2025 -- H 5458 | |
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LC001402 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Craven, Corvese, and Shanley | |
Date Introduced: February 12, 2025 | |
Referred To: House State Government & Elections | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 31 of the General Laws entitled "MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES" |
2 | is hereby amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 3.4 |
5 | 31-3.4-1. Short title. |
6 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as "Electronic Registration and Titling". |
7 | 31-3.4-2. Implementation. |
8 | (a) On or before July 1, 2026, the division of motor vehicles ("division") shall implement |
9 | electronic lien, electronic titling and electronic registration systems that enable the ability to |
10 | transact through a completely electronic process for: |
11 | (1) All business entities and their service providers applying for automotive titles and |
12 | registrations, for themselves or their customers, |
13 | (2) Electronic submission of liens and lien satisfactions by financial institutions and their |
14 | service providers. |
15 | (b)(1) Any application for registration certificate or certificate of title, as described in § 31- |
16 | 3.1-1, may be electronically transmitted to the division. All registration certificates or certificates |
17 | of title, as described in § 31-3.1-1, shall be applied for electronically, unless the applications are |
18 | submitted by a business entity who submits fewer than twenty-five (25) transactions annually. |
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1 | (2) Any lien or security interest as described in § 31-3.1-16.1 may be electronically |
2 | transmitted to the division: |
3 | (i) Notwithstanding any other requirements in this title that a lien on a motor vehicle shall |
4 | be noted on the face of the certificate of the title, if there are one or more liens or encumbrances on |
5 | the motor vehicle, the division shall electronically transmit the lien to the first lienholder and notify |
6 | the first lienholder of any additional liens. |
7 | (ii) Subsequent lien satisfactions shall be electronically transmitted to the division and shall |
8 | include the name and address of the person satisfying the lien. |
9 | (iii) When electronic transmission of liens and lien satisfactions are used, a certificate of |
10 | title need not be issued until the last lien is satisfied and a clear certificate of title is issued to the |
11 | owner of the vehicle. |
12 | (iv) When a vehicle is subject to an electronic lien, the certificate of title for the vehicle |
13 | shall be considered to be physically held by the lienholder for purposes of compliance with state or |
14 | federal odometer disclosure requirements. |
15 | (v) A duly certified copy of the division’s electronic record of the lien shall be admissible |
16 | in any civil, criminal or administrative proceeding in this state as evidence of the existence of the |
17 | lien. |
18 | (c) On and after July 1, 2027, all business entities shall participate pursuant to the |
19 | provisions of subsection (b) of this section unless otherwise exempt pursuant to the provisions of |
20 | this chapter or the rules and regulations promulgated by the division. |
21 | 31-3.4-3. Secure digital vehicle titles. |
22 | (a) On or before July 1, 2026, the division shall implement a system that offers vehicle title |
23 | holders a fully paperless, secure digital vehicle title as opposed to a secure paper vehicle title. |
24 | (b) Once implemented, the secure digital title and the secure digital title system shall: |
25 | (1) Include all functions related to title re-assignments. |
26 | (2) Meet or exceed applicable security requirements as set forth in regulations promulgated |
27 | by the division. |
28 | (3) Provide title holders with online, real-time access to motor vehicle titles and status of |
29 | titles in process. |
30 | (c) A secure digital vehicle title produced under this statute shall be regarded as an official |
31 | vehicle title from the State of Rhode Island and be fully transactable within the State of Rhode |
32 | Island and all other U.S. jurisdictions. |
33 | (d) A duly certified copy of the division's secure digital vehicle title shall be admissible in |
34 | any civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding in this state as evidence of the existence of the |
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1 | title. |
2 | 31-3.4-4. Fees. |
3 | (a) Notwithstanding any general law to the contrary, the division may authorize a per- |
4 | transaction fee to be assessed for the use of electronic lien, electronic titling, electronic registration |
5 | and secure digital vehicle titling systems as described in this chapter. |
6 | (b) The per-transaction fee: |
7 | (1) Shall be consistent with market pricing for costs associated with the development and |
8 | ongoing management, maintenance and enhancement of the systems outlined in this chapter. |
9 | (2) Shall integrate with current division payment service provider(s) |
10 | 31-3.4-5. Rules and regulations. |
11 | The administrator of the division of motor vehicles shall promulgate rules and regulations |
12 | to implement the provisions of this chapter. |
13 | SECTION 2. Section 31-23.2-6 of the General Laws in Chapter 31-23.2 entitled |
14 | "Tampering with Odometers" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
15 | 31-23.2-6. Transfer of vehicle. |
16 | (a) Any sales agreement for the transfer of a motor vehicle between persons as defined in |
17 | this chapter shall contain the words “both buyer and seller have examined the title certificate of this |
18 | motor vehicle and it correctly reflects the mileage as it appears on the odometer” which shall be |
19 | placed conspicuously and prominently on the agreement. |
20 | (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to transfer ownership of a motor vehicle previously |
21 | registered in this state or a motor vehicle used by a dealer as a demonstrator unless the person: |
22 | (1) Enters on a written or electronic form prescribed by the department of revenue, as |
23 | prescribed by state law, the mileage the motor vehicle has been operated. The form shall be signed |
24 | by both the seller and buyer and contain a statement that both parties have viewed the odometer of |
25 | the motor vehicle. The form as completed shall then be attached to the instrument evidencing |
26 | transfer of ownership; or |
27 | (2) Enters upon the form “not actual mileage” in the event that the odometer mileage is |
28 | known to the person to be less than the motor vehicle has actually traveled; or |
29 | (3) Enters the total cumulative mileage on the form in the event that it is known that the |
30 | mileage indicated on the odometer is beyond its designated mechanical limits; |
31 | (4) Enters the same information as set forth in subdivisions subsections (1) through (3) of |
32 | this subsection section on the owner’s title certificate; and |
33 | (5) The owner of a motor vehicle shall supply its mileage upon the annual renewal |
34 | registration form supplied by the division of motor vehicles. |
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1 | (c) It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person to give a false statement to a |
2 | transferee under the provisions of this section; provided, however, that no person shall be in |
3 | violation of this chapter where a vehicle has been resold in reliance on the required statement of |
4 | the prior owner made pursuant to this section. |
5 | (d) No motor vehicle, previously registered in another state, shall be registered for use in |
6 | this state unless the application for a certificate of title in Rhode Island is accompanied by the prior |
7 | owner’s certificate of title and a form as set forth in subdivision subsection (b)(1) of this section. |
8 | (e) The certificate of title of the motor vehicle issued to the new owner by the state of |
9 | Rhode Island shall: |
10 | (1) Be provided electronically, or printed using a process determined by the director to be |
11 | the most efficient and effective means of avoiding unauthorized duplication; |
12 | (2) Indicate on its face the mileage required to be disclosed by the transferor under |
13 | subsections (b)(1) and (d) of this section; and |
14 | (3) Contains a space for the transferee to disclose the mileage at the time of any future |
15 | transfer and to sign and date the disclosure. |
16 | (f) No registration card may be issued in this state for any motor vehicle unless: |
17 | (1) The application for the registration card contains the prior owner’s most recent |
18 | registration card and the prior owner’s title; and |
19 | (2) The new registration card contains such information as provided on the application. |
20 | (g) Pursuant to the provisions of § 42-127.1-7, any form required pursuant to the provisions |
21 | of this section may be signed electronically and shall not require notarization. |
22 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect on July 1, 2026. |
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1 | This act would establish a system of electronic registration and titling of motor vehicles. |
2 | Rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this chapter would be promulgated by the |
3 | administrator of the division of motor vehicles. |
4 | This act would take effect on July 1, 2026. |
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