or county governments outside of Rhode |
14 | Island have successfully increased economic benefits from their Main Street districts through the |
15 | creation of a Main Street Coordinating Program designed to build capacity at the local level to |
16 | improve Main Streets districts’ economic vitality, appearance, function, events, marketing, and |
17 | organization through the trademarked and proven “Main Street Four Points Approach”; and |
18 | WHEREAS, Main Street programs in other states have collectively tracked $101.58 |
19 | billion in reinvestment, 168,693 net new businesses, 746,897 net new jobs, and 325,199 |
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1 | rehabilitated buildings in Main Street districts since 1980; and |
2 | WHEREAS, These other coordinating programs are all affiliated members of a national |
3 | network organized and supported by Main Street America - an organization widely recognized as |
4 | the premier expert on improving Main Streets’ performance, with thirty-three coordinating |
5 | programs housed within government and thirteen run as independent nonprofits; and |
6 | WHEREAS, The well-known and respected RI-based nonprofit Grow Smart RI has been |
7 | building a relationship with Main Street America since 2021, has studied the program extensively |
8 | including the different ways it is coordinated at the state level, and is prepared to leverage its |
9 | twenty-six year history as a conveyor and trainer in place-related issues to implement a Main |
10 | Street RI Coordinating Program in the State as soon as funding is identified; and |
11 | WHEREAS, All other state Main Street Coordinating programs receive funding from |
12 | their state governments, and an investment of $500,000 would provide the necessary start-up |
13 | costs to launch this program in RI; and |
14 | WHEREAS, The $500,000 for the formal establishment of “Main Street Rhode Island” |
15 | would be managed by Grow Smart RI for an initial period of three years, with annual reports |
16 | detailing progress on the following goals and activities: |
17 | - Hiring and retention of a full time Main Street RI Coordinator position; |
18 | - Training for local RI communities provided by Main Street America and its members |
19 | from throughout the nation; |
20 | - Monthly educational sessions and bi-monthly networking opportunities for all local |
21 | groups focused on the cultivation of vibrant Main Street districts; |
22 | - The management of a “learning cohort” of individual communities to receive |
23 | customized technical assistance; |
24 | - Development of an online resource center of training materials, actional research and |
25 | best practices; |
26 | - Presentation of an annual full-day conference-style event for learning and sharing of |
27 | information; and |
28 | - A signed MOU with Main Street America with Main Street Rhode Island established as |
29 | the Coordinating Program for the State of RI; now, therefore be it |
30 | RESOLVED, That there is hereby appropriated, out of money in the treasury not |
31 | otherwise appropriated for the fiscal year 2025-2026, the sum of five hundred thousand dollars |
32 | ($500,000) for the formal establishment of Main Street Rhode Island, to be managed by Grow |
33 | Smart RI; and the state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his orders upon the |
34 | general treasurer for the payment of said sum, or so much thereof as may be from time to time |
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1 | required, upon receipt of properly authenticated vouchers. |
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1 | This resolution would authorize the appropriation of the sum of $500,000 for the formal |
2 | establishment of “Main Street Rhode Island”. |
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