2025 -- H 5460 | |
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LC001288 | |
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A N A C T | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Azzinaro, Hull, Abney, Read, Fellela, Casimiro, and | |
Date Introduced: February 12, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Veterans` Affairs | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 1-4-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 1-4 entitled "Uniform |
2 | Aeronautical Regulatory Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 1-4-2. Definitions. |
4 | When used in this chapter: |
5 | (1) “Aeronautics” means transportation by aircraft, air instruction, the operation, repair, or |
6 | maintenance of aircraft, and the design, operation, repair, or maintenance of airports, landing fields, |
7 | or other air navigation facilities. |
8 | (2) “Aircraft” means any contrivance now known or invented, used, or designed for |
9 | navigation of, or flight in, the air, except a parachute or other contrivance designed for air |
10 | navigation but used primarily as safety equipment. |
11 | (3) “Air instruction” means the imparting of aeronautical information by any aviation |
12 | instructor or in any air school or flying club. |
13 | (4) “Airport” means any area of land, water, or both, which is used or is made available for |
14 | the landing and take off of aircraft, and which provides facilities for the shelter, supply, and repair |
15 | of aircraft and which, as to size, design, surface, marking, equipment, and management meets the |
16 | minimum requirements established from time to time by the president and CEO. |
17 | (5) “Air school” means any person engaged in giving, offering to give, or advertising, |
18 | representing, or holding himself or herself out as giving, with or without compensation or other |
19 | award, instruction in aeronautics — in flying, in ground subjects, or in both. |
| |
1 | (6) “Aviation instructor” means any individual engaged in giving, or offering to give, |
2 | instruction in aeronautics — in flying, in ground subjects, or in both — either with or without |
3 | compensation or other reward, without advertising his or her occupation, without calling his or her |
4 | facilities “air school” or any equivalent term, and without employing or using other instructors. |
5 | (7) “Certificated aircraft” means any aircraft for which an aircraft certificate other than a |
6 | registration certificate has been issued by the government of the United States. |
7 | (8) [Deleted by P.L. 2024, ch. 74, § 2 and P.L. 2024, ch. 110, § 2.] |
8 | (9) “Civil aircraft” means any aircraft other than a public aircraft. |
9 | (10) “Dealer in aircraft” or “aircraft dealer” means any person who engages in a business, |
10 | a substantial part of which consists of the manufacture, selling, or exchanging of aircraft and who |
11 | is registered as a dealer with the federal government. |
12 | (11) [Deleted by P.L. 2024, ch. 74, § 2 and P.L. 2024, ch. 110, § 2.] |
13 | (12) “Flying club” means any person (other than an individual) who, neither for profit nor |
14 | reward, owns, leases, or uses one or more aircraft for the purpose of instruction, pleasure, or both. |
15 | (13) “Landing field” means any area of land, water, or both, which is used or is made |
16 | available for the landing and take off of aircraft, which may or may not provide facilities for the |
17 | shelter, supply, and repair of aircraft, and which, as to size, design, surface, marking, equipment, |
18 | and management meets the minimum requirements established from time to time by the president |
19 | and CEO. |
20 | (14) “Military aircraft” means public aircraft operated in the service of the United States |
21 | army, air force, national guard, navy, marine corps, space force or coast guard. |
22 | (15) “Operate” means, with respect to aircraft, to use, cause to use, or authorize to use an |
23 | aircraft, for the purpose of engine start, movement on the ground (taxi), or air navigation including |
24 | the piloting of aircraft, with or without the right of legal control (as owner, lessee, or otherwise). |
25 | (16) “Operator” means a person who operates or is in actual physical control of an aircraft. |
26 | (17) “Owner” means the legal title holder or any person, firm, copartnership, association, |
27 | or corporation having the lawful possession or control of an aircraft under a written sale agreement. |
28 | (18) “Person” means any individual, or any corporation or other association of individuals. |
29 | (19) “Political subdivision” means any city or town or any other public corporation, |
30 | authority, or district, or any combination of two (2) or more, which is or may be authorized by law |
31 | to acquire, establish, construct, maintain, improve, and operate airports. |
32 | (20) “President and CEO” means the president and chief executive officer of the Rhode |
33 | Island airport corporation. |
34 | (21) “Public aircraft” means an aircraft used exclusively in the governmental service. |
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1 | SECTION 2. Section 9-18-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 9-18 entitled "Depositions" is |
2 | hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 9-18-5. Manner of taking depositions outside state for use in state. |
4 | Depositions may be taken without this state to be used in the tribunals of this state, upon |
5 | written notice conforming to the applicable rules of procedure, and shall be taken in the manner |
6 | and with the formalities required by the law of this state or the state, district, territory, or country |
7 | in which the deposition shall be taken; or shall be taken, if taken in any other state, district, or |
8 | territory of the United States, before a commissioner appointed by the governor of this state, or |
9 | before a judge, chancellor, justice of the peace, notary public, or civil magistrate of the state, |
10 | district, or territory, respectively, or, if taken out of the United States, before a resident official of |
11 | the United States, or, if the deponent is in the military, air, or naval service of the United States, |
12 | before a colonel, lieutenant colonel, or major in the army or air force, before the chief of operations |
13 | in space force, or before any officer in the navy not below the grade and rank of lieutenant |
14 | commander. And in every such case under the second method, the party causing the depositions to |
15 | be taken shall notify the adverse party, or his or her attorney of record, of the time and place |
16 | appointed for taking the deposition; and the notification issued by the official before whom the |
17 | deposition is to be taken shall be served, in the manner as provided in § 9-18-4, such reasonable |
18 | time before the taking of the deposition as will give the adverse party a full opportunity to be present |
19 | in person or by attorney and put interrogatories to the deponent, if he or she thinks fit. |
20 | SECTION 3. Section 9-19-19 of the General Laws in Chapter 9-19 entitled "Evidence" is |
21 | hereby amended to read as follows: |
22 | 9-19-19. Finding of presumed death under federal Missing Persons Act. |
23 | A written finding of presumed death, made by the secretary of the army, the secretary of |
24 | the navy, the secretary of the air force, or the chief of space operations in space force or other |
25 | officer or employee of the United States authorized to make such finding, pursuant to the federal |
26 | Missing Persons Act, 5 U.S.C. § 5561 et seq., as now or hereafter amended, or a duly certified copy |
27 | of such finding shall be received in any court, office, or other place in this state as prima facie |
28 | evidence of the death of the person therein found to be dead, and the date, circumstances, and place |
29 | of his or her disappearance. |
30 | SECTION 4. Sections 11-47-9, 11-47-21, 11-47-35 and 11-47-51 of the General Laws in |
31 | Chapter 11-47 entitled "Weapons" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
32 | 11-47-9. Persons exempt from restrictions. |
33 | (a) The provisions of § 11-47-8 shall not apply to sheriffs; deputy sheriffs; the |
34 | superintendent and members of the state police; members of the Rhode Island airport police |
| LC001288 - Page 3 of 29 |
1 | department; members of the Rhode Island state marshals; Rhode Island state fire marshal; chief |
2 | deputy state fire marshals; deputy state fire marshals assigned to the bomb squad, and those |
3 | assigned to the investigation unit; Providence fire department arson investigators, provided that the |
4 | investigator receiving the permit is a graduate of a police-training academy; correctional officers, |
5 | chief inspector and inspectors within the office of inspections, within the department of corrections; |
6 | members of the city or town police force; capitol police investigators of the department of attorney |
7 | general appointed pursuant to § 42-9-8.1; the witness protection coordinator for the witness |
8 | protection review board as set forth in chapter 30 of title 12 and subject to the minimum |
9 | qualifications of § 42-9-8.1; automobile theft investigators of the Rhode Island state police pursuant |
10 | to § 31-50-1; railroad police while traveling to and from official assignments or while on |
11 | assignments; conservation officers; or other duly appointed law enforcement officers; nor to |
12 | members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and Marine Corps of the United States, the |
13 | National Guard, or organized reserves, when on duty; nor to members of organizations by law |
14 | authorized to purchase or receive firearms from the United States or this state, provided these |
15 | members are at, or going to or from, their places of assembly or target practice; nor to officers or |
16 | employees of the United States authorized by law to carry a concealed firearm; nor to any civilian |
17 | guard or criminal investigator carrying sidearms or a concealed firearm in the performance of his |
18 | or her official duties under the authority of the commanding officer of the military establishment |
19 | in the state of Rhode Island where he or she is employed by the United States; nor to any civilian |
20 | guard carrying sidearms or a concealed firearm in the performance of his or her official duties under |
21 | the authority of the adjutant general where he or she is employed guarding a national guard facility, |
22 | provided, that the commanding officer of the military establishment shall have on file with the |
23 | attorney general of this state a list of the names and addresses of all civilian guards and criminal |
24 | investigators so authorized; nor to duly authorized military organizations when on duty; nor to |
25 | members when at, or going to or from, their customary places of assembly; nor to any individual |
26 | employed in the capacity of warden, associate warden, major, captain, lieutenant, sergeant, |
27 | correctional officer or investigator at any project owned or operated by a municipal detention |
28 | facility corporation, including the Donald W. Wyatt Detention Facility; nor to the regular and/or |
29 | ordinary transportation of pistols or revolvers as merchandise; nor to any person while transporting |
30 | a pistol, or revolvers, unloaded from the place of purchase to their residence, or place of business, |
31 | from their residence to their place of business or from their place of business to their residence, or |
32 | to a federal firearms licensee for the purpose of sale, to or from a bona fide gunsmith, or firearms |
33 | repair facility, to any police station or other location designated as a site of a bona fide “gun buy- |
34 | back” program, but only if said pistol or revolver is unloaded and any ammunition for said pistol |
| LC001288 - Page 4 of 29 |
1 | or revolver is not readily or directly accessible from the passenger compartment of such vehicle |
2 | while transporting same and further provided, that in the case of a vehicle without a compartment |
3 | separate from the passenger compartment, the firearm or the ammunition shall be stored in a locked |
4 | container. |
5 | (b) Persons exempted by the provisions of this section from the provisions of § 11-47-8 |
6 | shall have the right to carry concealed firearms everywhere within this state; provided, that this |
7 | shall not be construed as giving the right to carry concealed firearms to a person transporting |
8 | firearms as merchandise or as household or business goods. |
9 | 11-47-21. Restrictions on possession or carrying of explosives or noxious substances. |
10 | Any person, except a member of the state police, division of sheriffs, a member of the |
11 | police force of any city or town, or a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force or Marine |
12 | Corps of the United States, or of the National Guard or organized reserves when on duty, who |
13 | possesses, or carries on or about his or her person or in a vehicle, a bomb or bombshell, except for |
14 | blasting or other commercial use, or who, with intent to use it unlawfully against the person or |
15 | property of another, possesses or carries any explosive substance, or any noxious liquid, gas, or |
16 | substance, shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter and punished as provided in § 11-47-26. |
17 | 11-47-35. Sale of concealable weapons — Safety courses and tests — Issuance of |
18 | permits to certain government officers. |
19 | (a)(1) No person shall deliver a pistol or revolver to a purchaser until seven (7) days shall |
20 | have elapsed from twelve o’clock (12:00) noon of the day following the day of application for the |
21 | purchase, and when delivered, the pistol or revolver shall be unloaded and securely wrapped, with |
22 | the bill of sale to be enclosed within the wrapper with the pistol or revolver. Any citizen of the |
23 | United States and/or lawful resident of this state who is twenty-one (21) years of age or older, and |
24 | any nonresident member of the armed forces of the United States who is stationed in this state and |
25 | who is twenty-one (21) years of age or older, may, upon application, purchase or acquire a pistol |
26 | or revolver. At the time of applying for the purchase of a concealable firearm, the purchaser shall: |
27 | (i) Complete and sign in triplicate and deliver to the person selling the pistol or revolver the |
28 | application form described in this section, and in no case shall it contain the serial number of the |
29 | pistol or revolver; and (ii) Present to the person selling the pistol or revolver a pistol/revolver safety |
30 | certificate issued by the department of environmental management. The certificate shall be retained |
31 | in the possession of the buyer. The pistol/revolver safety certificate shall certify that the purchaser |
32 | has completed a basic pistol/revolver safety course as shall be administered by the department of |
33 | environmental management. |
34 | (Face of application form) |
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1 | Application to Purchase Pistol or Revolver |
2 | Date .............................................................. Hour ..................................................... A.M. P.M. |
3 | Name ............................................................................................................................................... |
4 | Address ............................................................................................................................................ |
5 | (Street and number) (City or town) (State) |
6 | Date of Birth ......................................... Place of Birth ................................................................... |
7 | Height ........................................Weight .......................................Color hair.................................. |
8 | Color eyes ........................................................................................................................................ |
9 | Scars ................................................................................................................................................. |
10 | Tattoos ............................................................................................................................................. |
11 | Other identifying marks......................... .......................................................................................... |
12 | Are you a citizen of the United States ............................................................................................. |
13 | Are you a citizen of Rhode Island ................................................................................................... |
14 | How long ......................................................................................................................................... |
15 | Where stationed ............................................................................................................................... |
16 | (Armed Forces only) |
17 | Number of pistols and/or revolvers to be purchased ....................................................................... |
18 | Have you ever been convicted of a crime of violence .................................................................... |
19 | (See § 11-47-2) |
20 | Have you ever been adjudicated or under confinement as addicted to a |
21 | controlled substance ....................................................................................................................... |
22 | Have you ever been adjudicated or under confinement for alcoholism ......................................... |
23 | Have you ever been confined or treated for mental illness ............................................................ |
24 | From whom is pistol or revolver being purchased ......................................................................... |
25 | Seller’s address ............................................................................................................................... |
26 | Seller’s signature ............................................................................................................................ |
27 | Applicant’s signature ...................................................................................................................... |
28 | (See § 11-47-23 for penalty for false information on this application) |
29 | (Reverse side of application form) |
30 | AFFIDAVIT: I certify that I have read and am familiar with the provisions of §§ 11-47-1 — 11- |
31 | 47-55, inclusive, of the general laws of the State of Rhode Island, and that I am aware of the |
32 | penalties for violation of the provisions of the cited sections. I further certify that I have completed |
33 | the required basic pistol/revolver safety course. |
34 | Signed ............................................................................................................................................. |
| LC001288 - Page 6 of 29 |
1 | (over) |
2 | County of ........................................................................................................................................ |
3 | State of Rhode Island (Face of application form) |
4 | Application to Purchase Pistol or Revolver |
5 | Date ………………………………………… Hour ………………………………… A.M. P.M. |
6 | Name |
7 | Address |
8 | (Street and number) (City or town) (State) |
9 | Date of Birth Place of Birth |
10 | Height Weight Color hair |
11 | Color eyes |
12 | Scars |
13 | Tattoos |
14 | Other identifying marks |
15 | Are you a citizen of the United States |
16 | Are you a citizen of Rhode Island |
17 | How long |
18 | Where stationed |
19 | (Armed Forces only) |
20 | Number of pistols and/or revolvers to be purchased |
21 | Have you ever been convicted of a crime of violence |
22 | (See § 11-47-2) |
23 | Have you ever been adjudicated or under confinement as addicted to a controlled substance |
24 |
25 | Have you ever been adjudicated or under confinement for alcoholism |
26 |
27 | Have you ever been confined or treated for mental illness |
28 | From whom is pistol or revolver being purchased |
29 | Seller's address |
30 | Seller's signature |
31 | Applicant's signature |
32 | (See § 11-47-23 for penalty for false information on this application) |
33 | (Reverse side of application form) |
34 | AFFIDAVIT: I certify that I have read and am familiar with the provisions of §§ 11-47-1 — 11- |
| LC001288 - Page 7 of 29 |
1 | 47-55, inclusive, of the general laws of the State of Rhode Island, and that I am aware of the |
2 | penalties for violation of the provisions of the cited sections. I further certify that I have |
3 | completed the required basic pistol/revolver safety course. |
4 | Signed |
5 | (over) |
6 | County of |
7 | State of Rhode Island |
8 | Subscribed and sworn before me this ……… day of ……. A.D. 20..... |
9 | Notary Public |
10 | ...................................... |
11 | Subscribed and sworn before me this ……….... day of ………...... A.D. 20……………………. |
12 | Notary Public |
13 | .............................. |
14 | (2) The person selling the pistol or revolver shall on the date of application sign and |
15 | forward by registered mail, by delivery in person, or by electronic mail if approved by the |
16 | applicable police department, the original and duplicate copies of the application to the chief of |
17 | police in the city or town in which the purchaser has his or her residence or to the superintendent |
18 | of the Rhode Island state police in the instance where the purchaser either resides in the town of |
19 | Exeter or resides out of state. The superintendent of the Rhode Island state police or the chief of |
20 | police in the city or town in which the purchaser has his or her residence shall mark or stamp the |
21 | original copy of the application form with the date and the time of receipt and return it by the most |
22 | expeditious means to the person who is selling the pistol or revolver. The triplicate copy duly signed |
23 | by the person who is selling the pistol or revolver shall within seven (7) days be sent by him or her |
24 | by registered mail, by delivery in person, or by electronic mail to the attorney general. The person |
25 | who is selling the pistol or revolver shall retain the original copy duly receipted by the police |
26 | authority to whom sent or delivered for a period of six (6) years with other records of the sale. It |
27 | shall be the duty of the police authority to whom the duplicate copy of the application form is sent |
28 | or delivered to make a background check of the applicant to ascertain whether he or she falls under |
29 | the provisions of § 11-47-5, § 11-47-6, § 11-47-7, or § 11-47-23. If, after the lapse of seven (7) |
30 | days from twelve o’clock (12:00) noon of the day following application, no disqualifying |
31 | information has been received from the investigating police authority by the person who is selling |
32 | the pistol or revolver, he or she will deliver the firearm applied for to the purchaser. Upon the |
33 | finding of no disqualifying information under the provisions of the above cited sections of this |
34 | chapter, and in no case later than thirty (30) days after the date of application, the duplicate and |
| LC001288 - Page 8 of 29 |
1 | triplicate copies of the application will be destroyed. Retention of the duplicate and triplicate copies |
2 | in violation of this section or any unauthorized use of the information contained in the copies by a |
3 | person or agency shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000). The |
4 | provisions of this section shall not apply to bona fide sales at wholesale to duly licensed retail |
5 | dealers, nor to purchases by retail dealers duly licensed under the provisions of § 11-47-39. |
6 | (b)(1) The department of environmental management shall establish the basic |
7 | pistol/revolver safety course required by this section. The safety course shall consist of not less |
8 | than two (2) hours of instruction in the safe use and handling of pistols and revolvers and the course |
9 | shall be available to buyers continually throughout the year at convenient times and places but at |
10 | least monthly at locations throughout the state, or more frequently as required. Proficiency in the |
11 | use of pistols or revolvers shall not be prerequisite to the issuance of the safety certificate. No |
12 | person shall be required to complete the course more than once; provided, that any person |
13 | completing the course who is unable to produce the safety certificate issued by the department of |
14 | environmental management shall be required to take the course again unless the person provides |
15 | evidence to the department that he or she has successfully completed the course. |
16 | (2) The administration of the basic pistol/revolver safety course required by this section |
17 | shall not exceed the cost of thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000) in any fiscal year. |
18 | (c) Proof of passage of the department of environmental management’s basic hunter safety |
19 | course will be equivalent to the pistol/revolver safety certificate mandated by this section. |
20 | (d) Any person who has reason to believe that he or she does not need the required handgun |
21 | safety course may apply by any written means to the department of environmental management to |
22 | take an objective test on the subject matter of the handgun safety course. The test shall be prepared, |
23 | as well as an instruction manual upon which the test shall be based, by the department. The manual |
24 | shall be made available by any means to the applicant who may, within the time limits for |
25 | application, take the objective test at the department or at any location where the handgun safety |
26 | course is being given. Any person receiving a passing grade on the test shall be issued a |
27 | pistol/revolver safety certificate by the department. |
28 | (e) [Deleted by P.L. 2005, ch. 20, § 11 and P.L. 2005, ch. 27, § 11.] |
29 | (f) The following persons shall be issued basic pistol/revolver permits by the department |
30 | of environmental management: sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, the superintendent and members of the |
31 | state police, prison or jail wardens or their deputies, members of the city or town police force, |
32 | members of the park police, conservation officers, members of the airport police and officers of the |
33 | United States government authorized by law to carry a concealed firearm and, at the discretion of |
34 | the department of environmental management, any person who can satisfactorily establish that he |
| LC001288 - Page 9 of 29 |
1 | or she formerly held one of these offices or were so authorized. |
2 | (g) Any person who is serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force |
3 | or Coast Guard on active duty shall not be required to obtain a basic pistol/revolver safety certificate |
4 | or basic pistol/revolver permit under this section so long as he or she remains on active duty. |
5 | (h) Any person who is serving in the active reserve components of the Army, Navy, Air |
6 | Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, or Coast Guard, or any person in an active duty paid status in |
7 | the Rhode Island National Guard, shall not be required to obtain a basic pistol/revolver safety |
8 | certificate under this section so long as he or she remains in active status. |
9 | 11-47-51. Loaded rifles and shotguns in vehicles and roadways. |
10 | (a) It is unlawful for any person to have in his or her possession a loaded rifle or loaded |
11 | shotgun or a rifle or shotgun from the magazine of which all shells and cartridges have not been |
12 | removed while upon or along any public highway, road, lane, or trail within this state; provided, |
13 | that the provisions of this section shall not apply to deputy sheriffs, the superintendent and members |
14 | of the state police, prison or jail wardens or their deputies, members of the city or town police force, |
15 | investigators of the department of attorney general appointed pursuant to § 42-9-8.1, the director, |
16 | assistant director and other inspectors and agents at the Rhode Island state fugitive task force |
17 | appointed pursuant to § 12-6-7.2 [repealed], nor to other duly appointed law enforcement officers, |
18 | including conservation officers, nor to members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, or |
19 | Marine Corps of the United States, or the National Guard or organized reserves, when on duty, nor |
20 | to officers or employees of the United States authorized by law to carry a concealed firearm, nor to |
21 | any civilian guard or criminal investigator carrying sidearms or a concealed firearm in the |
22 | performance of his or her official duties under the authority of the commanding officer of the |
23 | military establishment in the state of Rhode Island where he or she is employed by the United |
24 | States; nor to persons legally engaged in hunting activity pursuant to the provisions of chapter 13 |
25 | or 18 of title 20. |
26 | (b) Any person convicted of violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by |
27 | imprisonment of not more than five (5) years, or by a fine of up to five thousand dollars ($5,000), |
28 | or both. |
29 | SECTION 5. Section 11-70-1 of the General Laws in Chapter 11-70 entitled "False |
30 | Representation of Military Status" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
31 | 11-70-1. False representation of military status prohibited — Stolen valor. |
32 | (a) A person commits the crime of stolen valor if he or she knowingly, with the intent to |
33 | obtain money or property: |
34 | (1) Fraudulently represents himself or herself to be an active member or veteran of the |
| LC001288 - Page 10 of 29 |
1 | United States Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines, Space Force, or Coast Guard, including armed |
2 | forces reserves and National Guard, through the unauthorized manufacture, sale, or use of military |
3 | regalia or gear, including the wearing of military uniforms, or the use of falsified military |
4 | identification, and obtains money or property through such fraudulent representation; or |
5 | (2) Fraudulently represents himself or herself to be a recipient of the Congressional Medal |
6 | of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross, Air Force Cross, Silver Star, Purple Heart, |
7 | Combat Infantryman Badge, Combat Action Badge, Combat Medical Badge, Combat Action |
8 | Ribbon, or Air Force Combat Action Medal, and obtains money or property through such |
9 | fraudulent representation. |
10 | (b) A person who commits the crime of stolen valor is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall |
11 | be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year or by a fine of one thousand dollars |
12 | ($1,000), or both. |
13 | (c) Any monies collected pursuant to this chapter shall be forwarded to the office of the |
14 | adjutant general to be allocated to the Rhode Island military family relief fund established pursuant |
15 | to § 30-3-41. |
16 | SECTION 6. Section 16-92-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-92 entitled "Interstate |
17 | Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
18 | 16-92-3. Definitions. |
19 | As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requires a different construction: |
20 | (1) “Active duty” means full-time duty status in the active uniformed service of the United |
21 | States, including members of Space Force, the National Guard and Reserve on active duty orders |
22 | pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 1209 and 1211. |
23 | (2) “Children of military families” means a school-aged child or children, enrolled in |
24 | kindergarten through twelfth grade, in the household of an active duty member. |
25 | (3) “Compact commissioner” means the voting representative of each compacting state |
26 | appointed pursuant to § 16-91-9 of this chapter. |
27 | (4) “Deployment” means the period one month prior to the service members’ departure |
28 | from their home station on military orders through six (6) months after return to their home station. |
29 | (5) “Education or educational records” means those official records, files, and data directly |
30 | related to a student and maintained by the school or local education agency, including, but not |
31 | limited to, records encompassing all the material kept in the student’s cumulative folder such as |
32 | general identifying data, records of attendance and of academic work completed, records of |
33 | achievement and results of evaluative tests, health data, disciplinary status, test protocols, and |
34 | individualized education programs. |
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1 | (6) “Extracurricular activities” means a voluntary activity sponsored by the school or local |
2 | education agency or an organization sanctioned by the local education agency. Extracurricular |
3 | activities include, but are not limited to, preparation for and involvement in public performances, |
4 | contests, athletic competitions, demonstrations, displays, and club activities. |
5 | (7) “Interstate Commission on Educational Opportunity for Military Children” means the |
6 | commission that is created under this chapter, which is generally referred to as interstate |
7 | commission. |
8 | (8) “Local education agency” means a public authority legally constituted by the state as |
9 | an administrative agency to provide control of and direction for kindergarten through twelfth grade |
10 | public educational institutions. |
11 | (9) “Member state” means a state that has enacted this compact. |
12 | (10) “Military installation” means a base, camp, post, station, yard, center, homeport |
13 | facility for any ship, or other activity under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, including |
14 | any leased facility, which is located within any of the several states, the District of Columbia, the |
15 | Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern |
16 | Marianas Islands and any other U.S. Territory. Such term does not include any facility used |
17 | primarily for civil works, rivers and harbors projects, or flood control projects. |
18 | (11) “Non-member state” means a state that has not enacted this compact. |
19 | (12) “Receiving state” means the state to which a child of a military family is sent, brought, |
20 | or caused to be sent or brought. |
21 | (13) “Rule” means a written statement by the interstate commission promulgated pursuant |
22 | to § 16-91-13 of this chapter that is of general applicability, implements, interprets or prescribes a |
23 | policy or provision of the compact, or an organizational, procedural, or practice requirement of the |
24 | interstate commission, and has the force and effect of statutory law in a member state, and includes |
25 | the amendment, repeal, or suspension of an existing rule. |
26 | (14) “Sending state” means the state from which a child of a military family is sent, |
27 | brought, or caused to be sent or brought. |
28 | (15) “State” means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the |
29 | Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern |
30 | Marianas Islands and any other U.S. Territory. |
31 | (16) “Student” means the child of a military family for whom the local education agency |
32 | receives public funding and who is formally enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade. |
33 | (17) “Transition” means: (i) The formal and physical process of transferring from school |
34 | to school; or (ii) The period of time in which a student moves from one school in the sending state |
| LC001288 - Page 12 of 29 |
1 | to another school in the receiving state. |
2 | (18) “Uniformed service or services” means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, |
3 | Space Force, Coast Guard as well as the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and |
4 | Atmospheric Administration, and Public Health Services. |
5 | (19) “Veteran” means a person who served in the uniformed services and who was |
6 | discharged or released there from under conditions other than dishonorable. |
7 | SECTION 7. Sections 20-13-4 and 20-13-8 of the General Laws in Chapter 20-13 entitled |
8 | "Hunting and Hunting Safety" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
9 | 20-13-4. Certificate of competency required for initial license. |
10 | (a) No license to hunt shall be issued to any person unless that person has held a hunting |
11 | license in a prior year or unless he or she presents to the licensing agent a certificate of competency |
12 | issued under § 20-13-2, or under an equivalent hunter safety program adopted by any other state; |
13 | provided, that in the case of those qualifying only for use of archery equipment, the licensing agent |
14 | shall mark across the face of the license “archery only.” A hunting license designated “archery |
15 | only” is limited to the use of bows and arrows while hunting or pursuing game in this state. Each |
16 | agent shall transmit all competency certificates presented to the agent to the department of |
17 | environmental management, along with the reports required to be filed pursuant to § 20-2-3. |
18 | (b) Any person who is serving in, or who has been honorably discharged from, the army, |
19 | navy, air force, marine corps, space force, or coast guard, or any women’s auxiliary branch, is not |
20 | required to obtain a certificate of competency under this section or § 20-13-2. |
21 | 20-13-8. Loaded weapons in vehicles. |
22 | It is unlawful for any person to have in his or her possession a loaded rifle or loaded shotgun |
23 | or a rifle or shotgun from the magazine of which all shells and cartridges have not been removed, |
24 | in or on any vehicle or conveyance or its attachments while upon or along any public highway, |
25 | road, lane, or trail within this state; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not |
26 | apply to deputy sheriffs, the superintendent and members of the state police, prison or jail wardens |
27 | or their deputies, members of the city or town police force, or other duly appointed law enforcement |
28 | officers, including conservation officers and park police, nor to members of the army, navy, air |
29 | force, space force, and marine corps of the United States, the national guard or organized reserves, |
30 | when on duty, or officers or employees of the United States authorized by law to carry a concealed |
31 | firearm, nor to any civilian guard or criminal investigator carrying sidearms or a concealed firearm |
32 | in the performance of his or her official duties under the authority of the commanding officer of |
33 | the military establishment in the state of Rhode Island where he or she is employed by the United |
34 | States. |
| LC001288 - Page 13 of 29 |
1 | SECTION 8. Sections 30-3-11 and 30-3-38 of the General Laws in Chapter 30-3 entitled |
2 | "National Guard" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 30-3-11. Classes from which commissioned officers selected. |
4 | Persons hereafter commissioned as officers of the national guard shall be selected from the |
5 | following classes: |
6 | (1) Officers or enlisted persons of the national guard; |
7 | (2) Officers, active or retired, reserve officers, and former officers of the United States |
8 | army, air force, navy, marine corps, space force, or coast guard, enlisted men and former enlisted |
9 | persons of the United States army, air force, navy, marine corps, space force, or coast guard who |
10 | have received an honorable discharge therefrom; |
11 | (3) Graduates of any of the United States military and naval academies; |
12 | (4) Graduates of schools, colleges, universities, and officers’ training camps, where they |
13 | have received military instruction under the supervision of an officer of the armed forces on active |
14 | duty who certified their fitness for appointment as commissioned officers; |
15 | (5) For the technical branches or staff corps and departments, such other civilians as may |
16 | be specially qualified for duty therein; and |
17 | (6) Or otherwise, as the above classes shall be changed or altered by the laws of the United |
18 | States and the regulations issued thereunder. |
19 | 30-3-38. Retirement of officers. |
20 | (a) Every commissioned officer or warrant officer of the national guard shall, upon |
21 | reaching the age of retirement as provided by the laws of the United States, be placed on the retired |
22 | list with the rank held by him or her at the time of retirement. |
23 | (b) Any commissioned officer of the national guard who shall have served in the militia of |
24 | the state for ten (10) years, or who shall have served as an enlisted person or officer for thirteen |
25 | (13) years, may, upon his or her own application to the commander-in-chief, be placed upon the |
26 | list of retired officers and withdrawn from active service with the highest rank held by that officer. |
27 | (c) In computing the time necessary for retirement, officers shall be credited for all service |
28 | in the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, and Coast Guard, and the |
29 | Rhode Island state guard in time of war. |
30 | (d) These officers shall be borne on the rolls of the national guard and, during any |
31 | emergency, may be placed on duty by the governor. |
32 | SECTION 9. Section 30-17.1-1 of the General Laws in Chapter 30-17.1 entitled "Veterans’ |
33 | Affairs" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
34 | 30-17.1-1. Appropriations. |
| LC001288 - Page 14 of 29 |
1 | The general assembly shall annually appropriate such sums as it may deem necessary for |
2 | the support of the veterans’ home in the town of Bristol, any veterans’ cemetery authorized and |
3 | established by the general assembly, and the assistance of the widows, widowers, and dependent |
4 | children of deceased veterans, known as the “veterans’ assistance fund”, for the assistance of |
5 | worthy dependent veterans, and the dependent-worthy families of those veterans who served in the |
6 | army, navy, marine corps, coast guard, space forces, and air force of the United States and were |
7 | honorably discharged from that service, and for such clerical assistance as may be required in |
8 | connection with the administration of that program; and the state controller is hereby authorized |
9 | and directed to draw an order upon the general treasurer for the payment of such sums as may be |
10 | from time to time required, upon receipt by the state controller of proper vouchers approved by the |
11 | director of veterans’ affairs. |
12 | SECTION 10. Section 30-21-12 of the General Laws in Chapter 30-21 entitled |
13 | "Employment of Veterans" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
14 | 30-21-12. Appointment to police or fire forces. |
15 | Any citizen who has served in the military service of the United States, in the army, navy, |
16 | marines, coast guard, space force, or air force thereof, and who has received an honorable discharge |
17 | therefrom, may be eligible for appointment as a police officer or firefighter in any city or town of |
18 | this state in the same manner as though that citizen were a qualified elector of the city or town on |
19 | the date of his or her appointment; provided, however, that the citizen, if registered at any time |
20 | during the military service, would be a qualified elector of that city or town at the date of that |
21 | appointment. |
22 | SECTION 11. Sections 30-24-1 and 30-24-10 of the General Laws in Chapter 30-24 |
23 | entitled "Rhode Island Veterans’ Home" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
24 | 30-24-1. Management and control. |
25 | The management and control of the Rhode Island veterans’ home, established in this state |
26 | for those who served in the army, navy, marine corps, coast guard, merchant marines, space force, |
27 | or air force of the United States in any war or conflict and were honorably discharged therefrom, |
28 | who shall be in need of such care as is provided at the home, shall be the responsibility of the |
29 | director of human services, or his or her designee. |
30 | 30-24-10. Admissible to home — Fees. |
31 | (a) Any person who has served in the army, navy, marine corps, coast guard, space force, |
32 | or air force of the United States for a period of ninety (90) days or more and that period began or |
33 | ended during any foreign war in which the United States shall have been engaged or in any |
34 | expedition or campaign for which the United States government issues a campaign medal, and who |
| LC001288 - Page 15 of 29 |
1 | was honorably discharged from it, and who shall be deemed to be in need of care provided at the |
2 | Rhode Island veterans’ home, may be admitted to that facility subject to such rules and regulations |
3 | as shall be adopted by the director of human services to govern the admission of applicants to the |
4 | facility. Any person who has served in the armed forces of the United States designated herein and |
5 | otherwise qualified, who has served less than the ninety-day (90) period described in this section, |
6 | and who was honorably discharged from service, and who, as a result of the service, acquired a |
7 | service-connected disability or disease, may be admitted. No person shall be admitted to the facility |
8 | unless the person has been accredited to the enlistment or induction quota of the state or has resided |
9 | in the state for at least two (2) consecutive years next prior to the date of the application for |
10 | admission to the facility. |
11 | (b)(1) The director shall, at the end of each fiscal year, determine the net, per-diem |
12 | expenses of maintenance of residents in the facility and shall assess against each resident who has |
13 | “net income”, as defined in this section, a fee equal to eighty percent (80%) of the resident’s net |
14 | income, provided that fee shall not exceed the actual cost of care and maintenance for the resident; |
15 | and provided that an amount equal to twenty percent (20%) of the maintenance fee assessed shall |
16 | be allocated to, and deposited in, the veterans’ restricted account. For the purposes of this section, |
17 | “net income” is defined as gross income minus applicable federal and state taxes and minus: |
18 | (i) An amount equal to one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per month of residency and fifty |
19 | percent (50%) of any sum received due to wounds incurred under battle conditions for which the |
20 | resident received the purple heart; and |
21 | (ii) The amount paid by a resident for the support and maintenance of his or her spouse, |
22 | parent(s), minor child(ren), or child(ren) who is/are blind or permanently and totally disabled as |
23 | defined in title XVI of the Federal Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 1381 — 1383d, subject to a |
24 | maximum amount to be determined by rules and regulations as shall be adopted by the director. |
25 | (2) The fees shall be paid monthly to the home and any failure to make payment when due |
26 | shall be cause for dismissal from the facility. Prior to dismissal, the resident shall be afforded |
27 | administrative due process. |
28 | (c) Admissions to the veterans’ home shall be made without discrimination as to race, |
29 | color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, marital status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity |
30 | or expression, assets, or income. |
31 | (d) Laundry services shall be provided to the residents of the Rhode Island veterans’ home |
32 | at no charge to the residents, with such funds to cover the cost of providing laundry services for |
33 | residents of the Rhode Island veterans’ home derived from monies appropriated to the department |
34 | of human services. |
| LC001288 - Page 16 of 29 |
1 | SECTION 12. Sections 30-25-3 and 30-25-14 of the General Laws in Chapter 30-25 |
2 | entitled "Burial of Veterans" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 30-25-3. Burial at public expense. |
4 | Whenever any person who served in the army, navy, air force, coast guard, space force, or |
5 | marine corps of the United States during any period of war, and was honorably discharged |
6 | therefrom, shall die within this state without leaving means sufficient to defray necessary funeral |
7 | expenses, he or she shall be buried and the expenses thereof paid in the manner provided in this |
8 | chapter. |
9 | 30-25-14. Rhode Island veterans’ memorial cemetery. |
10 | (a) The Rhode Island veterans’ memorial cemetery, located on the grounds of the Joseph |
11 | H. Ladd school in the town of Exeter, shall be under the management and control of the director of |
12 | the department of human services. The director of the department of human services shall appoint |
13 | an administrator for the Rhode Island veterans’ memorial cemetery who shall be an honorably |
14 | discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces and shall have the general supervision over, |
15 | and shall prescribe rules for, the government and management of the cemetery. The administrator |
16 | shall make all needful rules and regulations governing the operation of the cemetery and generally |
17 | may do all things necessary to ensure the successful operation thereof. The director shall |
18 | promulgate rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the provisions of 38 U.S.C. § 2402, to |
19 | govern the eligibility for burial in the Rhode Island veterans’ memorial cemetery. In addition to all |
20 | persons eligible for burial pursuant to rules and regulations established by the director, any person |
21 | who served in the army, navy, air force, coast guard, space force, or marine corps of the United |
22 | States for a period of not less than two (2) years and whose service was terminated honorably, shall |
23 | be eligible for burial in the Rhode Island veterans’ memorial cemetery. The director shall appoint |
24 | and employ all subordinate officials and persons needed for the proper management of the |
25 | cemetery. National guard members who are killed in the line of duty or who are honorably |
26 | discharged after completion of at least six (6) years of service in the Rhode Island national guard |
27 | and/or reserve and their spouse shall be eligible for interment in the Rhode Island veterans’ |
28 | memorial cemetery. National guard members and/or reservists who are honorably discharged after |
29 | completion of at least six (6) years of service with another state, and who are a Rhode Island |
30 | resident for at least two (2) consecutive years immediately prior to death, shall be eligible, along |
31 | with their spouse, for interment in the Rhode Island veterans’ memorial cemetery. For the purpose |
32 | of computing service under this section, honorable service in the active forces or reserves shall be |
33 | considered toward the six (6) years of national guard service. The general assembly shall make an |
34 | annual appropriation to the department of human services to provide for the operation and |
| LC001288 - Page 17 of 29 |
1 | maintenance for the cemetery. The director shall charge and collect a grave liner fee per interment |
2 | of the eligible spouse and/or eligible dependents of the qualified veteran, national guard member, |
3 | and/or reservist equal to the department’s cost for the grave liner. |
4 | (b) No domestic animal shall be allowed on the grounds of the Rhode Island veterans’ |
5 | memorial cemetery, whether at large or under restraint, except for seeing eye guide dogs, hearing |
6 | ear signal dogs or any other service animal, as required by federal law or any personal assistance |
7 | animal, as required by chapter 9.1 of title 40. Any person who violates the provisions of this section |
8 | shall be subject to a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500). |
9 | (c) The state of Rhode Island office of veterans services shall bear the cost of all tolls |
10 | incurred by any motor vehicles that are part of a veteran’s funeral procession, originating from |
11 | Aquidneck Island ending at the veterans’ memorial cemetery, for burial or internment. The |
12 | executive director of the turnpike and bridge authority shall assist in the administration and |
13 | coordination of this toll reimbursement program. |
14 | SECTION 13. Section 30-27-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 30-27 entitled "Veterans’ |
15 | Organizations" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
16 | 30-27-2. Recognition of Italian American organization. |
17 | The Italian American war veterans of the United States, incorporated, as federally |
18 | chartered, whose membership and officers consist solely of honorably discharged American war |
19 | veterans who served in the United States army, navy, marine corps, coast guard, space force or air |
20 | force, is hereby declared to be an officially recognized veterans’ organization in this state. |
21 | SECTION 14. Sections 31-3-53 and 31-3-80 of the General Laws in Chapter 31-3 entitled |
22 | "Registration of Vehicles" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
23 | 31-3-53. Veterans’ plates. |
24 | (a) The registrar of motor vehicles shall issue for any motor vehicle eligible for registration |
25 | as an automobile, or for any motorcycle eligible for registration as a motorcycle, or for a |
26 | commercial vehicle having a gross weight of twelve thousand pounds (12,000 lbs.) or less, plates |
27 | designated as “Veteran” upon application on proper forms furnished by the administrator of the |
28 | division of motor vehicles to veterans. |
29 | (b) The special plate designated “Veteran” shall be designed as follows: |
30 | (1) Letters and numbers shall be blue in a white background with the words “Rhode Island” |
31 | clearly visible at the top center of the plate and the word “Veteran” visible at the bottom center of |
32 | the plate. |
33 | (2) The background will be a red, white, and blue waving American Flag. |
34 | (3) On the top right corner will be a decal with the military branch of the service in which |
| LC001288 - Page 18 of 29 |
1 | the Veteran served (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Space Force and Merchant |
2 | Marines). |
3 | (4) For war veterans, a white decal with blue letters with the words “War Veteran” placed |
4 | under the military branch decal on the right side of the plate above the validation sticker. |
5 | (c) The applicant shall not be required to pay a service charge or a transfer charge for each |
6 | plate. |
7 | (d)(1) The applicant shall be entitled to a plate for each vehicle owned by the applicant. |
8 | (2) The applicant shall also be entitled to a plate for one vehicle owned by an entity the |
9 | applicant owns. The entity must be registered and authorized to conduct business in the state of |
10 | Rhode Island. The applicant must provide to the division of motor vehicles documentation |
11 | demonstrating the applicant’s ownership of the entity. |
12 | (e) The owner of a motor vehicle eligible for registration as a commercial vehicle and |
13 | having a gross weight of twelve thousand pounds (12,000 lbs.) or less who is issued veteran plates |
14 | shall continue to pay the appropriate commercial registration fee for those plates. |
15 | (f)(1) For the purposes of this section, a “veteran” shall be defined as any person who has |
16 | served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States. The term “veteran” shall also include |
17 | members of the National Guard and Reserves: (i) Called to active duty authorized by the President |
18 | of the United States or the Secretary of Defense; or (ii) Who have twenty (20) years of service with |
19 | a letter and record of separation of service. |
20 | (2) For the purposes of this section, “War Veteran” shall be defined as any veteran of any |
21 | conflict or undeclared war who has earned a campaign ribbon or expeditionary medal for service |
22 | in either a declared or undeclared war as noted on the war veteran’s DD-214. Upon the death of the |
23 | holder of any veteran plates, the plates shall be transferred to the surviving spouse for the spouse’s |
24 | lifetime until he or she remarries. |
25 | (g) The “veteran” or “war veteran” described in subdivisions (f)(1)(i) or (ii) and (f)(2) must |
26 | have been honorably discharged from the armed forces of this nation in order to receive plates |
27 | pursuant to this section and, for purposes of this section, a medical discharge or a general discharge |
28 | shall be deemed an honorable discharge. |
29 | (h) [Deleted by P.L. 2021, ch. 119, § 1 and P.L. 2021, ch. 120, § 1.] |
30 | (i) A person shall be eligible for a veterans’ plate if his or her deceased spouse was eligible |
31 | for a veterans’ plate, notwithstanding the fact that the eligible, deceased spouse died prior to the |
32 | enactment of this section in 1988. |
33 | 31-3-80. Reserve Forces plates. |
34 | (a) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles is empowered and authorized to |
| LC001288 - Page 19 of 29 |
1 | make available to all active and retired members of the United States Reserve Forces of Rhode |
2 | Island a special motor vehicle registration plate for any motor vehicle eligible for registration as an |
3 | automobile or a commercial vehicle having a gross weight of eight thousand five hundred pounds |
4 | (8,500 lbs.) or less. |
5 | (b) The special motor vehicle registration plate shall carry on it the designation “US |
6 | Reserve Forces” and shall carry on it the titles, (Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and |
7 | Coast Guard) arranged on the left hand side of the plate from top to bottom in this order of |
8 | precedence, with numerals to the right of the titles. |
9 | (c) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles shall issue the plate upon payment |
10 | of a service charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) and a transfer charge of five dollars ($5.00) for the |
11 | plate. All revenues shall be deposited as general revenues. |
12 | (d) For the purposes of this section an active or retired member of the United States Reserve |
13 | Forces shall be defined as currently serving or having retired under honorable conditions from any |
14 | of the Reserve Forces other than the Rhode Island Army or Air National Guard. |
15 | (e) In a national state of emergency, any active member of the United States Reserve Forces |
16 | driving a vehicle bearing the special motor vehicle registration plate shall be authorized and |
17 | empowered to travel upon the highways of the state notwithstanding any driving ban imposed by |
18 | any state or municipal authority. |
19 | (f) No US Reserve Forces plates shall be issued until at least nine hundred (900) such plates |
20 | have been ordered. |
21 | SECTION 15. Sections 34-12-5 and 34-12-9 of the General Laws in Chapter 34-12 entitled |
22 | "Acknowledgments and Notarial Acts" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
23 | 34-12-5. Power of armed forces officers to take acknowledgments. |
24 | In addition to the acknowledgment of instruments and the performance of other notarial |
25 | acts in the manner and form and as otherwise authorized by law, instruments may be acknowledged, |
26 | documents attested, oaths and affirmations administered, depositions and affidavits executed, and |
27 | other notarial acts performed, before or by any commissioned officer in active service of the armed |
28 | forces of the United States with the rank of second lieutenant or higher in the army, air force, or |
29 | marine corps, or with the rank of ensign or higher in the navy or coast guard, or with equivalent |
30 | rank in any other component part of the armed forces of the United States, including Space Force, |
31 | by any person without the limits of the United States, and to any person who is a member of the |
32 | armed forces who is within or without the limits of the United States and their lawful dependents. |
33 | 34-12-9. Validation of prior acknowledgments before foreign notary public. |
34 | Any acknowledgment taken or made prior to April 27, 1928, of or upon any instrument |
| LC001288 - Page 20 of 29 |
1 | used in conveying, directly or indirectly, any interest in real estate in this state, including power of |
2 | attorney, and any other instruments heretofore acknowledged prior to April 27, 1928, before any |
3 | notary public in any foreign country or territory without the United States, which instrument |
4 | appears of record to have been duly recorded in any of the records of land evidence in this state, |
5 | and the acknowledgment therein appearing was taken before a notary public outside the United |
6 | States, which notary public was duly commissioned in the foreign place where the acknowledgment |
7 | was taken, to take the acknowledgment, and the acknowledgment is accredited, approved or |
8 | affirmed, or the commission of the foreign notary public is attested or certified by any ambassador, |
9 | minister, charge d’affaires, consul general, vice-consul general, consul, vice consul, or consular |
10 | agent of the United States, or any commissioned officer in active service of the armed forces of the |
11 | United States with the rank of second lieutenant or higher in the army, air force, or marine corps, |
12 | or with the rank of ensign or higher in the navy or coast guard, or with equivalent rank in any other |
13 | component of the armed forces of the United States including Space Force, duly establishing the |
14 | fact that the notary public was at the time of taking the acknowledgment duly authorized by the |
15 | law, rules, or regulations of his or her particular country or territorial section thereof, in which the |
16 | acknowledgment was taken, to duly administer oaths or take acknowledgments, then the |
17 | acknowledgment and conveyance in connection with which the acknowledgment was taken shall, |
18 | for the purpose of the acknowledgment and execution thereof, be deemed a valid acknowledgment, |
19 | and shall have the same effect as if acknowledged before a notary public in this state. |
20 | SECTION 16. Section 37-14.3-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 37-14.3 entitled "Veteran- |
21 | Owned Business Enterprises" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
22 | 37-14.3-3. Definitions. |
23 | As used in this chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings: |
24 | (1) “Compliance” means the condition existing when a contractor has met and |
25 | implemented the requirements of this chapter. |
26 | (2) “Contract” means a mutually binding legal relationship or any modification thereof |
27 | obligating the seller to furnish supplies or services, including construction, and the buyer to pay for |
28 | them. For purposes of this chapter, a lease is a contract. |
29 | (3) “Contractor” means one who participates, through a contract or subcontract, in any |
30 | procurement or program covered by this chapter and includes lessees and material suppliers. |
31 | (4) “Economically disadvantaged” means that the veteran’s personal net worth is not in |
32 | excess of the economic disadvantaged criteria as established in 49 C.F.R. part 26. |
33 | (5) “Noncompliance” means the condition existing when a recipient or contractor has failed |
34 | to implement the requirements of this chapter. |
| LC001288 - Page 21 of 29 |
1 | (6) “Small business concern” means a concern, including its affiliates, that is independently |
2 | owned and operated; not dominant in the field of operations in which it is bidding on state |
3 | government contracts; and qualified as a small business under the criteria and size standards in 13 |
4 | C.F.R. part 121. |
5 | (7) “Veteran” means a person who served on active duty with the U.S. Army, Air Force, |
6 | Navy, Marine Corps, Space Force, or Coast Guard, for a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) |
7 | days and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable. Reservists or |
8 | members of the National Guard called to federal active duty (for other than training) or disabled |
9 | from a disease or injury incurred or aggravated in the line of duty or while in training status also |
10 | qualify as a veteran pursuant to 38 C.F.R. part 74. |
11 | (8) “Veteran-owned small business enterprise” means a small business concern, not less |
12 | than fifty-one percent (51%) of which is owned and controlled by one or more economically |
13 | disadvantaged veterans, and may include a business owned by a surviving spouse or permanent |
14 | caregiver of a veteran as provided by 38 C.F.R. part 74. |
15 | SECTION 17. Section 34-27-4 of the General Laws in Chapter 34-27 entitled "Mortgage |
16 | Foreclosure and Sale" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
17 | 34-27-4. Publication of notice under power of sale and rights of active military |
18 | servicemembers. |
19 | (a) Whenever any real estate shall be sold under any power of sale mortgage executed |
20 | subsequent to May 4, 1911, and the mortgage shall provide for the giving of notice of the sale by |
21 | publication in some public newspaper at least once a week for three (3) successive weeks before |
22 | the sale, the first publication of the notice shall be at least twenty-one (21) days before the day of |
23 | sale, including the day of the first publication in the computation, and the third publication of the |
24 | notice shall be no fewer than seven (7) days before the original date of sale listed in the |
25 | advertisement, including the day of the third publication in the computation, and no more than |
26 | fourteen (14) days before the original date of sale listed in the advertisement. The sale may take |
27 | place no more than fourteen (14) days from the date on which the third successive notice is |
28 | published, excluding the day of the third publication in the computation. Provided, however, that |
29 | if the sale is adjourned as provided in § 34-11-22, and the adjourned sale is held during the same |
30 | calendar week as the originally scheduled day of sale, no additional advertising is required. |
31 | Otherwise, publication of the notice of the adjourned sale, together with a notice of the adjournment |
32 | or adjournments, shall be continued at least once each week commencing with the calendar week |
33 | following the originally scheduled day of sale; the sale, as so adjourned, shall take place during the |
34 | same calendar week in which the last notice of the adjourned sale is published, at least one day |
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1 | after the date on which the last notice is published. |
2 | (b) Provided, however, that no notice shall be valid or effective unless the mortgagor has |
3 | been mailed written notice of the time and place of sale by certified mail return receipt requested |
4 | at the address of the real estate and, if different, at the mortgagor’s address listed with the tax |
5 | assessor’s office of the city or town where the real estate is located or any other address mortgagor |
6 | designates by written notice to mortgagee at his, her, or its last known address, at least twenty (20) |
7 | days for mortgagors other than individual consumer mortgagors, and at least thirty (30) days for |
8 | individual consumer mortgagors, days prior to the first publication, including the day of mailing in |
9 | the computation. The mortgagee shall include in the foreclosure deed an affidavit of compliance |
10 | with this provision. |
11 | (c) Provided further, that the notice mailed to the mortgagor in accordance with subsection |
12 | (b) above shall also contain a copy of subsection (d) below (printed in not less than 12 point type) |
13 | headed by the following notice (printed in not less than 14 point type): “A servicemember on active |
14 | duty or deployment or who has recently ceased such duty or deployment has certain rights under |
15 | subsection 34-27-4(d) of the Rhode Island general laws set out below. To protect your rights if you |
16 | are such a servicemember, you should give written notice to the servicer of the obligation or the |
17 | attorney conducting the foreclosure, prior to the sale, that you are a servicemember on active duty |
18 | or deployment or who has recently ceased such duty or deployment. This notice may be given on |
19 | your behalf by your authorized representative. If you have any questions about this notice, you |
20 | should consult with an attorney.” The mortgagee shall include in the foreclosure deed an affidavit |
21 | of compliance with this provision. |
22 | (d) Foreclosure sales affecting servicemembers. |
23 | (1) The following definitions shall apply to this subsection and to subsection (c): |
24 | (i) “Servicemember” means a member of the army, navy, air force, marine corps, space |
25 | force, or coast guard and members of the national guard or reserves called to active duty. |
26 | (ii) “Active duty” has the same meaning as the term is defined in 10 U.S.C. §§ 12301 — |
27 | 12304. In the case of a member of the national guard, or reserves “active duty” means and includes |
28 | service under a call to active service authorized by the president or the secretary of defense for a |
29 | period of time of more than thirty (30) consecutive days under 32 U.S.C. § 502(f), for the purposes |
30 | of responding to a national emergency declared by the president and supported by federal funds. |
31 | (2) This subsection applies only to an obligation on real and related personal property |
32 | owned by a service member that: |
33 | (i) Originated before the period of the servicemember’s military service or in the case of a |
34 | member of the national guard or reserves originated before being called into active duty and for |
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1 | which the servicemember is still obligated; and |
2 | (ii) Is secured by a mortgage or other security in the nature of a mortgage. |
3 | (3) Stay of right to foreclose by mortgagee. Upon receipt of written notice from the |
4 | mortgagor or mortgagor’s authorized representative that the mortgagor is participating in active |
5 | duty or deployment or that the notice as provided in subsection (c) was received within nine (9) |
6 | months of completion of active duty or deployment, the mortgagee shall be barred from proceeding |
7 | with the execution of sale of the property as defined in the notice until such nine (9) month period |
8 | has lapsed or until the mortgagee obtains court approval in accordance with subdivision (d)(5) |
9 | below. |
10 | (4) Stay of proceedings and adjustment of obligation. In the event a mortgagee proceeds |
11 | with foreclosure of the property during, or within nine (9) months after a servicemember’s period |
12 | of active duty or deployment notwithstanding receipt of notice contemplated by subdivision (d)(3) |
13 | above, the servicemember or his or her authorized representative may file a petition against the |
14 | mortgagee seeking a stay of such foreclosure, after a hearing on such petition, and on its own |
15 | motion, the court may: |
16 | (i) Stay the proceedings for a period of time as justice and equity require; or |
17 | (ii) Adjust the obligation as permitted by federal law to preserve the interests of all parties. |
18 | (5) Sale or foreclosure. A sale, foreclosure or seizure of property for a breach of an |
19 | obligation of a servicemember who is entitled to the benefits under subsection (d) and who provided |
20 | the mortgagee with written notice permitted under subdivision (d)(3) shall not be valid if made |
21 | during, or within nine (9) months after, the period of the servicemember’s military service except: |
22 | (i) Upon a court order granted before such sale, foreclosure or seizure after hearing on a |
23 | petition filed by the mortgagee against such servicemember; or |
24 | (ii) If made pursuant to an agreement of all parties. |
25 | (6) Penalties. A mortgagee who knowingly makes or causes to be made a sale, foreclosure |
26 | or seizure of property that is prohibited by subsection (d)(3) shall be fined the sum of one thousand |
27 | dollars ($1,000), or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both. The remedies and rights |
28 | provided hereunder are in addition to and do not preclude any remedy for wrongful conversion |
29 | otherwise available under law to the person claiming relief under this section, including |
30 | consequential and punitive damages. |
31 | (7) Any petition hereunder shall be commenced by action filed in the superior court for the |
32 | county in which the property subject to the mortgage or other security in the nature of a mortgage |
33 | is situated. Any hearing on such petition shall be conducted on an expedited basis following such |
34 | notice and/or discovery as the court deems proper. |
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1 | SECTION 18. Section 34-37-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 34-37 entitled "Rhode |
2 | Island Fair Housing Practices Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 34-37-3. Definitions. |
4 | When used in this chapter: |
5 | (1) “Age” means anyone over the age of eighteen (18). |
6 | (2) “Armed forces” means the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Merchant |
7 | Marines, Space Force, or Air Force of the United States and the Rhode Island National Guard. |
8 | (3) “Commission” means the Rhode Island commission for human rights created by § 28- |
9 | 5-8. |
10 | (4) “Disability” means a disability as defined in § 42-87-1. |
11 | Provided, further, that the term “disability” does not include current, illegal use of, or |
12 | addiction to, a controlled substance, as defined in 21 U.S.C. § 802. |
13 | (5) “Discriminate” includes segregate, separate, or otherwise differentiate between or |
14 | among individuals because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or |
15 | expression, marital status, lawful source of income, military status as a veteran with an honorable |
16 | discharge or an honorable or general administrative discharge, servicemember in the armed forces, |
17 | country of ancestral origin, disability, age, housing status, or familial status or because of the race, |
18 | color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, lawful source |
19 | of income, military status as a veteran with an honorable discharge or an honorable or general |
20 | administrative discharge, servicemember in the armed forces, country of ancestral origin, disability, |
21 | age, housing status, or familial status of any person with whom they are, or may wish to be, |
22 | associated. |
23 | (6) The term “domestic abuse” for the purposes of this chapter shall have the same meaning |
24 | as that set forth in § 15-15-1 and include all forms of domestic violence as set forth in § 12-29-2, |
25 | except that the domestic abuse need not involve a minor or parties with minor children. |
26 | (7)(i) “Familial status” means one or more individuals who have not attained the age of |
27 | eighteen (18) years being domiciled with: |
28 | (A) A parent or another person having legal custody of the individual or individuals; or |
29 | (B) The designee of the parent or other person having the custody, with the written |
30 | permission of the parent or other person, provided that, if the individual is not a relative or legal |
31 | dependent of the designee, that the individual shall have been domiciled with the designee for at |
32 | least six (6) months. |
33 | (ii) The protections afforded against discrimination on the basis of familial status shall |
34 | apply to any person who is pregnant or is in the process of securing legal custody of any individual |
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1 | who has not attained the age of eighteen (18) years. |
2 | (8) The terms, as used regarding persons with disabilities, “auxiliary aids and services,” |
3 | “reasonable accommodation,” and “reasonable modifications” have the same meaning as those |
4 | terms are defined in § 42-87-1.1. |
5 | (9) The term “gender identity or expression” includes a person’s actual or perceived |
6 | gender, as well as a person’s gender identity, gender-related self image, gender-related appearance, |
7 | or gender-related expression; whether or not that gender identity, gender-related self image, gender- |
8 | related appearance, or gender-related expression is different from that traditionally associated with |
9 | the person’s sex at birth. |
10 | (10) “Housing accommodation” includes any building or structure, or portion of any |
11 | building or structure, or any parcel of land, developed or undeveloped, that is occupied or is |
12 | intended, designed, or arranged to be occupied, or to be developed for occupancy, as the home or |
13 | residence of one or more persons. |
14 | (11) “Otherwise qualified” includes any person with a disability who, with respect to the |
15 | rental of property, personally or with assistance arranged by the person with a disability, is capable |
16 | of performing all the responsibilities of a tenant as contained in § 34-18-24. |
17 | (12) “Owner” includes any person having the right to sell, rent, lease, or manage a housing |
18 | accommodation. |
19 | (13) “Person” includes one or more individuals, partnerships, associations, organizations, |
20 | corporations, labor organizations, mutual companies, joint stock companies, trusts, receivers, legal |
21 | representatives, trustees, other fiduciaries, or real estate brokers or real estate salespersons as |
22 | defined in chapter 20.5 of title 5. |
23 | (14) “Senior citizen” means a person sixty-two (62) years of age or older. |
24 | (15) The term “sexual orientation” means having, or being perceived as having, an |
25 | orientation for heterosexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality. |
26 | (16) The term “victim” means a family or household member and all other persons |
27 | contained within the definition of those terms as defined in § 12-29-2. |
28 | (17) The term “housing status” means the status of having or not having a fixed or regular |
29 | residence, including the status of living on the streets or in a homeless shelter or similar temporary |
30 | residence. |
31 | (18) The term “lawful source of income” means and includes any income, benefit, or |
32 | subsidy derived from child support; alimony; Social Security; Supplemental Security Income; any |
33 | other federal, state, or local public assistance program, including, but not limited to, medical or |
34 | veterans assistance; any federal, state, or local rental assistance or housing subsidy program, |
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1 | including Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers as authorized by 42 U.S.C. § 1437; and any |
2 | requirement associated with such public assistance, rental assistance, or housing subsidy program. |
3 | SECTION 19. Section 44-53-8 of the General Laws in Chapter 44-53 entitled "Levy and |
4 | Distraint" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
5 | 44-53-8. Exemptions. |
6 | (a) There shall be exempt from levy the following property: |
7 | (1) Those items of wearing apparel and school books that are necessary for the taxpayer or |
8 | for the members of the taxpayer’s family. |
9 | (2) If the taxpayer is the head of the family, the fuel, provisions, furniture and personal |
10 | effects in the taxpayer’s household, and of the arms for personal use, livestock, and poultry of the |
11 | taxpayer, that does not exceed fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) in value. |
12 | (3) The books and tools necessary for the trade, business or profession of the taxpayer that |
13 | does not exceed in the aggregate one thousand dollars ($1,000) in value. |
14 | (4) Any amount payable to individuals with respect to their unemployment, including any |
15 | portion payable with respect to dependents, under an unemployment compensation law of the |
16 | United States, or of any state. |
17 | (5) Mail, addressed to any person, which has not been delivered to the addressee. |
18 | (6) Annuity or pension payments under the Railroad Retirement Act, 45 U.S.C. § 231 et |
19 | seq., benefits under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, 45 U.S.C. § 351 et seq., special |
20 | pension payments received by a person whose name has been entered on the Army, Navy, Marine |
21 | Corps, Air Force, Space Force, and Coast Guard Medal of Honor Roll, 38 U.S.C. § 1562, and |
22 | annuities based on retired or retainer pay under chapter 73 of title 10 of the United States Code, 10 |
23 | U.S.C. § 1431 et seq. |
24 | (7) Any amount payable to an individual as workers’ compensation, including any portion |
25 | payable with respect to dependents under a workers’ compensation law of the United States, or of |
26 | any state. |
27 | (8) If the taxpayer is required by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, entered |
28 | prior to the date of levy, to contribute to the support of the taxpayer’s minor children, the amount |
29 | of their salary, wages, or other income that is necessary to comply with the judgment. |
30 | (9) Any amount payable to or received by an individual as wages or salary for personal |
31 | services, or as income derived from other sources, during any period, to the extent that the total of |
32 | the amounts payable to or received by them during that period does not exceed the applicable |
33 | exempt amount determined under subsection (d) of this section. |
34 | (10) In addition to the exemptions listed in this section, any property exempt from levy and |
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1 | execution under § 9-26-4 shall also be exempt under this chapter. |
2 | (b) The person seizing property of the type described in subsection (a) of this section shall |
3 | appraise and set aside to the owner the amount of the property declared to be exempt. If the taxpayer |
4 | objects at the time of seizure to the valuation fixed by the person making the seizure, the tax |
5 | administrator shall summon three (3) disinterested individuals who shall make the valuation. |
6 | (c) Notwithstanding any other law, no property or rights to property shall be exempt from |
7 | levy other than the property specifically made exempt by subsection (a) of this section. |
8 | (d)(1)(i) In the case of individuals who are paid or receive all of their wages, salary, and |
9 | other income on a weekly basis, the amount of the wages, salary, and other income payable to or |
10 | received by them during any week which is exempt from levy under subdivision (a)(9) of this |
11 | section shall be: |
12 | (A) Seventy-five dollars ($75.00), plus |
13 | (B) Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each individual who is specified in a written statement |
14 | which is submitted to the person on whom notice of levy is served and which is verified in the |
15 | manner the tax administrator shall prescribe by regulations and: |
16 | (I) Over half of whose support for the payroll period was received from the taxpayer, |
17 | (II) Who is the spouse of the taxpayer, or who bears a relationship to the taxpayer specified |
18 | in 26 U.S.C. § 152(a)(1) — (9) relating to definition of dependents, and |
19 | (III) Who is not a minor child of the taxpayer with respect to whom amounts are exempt |
20 | from levy under subsection (a)(8) of this section for the payroll period. |
21 | (ii) For the purposes of item (i)(B)(II) of this subdivision, “payroll period” shall be |
22 | substituted for “taxable year” each place it appears in 26 U.S.C. § 152(a)(9). |
23 | (2) In the case of any individual not described in subdivision (1) of this subsection, the |
24 | amount of the wages, salary, and other income payable to or received by them during any applicable |
25 | pay period or other fiscal period, as determined under regulations prescribed by the tax |
26 | administrator, which is exempt from levy under subdivision (a)(9) of this section shall be an |
27 | amount, determined under those regulations, which as nearly as possible will result in the same |
28 | total exemption from levy for the individual over a period of time as the individual would have |
29 | under subdivision (a)(1) of this section if, during that period of time, the individual were paid or |
30 | received wages, salary, or other income on a regular weekly basis. |
31 | SECTION 20. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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OF | |
A N A C T | |
*** | |
1 | This act would add "space force" to many sections of the general laws, listing of military |
2 | branches. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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