2025 -- H 5471 | |
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LC001395 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Craven, Corvese, and Shanley | |
Date Introduced: February 12, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Municipal Government & Housing | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 45-21.2-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-21.2 entitled "Optional |
2 | Retirement for Members of Police Force and Firefighters" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 45-21.2-5. Retirement on service allowance. |
4 | (a) Retirement of a member on a service retirement allowance for members eligible to retire |
5 | on or before June 30, 2012, shall be made, subject to paragraph (a)(11) below, by the retirement |
6 | board as follows: |
7 | (1) Any member who has attained or attains age seventy (70) shall be retired as stated in § |
8 | 45-21-16 subject to the discretions contained in that section; provided, that any member who is a |
9 | member of the Woonsocket fire department who has attained or attains an age of sixty-five (65) |
10 | years shall be retired. Retirement occurs on the first day of the next succeeding calendar month in |
11 | which the member has attained the age of sixty-five (65) years. |
12 | (2) Any member may retire pursuant to this subdivision upon written application to the |
13 | board stating at what time the member desires to retire; provided, that the member at the specified |
14 | time for retirement has attained an age of fifty-five (55) years and has completed at least ten (10) |
15 | years of total service, and notwithstanding that the member may have separated from service. |
16 | (3) Any member may retire pursuant to this subdivision upon written application to the |
17 | board stating at what time the member desires to retire; provided, that the member at the specified |
18 | time for retirement has completed at least twenty-five (25) years of total service, and |
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1 | notwithstanding that the member may have separated from service. |
2 | (4) Any member may retire pursuant to this subdivision upon written application to the |
3 | board stating at what time the member desires to retire; provided, that the member at the specified |
4 | time for retirement has attained an age of fifty (50) years and has completed at least twenty (20) |
5 | years of total service, notwithstanding that the member may have separated from service; provided, |
6 | that the service retirement allowance, as determined according to the formula provided in § 45- |
7 | 21.2-6, is reduced one-half of one percent (1/2%) for each month that the age of the member is less |
8 | than fifty-five (55) years. |
9 | (5) Any member of the South Kingstown police department may retire pursuant to this |
10 | subdivision upon written application to the board stating at what time the member desires to retire; |
11 | provided, that the member at the specified time for retirement has earned a service retirement |
12 | allowance of fifty percent (50%) of final compensation pursuant to § 45-21.2-6.1. |
13 | (6) Any member of the Johnston police department may retire pursuant to this subdivision |
14 | upon written application to the board stating at what time the member desires to retire; provided, |
15 | that the member at the specified time for retirement has earned a service retirement allowance of |
16 | fifty percent (50%) of final compensation pursuant to § 45-21.2-6.2. |
17 | (7) Any member of the Cranston fire department hired after July 1, 1995, or any member |
18 | of the Cranston fire department with five (5) years or less of service effective July 1, 1995, may |
19 | retire pursuant to this subdivision upon written application to the board stating at what time the |
20 | member desires to retire; provided, that the member at the specified time for retirement has earned |
21 | a service retirement allowance of fifty percent (50%) of final compensation for at least twenty (20) |
22 | years service; final compensation for Cranston fire department members is based on the |
23 | compensation components of weekly salary, longevity and holidays with longevity of the members |
24 | highest year of earnings and members shall receive a three percent (3%) escalation of their pension |
25 | payment compounded each year on January 1st following the year of retirement and continuing on |
26 | an annual basis on that date; further, any illness or injury not covered in title 45 relating to the |
27 | presumption of disability is governed by the collective bargaining agreement between the City of |
28 | Cranston and members of the Cranston fire department. |
29 | (8) Any member of the Cranston police department hired after July 1, 1995, or any member |
30 | of the Cranston police department with five (5) years or less of service effective July 1, 1995, may |
31 | retire pursuant to this subdivision upon written application to the board stating at what time the |
32 | member desires to retire; provided, that the member at the specified time for retirement has earned |
33 | a service retirement allowance of fifty percent (50%) of final compensation for at least twenty (20) |
34 | years service; final compensation for Cranston police department members is based on the |
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1 | compensation components of weekly salary, longevity and holidays with longevity of the members |
2 | highest year of earnings and members shall receive a three percent (3%) escalation of their pension |
3 | payment compounded each year on January 1st following the year of retirement and continuing on |
4 | an annual basis on that date; further, any illness or injury not covered in title 45 relating to the |
5 | presumption of disability is governed by the collective bargaining agreement between the City of |
6 | Cranston and members of the Cranston police department. |
7 | (9) Any member of the Hopkinton police department may retire pursuant to this subdivision |
8 | upon written application to the board stating at what time the member desires to retire; provided, |
9 | that the member at the specified time for retirement has earned a service retirement allowance of |
10 | fifty percent (50%) of final compensation for at least twenty (20) years service; final compensation |
11 | for Hopkinton police department members is based on the compensation components of weekly |
12 | salary, longevity and holidays with longevity of the members highest year of earnings and members |
13 | shall receive a three percent (3%) escalation of their pension payment compounded each year on |
14 | January 1st following the year of retirement and continuing on an annual basis on that date. |
15 | (10) Any member of the Richmond police department may retire pursuant to this |
16 | subdivision upon written application to the board stating at what time the member desires to retire; |
17 | provided, that the member at the specified time for retirement has earned a service retirement |
18 | allowance of fifty percent (50%) of final compensation for at least twenty-two (22) years’ service |
19 | pursuant to § 45-21.2-6.3. |
20 | (11) Notwithstanding any provision in this section to the contrary, for any service on or |
21 | after July 1, 2012, final compensation shall be defined in accordance with § 45-21.2-2, and no |
22 | benefit adjustments shall be provided except as set forth in § 45-21-52(c). |
23 | (12) Notwithstanding any provisions of this section to the contrary, with respect to police |
24 | officers employed by the town of Johnston, only those police officers hired on or after July 1, 2010, |
25 | shall be eligible to be members of the Municipal Employees’ Retirement System of the state of |
26 | Rhode Island in accordance with this chapter. |
27 | (b) Retirement of a member on a service retirement allowance eligible to retire on and after |
28 | July 1, 2012, shall be made by the retirement board as follows: |
29 | (1) Any member may retire pursuant to this subdivision upon written application to the |
30 | board stating at what time the member desires to retire; provided, that the member at the specified |
31 | time for retirement attained the age of at least fifty-five (55) years and has completed at least |
32 | twenty-five (25) years of total service, and notwithstanding that the member may have separated |
33 | from service; or |
34 | (2) Effective July 1, 2015, the member makes contributions to the plan effective July 1, |
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1 | 2015, in accordance with § 45-21.2-14, and (i) The member at the specified time for retirement |
2 | attained the age of at least fifty (50) years and has completed at least twenty-five (25) years of total |
3 | service; or (ii) The member has completed at least twenty-seven (27) years of total service |
4 | regardless of the member’s attained age, and notwithstanding that the member may have separated |
5 | from service. |
6 | (3) Any member with contributory service on or after July 1, 2012, who has completed at |
7 | least five (5) years of contributory service but who has not completed twenty-five (25) years of |
8 | service, shall be eligible to retire upon the attainment of the member’s Social Security retirement |
9 | age. |
10 | (4) If a member had ten (10) or more years of contributory service and attained age forty- |
11 | five (45) prior to July 1, 2012, and would have been eligible to retire at or prior to age fifty-two |
12 | (52) in accordance with the rules in effect prior to July 1, 2012, the member may retire upon |
13 | attainment of age fifty-two (52). |
14 | (5) Effective July 1, 2015, a member who has completed twenty (20) or more years of total |
15 | service who has attained an age within five (5) years of the eligible retirement age under |
16 | subparagraphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) or (b)(3) or (b)(4) above, may elect to retire provided that the |
17 | retirement allowance shall be reduced actuarially for each month that the age of the member is less |
18 | than the eligible retirement age under subparagraphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) or (b)(3) or (b)(4) above in |
19 | accordance with the following table: |
20 | Year Preceding Retirement Cumulative Annual Reduction Cumulative Monthly |
21 | Reduction |
22 | For Year 1 9% .75% |
23 | For Year 2 8% .667% |
24 | For Year 3 7% .583% |
25 | For Year 4 7% .583% |
26 | For Year 5 7% .583% |
27 | (i) Effective July 1, 2025, a member who has completed twenty (20) years or more of total |
28 | service and who has attained age fifty-seven (57), or more with at least twenty (20) years of service |
29 | may elect to retire, without a reduction as set forth in subsection (b)(5) of this section. |
30 | (6) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, a member on June 30, 2012, may |
31 | elect to retire at his or her eligible retirement date as determined under the rules in effect on June |
32 | 30, 2012, provided that a member making an election under this paragraph shall receive the |
33 | member’s retirement benefit determined and calculated based on the member’s service and final |
34 | compensation as of June 30, 2012. This provision shall be interpreted and administered in a manner |
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1 | to protect a member’s accrued benefit on June 30, 2012. |
2 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would provide an option for members to receive retirement allowances, without |
2 | reduction, after twenty (20) years of service upon reaching age fifty-seven (57). |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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