2025 -- H 5467 | |
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LC000988 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Stewart, Cotter, Kislak, Morales, Hull, J. Lombardi, | |
Date Introduced: February 12, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 31-36-20 of the General Laws in Chapter 31-36 entitled "Motor Fuel |
2 | Tax" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 31-36-20. Disposition of proceeds. |
4 | (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, all moneys paid into the |
5 | general treasury under the provisions of this chapter or chapter 37 of this title, and title 46 shall be |
6 | applied to and held in a separate fund and be deposited in any depositories that may be selected by |
7 | the general treasurer to the credit of the fund, which fund shall be known as the Intermodal Surface |
8 | Transportation Fund; provided, that in fiscal year 2004 for the months of July through April six and |
9 | eighty-five hundredth cents ($0.0685) per gallon of the tax imposed and accruing for the liability |
10 | under the provisions of § 31-36-7, less refunds and credits, shall be transferred to the Rhode Island |
11 | public transit authority as provided under § 39-18-21. For the months of May and June in fiscal |
12 | year 2004, the allocation shall be five and five hundredth cents ($0.0505). Thereafter, until fiscal |
13 | year 2006, the allocation shall be six and twenty-five hundredth cents ($0.0625). For fiscal years |
14 | 2006 through FY 2008, the allocation shall be seven and twenty-five hundredth cents ($0.0725); |
15 | provided, that expenditures shall include the costs of a market survey of non-transit users and a |
16 | management study of the agency to include the feasibility of moving the Authority into the |
17 | Department of Transportation, both to be conducted under the auspices of the state budget officer. |
18 | The state budget officer shall hire necessary consultants to perform the studies, and shall direct |
19 | payment by the Authority. Both studies shall be transmitted by the Budget Officer to the 2006 |
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1 | session of the General Assembly, with comments from the Authority. For fiscal year 2009, the |
2 | allocation shall be seven and seventy-five hundredth cents ($0.0775), of which one-half cent |
3 | ($0.005) shall be derived from the one cent ($0.01) per gallon environmental protection fee |
4 | pursuant to § 46-12.9-11. For fiscal years 2010 and thereafter through 2025, the allocation shall be |
5 | nine and seventy-five hundredth cents ($0.0975), of which of one-half cent ($0.005) shall be |
6 | derived from the one cent ($0.01) per gallon environmental protection fee pursuant to § 46-12.9- |
7 | 11. For fiscal years 2026 and thereafter, the allocation shall be thirty percent (30%) of the total |
8 | proceeds, including thirty percent (30%) derived from the one cent ($0.01) per gallon |
9 | environmental protection fee pursuant to § 46-12.9-11. One cent ($0.01) per gallon shall be |
10 | transferred to the Elderly/Disabled Transportation Program of the department of human services, |
11 | and the remaining cents per gallon shall be available for general revenue as determined by the |
12 | following schedule: |
13 | (i) For the fiscal year 2000, three and one-fourth cents ($0.0325) shall be available for |
14 | general revenue. |
15 | (ii) For the fiscal year 2001, one and three-fourth cents ($0.0175) shall be available for |
16 | general revenue. |
17 | (iii) For the fiscal year 2002, one-fourth cent ($0.0025) shall be available for general |
18 | revenue. |
19 | (iv) For the fiscal year 2003, two and one-fourth cent ($0.0225) shall be available for |
20 | general revenue. |
21 | (v) For the months of July through April in fiscal year 2004, one and four-tenths cents |
22 | ($0.014) shall be available for general revenue. For the months of May through June in fiscal year |
23 | 2004, three and two-tenths cents ($0.032) shall be available for general revenue, and thereafter, |
24 | until fiscal year 2006, two cents ($0.02) shall be available for general revenue. For fiscal year 2006 |
25 | through fiscal year 2009 one cent ($0.01) shall be available for general revenue. |
26 | (2) All deposits and transfers of funds made by the tax administrator under this section, |
27 | including those to the Rhode Island public transit authority, the department of human services, the |
28 | Rhode Island turnpike and bridge authority, and the general fund, shall be made within twenty-four |
29 | (24) hours of receipt or previous deposit of the funds in question. |
30 | (3) Commencing in fiscal year 2004, the Director of the Rhode Island Department of |
31 | Transportation is authorized to remit, on a monthly or less frequent basis as shall be determined by |
32 | the Director of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation, or his or her designee, or at the |
33 | election of the Director of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation, with the approval of the |
34 | Director of the Department of Administration, to an indenture trustee, administrator, or other third |
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1 | party fiduciary, in an amount not to exceed two cents ($0.02) per gallon of the gas tax imposed, in |
2 | order to satisfy debt service payments on aggregate bonds issued pursuant to a Joint Resolution and |
3 | Enactment Approving the Financing of Various Department of Transportation Projects adopted |
4 | during the 2003 session of the General Assembly, and approved by the Governor. |
5 | (4) Commencing in fiscal year 2015, three and one-half cents ($0.035) shall be transferred |
6 | to the Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority to be used for maintenance, operations, capital |
7 | expenditures and debt service on any of its projects as defined in chapter 12 of title 24 in lieu of a |
8 | toll on the Sakonnet River Bridge. The Rhode Island turnpike and bridge authority is authorized to |
9 | remit to an indenture trustee, administrator, or other third-party fiduciary any or all of the foregoing |
10 | transfers in order to satisfy and/or secure its revenue bonds and notes and/or debt service payments |
11 | thereon, including, but not limited to, the bonds and notes issued pursuant to the Joint Resolution |
12 | set forth in Section 3 of Article 6 of Chapter 23 of the Public Laws of 2010. Notwithstanding any |
13 | other provision of said Joint Resolution, the Rhode Island turnpike and bridge authority is expressly |
14 | authorized to issue bonds and notes previously authorized under said Joint Resolution for the |
15 | purpose of financing all expenses incurred by it for the formerly authorized tolling of the Sakonnet |
16 | River Bridge and the termination thereof. |
17 | (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, all other funds in the fund |
18 | shall be dedicated to the department of transportation, subject to annual appropriation by the general |
19 | assembly. The director of transportation shall submit to the general assembly, budget office and |
20 | office of the governor annually an accounting of all amounts deposited in and credited to the fund |
21 | together with a budget for proposed expenditures for the succeeding fiscal year in compliance with |
22 | §§ 35-3-1 and 35-3-4. On order of the director of transportation, the state controller is authorized |
23 | and directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for the payments of any sum or |
24 | portion of the sum that may be required from time to time upon receipt of properly authenticated |
25 | vouchers. |
26 | (c) At any time the amount of the fund is insufficient to fund the expenditures of the |
27 | department of transportation, not to exceed the amount authorized by the general assembly, the |
28 | general treasurer is authorized, with the approval of the governor and the director of administration, |
29 | in anticipation of the receipts of monies enumerated in this section to advance sums to the fund, for |
30 | the purposes specified in this section, any funds of the state not specifically held for any particular |
31 | purpose. However, all the advances made to the fund shall be returned to the general fund |
32 | immediately upon the receipt by the fund of proceeds resulting from the receipt of monies to the |
33 | extent of the advances. |
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1 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would extend through 2025 the allocation of motor fuel tax to the Intermodal |
2 | Surface Transportation Fund. This act would change the allocation to thirty percent (30%) of the |
3 | total proceeds, including thirty percent (30%) derived from the one cent ($0.01) per gallon |
4 | environmental protection fee pursuant to § 46-12.9-11 through 2026 and thereafter. |
5 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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